


Herunterladen (111 KB) Statistiken
| Zweig: | Markierung: | Revision:
b31d0c56 Moritz Bunkus
05c6840d Moritz Bunkus
# -*- coding: utf-8; -*-
# vim: fenc=UTF-8
b31d0c56 Moritz Bunkus
203ebd4a Moritz Bunkus
use utf8;

4dbb0995 Moritz Bunkus
# These are all the texts to build the translations files.
# The file has the form of 'english text' => 'foreign text',
# you can add the translation in this file or in the 'missing' file
# run from this directory to rebuild the translation files

b31d0c56 Moritz Bunkus
$self->{texts} = {
' Date missing!' => '',
' Part Number missing!' => '',
' missing!' => '',
c0318621 Niclas Zimmermann
'#1 (custom variable)' => '',
'#1 of #2 importable objects were imported.' => '',
b31d0c56 Moritz Bunkus
'#1 prices were updated.' => '',
c0318621 Niclas Zimmermann
'* there are restrictions for the perpetual method, look at chapter "Bemerkungen zu Bestandsmethode" in' => '',
'*) Since version 2.7 these parameters ares set in the client database and not in the lx-erp.conf / lx_office.conf file, details in chapter:' => '',
b31d0c56 Moritz Bunkus
'*/' => '',
'---please select---' => '',
'...after loggin in' => '',
'...done' => '',
'...on the TODO list' => '',
'1. Quarter' => '',
'2. Quarter' => '',
'3. Quarter' => '',
'4. Quarter' => '',
'<b>What</b> do you want to look for?' => '',
'A Buchungsgruppe consists of a descriptive name and the account numbers for the income and expense accounts for those four tax zones as well as the inventory account number.' => '',
ad7247ec Sven Donath
'A digit is required.' => '',
b31d0c56 Moritz Bunkus
'A group named &quot;Full Access&quot; has been created.' => '',
'A group with that name does already exist.' => '',
c0318621 Niclas Zimmermann
'A lot of the usability of kivitendo has been enhanced with javascript. Although it is currently possible to use every aspect of kivitendo without javascript, we strongly recommend it. In a future version this may change and javascript may be necessary to access advanced features.' => '',
ad7247ec Sven Donath
'A lower-case character is required.' => '',
'A special character is required (valid characters: #1).' => '',
b31d0c56 Moritz Bunkus
'A temporary directory could not be created:' => '',
'A temporary file could not be created. Please verify that the directory "#1" is writeable by the webserver.' => '',
'A temporary file could not be created:' => '',
'A unit with this name does already exist.' => '',
'A variable marked as \'editable\' can be changed in each quotation, order, invoice etc.' => '',
'ADDED' => '',
4dbb0995 Moritz Bunkus
'AP' => 'Purchases',
'AP Aging' => 'Creditor Aging',
'AP Transaction' => 'Purchase Transaction',
b31d0c56 Moritz Bunkus
'AP Transaction (abbreviation)' => '',
'AP Transaction Storno (one letter abbreviation)' => '',
'AP Transaction with Storno (abbreviation)' => '',
4dbb0995 Moritz Bunkus
'AP Transactions' => 'Purchase Transactions',
b31d0c56 Moritz Bunkus
'AP transactions with sales taxkeys and/or AR transactions with input taxkeys' => '',
4dbb0995 Moritz Bunkus
'AR' => 'Sales',
'AR Aging' => 'Debtor Aging',
'AR Transaction' => 'Sales Transaction',
b31d0c56 Moritz Bunkus
'AR Transaction (abbreviation)' => '',
4dbb0995 Moritz Bunkus
'AR Transactions' => 'Sales Transactions',
b31d0c56 Moritz Bunkus
'ASSETS' => '',
c0318621 Niclas Zimmermann
'Abort' => '',
b31d0c56 Moritz Bunkus
'Abrechnungsnummer' => '',
'Abteilung' => '',
4dbb0995 Moritz Bunkus
'Account' => '',
b31d0c56 Moritz Bunkus
'Account Category A' => '',
'Account Category C' => '',
'Account Category E' => '',
'Account Category G' => '',
'Account Category I' => '',
'Account Category L' => '',
'Account Category Q' => '',
'Account Description missing!' => '',
'Account Link AP' => '',
'Account Link AP_amount' => '',
'Account Link AP_paid' => '',
'Account Link AP_tax' => '',
'Account Link AR' => '',
'Account Link AR_amount' => '',
'Account Link AR_paid' => '',
'Account Link AR_tax' => '',
'Account Link IC' => '',
'Account Link IC_cogs' => '',
'Account Link IC_expense' => '',
'Account Link IC_income' => '',
'Account Link IC_sale' => '',
'Account Link IC_taxpart' => '',
