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Revision 3904292e

Von Bernd Bleßmann vor mehr als 2 Jahren hinzugefügt

  • ID 3904292e4fc707e562dd711d0ff2a9c3a5e491c9
  • Vorgänger a6ea2910
  • Nachfolger cf10b8af

Auftrags-Controller: Beleg neu laden nach "Speichern und E-Mail" auch bei Fehler

Wenn nach dem Speichern ein Fehler auftritt, Beleg neu laden mit redirect.
Gleiche Problematik/Begründung wie in commit

Zudem wird dann auch der E-Mail-Dialog geschlossen und die Fehlermeldung
verschwindet nicht so im "Schatten".

Unterschiede anzeigen:

# send email
# Todo: handling error messages: flash is not displayed in dialog, but in the main form
sub action_send_email {
my ($self) = @_;
my @redirect_params = (
action => 'edit',
type => $self->type,
id => $self->order->id,
# Set the error handler to reload the document and display errors later,
# because the document is already saved and saving can have some side effects
# such as generating a document number, project number or reocrd links,
# which will be up to date when the document is reloaded.
# Hint: Do not use "die" here and try to catch exceptions in subroutine
# calls. You should use "$::form->error" which respects the error handler.
local $::form->{__ERROR_HANDLER} = sub {
flash_later('error', $_[0]);
my $email_form = delete $::form->{email_form};
if ($email_form->{additional_to}) {
printer_id => $::form->{print_options}->{printer_id},
groupitems => $::form->{print_options}->{groupitems}});
if (scalar @errors) {
return $self->js->flash('error', t8('Generating the document failed: #1', $errors[0]))->render($self);
$::form->error(t8('Generating the document failed: #1', $errors[0]));
my @warnings = $self->store_doc_to_webdav_and_filemanagement($doc, $::form->{attachment_filename}, $::form->{formname});
# DMS kivi version should have a record_link to email_journal
# the record link has to refer to the correct version -> helper table file <-> file_version
$file_id = $self->{file_id} || $::form->{file_id};
die "No file id" unless $file_id;
$::form->error("No file id") unless $file_id;
# email is sent -> set this version to final and link to journal and file
my $current_version = SL::DB::Manager::OrderVersion->get_all(where => [oe_id => $self->order->id, final_version => 0]);
die "Invalid version state" unless scalar @{ $current_version } == 1;
$::form->error("Invalid version state") unless scalar @{ $current_version } == 1;
$current_version->[0]->update_attributes(file_id => $file_id,
email_journal_id => $::form->{email_journal_id},
final_version => 1);
flash_later('info', t8('The email has been sent.'));
my @redirect_params = (
action => 'edit',
type => $self->type,
id => $self->order->id,

Auch abrufbar als: Unified diff