


Herunterladen (43,1 KB) Statistiken
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# Lx-Office ERP
# Copyright (c) 2004 by Udo Spallek, Aachen
# Author: Udo Spallek
# Email:
# Web:
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
# German Tax authority Module and later ELSTER Interface

use strict;
use utf8;

require "bin/mozilla/";

#use strict;
#no strict 'refs';
#use diagnostics;
#use warnings; # FATAL=> 'all';
#use vars qw($locale $form %myconfig);
#our ($myconfig);
#use CGI::Carp "fatalsToBrowser";

use List::Util qw(first);

use SL::PE;
use SL::RP;
use SL::USTVA;
use SL::User;

# this is for our long dates
# $locale->text('January')
# $locale->text('February')
# $locale->text('March')
# $locale->text('April')
# $locale->text('May ')
# $locale->text('June')
# $locale->text('July')
# $locale->text('August')
# $locale->text('September')
# $locale->text('October')
# $locale->text('November')
# $locale->text('December')

# this is for our short month
# $locale->text('Jan')
# $locale->text('Feb')
# $locale->text('Mar')
# $locale->text('Apr')
# $locale->text('May')
# $locale->text('Jun')
# $locale->text('Jul')
# $locale->text('Aug')
# $locale->text('Sep')
# $locale->text('Oct')
# $locale->text('Nov')
# $locale->text('Dec')


sub report {

my $form = $::form;
my $locale = $::locale;
my %myconfig = %::myconfig;


$form->{title} = $locale->text('UStVA');
$form->{kz10} = ''; #Berichtigte Anmeldung? Ja =1 Nein=0

my $year = substr($form->datetonum($form->current_date(\%myconfig), \%myconfig ),
0, 4);

my $department = '';
my $hide = '';

# Einlesen der Finanzamtdaten
my $ustva = USTVA->new();
$ustva->get_config($::lx_office_conf{paths}{userspath}, 'finanzamt.ini');

# Hier Einlesen der user-config
# steuernummer entfernt für prerelease
my @a = qw(
signature name company address businessnumber
tel fax email co_chief co_department
co_custom1 co_custom2 co_custom3 co_custom4 co_custom5
co_name1 co_name2 co_street co_street1 co_zip
co_city co_city1 co_country co_tel co_tel1
co_tel2 co_fax co_fax1 co_email co_email1
co_url co_url1 ustid duns co_bankname
co_bankname1 co_bankname2 co_bankname3 co_blz co_blz1
co_blz2 co_blz3 co_accountnr co_accountnr1 co_accountnr2

map { $form->{$_} = $myconfig{$_} } @a;

my $openings = $form->{FA_Oeffnungszeiten};
$openings =~ s/\\\\n/<br>/g;

my $company_given = ($form->{company} ne '')
? qq|<h3>$form->{company}</h3>\n|
: qq|<a href="">|
. $locale->text('No Company Name given') . qq|!</a><br>|;

# Anpassungen der Variablennamen auf pre 2.1.1 Namen
# klären, ob $form->{company_street|_address} gesetzt sind
if ($form->{address} ne '') {
my $temp = $form->{address};
$temp =~ s/\n/<br \/>/;
($form->{co_street}, $form->{co_city}) = split("<br \/>", $temp);
$form->{co_city} =~ s/\n//g;

my $address_given =
($form->{co_street} && ($form->{co_zip} || $form->{co_city}))
? qq|$form->{co_street}<br>|
. qq|$form->{co_street1}<br>|
. qq|$form->{co_zip} $form->{co_city}|
: qq|<a href="|
. qq|&level=Programm--Preferences">|
. $locale->text('No Company Address given')
. qq|!</a>\n|;

$form->{co_email} = $form->{email} unless $form->{co_email};
$form->{co_tel} = $form->{tel} unless $form->{co_tel};
$form->{co_fax} = $form->{fax} unless $form->{co_fax};
$form->{co_url} = $form->{urlx} unless $form->{co_url};

my $taxnumber_given = ($form->{steuernummer} ne '') ? $form->{steuernummer} : qq|<a href="">Keine Steuernummer hinterlegt!</a><br>|;

my $ustva_vorauswahl = &ustva_vorauswahl();

my @all_years = $form->all_years(\%myconfig);

my $select_year = qq|<select name=year title="|
. $locale->text('Year') . qq|">|;
foreach my $key (@all_years) {
$select_year .= qq|<option |;
$select_year .= qq|selected| if ($key eq $form->{year});
$select_year .= qq| >$key</option>|;
$select_year .= qq|</select>|;

my $_checked = '';
$_checked = "checked" if ($form->{kz10} eq '1');
my $checkbox_kz_10 = qq|<input name="FA_10" id=FA_10 class=checkbox|
. qq| type=checkbox value="1" $_checked title = "|
. $locale->text('Amended Advance Turnover Tax Return (Nr. 10)')
. qq|">|
. $locale->text('Amended Advance Turnover Tax Return');

my $method_local = ($form->{method} eq 'accrual') ? $locale->text('accrual')
: ($form->{method} eq 'cash') ? $locale->text('cash')
: '';

my $period_local = ( $form->{FA_voranmeld} eq 'month') ? $locale->text('month')
: ( $form->{FA_voranmeld} eq 'quarter') ? $locale->text('quarter')
: '';

my $tax_office_banks_ref = [
{ BLZ => $form->{FA_BLZ_1},
Kontonummer => $form->{FA_Kontonummer_1},
Bankbezeichnung => $form->{FA_Bankbezeichnung_1}
{ BLZ => $form->{FA_BLZ_2},
Kontonummer => $form->{FA_Kontonummer_2},
Bankbezeichnung => $form->{FA_Bankbezeichnung_oertlich}

