


Herunterladen (18,8 KB) Statistiken
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package SL::Controller::RequirementSpecTextBlock;

use strict;

use parent qw(SL::Controller::Base);

use Carp;
use Params::Validate ();
use Time::HiRes ();

use SL::ClientJS;
use SL::Clipboard;
use SL::Controller::Helper::RequirementSpec;
use SL::DB::RequirementSpec;
use SL::DB::RequirementSpecPicture;
use SL::DB::RequirementSpecPredefinedText;
use SL::DB::RequirementSpecTextBlock;
use SL::Helper::Flash;
use SL::Locale::String;

use constant SORTABLE_PICTURE_LIST => 'kivi.requirement_spec.make_text_block_picture_lists_sortable';

use Rose::Object::MakeMethods::Generic
scalar => [ qw(text_block) ],
'scalar --get_set_init' => [ qw(predefined_texts js picture) ],

__PACKAGE__->run_before('load_requirement_spec_text_block', only => [qw(ajax_edit ajax_update ajax_delete ajax_flag dragged_and_dropped ajax_copy ajax_add_picture)]);

# actions

sub action_ajax_list {
my ($self) = @_;

my $result = { };
my $current_where = $self->output_position_from_id($::form->{current_content_id}, $::form->{current_content_type});
my $new_where;

if ($::form->{clicked_type} =~ m/^text-blocks-(front|back)/) {
$new_where = $1 eq 'front' ? 0 : 1;

} else {
$new_where = $self->output_position_from_id($::form->{clicked_id});

# $::lxdebug->message(0, "cur $current_where new $new_where");

$self->show_list(output_position => $new_where, id => $::form->{clicked_id}, set_type => 1) if ($new_where != ($current_where // -1));


sub action_ajax_add {
my ($self) = @_;

my $current_where = $self->output_position_from_id($::form->{current_content_id}, $::form->{current_content_type}) // -1;
my $new_where = $self->output_position_from_id($::form->{id}) // $::form->{output_position};

$self->show_list(output_position => $new_where) if $new_where != $current_where;

$self->add_new_text_block_form(output_position => $new_where, insert_after_id => $::form->{id}, requirement_spec_id => $::form->{requirement_spec_id});


sub action_ajax_edit {
my ($self) = @_;

my $current_where = $self->output_position_from_id($::form->{current_content_id}, $::form->{current_content_type}) // -1;

if ($self->text_block->output_position != $current_where) {
$self->show_list(output_position => $self->text_block->output_position, id => $self->text_block->id, requirement_spec_id => $self->text_block->requirement_spec_id);

my $html = $self->render('requirement_spec_text_block/_form', { output => 0 });

->hide('#text-block-' . $self->text_block->id)
->remove('#edit_text_block_' . $self->text_block->id . '_form')
->insertAfter($html, '#text-block-' . $self->text_block->id)
->jstree->select_node('#tree', '#tb-' . $self->text_block->id)
->focus('#edit_text_block_' . $self->text_block->id . '_title')

sub action_ajax_create {
my ($self, %params) = @_;

my $attributes = $::form->{ $::form->{form_prefix} } || die "Missing attributes";
my $insert_after = delete $attributes->{insert_after};

my @errors = $self->text_block(SL::DB::RequirementSpecTextBlock->new(%{ $attributes }))->validate;
return SL::ClientJS->new->error(@errors)->render($self) if @errors;

$self->text_block->add_to_list(position => 'after', reference => $insert_after) if $insert_after;

my $html = $self->render('requirement_spec_text_block/_text_block', { output => 0 }, text_block => $self->text_block);
my $node = $self->presenter->requirement_spec_text_block_jstree_data($self->text_block);

->replaceWith('#' . $::form->{form_prefix} . '_form', $html)
->jstree->create_node('#tree', $insert_after ? ('#tb-' . $insert_after, 'after') : ('#tb-' . ($attributes->{output_position} == 0 ? 'front' : 'back'), 'last'), $node)
->jstree->select_node('#tree', '#tb-' . $self->text_block->id);
$self->add_new_text_block_form(output_position => $self->text_block->output_position, insert_after_id => $self->text_block->id, requirement_spec_id => $self->text_block->requirement_spec_id)

sub action_ajax_update {
my ($self, %params) = @_;

my $prefix = $::form->{form_prefix} || 'text_block';
my $attributes = $::form->{$prefix} || {};

foreach (qw(requirement_spec_id output_position position)) {
delete $attributes->{$_} if !defined $attributes->{$_};

my @errors = $self->text_block->assign_attributes(%{ $attributes })->validate;
return SL::ClientJS->new->error(@errors)->render($self) if @errors;


my $html = $self->render('requirement_spec_text_block/_text_block', { output => 0 }, text_block => $self->text_block);