'Account Link IC_taxservice' => '',
4dbb0995 Moritz Bunkus
'Account Number' => '',
b31d0c56 Moritz Bunkus
'Account Number already used!' => '',
4dbb0995 Moritz Bunkus
'Account Number missing!' => '',
b31d0c56 Moritz Bunkus
'Account Nummer' => '',
4dbb0995 Moritz Bunkus
'Account Type' => '',
'Account Type missing!' => '',
'Account deleted!' => '',
b31d0c56 Moritz Bunkus
'Account for fees' => '',
'Account for interest' => '',
2dbb0236 Sven Schöling
'Account number' => '',
'Account number #1, bank code #2, #3' => '',
4dbb0995 Moritz Bunkus
'Account saved!' => '',
b31d0c56 Moritz Bunkus
'Accounting Group deleted!' => '',
'Accounting Group saved!' => '',
43f9b1c5 Geoffrey Richardson
'Accounting method' => '',
b31d0c56 Moritz Bunkus
'Accrual' => '',
4dbb0995 Moritz Bunkus
'Active' => '',
b31d0c56 Moritz Bunkus
'Active?' => '',
4dbb0995 Moritz Bunkus
'Add' => '',
b31d0c56 Moritz Bunkus
'Add AP Transaction' => '',
'Add AR Transaction' => '',
4dbb0995 Moritz Bunkus
'Add Account' => '',
b31d0c56 Moritz Bunkus
'Add Accounting Group' => '',
4dbb0995 Moritz Bunkus
'Add Accounts Payables Transaction' => 'Add Purchase Transaction',
'Add Accounts Receivables Transaction' => 'Add Sales Transaction',
'Add Assembly' => '',
b31d0c56 Moritz Bunkus
'Add Buchungsgruppe' => '',
'Add Business' => '',
'Add Credit Note' => '',
4dbb0995 Moritz Bunkus
'Add Customer' => '',
4b937d1a Sven Donath
'Add Delivery Note' => '',
b31d0c56 Moritz Bunkus
'Add Delivery Order' => '',
'Add Department' => '',
'Add Dunning' => '',
'Add Exchangerate' => '',
'Add Follow-Up' => '',
'Add Follow-Up for #1' => '',
4dbb0995 Moritz Bunkus
'Add General Ledger Transaction' => '',
'Add Group' => '',
b31d0c56 Moritz Bunkus
'Add Language' => '',
'Add Lead' => '',
4dbb0995 Moritz Bunkus
'Add Part' => '',
b31d0c56 Moritz Bunkus
'Add Payment Terms' => '',
'Add Price Factor' => '',
'Add Pricegroup' => '',
'Add Printer' => '',
4dbb0995 Moritz Bunkus
'Add Project' => '',
b31d0c56 Moritz Bunkus
'Add Purchase Delivery Order' => '',
4dbb0995 Moritz Bunkus
'Add Purchase Order' => '',
b31d0c56 Moritz Bunkus
'Add Quotation' => '',
'Add RFQ' => '',
'Add Request for Quotation' => '',
'Add Sales Delivery Order' => '',
4dbb0995 Moritz Bunkus
'Add Sales Invoice' => '',
'Add Sales Order' => '',
'Add Service' => '',
b31d0c56 Moritz Bunkus
'Add Storno Credit Note' => '',
4dbb0995 Moritz Bunkus
'Add Transaction' => '',
'Add User' => '',
'Add Vendor' => '',
'Add Vendor Invoice' => '',
b31d0c56 Moritz Bunkus
'Add Warehouse' => '',
'Add a new group' => '',
'Add and edit units' => '',
2dbb0236 Sven Schöling
'Add bank account' => '',
b31d0c56 Moritz Bunkus
'Add custom variable' => '',
'Add note' => '',
'Add unit' => '',
4dbb0995 Moritz Bunkus
'Address' => '',
'Administration' => '',
c0318621 Niclas Zimmermann
'Administration (Used to access instance administration from user logins)' => '',
b31d0c56 Moritz Bunkus
'Administration area' => '',
'Advance turnover tax return' => '',
'Aktion' => '',
4dbb0995 Moritz Bunkus
'All' => '',
b31d0c56 Moritz Bunkus
'All Accounts' => '',
4dbb0995 Moritz Bunkus
'All Datasets up to date!' => '',
b31d0c56 Moritz Bunkus
'All changes in that file have been reverted.' => '',
'All database upgrades have been applied.' => '',
'All general ledger entries' => '',
2dbb0236 Sven Schöling
'All of the exports you have selected were already closed.' => '',
b31d0c56 Moritz Bunkus
'All reports' => '',
2dbb0236 Sven Schöling
'All the selected exports have already been closed, or all of their items have already been executed.' => '',
c0318621 Niclas Zimmermann
'All units have either no or exactly one base unit of which they are multiples.' => '',
6c6fffef Sven Donath
'All users' => '',
b31d0c56 Moritz Bunkus
'Allow access' => '',
'Allow the following users access to my follow-ups:' => '',
'Alternatively you can create a new part which will then be selected.' => '',
'Alternatively you can skip this step and create groups yourself.' => '',
'Amended Advance Turnover Tax Return' => '',
'Amended Advance Turnover Tax Return (Nr. 10)' => '',
4dbb0995 Moritz Bunkus
'Amount' => '',
'Amount Due' => '',
a4eade3e Sven Donath
