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Revision 39c507db

Von Tamino Steinert vor mehr als 1 Jahr hinzugefügt

  • ID 39c507db4ca80b36d6ef9abeb1ed7a957d466953
  • Vorgänger 07b1fee8
  • Nachfolger 8f2e9c41

IMAPClient: um Funktionen fürs Synchronisieren und Aufräumen erweitert

Unterschiede anzeigen:

if ($self->order->is_sales) {
my $imap_client = SL::IMAPClient->new();
if ($imap_client) {
use SL::Locale::String qw(t8);
use SL::DB::EmailImport;
use SL::DB::EmailJournal;
use SL::DB::EmailJournalAttachment;
use SL::DB::Order;
sales_quotation => t8('Sales Quotations'),
sales_order => t8('Sales Orders'),
sub new {
my ($class, %params) = @_;
sub update_emails_from_folder {
my ($self, $folder_path) = @_;
$folder_path ||= $self->{base_folder};
my $folder_string = $self->get_folder_string_from_path($folder_path);
my $email_import =
_update_emails_from_folder_strings($self, $folder_path, [$folder_string]);
or die "Could not select IMAP folder '$folder_string': $@\n";
return $email_import;
my $msg_uids = $self->{imap_client}->messages
or die "Could not messages via IMAP: $@\n";
sub update_emails_from_subfolders {
my ($self, $base_folder_path) = @_;
$base_folder_path ||= $self->{base_folder};
my $base_folder_string = $self->get_folder_string_from_path($base_folder_path);
my $query = <<SQL;
FROM email_imports ei
LEFT JOIN email_journal ej
ON ej.email_import_id =
WHERE ei.host_name = ?
AND ei.user_name = ?
AND ej.folder = ?
my $dbh = SL::DB->client->dbh;
my $existing_uids = $dbh->selectall_hashref($query, 'uid', undef,
$self->{hostname}, $self->{username}, $folder_path);
my @subfolder_strings = $self->{imap_client}->folders($base_folder_string)
or die "Could not get subfolders via IMAP: $@\n";
@subfolder_strings = grep { $_ ne $base_folder_string } @subfolder_strings;
my @new_msg_uids = grep { !$existing_uids->{$_} } @$msg_uids;
my $email_import =
_update_emails_from_folder_strings($self, $base_folder_path, \@subfolder_strings);
return $email_import;
return unless @new_msg_uids;
sub _update_emails_from_folder_strings {
my ($self, $base_folder_path, $folder_strings) = @_;
my $dbh = SL::DB->client->dbh;
my $email_import;
SL::DB->client->with_transaction(sub {
my $email_import = $self->_create_email_import($folder_path);
$email_import->save(); # save to get id
foreach my $new_uid (@new_msg_uids) {
my $new_email_string = $self->{imap_client}->message_string($new_uid);
my $email = Email::MIME->new($new_email_string);
my $email_journal = $self->_create_email_journal(
$email, $email_import, $new_uid, $folder_path
foreach my $folder_string (@$folder_strings) {
or die "Could not select IMAP folder '$folder_string': $@\n";
my $msg_uids = $self->{imap_client}->messages
or die "Could not get messages via IMAP: $@\n";
my $query = <<SQL;
FROM email_imports ei
LEFT JOIN email_journal ej
ON ej.email_import_id =
WHERE ei.host_name = ?
AND ei.user_name = ?
AND ej.folder = ?
my $existing_uids = $dbh->selectall_hashref($query, 'uid', undef,
$self->{hostname}, $self->{username}, $folder_string);
my @new_msg_uids = grep { !$existing_uids->{$_} } @$msg_uids;
next unless @new_msg_uids;
$email_import ||= $self->_create_email_import($base_folder_path)->save();
foreach my $new_uid (@new_msg_uids) {
my $new_email_string = $self->{imap_client}->message_string($new_uid);
my $email = Email::MIME->new($new_email_string);
my $email_journal = $self->_create_email_journal(
$email, $email_import, $new_uid, $folder_string
return $email_import;
sub _create_email_import {
my ($self, $email, $email_import, $uid, $folder_path) = @_;
my @email_parts = $email->parts; # get parts or self
my $text_part = $email_parts[0]; # TODO: check if its allways the first part
my $text_part = $email_parts[0];
my $body = $text_part->body;
my $header_string = join "\r\n",
return $dt->strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S');
sub update_emails_for_record {
sub update_email_files_for_record {
my ($self, $record) = @_;
my $folder_string = $self->_get_folder_string_for_record($record);
or die "Could not select IMAP folder '$folder_string': $@\n";
my $msg_uids = $self->{imap_client}->messages
or die "Could not messages via IMAP: $@\n";
or die "Could not get messages via IMAP: $@\n";
my $dbh = $record->dbh;
my $query = <<SQL;
sub update_email_files_for_all_records {
my ($self) = @_;
my $record_folder_path = $self->{base_folder};
my $subfolder_strings = $self->{imap_client}->folders($record_folder_path)
or die "Could not get folders via IMAP: $@\n";
my @record_folder_strings = grep { $_ ne $record_folder_path }
foreach my $record_folder_string (@record_folder_strings) {
my $ilike_folder_path = $self->get_ilike_folder_path_from_string($record_folder_string);
my (
$ilike_record_folder_path, # is greedily matched
$ilike_customer_number, # no spaces allowed
) = $ilike_folder_path =~ m|^(.+)/([^\s]+) (.+)/(.+)/(.+)|;
my $record_type = $RECORD_FOLDER_TO_TYPE{$record_folder};
next unless $record_type;
my $is_quotation = $record_type eq 'sales_quotation' ? 1 : 0;
my $number_field = $is_quotation ? 'quonumber' : 'ordnumber';
my $order = SL::DB::Manager::Order->get_first(
query => [
and => [
vendor_id => undef,
quotation => $is_quotation,