->remove('#' . $prefix . '_form')
->replaceWith('#text-block-' . $self->text_block->id, $html)
->jstree->rename_node('#tree', '#tb-' . $self->text_block->id, $self->text_block->title)
->prop('#tb-' . $self->text_block->id . ' a', 'title', $self->text_block->content_excerpt)
->addClass('#tb-' . $self->text_block->id . ' a', 'tooltip')

sub action_ajax_delete {
my ($self) = @_;

my $current_where = $self->output_position_from_id($::form->{current_content_id}, $::form->{current_content_type}) // -1;
if ($self->text_block->output_position == $current_where) {
->remove('#edit_text_block_' . $self->text_block->id . '_form')
->remove('#text-block-' . $self->text_block->id);

$self->js->show('#text-block-list-empty') if 1 == scalar @{ $self->text_block->get_full_list };


->jstree->delete_node('#tree', '#tb-' . $self->text_block->id)

sub action_ajax_flag {
my ($self) = @_;

$self->text_block->update_attributes(is_flagged => !$self->text_block->is_flagged);

my $current_where = $self->output_position_from_id($::form->{current_content_id}, $::form->{current_content_type});

->action_if($current_where == $self->text_block->output_position, 'toggleClass', '#text-block-' . $self->text_block->id, 'flagged')
->toggleClass('#tb-' . $self->text_block->id, 'flagged')

sub action_dragged_and_dropped {
my ($self) = @_;

my $position = $::form->{position} =~ m/^ (?: before | after | last ) $/x ? $::form->{position} : die "Unknown 'position' parameter";
my $dropped_text_block = $position =~ m/^ (?: before | after ) $/x ? SL::DB::RequirementSpecTextBlock->new(id => $::form->{dropped_id})->load : undef;

my $dropped_type = $position ne 'last' ? undef : $::form->{dropped_type} =~ m/^ text-blocks- (?:front|back) $/x ? $::form->{dropped_type} : die "Unknown 'dropped_type' parameter";
my $old_where = $self->text_block->output_position;

$self->text_block->db->do_transaction(sub {
$self->text_block->output_position($position =~ m/before|after/ ? $dropped_text_block->output_position : $::form->{dropped_type} eq 'text-blocks-front' ? 0 : 1);
$self->text_block->add_to_list(position => $position, reference => $dropped_text_block ? $dropped_text_block->id : undef);

# $::lxdebug->dump(0, "form", $::form);

->jstree->open_node('#tree', '#tb-' . (!$self->text_block->output_position ? 'front' : 'back'));

return $self->js->render($self) if $::form->{current_content_type} !~ m/^text-block/;

my $current_where = $self->output_position_from_id($::form->{current_content_id}, $::form->{current_content_type}) // -1;
my $new_where = $self->text_block->output_position;
my $id = $self->text_block->id;

# $::lxdebug->message(0, "old $old_where current $current_where new $new_where current_CID " . $::form->{current_content_id} . ' selfid ' . $self->text_block->id);
if (($old_where != $new_where) && ($::form->{current_content_id} == $self->text_block->id)) {
# The currently selected text block is dragged to the opposite
# text block location. Re-render the whole content column.
$self->show_list(output_position => $new_where, id => $id);

} else {
if ($old_where == $current_where) {
$self->js->remove('#text-block-' . $self->text_block->id);

if (0 == scalar(@{ SL::DB::Manager::RequirementSpecTextBlock->get_all(where => [ requirement_spec_id => $self->text_block->requirement_spec_id, output_position => $current_where ]) })) {

if ($new_where == $current_where) {

my $html = "" . $self->render('requirement_spec_text_block/_text_block', { output => 0 }, text_block => $self->text_block);
$html =~ s/^\s+//;
my $prior_text_block = $self->text_block->get_previous_in_list;

if ($prior_text_block) {
$self->js->insertAfter($html, '#text-block-' . $prior_text_block->id);
} else {
$self->js->prependTo($html, '#text-block-list');


sub action_ajax_copy {
my ($self, %params) = @_;


sub action_ajax_paste {
my ($self, %params) = @_;

my $copied = SL::Clipboard->new->get_entry(qr/^RequirementSpec(?:TextBlock|Picture)$/);
if (!$copied) {
return SL::ClientJS->new
->error(t8("The clipboard does not contain anything that can be pasted here."))