'Amount has to be greater then zero! Wrong row number: ' => '',
c0318621 Niclas Zimmermann
'Amount payable' => '',
'Amount payable less discount' => '',
ad7247ec Sven Donath
'An invalid character was used (invalid characters: #1).' => '',
'An invalid character was used (valid characters: #1).' => '',
'An upper-case character is required.' => '',
b31d0c56 Moritz Bunkus
'Annotations' => '',
'Another user with the login #1 does already exist.' => '',
'Ap aging on %s' => '',
'Application Error. No Format given' => '',
'Application Error. Wrong Format' => '',
c0318621 Niclas Zimmermann
'Apply to all parts' => '',
'Apply to parts without buchungsgruppe' => '',
373dd6d4 Sven Schöling
'Applying #1:' => '',
b31d0c56 Moritz Bunkus
'Approximately #1 prices will be updated.' => '',
4dbb0995 Moritz Bunkus
'Apr' => '',
'April' => '',
b31d0c56 Moritz Bunkus
'Ar aging on %s' => '',
'Are you sure you want to delete Delivery Order Number #1?' => '',
4dbb0995 Moritz Bunkus
'Are you sure you want to delete Invoice Number' => '',
'Are you sure you want to delete Order Number' => '',
b31d0c56 Moritz Bunkus
'Are you sure you want to delete Quotation Number' => '',
4dbb0995 Moritz Bunkus
'Are you sure you want to delete Transaction' => '',
c0318621 Niclas Zimmermann
'Are you sure you want to delete this business?' => '',
'Are you sure you want to delete this department?' => '',
'Are you sure you want to delete this payment term?' => '',
b31d0c56 Moritz Bunkus
'Are you sure you want to remove the marked entries from the queue?' => '',
'Are you sure you want to update the prices' => '',
'Article Code' => '',
'Article Code missing!' => '',
c0318621 Niclas Zimmermann
'Article type (see below)' => '',
b31d0c56 Moritz Bunkus
'As a result, the saved onhand values of the present goods can be stored into a warehouse designated by you, or will be reset for a proper warehouse tracking' => '',
4dbb0995 Moritz Bunkus
'Assemblies' => '',
c0318621 Niclas Zimmermann
'Assembly' => '',
b31d0c56 Moritz Bunkus
'Assembly Description' => '',
'Assembly Number' => '',
4dbb0995 Moritz Bunkus
'Assembly Number missing!' => '',
'Asset' => '',
b31d0c56 Moritz Bunkus
'Assets' => '',
'Assign new units' => '',
'Assign units' => '',
'Assistant for general ledger corrections' => '',
'Assume Tax Consultant Data in Tax Computation?' => '',
'At least' => '',
'At least one Perl module that Lx-Office ERP requires for running is not installed on your system.' => '',
c0318621 Niclas Zimmermann
'At least one of the columns #1, customer, customernumber, vendor, vendornumber (depending on the target table) is required for matching the entry to an existing customer or vendor.' => '',
b31d0c56 Moritz Bunkus
'At most' => '',
'At the moment the transaction looks like this:' => '',
'Attach PDF:' => '',
4dbb0995 Moritz Bunkus
'Attachment' => '',
b31d0c56 Moritz Bunkus
'Attachment name' => '',
'Attempt to call an undefined sub named \'%s\'' => '',
4dbb0995 Moritz Bunkus
'Audit Control' => '',
'Aug' => '',
'August' => '',
b31d0c56 Moritz Bunkus
'Authentification database creation' => '',
'Authentification tables creation' => '',
'Auto Send?' => '',
'Automatically created invoice for fee and interest for dunning %s' => '',
6c6fffef Sven Donath
'Available' => '',
b31d0c56 Moritz Bunkus
'Available qty' => '',
'BIC' => '',
4dbb0995 Moritz Bunkus
'BOM' => '',
b31d0c56 Moritz Bunkus
'BWA' => '',
'Back' => '',
c0318621 Niclas Zimmermann
'Back to login' => '',
8633bf54 Sven Donath
'Back to the login page' => '',
b31d0c56 Moritz Bunkus
'Backup Dataset' => '',
'Backup file' => '',
'Backup of dataset' => '',
4dbb0995 Moritz Bunkus
'Balance' => '',
'Balance Sheet' => '',
b31d0c56 Moritz Bunkus
'Bank' => '',
'Bank Code' => '',
'Bank Code (long)' => '',
'Bank Code Number' => '',
'Bank Connection Tax Office' => '',
'Bank Connections' => '',
2dbb0236 Sven Schöling
'Bank accounts' => '',
'Bank code' => '',
54ddc03b Sven Donath
'Bank collection amount' => '',
'Bank collection payment list for export #1' => '',
'Bank collection via SEPA' => '',
'Bank collections via SEPA' => '',
2dbb0236 Sven Schöling
'Bank transfer amount' => '',
'Bank transfer payment list for export #1' => '',
