Revision 3bbe01f7
Von Moritz Bunkus vor fast 11 Jahren hinzugefügt
SL/Controller/Helper/ | ||
use strict;
use Exporter qw(import);
our @EXPORT = qw(init_visible_section);
our @EXPORT = qw(init_visible_section set_function_blocks_tab_menu_class);
use SL::DB::Manager::RequirementSpecItem;
... | ... | |
return $self->visible_section($self->visible_item->section);
sub set_function_blocks_tab_menu_class {
my $self = shift;
my %params = Params::Validate::validate(@_, { class => 1 });
my $id = '#function-blocks-tab';
my @other_classes = grep { $_ ne $params{class} } qw(section-context-menu text-block-context-menu);
$self->js->removeClass($id, $_) for @other_classes;
$self->js->addClass($id, $params{class});
SL/Controller/ | ||
# Show section/item to edit if it is not visible.
my $html = $self->render('requirement_spec_item/_section', { output => 0 }, requirement_spec_item => $self->item->section);
$self->js->html('#column-content', $html);
$self->set_function_blocks_tab_menu_class(class => 'section-context-menu')
->html('#column-content', $html);
if ($self->item->item_type =~ m/section/) {
... | ... | |
} else {
my $html = $self->render('requirement_spec_item/_no_section', { output => 0 });
$self->set_function_blocks_tab_menu_class(class => 'section-context-menu')
->html('#column-content', $html)
->val('#current_content_type', '')
->val('#current_content_id', '')
... | ... | |
# Pasting the very first section?
if (!@{ $self->sections }) {
my $html = $self->render('requirement_spec_item/_section', { output => 0 }, requirement_spec_item => $self->item);
$self->js->html('#column-content', $html)
->jstree->select_node('#tree', '#fb-' . $self->item->id)
$self->set_function_blocks_tab_menu_class(class => 'section-context-menu')
->html('#column-content', $html)
->jstree->select_node('#tree', '#fb-' . $self->item->id)
# Update the current view if required.
... | ... | |
my ($self, $item, $item_to_select) = @_;
my $html = $self->render('requirement_spec_item/_section', { output => 0 }, requirement_spec_item => $item);
$self->js->html('#column-content', $html);
$self->set_function_blocks_tab_menu_class(class => 'section-context-menu')
->html('#column-content', $html);
$self->select_node($item_to_select || $item);
... | ... | |
my $new_section = $self->item->section;
my $html = $self->render('requirement_spec_item/_section', { output => 0 }, requirement_spec_item => $new_section);
return $self->js
return $self->set_function_blocks_tab_menu_class(class => 'section-context-menu')
->html('#column-content', $html)
->val('#current_content_type', 'section')
->val('#current_content_id', $new_section->id)
SL/Controller/ | ||
use SL::ClientJS;
use SL::Clipboard;
use SL::Controller::Helper::RequirementSpec;
use SL::DB::RequirementSpec;
use SL::DB::RequirementSpecPredefinedText;
use SL::DB::RequirementSpecTextBlock;
... | ... | |
->val('#current_content_id', $params{id});
return $self->js;
return $self->set_function_blocks_tab_menu_class(class => 'text-block-context-menu');
templates/webpages/requirement_spec/show.html | ||
[%- END %]
<div id="function-blocks-tab">
<div id="function-blocks-tab" class="section-context-menu">
[%- UNLESS SELF.requirement_spec.is_template %]
<div id="requirement_spec_version">
[%- INCLUDE 'requirement_spec/_version.html' requirement_spec=SELF.requirement_spec -%]
Auch abrufbar als: Unified diff
Pflichtenhefte: Kontextmenüs für Items/Textblöcke auf größerer Fläche anzeigen