# Which COA is in use?

$ustva->get_coa($form, \%myconfig);

my $template_ref = {
openings => $openings,
company_given => $company_given,
address_given => $address_given,
taxnumber_given => $taxnumber_given,
taxnumber => $myconfig{taxnumber},
select_year => $select_year,
period_local => $period_local,
method_local => $method_local,
ustva_vorauswahl => $ustva_vorauswahl,
checkbox_kz_10 => $checkbox_kz_10,
tax_office_banks => $tax_office_banks_ref,
select_options => &show_options,


print($form->parse_html_template('ustva/report', $template_ref));


sub help {


# parse help documents under doc
my $tmp = $::form->{templates};
$::form->{templates} = 'doc';
$::form->{help} = 'ustva';
$::form->{type} = 'help';
$::form->{format} = 'html';

#$form->{templates} = $tmp;

sub show {



sub ustva_vorauswahl {

my $form = $::form;
my $locale = $::locale;
my %myconfig = %::myconfig;


my $select_vorauswahl;

#Aktuelles Datum zerlegen:
my $date = $form->datetonum($form->current_date(\%myconfig), \%myconfig);

#$locale->date($myconfig, $form->current_date($myconfig), 0)=~ /(\d\d).(\d\d).(\d\d\d\d)/;
$form->{day} = substr($date, 6, 2);
$form->{month} = substr($date, 4, 2);
$form->{year} = substr($date, 0, 4);
$::lxdebug->message(LXDebug->DEBUG1, qq|
Actual date from Database: $date\n
Actual year from Database: $form->{year}\n
Actual day from Database: $form->{day}\n
Actual month from Database: $form->{month}\n|);

my $sel = '';
my $yymmdd = '';

# Testdaten erzeugen:
#$form->{day}= '11';
#$form->{month}= '01';
#$form->{year}= 2004;
$select_vorauswahl = qq|
<input type=hidden name=day value=$form->{day}>
<input type=hidden name=month value=$form->{month}>
<input type=hidden name=yymmdd value=$yymmdd>
<input type=hidden name=sel value=$sel>

if ($form->{FA_voranmeld} eq 'month') {

# Vorauswahl bei monatlichem Voranmeldungszeitraum

my %liste = ('01' => $locale->text('January'),
'02' => $locale->text('February'),
'03' => $locale->text('March'),
'04' => $locale->text('April'),
'05' => $locale->text('May'),
'06' => $locale->text('June'),
'07' => $locale->text('July'),
'08' => $locale->text('August'),
'09' => $locale->text('September'),
'10' => $locale->text('October'),
'11' => $locale->text('November'),
'12' => $locale->text('December'),
'13' => $locale->text('Yearly'),

my $yy = $form->{year} * 10000;
$yymmdd = "$form->{year}$form->{month}$form->{day}" * 1;
$sel = '';
my $dfv = '';

# Offset für Dauerfristverlängerung
$dfv = '100' if ($form->{FA_dauerfrist} eq '1');

$yymmdd <= ($yy + 110 + $dfv) && do {
$form->{year} = $form->{year} - 1;
$sel = '12';
last SWITCH;
$yymmdd <= ($yy + 210 + $dfv) && do {
$sel = '01';
last SWITCH;
$yymmdd <= ($yy + 310 + $dfv) && do {
$sel = '02';
last SWITCH;
$yymmdd <= ($yy + 410 + $dfv) && do {
$sel = '03';
last SWITCH;
$yymmdd <= ($yy + 510 + $dfv) && do {
$sel = '04';
last SWITCH;
$yymmdd <= ($yy + 610 + $dfv) && do {
$sel = '05';
last SWITCH;
$yymmdd <= ($yy + 710 + $dfv) && do {
$sel = '06';
last SWITCH;
$yymmdd <= ($yy + 810 + $dfv) && do {
$sel = '07';
last SWITCH;
$yymmdd <= ($yy + 910 + $dfv) && do {
$sel = '08';
last SWITCH;
$yymmdd <= ($yy + 1010 + $dfv) && do {
$sel = '09';
last SWITCH;
$yymmdd <= ($yy + 1110 + $dfv) && do {
$sel = '10';
last SWITCH;
$yymmdd <= ($yy + 1210) && do {
$sel = '11';
last SWITCH;
$yymmdd <= ($yy + 1231) && do {
$sel = '12';
last SWITCH;

$select_vorauswahl .= qq|<select id="zeitraum" name="period" title="|
. $locale->text('Select a period') . qq|" >|;

my $key = '';
foreach $key (sort keys %liste) {
my $selected = '';
$selected = 'selected' if ($sel eq $key);
$select_vorauswahl .= qq|
<option value="$key" $selected> $liste{$key}</option>
$select_vorauswahl .= qq|</select>|;