'Bank transfer via SEPA' => '',
'Bank transfers via SEPA' => '',
b31d0c56 Moritz Bunkus
'Base unit' => '',
4b937d1a Sven Donath
'Basic Data' => '',
b31d0c56 Moritz Bunkus
'Batch Printing' => '',
4dbb0995 Moritz Bunkus
'Bcc' => '',
b31d0c56 Moritz Bunkus
'Belegnummer' => '',
'Beratername' => '',
'Beraternummer' => '',
7eff31cf Bernd Bleßmann
'Best Before' => '',
b31d0c56 Moritz Bunkus
'Bestandskonto' => '',
'Bilanz' => '',
'Billing Address' => '',
'Billing/shipping address (city)' => '',
'Billing/shipping address (street)' => '',
'Billing/shipping address (zipcode)' => '',
4dbb0995 Moritz Bunkus
'Bin' => '',
b31d0c56 Moritz Bunkus
'Bin From' => '',
'Bin List' => '',
'Bin To' => '',
ad7247ec Sven Donath
'Binding to the LDAP server as "#1" failed. Please check config/lx_office.conf.' => '',
b31d0c56 Moritz Bunkus
'Bins saved.' => '',
'Bins that have been used in the past cannot be deleted anymore. For these bins there\'s no checkbox in the &quot;Delete&quot; column.' => '',
'Birthday' => '',
'Bis' => '',
'Bis Konto: ' => '',
c0318621 Niclas Zimmermann
'Block' => '',
b31d0c56 Moritz Bunkus
'Body' => '',
'Body:' => '',
c0318621 Niclas Zimmermann
'Booking Date' => '',
4dbb0995 Moritz Bunkus
'Books are open' => '',
b31d0c56 Moritz Bunkus
'Books closed up to' => '',
'Boolean variables: If the default value is non-empty then the checkbox will be checked by default and unchecked otherwise.' => '',
'Both' => '',
'Bottom' => '',
4dbb0995 Moritz Bunkus
'Bought' => '',
b31d0c56 Moritz Bunkus
'Buchungsdatum' => '',
'Buchungsgruppe' => '',
c0318621 Niclas Zimmermann
'Buchungsgruppe (database ID)' => '',
'Buchungsgruppe (name)' => '',
b31d0c56 Moritz Bunkus
'Buchungsgruppen' => '',
'Buchungskonto' => '',
'Buchungsnummer' => '',
4dbb0995 Moritz Bunkus
'Business Number' => '',
b31d0c56 Moritz Bunkus
'Business Volume' => '',
4b937d1a Sven Donath
'Business evaluation' => '',
c0318621 Niclas Zimmermann
'Business type (database ID)' => '',
'Business type (name)' => '',
'Businesses' => '',
b31d0c56 Moritz Bunkus
'CANCELED' => '',
'CB Transaction' => '',
c0318621 Niclas Zimmermann
'CB Transactions' => '',
b31d0c56 Moritz Bunkus
'CR' => '',
'CRM admin' => '',
'CRM create customers, vendors and contacts' => '',
'CRM follow up' => '',
'CRM know how' => '',
'CRM notices' => '',
'CRM opportunity' => '',
'CRM optional software' => '',
'CRM other' => '',
'CRM search' => '',
'CRM send email' => '',
'CRM services' => '',
'CRM status' => '',
'CRM termin' => '',
'CRM user' => '',
'CSV export -- options' => '',
c0318621 Niclas Zimmermann
'CSV import: contacts' => '',
'CSV import: customers and vendors' => '',
'CSV import: parts and services' => '',
'CSV import: shipping addresses' => '',
b31d0c56 Moritz Bunkus
'Calculate' => '',
c0318621 Niclas Zimmermann
'Calendar' => '',
b31d0c56 Moritz Bunkus
'Can not create that quantity with current stock' => '',
'Cancel' => '',
'Cancel Accounts Payables Transaction' => '',
'Cancel Accounts Receivables Transaction' => '',
'Cannot create Lock!' => '',
4dbb0995 Moritz Bunkus
'Cannot delete account!' => '',
'Cannot delete customer!' => '',
'Cannot delete default account!' => '',
b31d0c56 Moritz Bunkus
'Cannot delete delivery order!' => '',
4dbb0995 Moritz Bunkus
'Cannot delete invoice!' => '',
'Cannot delete item!' => '',
'Cannot delete order!' => '',
b31d0c56 Moritz Bunkus
'Cannot delete quotation!' => '',
4dbb0995 Moritz Bunkus
'Cannot delete transaction!' => '',
'Cannot delete vendor!' => '',
c0318621 Niclas Zimmermann
'Cannot find matching template for this print request. Please contact your template maintainer. I tried these: #1.' => '',
4dbb0995 Moritz Bunkus
'Cannot have a value in both Debit and Credit!' => '',
b31d0c56 Moritz Bunkus
'Cannot post Payment!' => '',
'Cannot post Receipt!' => '',
4dbb0995 Moritz Bunkus
'Cannot post a transaction without a value!' => '',
'Cannot post invoice for a closed period!' => '',
'Cannot post invoice!' => '',
'Cannot post payment for a closed period!' => '',
'Cannot post payment!' => '',
'Cannot post transaction for a closed period!' => '',
b31d0c56 Moritz Bunkus
