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Revision 38666007

Von Jan Büren vor mehr als 9 Jahren hinzugefügt

  • ID 386660077eb786611dc1649d0e1617a29ffc4091
  • Vorgänger a2be45a1
  • Nachfolger b74a00e5

convert_to_invoice params an Invoice::new_from(%params) übergab etwaige Parameter beim Aufruf von new_from
an Invoice->post(%params). Das macht für den Anwendungsfall chart_id
in 42ea98b4 Sinn (, allerdings benötigt die convert_to_invoice in die new_from(attributes => {'custom_attr' => value })
(s.a. 20118160).

Unterschiede anzeigen:

my $invoice;
if (!$self->db->with_transaction(sub {
require SL::DB::Invoice;
$invoice = SL::DB::Invoice->new_from($self)->post(%params) || die;
$invoice = SL::DB::Invoice->new_from($self, %params)->post || die;
foreach my $item (@{ $invoice->items }) {
foreach (qw(delivery_order_items)) { # expand if needed (delivery_order_items)
linked to the new invoice via L<SL::DB::RecordLink>. C<$self>'s
C<closed> attribute is set to C<true>, and C<$self> is saved.
The arguments in C<%params> are passed to L<SL::DB::Invoice::post>.
The arguments in C<%params> are passed to L<SL::DB::Invoice::new_from>.
Returns the new invoice instance on success and C<undef> on
failure. The whole process is run inside a transaction. On failure

Auch abrufbar als: Unified diff