} elsif ($form->{FA_voranmeld} eq 'quarter') {

# Vorauswahl bei quartalsweisem Voranmeldungszeitraum
my %liste = ('41' => $locale->text('1. Quarter'),
'42' => $locale->text('2. Quarter'),
'43' => $locale->text('3. Quarter'),
'44' => $locale->text('4. Quarter'),
'13' => $locale->text('Yearly'),);

my $yy = $form->{year} * 10000;
$yymmdd = "$form->{year}$form->{month}$form->{day}" * 1;
$sel = '';
my $dfv = ''; # Offset für Dauerfristverlängerung
$dfv = '100' if ($form->{FA_dauerfrist} eq '1');

$yymmdd <= ($yy + 110 + $dfv) && do {
$form->{year} = $form->{year} - 1;
$sel = '44';
last SWITCH;
$yymmdd <= ($yy + 410 + $dfv) && do {
$sel = '41';
last SWITCH;
$yymmdd <= ($yy + 710 + $dfv) && do {
$sel = '42';
last SWITCH;
$yymmdd <= ($yy + 1010 + $dfv) && do {
$sel = '43';
last SWITCH;
$yymmdd <= ($yy + 1231) && do {
$sel = '44';

$select_vorauswahl .= qq|<select id="zeitraum" name="period" title="|
. $locale->text('Select a period') . qq|" >|;
my $key = '';
foreach $key (sort keys %liste) {
my $selected = '';
$selected = 'selected' if ($sel eq $key);
$select_vorauswahl .= qq|
<option value="$key" $selected>$liste{$key}</option>
$select_vorauswahl .= qq|\n</select>

} else {

# keine Vorauswahl bei Voranmeldungszeitraum
$select_vorauswahl .= qq|<select id="zeitraum" name="period" title="|
. $locale->text('Select a period') . qq|" >|;

my %listea = ('41' => '1. Quarter',
'42' => '2. Quarter',
'43' => '3. Quarter',
'44' => '4. Quarter',);

my %listeb = ('01' => 'January',
'02' => 'February',
'03' => 'March',
'04' => 'April',
'05' => 'May',
'06' => 'June',
'07' => 'July',
'08' => 'August',
'09' => 'September',
'10' => 'October',
'11' => 'November',
'12' => 'December',
'13' => 'Yearly',);
my $key = '';
foreach $key (sort keys %listea) {
$select_vorauswahl .= qq|
<option value="$key">|
. $locale->text("$listea{$key}")
. qq|</option>\n|;

foreach $key (sort keys %listeb) {
$select_vorauswahl .= qq|
<option value="$key">|
. $locale->text("$listeb{$key}")
. qq|</option>\n|;
$select_vorauswahl .= qq|</select>|;

return $select_vorauswahl;

#sub config {
# $::lxdebug->enter_sub();
# config_step1();
# $::lxdebug->leave_sub();

sub debug {

sub show_options {


# $form->{PD}{$form->{type}} = "selected";
# $form->{DF}{$form->{format}} = "selected";
# $form->{OP}{$form->{media}} = "selected";
# $form->{SM}{$form->{sendmode}} = "selected";
my $type = qq| <input type=hidden name="type" value="ustva">|;
my $media = qq| <input type=hidden name="media" value="screen">|;
my $format =
qq| <option value=html selected>|
. $::locale->text('Preview')
. qq|</option>|;
if ($::lx_office_conf{print_templates}{latex}) {
$format .=
qq| <option value=pdf>|
. $::locale->text('UStVA (PDF-Dokument)')
. qq|</option>|;

#my $disabled= qq|disabled="disabled"|;
#$disabled='' if ($form->{elster} eq '1' );
if ($::form->{elster} eq '1') {
$format .=
qq|<option value=elsterwinston>|
. $::locale->text('ELSTER Export (Winston)')
. qq|</option>|
. qq|<option value=elstertaxbird>|
. $::locale->text('ELSTER Export (Taxbird)')
. qq|</option>|;

#$format .= qq|<option value=elster>|.$locale->text('ELSTER Export nach Winston').qq|</option>|;
my $show_options = qq|
<select name=format title = "|
. $::locale->text('Choose Outputformat') . qq|">$format</select>

return $show_options;

sub generate_ustva {

my $form = $::form;
my $locale = $::locale;
my %myconfig = %::myconfig;


# Aufruf von get_config zum Einlesen der Finanzamtdaten aus finanzamt.ini

my $ustva = USTVA->new();
$ustva->get_config($::lx_office_conf{paths}{userspath}, 'finanzamt.ini');

# init some form vars
my @anmeldungszeitraum =
qw('0401' '0402' '0403'
'0404' '0405' '0406'
'0407' '0408' '0409'
'0410' '0411' '0412'
'0441' '0442' '0443' '0444');

foreach my $item (@anmeldungszeitraum) {
$form->{$item} = "";

#forgotten the year --> thisyear
if ($form->{year} !~ m/^\d\d\d\d$/) {
$form->{year} = substr(
$form->current_date(\%myconfig), \%myconfig
0, 4);
qq|Actual year from Database: $form->{year}\n|);

# using dates in ISO-8601 format: yyyymmmdd for Postgres...

#yearly report
if ($form->{period} eq "13") {
$form->{fromdate} = "$form->{year}0101";
$form->{todate} = "$form->{year}1231";