'Cannot post transaction with a debit and credit entry for the same account!' => '',
4dbb0995 Moritz Bunkus
'Cannot post transaction!' => '',
'Cannot process payment for a closed period!' => '',
b31d0c56 Moritz Bunkus
'Cannot remove files!' => '',
4dbb0995 Moritz Bunkus
'Cannot save account!' => '',
'Cannot save order!' => '',
'Cannot save preferences!' => '',
b31d0c56 Moritz Bunkus
'Cannot save quotation!' => '',
'Cannot storno storno invoice!' => '',
'Carry over shipping address' => '',
4dbb0995 Moritz Bunkus
'Cash' => '',
'Cc' => '',
b31d0c56 Moritz Bunkus
'Change Lx-Office installation settings (all menu entries beneath \'System\')' => '',
1de53cbf Sven Donath
'Change representative to' => '',
c0318621 Niclas Zimmermann
'Changes in this block are only sensible if the account is NOT a summary account AND there exists one valid taxkey. To select both Receivables and Payables only make sense for Payment / Receipt (i.e. account cash).' => '',
ee23f6e0 Bernd Bleßmann
'Changes to Receivables and Payables are only possible if no transactions to this account are posted yet.' => '',
b31d0c56 Moritz Bunkus
'Charge Number' => '',
'Charge number' => '',
c0318621 Niclas Zimmermann
'Charset' => '',
2dbb0236 Sven Schöling
'Chart' => '',
b31d0c56 Moritz Bunkus
'Chart Type' => '',
'Chart balance' => '',
4dbb0995 Moritz Bunkus
'Chart of Accounts' => '',
b31d0c56 Moritz Bunkus
'Chart of accounts' => '',
'Chartaccounts connected to this Tax:' => '',
4dbb0995 Moritz Bunkus
'Check' => 'Cheque',
b31d0c56 Moritz Bunkus
'Check Details' => '',
c0318621 Niclas Zimmermann
'Check for duplicates' => '',
b31d0c56 Moritz Bunkus
'Checks' => '',
'Choose Customer' => '',
'Choose Outputformat' => '',
'Choose Vendor' => '',
'Choose a Tax Number' => '',
'City' => '',
4dbb0995 Moritz Bunkus
'Cleared Balance' => '',
b31d0c56 Moritz Bunkus
'Clearing Tax Received (No 71)' => '',
4dbb0995 Moritz Bunkus
'Click on login name to edit!' => '',
b31d0c56 Moritz Bunkus
'Close' => '',
4dbb0995 Moritz Bunkus
'Close Books up to' => '',
c0318621 Niclas Zimmermann
'Close Dialog' => '',
'Close Flash' => '',
2dbb0236 Sven Schöling
'Close SEPA exports' => '',
b31d0c56 Moritz Bunkus
'Close Window' => '',
4dbb0995 Moritz Bunkus
'Closed' => '',
0270c3d5 Sven Schöling
'Collective Orders only work for orders from one customer!' => '',
c0318621 Niclas Zimmermann
'Column name' => '',
'Comma' => '',
b31d0c56 Moritz Bunkus
'Comment' => '',
4dbb0995 Moritz Bunkus
'Company' => '',
b31d0c56 Moritz Bunkus
'Company Name' => '',
4dbb0995 Moritz Bunkus
'Compare to' => '',
43f9b1c5 Geoffrey Richardson
'Configuration' => '',
b31d0c56 Moritz Bunkus
'Configuration of individual TODO items' => '',
ad7247ec Sven Donath
'Configure' => '',
b31d0c56 Moritz Bunkus
'Confirm' => '',
4dbb0995 Moritz Bunkus
'Confirm!' => '',
b31d0c56 Moritz Bunkus
'Confirmation' => '',
4dbb0995 Moritz Bunkus
'Contact' => '',
b31d0c56 Moritz Bunkus
'Contact Person' => '',
c0318621 Niclas Zimmermann
'Contact deleted.' => '',
'Contact is in use and was flagged invalid.' => '',
b31d0c56 Moritz Bunkus
'Contact person (surname)' => '',
c0318621 Niclas Zimmermann
'Contact persons' => '',
b31d0c56 Moritz Bunkus
'Contacts' => '',
4dbb0995 Moritz Bunkus
'Continue' => '',
b31d0c56 Moritz Bunkus
'Contra' => '',
4dbb0995 Moritz Bunkus
'Copies' => '',
b31d0c56 Moritz Bunkus
'Correct taxkey' => '',
'Corrections' => '',
'Costs' => '',
'Could not copy %s to %s. Reason: %s' => '',
c0318621 Niclas Zimmermann
'Could not load class #1 (#2): "#3"' => '',
'Could not load class #1, #2' => '',
'Could not load employee' => '',
b31d0c56 Moritz Bunkus
'Could not open the file users/members.' => '',
'Could not open the old memberfile.' => '',
'Could not print dunning.' => '',
'Could not rename %s to %s. Reason: %s' => '',
'Could not spawn ghostscript.' => '',
'Could not spawn the printer command.' => '',
'Could not update prices!' => '',
'Country' => '',
'Create Assembly' => '',
'Create Buchungsgruppen' => '',
4dbb0995 Moritz Bunkus
'Create Chart of Accounts' => '',
'Create Dataset' => '',
b31d0c56 Moritz Bunkus
'Create Date' => '',
c0318621 Niclas Zimmermann
'Create a new business' => '',
