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Revision 3a35d09f

Von Bernd Bleßmann vor mehr als 6 Jahren hinzugefügt

  • ID 3a35d09fe5d6dbba593d2560888e7c44421c59e4
  • Vorgänger 9bfa364b
  • Nachfolger d19171d1

Auftrags-Controller: Beleg vor drucken und E-mailen speichern.

Das nur bei "speichern" auch gespeichert wird, ist vielleicht konsequent, aber
im Alltag eher unpraktisch. Viele Anwender hatten damit ein Problem, dass die
verschickte oder gedruckte Version des Belegs anders ist, als die gespeicherte,
weil oft nicht daran gedacht wurde, nach der letzten Änderung und nach dem
Drucken/versenden nochmals zu speichern.

Deshalb wird jetzt beim Drucken und E-Mailen immer gespeichert.

Unterschiede anzeigen:

sub action_print {
my ($self) = @_;
my $errors = $self->save();
if (scalar @{ $errors }) {
$self->js->flash('error', $_) foreach @{ $errors };
return $self->js->render();
$self->js->val('#id', $self->order->id)
->val('#order_' . $self->nr_key(), $self->order->number);
my $format = $::form->{print_options}->{format};
my $media = $::form->{print_options}->{media};
my $formname = $::form->{print_options}->{formname};
sub action_send_email {
my ($self) = @_;
my $errors = $self->save();
if (scalar @{ $errors }) {
$self->js->flash('error', $_) foreach @{ $errors };
return $self->js->render();
$self->js->val('#id', $self->order->id)
->val('#order_' . $self->nr_key(), $self->order->number);
my $email_form = delete $::form->{email_form};
my %field_names = (to => 'email');
$intnotes .= t8('Subject') . ": " . $::form->{subject} . "\n\n";
$intnotes .= t8('Message') . ": " . $::form->{message};
$self->order->update_attributes(intnotes => $intnotes);
->val('#order_intnotes', $intnotes)
action => [
call => [ 'kivi.Order.show_print_options' ],
t8('Save and print'),
call => [ 'kivi.Order.show_print_options', $::instance_conf->get_order_warn_duplicate_parts ],
action => [
call => [ '' ],
t8('Save and E-mail'),
call => [ '', $::instance_conf->get_order_warn_duplicate_parts ],
action => [
t8('Download attachments of all parts'),
=item *
Save order only on "save" (and "save and delivery order"-workflow). No
hidden save on "print" or "email".
=item *
Item list in a scrollable area, so that the workflow buttons stay at
the bottom.
return true;
ns.check_save_duplicate_parts = function() {
ns.check_duplicate_parts = function(question) {
var id_arr = $('[name="order.orderitems[].parts_id"]').map(function() { return this.value; }).get();
var i, obj = {}, pos = [];
if (pos.length > 0) {
question = question || kivi.t8("Do you really want to save?");
return confirm(kivi.t8("There are duplicate parts at positions") + "\n"
+ pos.join(', ') + "\n"
+ kivi.t8("Do you really want to save?"));
+ question);
return true;
...... = function(action, warn_on_duplicates, warn_on_reqdate) {
if (!ns.check_cv()) return;
if (warn_on_duplicates && !ns.check_save_duplicate_parts()) return;
if (warn_on_reqdate && !ns.check_valid_reqdate()) return;
if (warn_on_duplicates && !ns.check_duplicate_parts()) return;
if (warn_on_reqdate && !ns.check_valid_reqdate()) return;
var data = $('#order_form').serializeArray();
data.push({ name: 'action', value: 'Order/' + action });
$.post("", data, kivi.eval_json_result);
ns.show_print_options = function() {
ns.show_print_options = function(warn_on_duplicates) {
if (!ns.check_cv()) return;
if (warn_on_duplicates && !ns.check_duplicate_parts(kivi.t8("Do you really want to print?"))) return;
id: 'print_options',
$.download("", data);
}; = function() { = function(warn_on_duplicates) {
if (warn_on_duplicates && !ns.check_duplicate_parts(kivi.t8("Do you really want to send by mail?"))) return;
if (!ns.check_cv()) return;
var data = $('#order_form').serializeArray();
data.push({ name: 'action', value: 'Order/show_email_dialog' });
"Do you really want to delete the selected documents?":"Möchten Sie wirklich diese Dateien löschen?",
"Do you really want to delete this draft?":"Möchten Sie diesen Entwurf wirklich löschen?",