$number_field => { ilike => $ilike_record_number },
next unless $order;
sub create_folder {
sub get_folder_string_from_path {
my ($self, $folder_path) = @_;
my $separator = $self->{imap_client}->separator();
my $replace_sep = $separator eq '_' ? '-' : '_';
$folder_path =~ s|\Q${separator}|$replace_sep|g; # \Q -> escape special chars
$folder_path =~ s|/|${separator}|g; # replace / with separator
if ($separator ne '/') {
my $replace_sep = $separator ne '_' ? '_' : '-';
$folder_path =~ s|\Q${separator}|$replace_sep|g; # \Q -> escape special chars
$folder_path =~ s|/|${separator}|g; # replace / with separator
my $folder_string = encode('IMAP-UTF-7', $folder_path);
return $folder_string;
sub get_ilike_folder_path_from_string {
my ($self, $folder_string) = @_;
my $separator = $self->{imap_client}->separator();
my $folder_path = decode('IMAP-UTF-7', $folder_string);
$folder_path =~ s|\Q${separator}|/|g; # \Q -> escape special chars
$folder_path =~ s|-|_|g; # for ilike matching
return $folder_path;
sub create_folder_for_record {
my ($self, $record) = @_;
my $folder_string = $self->_get_folder_string_for_record($record);
sub clean_up_record_folders {
my ($self, $active_records) = @_;
my $record_folder_path = $self->{base_folder};
my $base_folder_string = $self->get_folder_string_from_path($record_folder_path);
my @folders = $self->{imap_client}->folders($base_folder_string)
or die "Could not get folders via IMAP: $@\n";
my @active_folders = map { $self->_get_folder_string_for_record($_) }
push @active_folders, $base_folder_string;
my %keep_folder = map { $_ => 1 } @active_folders;
my @folders_to_delete = grep { !$keep_folder{$_} } @folders;
foreach my $folder (@folders_to_delete) {
or die "Could not delete IMAP folder '$folder': $@\n";
sub _get_folder_string_for_record {
my ($self, $record) = @_;
my $customer_vendor = $record->customervendor;
#repalce / with _
my %string_parts = ();
$string_parts{cv_number} = $customer_vendor->number;
$string_parts{cv_name} = $customer_vendor->name;
$string_parts{record_number} = $record->number;
foreach my $key (keys %string_parts) {
$string_parts{$key} =~ s|/|_|g;
my $record_folder_path =
$self->{base_folder} . '/' .
$customer_vendor->number . ' ' . $customer_vendor->name . '/' .
$TYPE_TO_FOLDER{$record->type} . '/' .
$string_parts{cv_number} . ' ' . $string_parts{cv_name} . '/' .
$RECORD_TYPE_TO_FOLDER{$record->type} . '/' .
my $folder_string = $self->get_folder_string_from_path($record_folder_path);
return $folder_string;
# update emails for record
# fetches all emails from the IMAP server and saves them as attachments
=over 2
Due to the lack of a single global mapping for $record->type,
type is mapped to the corresponding translation. All types which
use this module are currently mapped and should be mapped.
The reverse mapping of %RECORD_TYPE_TO_FOLDER.
Destructor. Disconnects from the IMAP server.
=item C<update_emails_for_record>
=item C<update_emails_from_folder>
Updates the emails for a folder. Checks which emails are missing and
fetches these from the IMAP server. Returns the created email import object.
=item C<update_emails_from_subfolders>
Updates the emails for all subfolders of a folder. Checks which emails are
missing and fetches these from the IMAP server. Returns the created email
import object.
=item C<_update_emails_from_folder_strings>
Updates the emails for a record. Checks which emails are missing and
Updates the emails for a list of folder strings. Checks which emails are
missing and fetches these from the IMAP server. Returns the created
email import object.
=item C<update_email_files_for_record>
Updates the email files for a record. Checks which emails are missing and
fetches these from the IMAP server.
=item C<update_email_files_for_all_records>
Updates the email files for all records. Checks which emails are missing and
fetches these from the IMAP server.
=item C<create_folder>
Creates a folder on the IMAP server. If the folder already exists, nothing
on unix filesystem. The folder string is the path on the IMAP server.
The folder string is encoded in IMAP-UTF-7.
=item C<get_ilike_folder_path_from_string>
Converts a folder string to a folder path. The folder path is like path
on unix filesystem. The folder string is the path on the IMAP server.
The folder string is encoded in IMAP-UTF-7. It can happend that
C<get_folder_string_from_path> and C<get_ilike_folder_path_from_string>
don't cancel each other out. This is because the IMAP server has a different
separator than the unix filesystem. The changes are made so that a ILIKE
query on the database works.
=item C<create_folder_for_record>
Creates a folder for a record on the IMAP server. The folder structure
e.g. INBOX/1234 Testkunde/Angebot/123
If the folder already exists, nothing happens.
=item C<clean_up_record_folders>
Gets a list of acitve records. First syncs the folders on the IMAP server with
the corresponding record, by creating email files. Then deletes all folders
which are not corresponding to an active record.
=item C<_get_folder_string_for_record>
Returns the folder string for a record. The folder structure is like this:

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