'Create a new department' => '',
'Create a new payment term' => '',
b31d0c56 Moritz Bunkus
'Create a standard group' => '',
'Create and edit RFQs' => '',
'Create and edit dunnings' => '',
'Create and edit invoices and credit notes' => '',
'Create and edit parts, services, assemblies' => '',
'Create and edit projects' => '',
'Create and edit purchase delivery orders' => '',
'Create and edit purchase orders' => '',
'Create and edit sales delivery orders' => '',
'Create and edit sales orders' => '',
'Create and edit sales quotations' => '',
'Create and edit vendor invoices' => '',
54ddc03b Sven Donath
'Create bank collection' => '',
'Create bank collection via SEPA XML' => '',
2dbb0236 Sven Schöling
'Create bank transfer' => '',
'Create bank transfer via SEPA XML' => '',
c0318621 Niclas Zimmermann
'Create customers and vendors. Edit all vendors. Edit all customers' => '',
'Create customers and vendors. Edit all vendors. Edit only customers where salesman equals employee (login)' => '',
b31d0c56 Moritz Bunkus
'Create invoice?' => '',
'Create new' => '',
c0318621 Niclas Zimmermann
'Create new business' => '',
'Create new department' => '',
'Create new payment term' => '',
b31d0c56 Moritz Bunkus
'Create tables' => '',
'Created by' => '',
'Created for' => '',
'Created on' => '',
4dbb0995 Moritz Bunkus
'Credit' => '',
b31d0c56 Moritz Bunkus
'Credit (one letter abbreviation)' => '',
'Credit Account' => '',
4dbb0995 Moritz Bunkus
'Credit Limit' => '',
b31d0c56 Moritz Bunkus
'Credit Limit exceeded!!!' => '',
'Credit Note' => '',
'Credit Note Date' => '',
'Credit Note Number' => '',
'Credit Starting Balance' => '',
'Credit Tax' => '',
'Credit Tax Account' => '',
'Credit note (one letter abbreviation)' => '',
c0318621 Niclas Zimmermann
'Cumulated or averaged values' => '',
4dbb0995 Moritz Bunkus
'Curr' => '',
b31d0c56 Moritz Bunkus
'Currencies' => '',
4dbb0995 Moritz Bunkus
'Currency' => '',
b31d0c56 Moritz Bunkus
'Current / Next Level' => '',
'Current Earnings' => '',
6c6fffef Sven Donath
'Current assets account' => '',
c0318621 Niclas Zimmermann
'Current profile' => '',
b31d0c56 Moritz Bunkus
'Current unit' => '',
'Current value:' => '',
'Custom Variables' => '',
'Custom variables for module' => '',
4dbb0995 Moritz Bunkus
'Customer' => '',
c0318621 Niclas Zimmermann
'Customer (name)' => '',
7eff31cf Bernd Bleßmann
'Customer Name' => '',
b31d0c56 Moritz Bunkus
'Customer Number' => '',
'Customer Order Number' => '',
4dbb0995 Moritz Bunkus
'Customer deleted!' => '',
b31d0c56 Moritz Bunkus
'Customer details' => '',
4dbb0995 Moritz Bunkus
'Customer missing!' => '',
b31d0c56 Moritz Bunkus
'Customer not on file or locked!' => '',
4dbb0995 Moritz Bunkus
'Customer not on file!' => '',
'Customer saved!' => '',
b31d0c56 Moritz Bunkus
'Customer type' => '',
c0318621 Niclas Zimmermann
'Customer variables' => '',
'Customer/Vendor' => '',
'Customer/Vendor (database ID)' => '',
'Customer/Vendor Name' => '',
'Customer/Vendor Number' => '',
b31d0c56 Moritz Bunkus
'Customername' => '',
'Customernumberinit' => '',
4dbb0995 Moritz Bunkus
'Customers' => '',
b31d0c56 Moritz Bunkus
'Customers and vendors' => '',
'Customized Report' => '',
'DATEV - Export Assistent' => '',
'DATEV Angaben' => '',
'DATEV Export' => '',
c0318621 Niclas Zimmermann
'DATEV check returned errors:' => '',
b31d0c56 Moritz Bunkus
'DATEX - Export Assistent' => '',
'DELETED' => '',
'DFV-Kennzeichen' => '',
'DR' => '',
'DUNS-Nr' => '',
4dbb0995 Moritz Bunkus
'Database' => '',
'Database Administration' => '',
b31d0c56 Moritz Bunkus
'Database Connection Test' => '',
4dbb0995 Moritz Bunkus
'Database Host' => '',
4b937d1a Sven Donath
'Database User' => '',
4dbb0995 Moritz Bunkus
'Database User missing!' => '',
ad7247ec Sven Donath
'Database backups and restorations are disabled in the configuration.' => '',
b31d0c56 Moritz Bunkus
'Database name' => '',
'Database template' => '',
'Database update error:' => '',
4dbb0995 Moritz Bunkus
'Dataset' => '',
'Dataset missing!' => '',
b31d0c56 Moritz Bunkus
'Dataset name' => '',
'Dataset upgrade' => '',
4dbb0995 Moritz Bunkus
'Date' => '',
'Date Format' => '',
'Date Paid' => '',