"Do you really want to delete this record template?":"Möchten Sie diese Belegvorlage wirklich löschen?",
"Do you really want to print?":"Wollen Sie wirklich drucken?",
"Do you really want to revert to this version?":"Möchten Sie wirklich auf diese Version zurücksetzen?",
"Do you really want to save?":"Möchten Sie wirklich speichern?",
"Do you really want to send by mail?":"Wollen Sie den Beleg wirklich per Mail verschicken?",
"Do you really want to unimport the selected documents?":"Möchten Sie wirklich diese Dateien an die Quelle zurückgeben?",
"Do you want to set the account number \"#1\" to \"#2\" and the name \"#3\" to \"#4\"?":"Soll die Kontonummer \"#1\" zu \"#2\" und den Name \"#3\" zu \"#4\" geändert werden?",
"Download picture":"Bild herunterladen",
"Do you really want to delete the selected documents?":"",
"Do you really want to delete this draft?":"",
"Do you really want to delete this record template?":"",
"Do you really want to print?":"",
"Do you really want to revert to this version?":"",
"Do you really want to save?":"",
"Do you really want to send by mail?":"",
"Do you really want to unimport the selected documents?":"",
"Do you want to set the account number \"#1\" to \"#2\" and the name \"#3\" to \"#4\"?":"",
"Download picture":"",
'Do you really want to delete this draft?' => 'Möchten Sie diesen Entwurf wirklich löschen?',
'Do you really want to delete this object?' => 'Möchten Sie dieses Objekt wirklich löschen?',
'Do you really want to delete this record template?' => 'Möchten Sie diese Belegvorlage wirklich löschen?',
'Do you really want to print?' => 'Wollen Sie wirklich drucken?',
'Do you really want to revert to this version?' => 'Möchten Sie wirklich auf diese Version zurücksetzen?',
'Do you really want to save?' => 'Möchten Sie wirklich speichern?',
'Do you really want to send by mail?' => 'Wollen Sie den Beleg wirklich per Mail verschicken?',
'Do you really want to undo the selected SEPA exports? You have to reassign the export again.' => 'Möchten Sie wirklich die ausgewählten SEPA-Exports rückgängig machen? Der Export muss anschließend neu erzeugt werden.',
'Do you really want to unimport the selected documents?' => 'Möchten Sie wirklich diese Dateien an die Quelle zurückgeben?',
'Do you want to <b>limit</b> your search?' => 'Möchten Sie Ihre Suche <b>spezialisieren</b>?',
'Save and AR Transaction' => 'Speichern und Debitorenbuchung erfassen',
'Save and Close' => 'Speichern und schließen',
'Save and Delivery Order' => 'Speichern und Lieferschein',
'Save and E-mail' => 'Speichern und E-Mail',
'Save and Invoice' => 'Speichern und Rechnung erfassen',
'Save and Order' => 'Speichern und Auftrag erfassen',
'Save and Quotation' => 'Speichern und Angebot',
'Save and close' => 'Speichern und schließen',
'Save and execute' => 'Speichern und ausführen',
'Save and keep open' => 'Speichern und geöffnet lassen',
'Save and print' => 'Speichern und drucken',
'Save as a new draft.' => 'Als neuen Entwurf speichern',
'Save as new' => 'Als neu speichern',
'Save document in WebDAV repository' => 'Dokument in WebDAV-Ablage speichern',
'Do you really want to delete this draft?' => '',
'Do you really want to delete this object?' => '',
'Do you really want to delete this record template?' => '',
'Do you really want to print?' => '',
'Do you really want to revert to this version?' => '',
'Do you really want to save?' => '',
'Do you really want to send by mail?' => '',
'Do you really want to undo the selected SEPA exports? You have to reassign the export again.' => '',
'Do you really want to unimport the selected documents?' => '',
'Do you want to <b>limit</b> your search?' => '',
'Save and AR Transaction' => '',
'Save and Close' => '',
'Save and Delivery Order' => '',
'Save and E-mail' => '',
'Save and Invoice' => '',
'Save and Order' => '',
'Save and Quotation' => '',
'Save and close' => '',
'Save and execute' => '',
'Save and keep open' => '',
'Save and print' => '',
'Save as a new draft.' => '',
'Save as new' => '',
'Save document in WebDAV repository' => '',

Auch abrufbar als: Unified diff