#Quater reports
if ($form->{period} eq "41") {
$form->{fromdate} = "$form->{year}0101";
$form->{todate} = "$form->{year}0331";
$form->{'0441'} = "X";
if ($form->{period} eq "42") {
$form->{fromdate} = "$form->{year}0401";
$form->{todate} = "$form->{year}0630";
$form->{'0442'} = "X";
if ($form->{period} eq "43") {
$form->{fromdate} = "$form->{year}0701";
$form->{todate} = "$form->{year}0930";
$form->{'0443'} = "X";
if ($form->{period} eq "44") {
$form->{fromdate} = "$form->{year}1001";
$form->{todate} = "$form->{year}1231";
$form->{'0444'} = "X";

#Monthly reports
$form->{period} eq "01" && do {
$form->{fromdate} = "$form->{year}0101";
$form->{todate} = "$form->{year}0131";
$form->{'0401'} = "X";
last SWITCH;
$form->{period} eq "02" && do {
$form->{fromdate} = "$form->{year}0201";

#this works from 1901 to 2099, 1900 and 2100 fail.
my $leap = ($form->{year} % 4 == 0) ? "29" : "28";
$form->{todate} = "$form->{year}02$leap";
$form->{"0402"} = "X";
last SWITCH;
$form->{period} eq "03" && do {
$form->{fromdate} = "$form->{year}0301";
$form->{todate} = "$form->{year}0331";
$form->{"0403"} = "X";
last SWITCH;
$form->{period} eq "04" && do {
$form->{fromdate} = "$form->{year}0401";
$form->{todate} = "$form->{year}0430";
$form->{"0404"} = "X";
last SWITCH;
$form->{period} eq "05" && do {
$form->{fromdate} = "$form->{year}0501";
$form->{todate} = "$form->{year}0531";
$form->{"0405"} = "X";
last SWITCH;
$form->{period} eq "06" && do {
$form->{fromdate} = "$form->{year}0601";
$form->{todate} = "$form->{year}0630";
$form->{"0406"} = "X";
last SWITCH;
$form->{period} eq "07" && do {
$form->{fromdate} = "$form->{year}0701";
$form->{todate} = "$form->{year}0731";
$form->{"0407"} = "X";
last SWITCH;
$form->{period} eq "08" && do {
$form->{fromdate} = "$form->{year}0801";
$form->{todate} = "$form->{year}0831";
$form->{"0408"} = "X";
last SWITCH;
$form->{period} eq "09" && do {
$form->{fromdate} = "$form->{year}0901";
$form->{todate} = "$form->{year}0930";
$form->{"0409"} = "X";
last SWITCH;
$form->{period} eq "10" && do {
$form->{fromdate} = "$form->{year}1001";
$form->{todate} = "$form->{year}1031";
$form->{"0410"} = "X";
last SWITCH;
$form->{period} eq "11" && do {
$form->{fromdate} = "$form->{year}1101";
$form->{todate} = "$form->{year}1130";
$form->{"0411"} = "X";
last SWITCH;
$form->{period} eq "12" && do {
$form->{fromdate} = "$form->{year}1201";
$form->{todate} = "$form->{year}1231";
$form->{"0412"} = "X";
last SWITCH;

# Kontrollvariablen für die Templates
$form->{"year$_"} = ($form->{year} >= $_ ) ? "1":"0" for 2007..2107;

# Get the USTVA
$ustva->ustva(\%myconfig, \%$form);

# reformat Dates to dateformat
$form->{fromdate} = $locale->date(\%myconfig, $form->{fromdate}, 0, 0, 0);

$form->{todate} = $form->current_date(\%myconfig) unless $form->{todate};
$form->{todate} = $locale->date(\%myconfig, $form->{todate}, 0, 0, 0);

$form->{longperiod} =
$locale->date(\%myconfig, $form->current_date(\%myconfig), 1, 0, 0);

# if there are any dates construct a where
if ($form->{fromdate} || $form->{todate}) {

$form->{todate} = $form->current_date(\%myconfig) unless ($form->{todate});

my $longtodate = $locale->date(\%myconfig, $form->{todate}, 1, 0, 0);
my $shorttodate = $locale->date(\%myconfig, $form->{todate}, 0, 0, 0);

my $longfromdate = $locale->date(\%myconfig, $form->{fromdate}, 1, 0, 0);
my $shortfromdate = $locale->date(\%myconfig, $form->{fromdate}, 0, 0, 0);

$form->{this_period} = "$shortfromdate<br>\n$shorttodate";
$form->{longperiod} =
$locale->text('for Period')
. qq|<br>\n$longfromdate |
. $locale->text('to (date)')
. qq| $longtodate|;

if ($form->{comparefromdate} || $form->{comparetodate}) {
my $longcomparefromdate =
$locale->date(\%myconfig, $form->{comparefromdate}, 1, 0, 0);
my $shortcomparefromdate =
$locale->date(\%myconfig, $form->{comparefromdate}, 0, 0, 0);

my $longcomparetodate =
$locale->date(\%myconfig, $form->{comparetodate}, 1, 0, 0);
my $shortcomparetodate =
$locale->date(\%myconfig, $form->{comparetodate}, 0, 0, 0);

$form->{last_period} = "$shortcomparefromdate<br>\n$shortcomparetodate";
$form->{longperiod} .=
"<br>\n$longcomparefromdate "
. $locale->text('to (date)')
. qq| $longcomparetodate|;

$form->{Datum_heute} =
$locale->date(\%myconfig, $form->current_date(\%myconfig), 0, 0, 0);