b31d0c56 Moritz Bunkus
'Date and timestamp variables: If the default value equals \'NOW\' then the current date/current timestamp will be used. Otherwise the default value is copied as-is.' => '',
4dbb0995 Moritz Bunkus
'Date missing!' => '',
c0318621 Niclas Zimmermann
'Date the payment is due in full' => '',
'Date the payment is due with discount' => '',
b31d0c56 Moritz Bunkus
'Datevautomatik' => '',
'Datum von' => '',
4dbb0995 Moritz Bunkus
'Debit' => '',
b31d0c56 Moritz Bunkus
'Debit (one letter abbreviation)' => '',
'Debit Account' => '',
'Debit Starting Balance' => '',
'Debit Tax' => '',
'Debit Tax Account' => '',
4dbb0995 Moritz Bunkus
'Debit and credit out of balance!' => '',
'Dec' => '',
'December' => '',
'Decimalplaces' => '',
b31d0c56 Moritz Bunkus
'Decrease' => '',
'Default (no language selected)' => '',
'Default Accounts' => '',
c0318621 Niclas Zimmermann
'Default Customer/Vendor Language' => '',
'Default buchungsgruppe' => '',
b31d0c56 Moritz Bunkus
'Default output medium' => '',
'Default printer' => '',
'Default template format' => '',
c0318621 Niclas Zimmermann
'Default unit' => '',
b31d0c56 Moritz Bunkus
'Default value' => '',
'Defaults saved.' => '',
4dbb0995 Moritz Bunkus
'Delete' => '',
'Delete Account' => '',
b31d0c56 Moritz Bunkus
'Delete Contact' => '',
4dbb0995 Moritz Bunkus
'Delete Dataset' => '',
b31d0c56 Moritz Bunkus
'Delete Shipto' => '',
'Delete delivery order' => '',
'Delete drafts' => '',
'Delete group' => '',
c0318621 Niclas Zimmermann
'Delete profile' => '',
b31d0c56 Moritz Bunkus
'Delete transaction' => '',
c0318621 Niclas Zimmermann
'Deleted' => '',
b31d0c56 Moritz Bunkus
'Delivered' => '',
4dbb0995 Moritz Bunkus
'Delivery Date' => '',
b31d0c56 Moritz Bunkus
'Delivery Order' => '',
'Delivery Order Date' => '',
'Delivery Order Date missing!' => '',
'Delivery Order Number' => '',
c0318621 Niclas Zimmermann
'Delivery Order created' => '',
b31d0c56 Moritz Bunkus
'Delivery Order deleted!' => '',
'Delivery Orders' => '',
c0318621 Niclas Zimmermann
'Delivery Plan' => '',
'Delivery Plan for currently outstanding sales orders' => '',
b31d0c56 Moritz Bunkus
'Department' => '',
c0318621 Niclas Zimmermann
'Department 1' => '',
'Department 2' => '',
a4eade3e Sven Donath
'Department Id' => '',
b31d0c56 Moritz Bunkus
'Departments' => '',
'Dependency loop detected:' => '',
4dbb0995 Moritz Bunkus
'Deposit' => '',
'Description' => '',
b31d0c56 Moritz Bunkus
'Description (Click on Description for details)' => '',
c0318621 Niclas Zimmermann
'Description (translation for #1)' => '',
b31d0c56 Moritz Bunkus
'Description missing!' => '',
'Description must not be empty!' => '',
2dbb0236 Sven Schöling
'Destination BIC' => '',
'Destination IBAN' => '',
b31d0c56 Moritz Bunkus
'Destination bin' => '',
'Destination warehouse' => '',
'Destination warehouse and bin' => '',
'Details (one letter abbreviation)' => '',
4dbb0995 Moritz Bunkus
'Difference' => '',
b31d0c56 Moritz Bunkus
'Dimension unit' => '',
4dbb0995 Moritz Bunkus
'Directory' => '',
c0318621 Niclas Zimmermann
'Discard duplicate entries in CSV file' => '',
'Discard entries with duplicates in database or CSV file' => '',
4dbb0995 Moritz Bunkus
'Discount' => '',
b31d0c56 Moritz Bunkus
'Display' => '',
'Display file' => '',
'Display options' => '',
c0318621 Niclas Zimmermann
'Do not check for duplicates' => '',
'Do not set default buchungsgruppe' => '',
54ddc03b Sven Donath
'Do you really want to close the following SEPA exports? No payment will be recorded for bank collections that haven\'t been marked as executed yet.' => '',
2dbb0236 Sven Schöling
'Do you really want to close the following SEPA exports? No payment will be recorded for bank transfers that haven\'t been marked as executed yet.' => '',
b31d0c56 Moritz Bunkus
'Do you really want to delete AP transaction #1?' => '',
'Do you really want to delete AR transaction #1?' => '',
'Do you really want to delete GL transaction #1?' => '',
d3835e76 Sven Donath
'Do you really want to delete this group?' => '',
6c6fffef Sven Donath
'Do you really want to delete this object?' => '',
b31d0c56 Moritz Bunkus
'Do you really want to delete this warehouse?' => '',
