kivitendo/SL/Helper/ @ 3b322be4
7d993563 | Moritz Bunkus | package SL::Helper::CreatePDF;
e8880baa | Moritz Bunkus | |||
use strict;
aa925eed | Moritz Bunkus | use Carp;
e8880baa | Moritz Bunkus | use Cwd;
use English qw(-no_match_vars);
use File::Slurp ();
6ba38ffe | Martin Helmling | use File::Spec ();
use File::Temp ();
use File::Copy qw(move);
aa925eed | Moritz Bunkus | use List::MoreUtils qw(uniq);
use List::Util qw(first);
06709046 | Moritz Bunkus | use Scalar::Util qw(blessed);
e8880baa | Moritz Bunkus | use String::ShellQuote ();
use SL::Common;
aa925eed | Moritz Bunkus | use SL::DB::Language;
use SL::DB::Printer;
e8880baa | Moritz Bunkus | use SL::MoreCommon;
dc8ffeaa | Moritz Bunkus | use SL::System::Process;
e8880baa | Moritz Bunkus | use SL::Template;
use SL::Template::LaTeX;
06709046 | Moritz Bunkus | use SL::X;
e8880baa | Moritz Bunkus | |||
use Exporter 'import';
aa925eed | Moritz Bunkus | our @EXPORT_OK = qw(create_pdf merge_pdfs find_template);
7d993563 | Moritz Bunkus | our %EXPORT_TAGS = (
all => \@EXPORT_OK,
e8880baa | Moritz Bunkus | |||
sub create_pdf {
7d993563 | Moritz Bunkus | my ($class, %params) = @_;
e8880baa | Moritz Bunkus | |||
3afb1ffc | Moritz Bunkus | return __PACKAGE__->create_parsed_file(
f93577f6 | Moritz Bunkus | format => 'pdf',
template_type => 'LaTeX',
sub create_parsed_file {
my ($class, %params) = @_;
dc8ffeaa | Moritz Bunkus | my $keep_temp_files = $::lx_office_conf{debug} && $::lx_office_conf{debug}->{keep_temp_files};
my $userspath = SL::System::Process::exe_dir() . "/" . $::lx_office_conf{paths}->{userspath};
my $temp_dir = File::Temp->newdir(
DIR => $userspath,
CLEANUP => !$keep_temp_files,
6ba38ffe | Martin Helmling | my $vars = $params{variables} || {};
my $form = Form->new('');
$form->{$_} = $vars->{$_} for keys %{$vars};
$form->{format} = lc($params{format} || 'pdf');
dc8ffeaa | Moritz Bunkus | $form->{cwd} = SL::System::Process::exe_dir();
6ba38ffe | Martin Helmling | $form->{templates} = $::instance_conf->get_templates;
$form->{IN} = $params{template};
dc8ffeaa | Moritz Bunkus | $form->{tmpdir} = $temp_dir->dirname;
6ba38ffe | Martin Helmling | my $tmpdir = $form->{tmpdir};
my ($suffix) = $params{template} =~ m{\.(.+)};
e8880baa | Moritz Bunkus | |||
f93577f6 | Moritz Bunkus | my ($temp_fh, $tmpfile) = File::Temp::tempfile(
e8880baa | Moritz Bunkus | 'kivitendo-printXXXXXX',
f4958a2b | Moritz Bunkus | SUFFIX => ".${suffix}",
94ad4ae0 | Moritz Bunkus | DIR => $form->{tmpdir},
dc8ffeaa | Moritz Bunkus | UNLINK => !$keep_temp_files,
e8880baa | Moritz Bunkus | );
f93577f6 | Moritz Bunkus | $form->{tmpfile} = $tmpfile;
4cbea2ba | Bernd Bleßmann | (undef, undef, $form->{template_meta}{tmpfile}) = File::Spec->splitpath($tmpfile);
f93577f6 | Moritz Bunkus | |||
06709046 | Moritz Bunkus | my %driver_options;
eval {
%driver_options = _maybe_attach_zugferd_data($params{record});
if (my $e = SL::X::ZUGFeRDValidation->caught) {
die $e->message;
b181d7ab | Martin Helmling | my $parser = SL::Template::create(
type => ($params{template_type} || 'LaTeX'),
6ba38ffe | Martin Helmling | source => $form->{IN},
form => $form,
myconfig => \%::myconfig,
userspath => $tmpdir,
514557ba | Bernd Bleßmann | variable_content_types => $params{variable_content_types},
06709046 | Moritz Bunkus | %driver_options,
e8880baa | Moritz Bunkus | );
my $result = $parser->parse($temp_fh);
close $temp_fh;
chdir $form->{cwd};
if (!$result) {
die $parser->get_error;
94ad4ae0 | Moritz Bunkus | # SL::Template:** modify $form->{tmpfile} by removing its