# setup variables for the form
my @a = qw(company businessnumber tel fax email
co_chief co_department co_custom1 co_custom2 co_custom3 co_custom4 co_custom5
co_name1 co_name2 co_street co_street1 co_zip co_city co_city1 co_country co_tel co_tel1 co_tel2
co_fax co_fax1 co_email co_email1 co_url co_url1 ustid duns
co_bankname co_bankname1 co_bankname2 co_bankname3 co_blz co_blz1
co_blz2 co_blz3 co_accountnr co_accountnr1 co_accountnr2 co_accountnr3);

map { $form->{$_} = $myconfig{$_} } @a;

if ($form->{address} ne '') {
my $temp = $form->{address};
$temp =~ s/\\n/<br \/>/;
($form->{co_street}, $form->{co_city}) = split("<br \/>", $temp);
$form->{co_city} =~ s/\\n//g;

# Nation specific customisations

# Germany

if ( $form->{coa} eq 'Germany-DATEV-SKR03EU' or $form->{coa} eq 'Germany-DATEV-SKR04EU') {

# Outputformat specific customisation's

my @category_cent = $ustva->report_variables({
myconfig => \%myconfig,
form => $form,
type => '',
attribute => 'position',
dec_places => '2',

push @category_cent, qw(83 Z43 Z45 Z53 Z62 Z65 Z67);

my @category_euro = $ustva->report_variables({
myconfig => \%myconfig,
form => $form,
type => '',
attribute => 'position',
dec_places => '0',

$form->{id} = [];
$form->{amount} = [];

if ( $form->{format} eq 'pdf' or $form->{format} eq 'postscript') {

$form->{IN} = "$form->{type}-$form->{year}.tex";
$form->{padding} = "~~";
$form->{bold} = "\textbf{";
$form->{endbold} = "}";
$form->{br} = '\\\\';

# Zahlenformatierung für Latex USTVA Formulare

foreach my $number (@category_euro) {
$form->{$number} = $form->format_amount(\%myconfig, $form->{$number}, '0', '');

my ${decimal_comma} = ( $myconfig{numberformat} eq '1.000,00'
or $myconfig{numberformat} eq '1000,00' ) ? ',':'.';

foreach my $number (@category_cent) {
$form->{$number} = $form->format_amount(\%myconfig, $form->{$number}, '2', '');
$form->{$number} =~ s/${decimal_comma}/~~/g;

} elsif ( $form->{format} eq 'html') { # Formatierungen für HTML Ausgabe

$form->{IN} = $form->{type} . '.html';
$form->{padding} = "&nbsp;&nbsp;";
$form->{bold} = "<b>";
$form->{endbold} = "</b>";
$form->{br} = "<br>";
$form->{address} =~ s/\\n/\n/g;

foreach my $number (@category_cent) {
$form->{$number} = $form->format_amount(\%myconfig, $form->{$number}, '2', '0');

foreach my $number (@category_euro) {
$form->{$number} = $form->format_amount(\%myconfig, $form->{$number}, '0', '0');

} elsif ( $form->{format} eq 'elsterwinston' ) {

$form->{IN} = 'winston.xml';

# Build Winston filename

my $file = 'U'; # 1. char 'U' = USTVA
$file .= $form->{period};
#4. and 5. char = year modulo 100
$file .= sprintf("%02d", $form->{year} % 100);
#6. to 18. char = Elstersteuernummer
#Beispiel: Steuernummer in Bayern
#111/222/33334 ergibt für UStVA Jan 2004: U01049111022233334
$file .= $form->{elsterFFFF};
$file .= $form->{elstersteuernummer};
#file suffix
$file .= '.xml';
$file =~ s|.*/||;

$form->{attachment_filename} = $file;

# Zahlenformatierung für Winston

my $temp_numberformat = $myconfig{numberformat};

# Numberformat must be '1000,00' for Winston

$myconfig{numberformat} = '1000,00';

foreach my $number (@category_cent) {
$form->{$number} = ( $form->{$number} !=0 ) ? $form->format_amount(\%myconfig, $form->{$number}, '2', '') : '';

foreach my $number (@category_euro) {
$form->{$number} = ( $form->{$number} !=0 ) ? $form->format_amount(\%myconfig, $form->{$number}, '0', '') : '';
# Re-set Numberformat
$myconfig{numberformat} = $temp_numberformat;

# push Kennziffern to <%foreach Array fo easyer
# output in xml format. Thx to Moritz.
my %winston_id_for = (
# No Winston remap?!

foreach my $kennziffer (@category_cent, @category_euro) {

next if ( $kennziffer =~ m/Z\d\d/);
next if ( $form->{$kennziffer} == 0 );

if (defined $winston_id_for{$kennziffer} ) {
push(@{ $form->{id}}, $winston_id_for{$kennziffer});
} else {
push(@{ $form->{id}}, "Kz$kennziffer");
push(@{ $form->{amount}}, $form->{$kennziffer});

} elsif ( $form->{format} eq 'elstertaxbird' ) {

# Define serveral filenames
$form->{IN} = 'taxbird.txb';

$form->{attachment_filename} = "USTVA-" . ($form->{period} * 1) . sprintf("%02d", $form->{year} % 100) . ".txb";

$form->{attachment_filename} =~ s|.*/||;