if (ref($copied) =~ m/Picture$/) {
return $self->paste_picture($copied);

my $current_output_position = $self->output_position_from_id($::form->{current_content_id}, $::form->{current_content_type});
my $new_output_position = $::form->{id} ? $self->output_position_from_id($::form->{id}) : $::form->{output_position};
my $front_back = 0 == $new_output_position ? 'front' : 'back';

$self->text_block->update_attributes(requirement_spec_id => $::form->{requirement_spec_id}, output_position => $new_output_position);
$self->text_block->add_to_list(position => 'after', reference => $::form->{id}) if $::form->{id};

if ($current_output_position == $new_output_position) {
my $html = $self->render('requirement_spec_text_block/_text_block', { output => 0 }, text_block => $self->text_block);
$self->js->action($::form->{id} ? 'insertAfter' : 'appendTo', $html, '#text-block-' . ($::form->{id} || 'list'));

my $node = $self->presenter->requirement_spec_text_block_jstree_data($self->text_block);
->jstree->create_node('#tree', $::form->{id} ? ('#tb-' . $::form->{id}, 'after') : ("#tb-${front_back}", 'last'), $node)

# actions for pictures

sub action_ajax_add_picture {
my ($self) = @_;

$self->render('requirement_spec_text_block/_picture_form', { layout => 0 });

sub action_ajax_edit_picture {
my ($self) = @_;

$self->render('requirement_spec_text_block/_picture_form', { layout => 0 });

sub action_ajax_create_picture {
my ($self, %params) = @_;

my $attributes = $::form->{ $::form->{form_prefix} } || die "Missing attributes";
$attributes->{picture_file_name} = ((($::form->{ATTACHMENTS} || {})->{ $::form->{form_prefix} } || {})->{picture_content} || {})->{filename};
my @errors = $self->picture(SL::DB::RequirementSpecPicture->new(%{ $attributes }))->validate;

return $self->js->error(@errors)->render($self) if @errors;


my $html = $self->render('requirement_spec_text_block/_text_block_picture', { output => 0 }, picture => $self->picture);

->append('#text-block-' . $self->text_block->id . '-pictures', $html)
->show('#text-block-' . $self->text_block->id . '-pictures')

sub action_ajax_update_picture {
my ($self) = @_;

my $attributes = $::form->{ $::form->{form_prefix} } || die "Missing attributes";

if (!$attributes->{picture_content}) {
delete $attributes->{picture_content};
} else {
$attributes->{picture_file_name} = ((($::form->{ATTACHMENTS} || {})->{ $::form->{form_prefix} } || {})->{picture_content} || {})->{filename};

$self->picture->assign_attributes(%{ $attributes });
my @errors = $self->picture->validate;

return $self->js->error(@errors)->render($self) if @errors;


my $html = $self->render('requirement_spec_text_block/_text_block_picture', { output => 0 }, picture => $self->picture);

->replaceWith('#text-block-picture-' . $self->picture->id, $html)
->show('#text-block-' . $self->text_block->id . '-pictures')

sub action_ajax_delete_picture {
my ($self) = @_;

$self->text_block(SL::DB::RequirementSpecTextBlock->new(id => $self->picture->text_block_id)->load);

->remove('#text-block-picture-' . $self->picture->id)
->action_if(!@{ $self->text_block->pictures }, 'hide', '#text-block-' . $self->text_block->id . '-pictures')

sub action_ajax_download_picture {
my ($self) = @_;

$self->send_file(\$self->picture->{picture_content}, type => $self->picture->picture_content_type, name => $self->picture->picture_file_name);

sub action_ajax_copy_picture {
my ($self, %params) = @_;


sub action_ajax_paste_picture {
my ($self, %params) = @_;

my $copied = SL::Clipboard->new->get_entry(qr/^RequirementSpecPicture$/);
if (!$copied) {
return SL::ClientJS->new
->error(t8("The clipboard does not contain anything that can be pasted here."))