# $form->{userspath} prefix. They also store the final file's actual
# file name in $form->{tmpfile} – but it is now relative to
# $form->{userspath}. Other modules return the full file name…
my ($volume, $directory, $file_name) = File::Spec->splitpath($form->{tmpfile});
my $full_file_name = File::Spec->catfile($tmpdir, $file_name);
e8880baa | Moritz Bunkus | if (($params{return} || 'content') eq 'file_name') {
dc8ffeaa | Moritz Bunkus | my $new_name = File::Spec->catfile($userspath, 'keep-' . $form->{tmpfile});
94ad4ae0 | Moritz Bunkus | rename $full_file_name, $new_name;
e8880baa | Moritz Bunkus | |||
return $new_name;
94ad4ae0 | Moritz Bunkus | my $content = File::Slurp::read_file($full_file_name);
e8880baa | Moritz Bunkus | |||
f93577f6 | Moritz Bunkus | return $content;
e8880baa | Moritz Bunkus | }
6ba38ffe | Martin Helmling | #
# Alternativen zu pdfinfo wären (aber wesentlich langamer):
# gs -dBATCH -dNOPAUSE -sDEVICE=pdfwrite -sOutputFile=/dev/null $filename | grep 'Processing pages'
# my (undef,undef,undef,undef,$pages) = split / +/,$shell_out;
# gs -dBATCH -dNOPAUSE -q -dNODISPLAY -c "($filename) (r) file runpdfbegin pdfpagecount = quit"
# $pages=$shell_out;
sub has_odd_pages {
my ($class, $filename) = @_;
return 0 unless -f $filename;
my $shell_out = `pdfinfo $filename | grep 'Pages:'`;
my ($label, $pages) = split / +/, $shell_out;
return $pages & 1;
e8880baa | Moritz Bunkus | sub merge_pdfs {
7d993563 | Moritz Bunkus | my ($class, %params) = @_;
6ba38ffe | Martin Helmling | my $filecount = scalar(@{ $params{file_names} });
e8880baa | Moritz Bunkus | |||
6ba38ffe | Martin Helmling | if ($params{inp_content}) {
return $params{inp_content} if $filecount == 0 && !$params{out_path};
b181d7ab | Martin Helmling | } elsif ($params{out_path}) {
6ba38ffe | Martin Helmling | return 0 if $filecount == 0;
if ($filecount == 1) {
if (!rename($params{file_names}->[0], $params{out_path})) {
# special filesystem or cross filesystem etc
move($params{file_names}->[0], $params{out_path});
return 1;
b181d7ab | Martin Helmling | } else {
6ba38ffe | Martin Helmling | return '' if $filecount == 0;
return scalar(File::Slurp::read_file($params{file_names}->[0])) if $filecount == 1;
e8880baa | Moritz Bunkus | |||
my ($temp_fh, $temp_name) = File::Temp::tempfile(
SUFFIX => '.pdf',
DIR => $::lx_office_conf{paths}->{userspath},
f7fd4311 | Bernd Bleßmann | UNLINK => ($::lx_office_conf{debug} && $::lx_office_conf{debug}->{keep_temp_files})? 0 : 1,
e8880baa | Moritz Bunkus | );
close $temp_fh;
6ba38ffe | Martin Helmling | my $input_names = '';
my $hasodd = 0;
my $emptypage = '';
if ($params{bothsided}) {
$emptypage = $::instance_conf->get_templates . '/emptyPage.pdf';
unless (-f $emptypage) {
$emptypage = '';
delete $params{bothsided};
if ($params{inp_content}) {
my ($temp_fh, $inp_name) = File::Temp::tempfile(
SUFFIX => '.pdf',
DIR => $::lx_office_conf{paths}->{userspath},
f7fd4311 | Bernd Bleßmann | UNLINK => ($::lx_office_conf{debug} && $::lx_office_conf{debug}->{keep_temp_files})? 0 : 1,
6ba38ffe | Martin Helmling | );
binmode $temp_fh;
print $temp_fh $params{inp_content};
close $temp_fh;
$input_names = $inp_name . ' ';
b181d7ab | Martin Helmling | $hasodd = $params{bothsided} && __PACKAGE__->has_odd_pages($inp_name);
6ba38ffe | Martin Helmling | }
foreach (@{ $params{file_names} }) {
$input_names .= $emptypage . ' ' if $hasodd;
$input_names .= String::ShellQuote::shell_quote($_) . ' ';
b181d7ab | Martin Helmling | $hasodd = $params{bothsided} && __PACKAGE__->has_odd_pages($_);
6ba38ffe | Martin Helmling | }
my $exe = $::lx_office_conf{applications}->{ghostscript} || 'gs';
my $output =