# TODO: set Output to UTF-8 or system Preference
#$form->{"iconv"} = Text::Iconv->new($myconfig{dbcharset}, "UTF-8");
#my $iconv = $self->{"iconv"};
if ($form->{period} =~ /^[4]\d$/ ){
my %periods = ( # Lx => taxbird
'41' => '12',
'42' => '13',
'43' => '14',
'44' => '15',

foreach my $quarter ( keys %periods ) {
$form->{taxbird_period} = $periods{$quarter} if ( $form->{period} eq $quarter);
} elsif ($form->{period} =~ /^\d+$/ ) {
$form->{period} =~ s/^0//g;
my $period = $form->{period};
$period *= 1;
$form->{taxbird_period} = $period;
} else {
USTVA::error( $locale->text('Wrong Period' ));

# heuristics for address splitting
# lx-office holds the entire address in a single field.
# taxbird expects it to be splitted into street, zipcode and city
if ($form->{co_street} =~ /\n/) {
my $new_co_street;
for (split /\n/, $form->{co_street}) {
if (/(\d{3,5})\s+(\w+)/) {
$form->{co_zip} = $1;
$form->{co_city} = $2;
} else {
$new_co_street .= $_;
$form->{co_street} = $new_co_street;
} else {
$form->{co_zip} = $form->{co_city};
$form->{co_zip} =~ s/\D//g;
$form->{co_city} =~ s/\d//g;
$form->{co_city} =~ s/^\s//g;

my $tax_office = first { $_->{name} eq $form->{elsterland} } @{ $ustva->{tax_office_information} };
$form->{taxbird_land_nr} = $tax_office->{taxbird_nr} if $tax_office;

($form->{co_phone_prefix}, $form->{co_phone}) = split("-", $form->{tel});
$form->{co_phone_prefix} =~ s/\s//g;
$form->{co_phone} =~ s/\s//g;

$form->{taxbird_steuernummer} = $form->{steuernummer};
# $form->{taxbird_steuernummer} =~ s/\D//g;
# $form->{taxbird_steuernummer} =~ s/\///; # ersten Querstrich ersetzen

# Numberformatting for Taxbird
my $temp_numberformat = $myconfig{numberformat};
# Numberformat must be '1000,00' for Taxbird ?!
$myconfig{numberformat} = '1000,00';
foreach my $number (@category_cent) {
$form->{$number} = ( $form->{$number} !=0 ) ? $form->format_amount(\%myconfig, $form->{$number}, '2', '') : '';

foreach my $number (@category_euro) {
$form->{$number} = ( $form->{$number} !=0 ) ? $form->format_amount(\%myconfig, $form->{$number}, '0', '') : '';
# Re-set Numberformat
$myconfig{numberformat} = $temp_numberformat;

# push Kennziffern to <%foreach Array fo easyer
# output in xml format. Thx to Moritz.
my %taxbird_id_for = (

'511' => 'Kz51-calc',
'861' => 'Kz86-calc',
'971' => 'Kz97-calc',
'931' => 'Kz93-calc',
'811' => 'Kz81-calc',
'891' => 'Kz89-calc',
'Z45' => 'uebertrag',
'Z53' => 'ust-sum',
'Z62' => 'ust-minus-vost',
'Z65' => 'ust-sum+69',
'Z67' => 'ust-vz',

for my $kennziffer (@category_cent, @category_euro) {

next if ($kennziffer eq 'Z43');

if ($form->{$kennziffer} != 0){
if (defined $taxbird_id_for{$kennziffer}) {
push(@{ $form->{id}}, $taxbird_id_for{$kennziffer});
} else {
push(@{ $form->{id}}, "Kz$kennziffer");
push(@{ $form->{amount}}, $form->{$kennziffer});

} elsif ( $form->{format} eq '' ){ # No format error.
USTVA::error( $locale->text('Application Error. No Format given' ) . "!");

} else { # All other Formats are wrong
USTVA::error( $locale->text('Application Error. Wrong Format') . ": " . $form->{format} );

} else # Outputformat for generic output

my @category_cent = $ustva->report_variables({
myconfig => \%myconfig,
form => $form,
type => '',
attribute => 'position',
dec_places => '2',

my @category_euro = $ustva->report_variables({
myconfig => \%myconfig,
form => $form,
type => '',
attribute => 'position',
dec_places => '0',

$form->{USTVA} = [];

if ( $form->{format} eq 'generic') { # Formatierungen für HTML Ausgabe

my $rec_ref = {};
for my $kennziffer (@category_cent, @category_euro) {
$rec_ref = {};
$rec_ref->{id} = $kennziffer;
$rec_ref->{amount} = $form->format_amount(\%myconfig, $form->{$kennziffer}, 2, '0');

$::lxdebug->message($LXDebug::DEBUG, "Kennziffer $kennziffer: '$form->{$kennziffer}'" );
$::lxdebug->dump($LXDebug::DEBUG, $rec_ref );
push @ { $form->{USTVA} }, $rec_ref;



if ( $form->{period} eq '13' and $form->{format} ne 'html') {
'Yearly taxreport not yet implemented')
. '!');

$form->{templates} = $myconfig{templates};
$form->{templates} = "doc" if ( $form->{type} eq 'help' );

if ($form->{format} eq 'generic'){


my $template_ref = {
taxnumber => $myconfig{taxnumber},

print($form->parse_html_template('ustva/generic_taxreport', $template_ref));

} else

$form->parse_template(\%myconfig, $::lx_office_conf{paths}{userspath});



sub config_step1 {


$::form->{title} = $::locale->text('Tax Office Preferences');