$self->text_block($self->picture->text_block); # Save text block via the picture the user clicked on


sub action_reorder_pictures {
my ($self) = @_;

SL::DB::RequirementSpecPicture->reorder_list(@{ $::form->{picture_id} || [] });

$self->render(\'', { type => 'json' });

# filters

sub check_auth {
my ($self) = @_;

sub load_requirement_spec_text_block {
my ($self) = @_;
$self->text_block(SL::DB::RequirementSpecTextBlock->new(id => $::form->{id})->load || die "No such requirement spec text block");

# helpers

sub output_position_from_id {
my ($self, $id, $type, %params) = @_;

if ($type) {
return $1 eq 'front' ? 0 : 1 if $type =~ m/-(front|back)$/;
return undef if $type !~ m/text-block/;

my $text_block = $id ? SL::DB::Manager::RequirementSpecTextBlock->find_by(id => $id) : undef;

return $text_block ? $text_block->output_position : undef;

sub init_predefined_texts {
return SL::DB::Manager::RequirementSpecPredefinedText->get_all_sorted;

sub init_picture {
return SL::DB::RequirementSpecPicture->new(id => $::form->{picture_id} || $::form->{id})->load;

sub init_js {
my ($self) = @_;

sub invalidate_version {
my ($self) = @_;

my $html = $self->render('requirement_spec/_version', { output => 0 },
requirement_spec => SL::DB::RequirementSpec->new(id => $::form->{requirement_spec_id} || $self->text_block->requirement_spec_id)->load);
return $self->js->html('#requirement_spec_version', $html);

sub add_new_text_block_form {
my ($self, %params) = @_;

croak "Missing parameter output_position" unless defined($params{output_position}) && ($params{output_position} ne '');
croak "Missing parameter requirement_spec_id" unless $params{requirement_spec_id};

requirement_spec_id => $params{requirement_spec_id},
output_position => $params{output_position},

my $id_base = join('_', 'new_text_block', Time::HiRes::gettimeofday(), int rand 1000000000000);
my $html = $self->render('requirement_spec_text_block/_form', { output => 0 }, id_base => $id_base, insert_after => $params{insert_after_id});

->action($params{insert_after_id} ? 'insertAfter' : 'appendTo', $html, '#text-block-' . ($params{insert_after_id} || 'list'))
->focus('#' . $id_base . '_title');

sub show_list {
my $self = shift;
my %params = Params::Validate::validate(@_, { output_position => 1, id => 0, requirement_spec_id => 0, set_type => 0, });

$params{requirement_spec_id} ||= $::form->{requirement_spec_id};
croak "Unknown requirement_spec_id" if !$params{requirement_spec_id};

my $text_blocks = SL::DB::Manager::RequirementSpecTextBlock->get_all_sorted(where => [ output_position => $params{output_position}, requirement_spec_id => $params{requirement_spec_id} ]);
my $html = $self->render('requirement_spec_text_block/ajax_list', { output => 0 }, TEXT_BLOCKS => $text_blocks, output_position => $params{output_position});

$self->js->html('#column-content', $html);

$self->js->val('#current_content_type', 'text-blocks-' . (0 == $params{output_position} ? 'front' : 'back')) if $params{id} || $params{set_type};
$self->js->val('#current_content_id', $params{id}) if $params{id};

return $self->set_function_blocks_tab_menu_class(class => 'text-block-context-menu');

sub paste_picture {
my ($self, $copied) = @_;

if (!$self->text_block->db->do_transaction(sub {
$self->picture($copied->to_object)->save; # Create new picture from copied data and save
$self->text_block->add_pictures($self->picture); # Add new picture to text block
})) {
$::lxdebug->message(LXDebug::WARN(), "Error: " . $self->text_block->db->error);
return $self->js->error($::locale->text('Saving failed. Error message from the database: #1', $self->text_block->db->error))->render($self);

my $html = $self->render('requirement_spec_text_block/_text_block_picture', { output => 0 }, picture => $self->picture);

->append('#text-block-' . $self->text_block->id . '-pictures', $html)
->show('#text-block-' . $self->text_block->id . '-pictures')