`$exe -dBATCH -dNOPAUSE -q -sDEVICE=pdfwrite -sOutputFile=${temp_name} ${input_names} 2>&1`;
e8880baa | Moritz Bunkus | |||
die "Executing gs failed: $ERRNO" if !defined $output;
die $output if $? != 0;
6ba38ffe | Martin Helmling | if ($params{out_path}) {
if (!rename($temp_name, $params{out_path})) {
# special filesystem or cross filesystem etc
move($temp_name, $params{out_path});
return 1;
e8880baa | Moritz Bunkus | return scalar File::Slurp::read_file($temp_name);
aa925eed | Moritz Bunkus | sub find_template {
my ($class, %params) = @_;
$params{name} or croak "Missing parameter 'name'";
b181d7ab | Martin Helmling | my $path = $::instance_conf->get_templates;
my $extension = $params{extension} || "tex";
aa925eed | Moritz Bunkus | my ($printer, $language) = ('', '');
if ($params{printer} || $params{printer_id}) {
if ($params{printer} && !ref $params{printer}) {
$printer = '_' . $params{printer};
b181d7ab | Martin Helmling | } else {
aa925eed | Moritz Bunkus | $printer = $params{printer} || SL::DB::Printer->new(id => $params{printer_id})->load;
$printer = $printer->template_code ? '_' . $printer->template_code : '';
if ($params{language} || $params{language_id}) {
if ($params{language} && !ref $params{language}) {
$language = '_' . $params{language};
b181d7ab | Martin Helmling | } else {
aa925eed | Moritz Bunkus | $language = $params{language} || SL::DB::Language->new(id => $params{language_id})->load;
$language = $language->template_code ? '_' . $language->template_code : '';
my @template_files = (
$params{name} . "${language}${printer}",
$params{name} . "${language}",
if ($params{email}) {
b181d7ab | Martin Helmling | unshift @template_files, (
aa925eed | Moritz Bunkus | $params{name} . "_email${language}${printer}",
$params{name} . "_email${language}",
b181d7ab | Martin Helmling | );
aa925eed | Moritz Bunkus | }
@template_files = map { "${_}.${extension}" } uniq grep { $_ } @template_files;
my $template = first { -f ($path . "/$_") } @template_files;
return wantarray ? ($template, @template_files) : $template;
06709046 | Moritz Bunkus | sub _maybe_attach_zugferd_data {
my ($record) = @_;
return if !blessed($record)
|| !$record->can('customer')
|| !$record->customer
|| !$record->can('create_pdf_a_print_options')
|| !$record->can('create_zugferd_data')
|| !$record->customer->create_zugferd_invoices_for_this_customer;
my $xmlfile = File::Temp->new;
my %driver_options = (
pdf_a => $record->create_pdf_a_print_options(zugferd_xmp_data => $record->create_zugferd_xmp_data),
pdf_attachments => [
{ source => $xmlfile,
name => 'ZUGFeRD-invoice.xml',
description => $::locale->text('ZUGFeRD invoice'),
relationship => '/Alternative',
mime_type => 'text/xml',
return %driver_options;
e8880baa | Moritz Bunkus | 1;
a02d6065 | Moritz Bunkus | __END__
=encoding utf8
=head1 NAME
SL::Helper::CreatePDF - A helper for creating PDFs from template files
# Retrieve a sales order from the database and create a PDF for
# it:
my $order = SL::DB::Order->new(id => …)->load;
my $print_form = Form->new('');
$print_form->{type} = 'invoice';
$print_form->{formname} = 'invoice',
$print_form->{format} = 'pdf',
$print_form->{media} = 'file';
$order->flatten_to_form($print_form, format_amounts => 1);
my $pdf = SL::Helper::CreatePDF->create_pdf(
template => 'sales_order',
variables => $print_form,
=over 4
=item C<create_pdf %params>
Parses a LaTeX template file, creates a PDF for it and returns either
f93577f6 | Moritz Bunkus | its content or its file name. The recognized parameters are the same
as the ones for L</create_parsed_file> with C<format> and
C<template_type> being pre-set.
