


Herunterladen (1,63 KB) Statistiken
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82515b2d Sven Schöling
package SL::DB::Order;

05c6840d Moritz Bunkus
use utf8;
82515b2d Sven Schöling
use strict;

use SL::RecordLinks;

use SL::DB::MetaSetup::Order;
use SL::DB::Manager::Order;
use SL::DB::Invoice;

orderitems => {
type => 'one to many',
class => 'SL::DB::OrderItem',
column_map => { id => 'trans_id' },
manager_args => {
with_objects => [ 'part' ]


# methods

sub type {
my $self = shift;

return 'sales_order' if $self->customer_id && ! $self->quotation;
return 'purchase_order' if $self->vendor_id && ! $self->quotation;
return 'sales_quotation' if $self->customer_id && $self->quotation;
return 'request_quotation' if $self->vendor_id && $self->quotation;


sub is_type {
return shift->type eq shift;

sub invoices {
my $self = shift;
my %params = @_;

if ($self->quotation) {
return [];
} else {
return SL::DB::Manager::Invoice->get_all(
query => [
ordnumber => $self->ordnumber,
@{ $params{query} || [] },

sub abschlag_invoices {
return shift()->invoices(query => [ abschlag => 1 ]);

sub end_invoice {
return shift()->invoices(query => [ abschlag => 0 ]);



=head1 NAME

SL::DB::Order - Order Datenbank Objekt.


=head2 type

Returns one of the following string types:

=over 4

=item saes_order

=item purchase_order

=item sales_quotation

=item request_quotation


=head2 is_type TYPE

Rreturns true if the order is of the given type.

=head1 BUGS

Nothing here yet.

=head1 AUTHOR

05c6840d Moritz Bunkus
Sven Schöling <>
82515b2d Sven Schöling