# edit all taxauthority prefs


my $ustva = USTVA->new();
$ustva->get_config($::lx_office_conf{paths}{userspath}, 'finanzamt.ini');

my $land = $::form->{elsterland};
my $amt = $::form->{elsterFFFF};

$::form->{title} = $::locale->text('Tax Office Preferences');

my $select_tax_office = $ustva->fa_auswahl($land, $amt, $ustva->query_finanzamt(\%::myconfig, $::form));
my $checked_accrual = $::form->{method} eq 'accrual' ? q|checked="checked"| : '';
my $checked_cash = $::form->{method} eq 'cash' ? q|checked="checked"| : '';
my $checked_monthly = $::form->{FA_voranmeld} eq 'month' ? "checked" : '';
my $checked_quarterly = $::form->{FA_voranmeld} eq 'quarter' ? "checked" : '';
my $checked_dauerfristverlaengerung = $::form->{FA_dauerfrist} eq '1' ? "checked" : '';
my $checked_kz_71 = $::form->{FA_71} eq 'X' ? "checked" : '';

my $_hidden_variables_ref;

my %_hidden_local_variables = (
'saved' => $::locale->text('Check Details'),
'nextsub' => 'config_step2',
'warnung' => '0',

foreach my $variable (keys %_hidden_local_variables) {
push @{ $_hidden_variables_ref },
{ 'variable' => $variable, 'value' => $_hidden_local_variables{$variable} };

my @_hidden_form_variables = qw(
FA_Name FA_Strasse FA_PLZ
FA_Ort FA_Telefon FA_Fax
FA_PLZ_Grosskunden FA_PLZ_Postfach FA_Postfach
FA_BLZ_1 FA_Kontonummer_1 FA_Bankbezeichnung_1
FA_BLZ_2 FA_Kontonummer_2 FA_Bankbezeichnung_oertlich
FA_Oeffnungszeiten FA_Email FA_Internet
steuernummer elsterland elstersteuernummer

foreach my $variable (@_hidden_form_variables) {
push @{ $_hidden_variables_ref},
{ 'variable' => $variable, 'value' => $::form->{$variable} };

# Which COA is in use?

$ustva->get_coa($::form, \%::myconfig);

# hä? kann die weg?
my $steuernummer_new = '';

# Variablen für das Template zur Verfügung stellen
my $template_ref = {
select_tax_office => $select_tax_office,
checked_accrual => $checked_accrual,
checked_cash => $checked_cash,
checked_monthly => $checked_monthly,
checked_quarterly => $checked_quarterly,
checked_dauerfristverlaengerung => $checked_dauerfristverlaengerung,
hidden_variables => $_hidden_variables_ref,


# Ausgabe des Templates
print($::form->parse_html_template('ustva/config_step1', $template_ref));


sub config_step2 {

my $form = $::form;
my $locale = $::locale;
my %myconfig = %::myconfig;



# print qq|
# <body>
# |;

my $elsterland = '';
my $elster_amt = '';
my $elsterFFFF = '';
my $elstersteuernummer = '';

my $ustva = USTVA->new();
$ustva->get_config($::lx_office_conf{paths}{userspath}, 'finanzamt.ini')
if ($form->{saved} eq $locale->text('saved'));

# Auf Übergabefehler checken
USTVA::info( $locale->text('Missing Tax Authoritys Preferences') . "\n"
. $locale->text('USTVA-Hint: Tax Authoritys'))
if ( $form->{elsterFFFF_new} eq 'Auswahl'
|| $form->{elsterland_new} eq 'Auswahl');
USTVA::info( $locale->text('Missing Method!') . "\n"
. $locale->text('USTVA-Hint: Method'))
if ($form->{method} eq '');

# Klären, ob Variablen bereits befüllt sind UND ob veräderungen auf
# der vorherigen Maske stattfanden: $change = 1(in der edit sub,
# mittels get_config)

my $change = $form->{elsterland} eq $form->{elsterland_new}
&& $form->{elsterFFFF} eq $form->{elsterFFFF_new} ? '0' : '1';
$change = '0' if ($form->{saved} eq $locale->text('saved'));
my $elster_init = $ustva->query_finanzamt(\%myconfig, $form);

my %elster_init = %$elster_init;

if ($change eq '1') {

# Daten ändern
$elsterland = $form->{elsterland_new};
$elsterFFFF = $form->{elsterFFFF_new};
$form->{elsterland} = $elsterland;
$form->{elsterFFFF} = $elsterFFFF;
$form->{steuernummer} = '';


# rebuild elster_amt
my $amt = $elster_init{$elsterFFFF};

# load the predefined hash data into the FA_* Vars
my @variables = qw(FA_Name FA_Strasse FA_PLZ FA_Ort
FA_Telefon FA_Fax FA_PLZ_Grosskunden FA_PLZ_Postfach
FA_BLZ_1 FA_Kontonummer_1 FA_Bankbezeichnung_1
FA_BLZ_2 FA_Kontonummer_2 FA_Bankbezeichnung_oertlich
FA_Oeffnungszeiten FA_Email FA_Internet);

for (my $i = 0; $i <= 20; $i++) {
$form->{ $variables[$i] } =

} else {

$elsterland = $form->{elsterland};
$elsterFFFF = $form->{elsterFFFF};

my $stnr = $form->{steuernummer};
$stnr =~ s/\D+//g;
my $patterncount = $form->{patterncount};
my $elster_pattern = $form->{elster_pattern};
my $delimiter = $form->{delimiter};
my $steuernummer = $stnr eq '' ? $form->{steuernummer} : '';