=item C<create_parsed_file %params>
Parses a template file and returns either its content or its file
name. The recognized parameters are:
a02d6065 | Moritz Bunkus | |||
=over 2
=item * C<template> – mandatory. The template file name relative to
the users' templates directory. Must be an existing file name,
e.g. one retrieved by L</find_template>.
=item * C<variables> – optional hash reference containing variables
available to the template.
=item * C<return> – optional scalar containing either C<content> (the
default) or C<file_name>. If it is set to C<file_name> then the file
name of the temporary file containing the PDF is returned, and the
caller is responsible for deleting it. Otherwise a scalar containing
the PDF itself is returned and all temporary files have already been
deleted by L</create_pdf>.
f93577f6 | Moritz Bunkus | =item * C<format> – optional, defaults to C<pdf> and determines the
output format. Can be set to C<html> for HTML output if
C<template_type> is set to C<HTML> as well.
=item * C<template_type> – optional, defaults to C<LaTeX> and
determines the template's format. Can be set to C<HTML> for HTML
output if C<format> is set to C<html> as well.
a02d6065 | Moritz Bunkus | =back
=item C<find_template %params>
Searches the user's templates directory for a template file name to
use. The file names considered depend on the parameters; they can
contain a template base name and suffixes for email, language and
printers. As a fallback the name C<default.$extension> is also
The return value depends on the context. In scalar context the
template file name that matches the given parameters is returned. It's
a file name relative to the user's templates directory. If no template
file is found then C<undef> is returned.
In list context the first element is the same value as in scalar
context. Additionally a list of considered template file names is
The recognized parameters are:
=over 2
=item * C<name> – mandatory. The template's file name basis
without any additional suffix or extension, e.g. C<sales_quotation>.
=item * C<extension> – optional file name extension to use without the
dot. Defaults to C<tex>.
=item * C<email> – optional flag indicating whether or not the
template is to be sent via email. If set to true then template file
names containing C<_email> are considered as well.
=item * C<language> and C<language_id> – optional parameters
indicating the language to be used. C<language> can be either a string
containing the language code to use or an instance of
C<SL::DB::Language>. C<language_id> can contain the ID of the
C<SL::DB:Language> instance to load and use. If given template file
names containing C<_language_template_code> are considered as well.
=item * C<printer> and C<printer_id> – optional parameters indicating
the printer to be used. C<printer> can be either a string containing
the printer code to use or an instance of
C<SL::DB::Printer>. C<printer_id> can contain the ID of the
C<SL::DB:Printer> instance to load and use. If given template file
names containing C<_printer_template_code> are considered as well.
=item C<merge_pdfs %params>
Merges two or more PDFs into a single PDF by using the external
application ghostscript.
6ba38ffe | Martin Helmling | Normally the function returns the contents of the resulting PDF.
if The parameter C<out_path> is set the resulting PDF is in this file
and the return value is 1 if it successful or 0 if not.
a02d6065 | Moritz Bunkus | The recognized parameters are:
=over 2
=item * C<file_names> – mandatory array reference containing the file
names to merge.
6ba38ffe | Martin Helmling | =item * C<inp_content> – optional, contents of first file to merge with C<file_names>.
=item * C<out_path> – optional, returns not the merged contents but wrote him into this file
a02d6065 | Moritz Bunkus | =back
Note that this function relies on the presence of the external
application ghostscript. The executable to use is configured via
kivitendo's configuration file setting C<application.ghostscript>.
=head1 BUGS
Nothing here yet.
=head1 AUTHOR
Moritz Bunkus E<lt>m.bunkus@linet-services.deE<gt>