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# This file has been auto-generated only because it didn't exist.
# Feel free to modify it at will; it will not be overwritten automatically.

package SL::DB::CustomVariable;

use strict;
use SL::DB::MetaSetup::CustomVariable;


# Creates get_all, get_all_count, get_all_iterator, delete_all and update_all.

sub value {
my $self = $_[0];
my $type = $self->config->type;

goto &bool_value if $type eq 'boolean';
goto &timestamp_value if $type eq 'timestamp';
goto &number_value if $type eq 'number';

if ( $_[1] && ($type eq 'customer' || $type eq 'vendor' || $type eq 'part') ) {

if ( $type eq 'customer' ) {
require SL::DB::Customer;

my $id = int($self->number_value);
return $id ? SL::DB::Customer->new(id => $id)->load() : 0;
} elsif ( $type eq 'vendor' ) {
require SL::DB::Vendor;

my $id = int($self->number_value);
return $id ? SL::DB::Vendor->new(id => $id)->load() : 0;
} elsif ( $type eq 'part' ) {
require SL::DB::Part;

my $id = int($self->number_value);
return $id ? SL::DB::Part->new(id => $id)->load() : 0;

goto &text_value; # text, textfield, date and select

sub value_as_text {
my $self = $_[0];
my $type = $self->config->type;

die 'not an accessor' if @_ > 1;

if ($type eq 'boolean') {
return $self->bool_value ? $::locale->text('Yes') : $::locale->text('No');
} elsif ($type eq 'timestamp') {
return $::locale->reformat_date( { dateformat => 'yy-mm-dd' }, $self->timestamp_value->ymd, $::myconfig{dateformat});
} elsif ($type eq 'number') {
return $::form->format_amount(\%::myconfig, $self->number_value, $self->config->processed_options->{PRECISION});
} elsif ( $type eq 'customer' ) {
require SL::DB::Customer;

my $id = int($self->number_value);
my $customer = $id ? SL::DB::Customer->new(id => $id)->load() : 0;
return $customer ? $customer->name : '';
} elsif ( $type eq 'vendor' ) {
require SL::DB::Vendor;

my $id = int($self->number_value);
return $id ? SL::DB::Vendor->new(id => $id)->load() : 0;
} elsif ( $type eq 'part' ) {
require SL::DB::Part;

my $id = int($self->number_value);
my $vendor = $id ? SL::DB::Part->new(id => $id)->load() : 0;
return $vendor ? $vendor->name : '';

goto &text_value; # text, textfield, date and select

sub is_valid {
my ($self) = @_;

require SL::DB::CustomVariableValidity;

my $query = [config_id => $self->config_id, trans_id => $self->trans_id];
return SL::DB::Manager::CustomVariableValidity->get_all_count(query => $query) == 0;