$form->{FA_Oeffnungszeiten} =~ s/\\\\n/\n/g;

$ustva->get_coa($form, \%myconfig);

my $input_steuernummer = $ustva->steuernummer_input(

$::lxdebug->message(LXDebug->DEBUG1, qq|$input_steuernummer|);

my $_hidden_variables_ref;

my %_hidden_local_variables = (
'elsterland' => $elsterland,
'elsterFFFF' => $elsterFFFF,
'warnung' => 0,
'elstersteuernummer' => $elstersteuernummer,
'steuernummer' => $stnr,
'lastsub' => 'config_step1',
'nextsub' => 'save',


foreach my $variable (keys %_hidden_local_variables) {
push @{ $_hidden_variables_ref },
{ 'variable' => $variable, 'value' => $_hidden_local_variables{$variable} };

my @_hidden_form_variables = qw(
FA_steuerberater_name FA_steuerberater_street
FA_steuerberater_city FA_steuerberater_tel
FA_voranmeld method
FA_dauerfrist FA_71
type elster_init
saved callback

foreach my $variable (@_hidden_form_variables) {
push @{ $_hidden_variables_ref},
{ 'variable' => $variable, 'value' => $form->{$variable} };

my $template_ref = {
input_steuernummer => $input_steuernummer,
readonly => '', #q|disabled="disabled"|,
callback => $form->{callback},
hidden_variables => $_hidden_variables_ref,

# Ausgabe des Templates
print($form->parse_html_template('ustva/config_step2', $template_ref));


sub create_steuernummer {


my $part = $::form->{part};
my $patterncount = $::form->{patterncount};
my $delimiter = $::form->{delimiter};
my $elster_pattern = $::form->{elster_pattern};

# rebuild steuernummer and elstersteuernummer
# es gibt eine gespeicherte steuernummer $form->{steuernummer}
# und die parts und delimiter

my $h = 0;
my $i = 0;

my $steuernummer_new = $part;
my $elstersteuernummer_new = $::form->{elster_FFFF};
$elstersteuernummer_new .= '0';

for ($h = 1; $h < $patterncount; $h++) {
$steuernummer_new .= qq|$delimiter|;
for (my $i = 1; $i <= length($elster_pattern); $i++) {
$steuernummer_new .= $::form->{"part_$h\_$i"};
$elstersteuernummer_new .= $::form->{"part_$h\_$i"};
if ($::form->{steuernummer} ne $steuernummer_new) {
$::form->{steuernummer} = $steuernummer_new;
$::form->{elstersteuernummer} = $elstersteuernummer_new;
$::form->{steuernummer_new} = $steuernummer_new;
} else {
$::form->{steuernummer_new} = '';
$::form->{elstersteuernummer_new} = '';

sub save {


my $filename = "$::form->{login}_$::form->{filename}";
$filename =~ s|.*/||;

#zuerst die steuernummer aus den part, parts_X_Y und delimiter herstellen

# Textboxen formatieren: Linebreaks entfernen
$::form->{FA_Oeffnungszeiten} =~ s/\r\n/\\n/g;

#URL mit http:// davor?
$::form->{FA_Internet} =~ s/^http:\/\///;
$::form->{FA_Internet} = 'http://' . $::form->{FA_Internet};

my @config = qw(
elster elsterland elstersteuernummer steuernummer
elsteramt elsterFFFF FA_Name FA_Strasse
FA_PLZ FA_Ort FA_Telefon FA_Fax
FA_PLZ_Grosskunden FA_PLZ_Postfach FA_Postfach FA_BLZ_1
FA_Kontonummer_1 FA_Bankbezeichnung_1 FA_BLZ_2 FA_Kontonummer_2
FA_Bankbezeichnung_oertlich FA_Oeffnungszeiten
FA_Email FA_Internet FA_voranmeld method FA_steuerberater_name
FA_steuerberater_street FA_steuerberater_city FA_steuerberater_tel
FA_71 FA_dauerfrist);

# Hier kommt dann die Plausibilitätsprüfung der ELSTERSteuernummer
if ($::form->{elstersteuernummer} ne '000000000') {

$::form->{elster} = '1';

open my $ustvaconfig, ">", "$::lx_office_conf{paths}{userspath}/$filename" or $::form->error("$filename : $!");

# create the config file
print {$ustvaconfig} qq|# Configuration file for USTVA\n\n|;
my $key = '';
foreach $key (sort @config) {
$::form->{$key} =~ s/\\/\\\\/g;
# strip M
$::form->{$key} =~ s/\r\n/\n/g;

print {$ustvaconfig} qq|$key=|;
if ($::form->{$key} ne 'Y') {
print {$ustvaconfig} qq|$::form->{$key}\n|;
if ($::form->{$key} eq 'Y') {
print {$ustvaconfig} qq|checked \n|;
print {$ustvaconfig} qq|\n\n|;
close $ustvaconfig;
$::form->{saved} = $::locale->text('saved');

} else {

$::form->{saved} = $::locale->text('Choose a Tax Number');


sub continue {

# allow Symbolic references just here:

sub back {