c0318621 Niclas Zimmermann
'Do you want kivitendo to create a group for access to all functions?' => '',
b31d0c56 Moritz Bunkus
'Do you want to <b>limit</b> your search?' => '',
'Do you want to carry this shipping address over to the new purchase order so that the vendor can deliver the goods directly to your customer?' => '',
'Do you want to store the existing onhand values into a new warehouse?' => '',
'Document' => '',
d8e0c6d8 Bernd Bleßmann
'Document Project Number' => '',
b31d0c56 Moritz Bunkus
'Documents in the WebDAV repository' => '',
4dbb0995 Moritz Bunkus
'Done' => '',
2dbb0236 Sven Schöling
'Download SEPA XML export file' => '',
c0318621 Niclas Zimmermann
'Download sample file' => '',
b31d0c56 Moritz Bunkus
'Download the backup' => '',
'Draft saved.' => '',
4dbb0995 Moritz Bunkus
'Drawing' => '',
'Driver' => '',
'Dropdown Limit' => '',
'Due' => '',
'Due Date' => '',
'Due Date missing!' => '',
c0318621 Niclas Zimmermann
'Due to security concerns these files have to be deleted or moved after the migration before you can continue using kivitendo.' => '',
b31d0c56 Moritz Bunkus
'Duedate +Days' => '',
'Dunning' => '',
'Dunning Amount' => '',
'Dunning Date' => '',
'Dunning Date from' => '',
'Dunning Description' => '',
'Dunning Description missing in row ' => '',
'Dunning Duedate' => '',
'Dunning Level' => '',
'Dunning Level missing in row ' => '',
'Dunning Process Config saved!' => '',
'Dunning Process started for selected invoices!' => '',
'Dunning number' => '',
'Dunning overview' => '',
'Dunnings' => '',
c0318621 Niclas Zimmermann
'Duplicate in CSV file' => '',
'Duplicate in database' => '',
'During this user migration kivitendo can create such a group for you and grant all users access to all of kivitendo\'s functions.' => '',
4dbb0995 Moritz Bunkus
'E-mail' => '',
'E-mail Statement to' => '',
'E-mail address missing!' => '',
b31d0c56 Moritz Bunkus
'EAN' => '',
'EAN-Code' => '',
'EB-Wert' => '',
'EK' => '',
'ELSE' => '',
'ELSTER Export (Taxbird)' => '',
'ELSTER Export (Winston)' => '',
'ELSTER Export nach Winston' => '',
'ELSTER Tax Number' => '',
'EQUITY' => '',
'EU with VAT ID' => '',
'EU without VAT ID' => '',
'EUER' => '',
'EUR' => '',
c0318621 Niclas Zimmermann
'Earlier versions of kivitendo contained bugs which might have led to wrong entries in the general ledger.' => '',
4dbb0995 Moritz Bunkus
'Edit' => '',
b31d0c56 Moritz Bunkus
'Edit Access Rights' => '',
'Edit Access Rights for Follow-Ups' => '',
4dbb0995 Moritz Bunkus
'Edit Account' => '',
b31d0c56 Moritz Bunkus
'Edit Accounting Group' => '',
4dbb0995 Moritz Bunkus
'Edit Accounts Payables Transaction' => 'Edit Creditor Transaction',
'Edit Accounts Receivables Transaction' => 'Edit Debtor Transaction',
'Edit Assembly' => '',
b31d0c56 Moritz Bunkus
'Edit Bins' => '',
'Edit Buchungsgruppe' => '',
'Edit Credit Note' => '',
4dbb0995 Moritz Bunkus
'Edit Customer' => '',
b31d0c56 Moritz Bunkus
'Edit Dunning' => '',
'Edit Dunning Process Config' => '',
c0318621 Niclas Zimmermann
'Edit Employee #1' => '',
b31d0c56 Moritz Bunkus
'Edit Follow-Up' => '',
'Edit Follow-Up for #1' => '',
4dbb0995 Moritz Bunkus
'Edit General Ledger Transaction' => '',
'Edit Group' => '',
b31d0c56 Moritz Bunkus
'Edit Language' => '',
'Edit Lead' => '',
4dbb0995 Moritz Bunkus
'Edit Part' => '',
b31d0c56 Moritz Bunkus
'Edit Preferences for #1' => '',
'Edit Price Factor' => '',
'Edit Pricegroup' => '',
'Edit Printer' => '',
4dbb0995 Moritz Bunkus
'Edit Project' => '',
b31d0c56 Moritz Bunkus
'Edit Purchase Delivery Order' => '',
4dbb0995 Moritz Bunkus
'Edit Purchase Order' => '',
b31d0c56 Moritz Bunkus
'Edit Quotation' => '',
'Edit Request for Quotation' => '',
54ddc03b Sven Donath
'Edit SEPA strings' => '',
b31d0c56 Moritz Bunkus
'Edit Sales Delivery Order' => '',
4dbb0995 Moritz Bunkus
'Edit Sales Invoice' => '',
'Edit Sales Order' => '',
'Edit Service' => '',
b31d0c56 Moritz Bunkus
'Edit Storno Credit Note' => '',
'Edit Storno Invoice' => '',
4dbb0995 Moritz Bunkus
'Edit User' => '',
'Edit Vendor' => '',
'Edit Vendor Invoice' => '',
b31d0c56 Moritz Bunkus
'Edit Warehouse' => '',
'Edit and delete a group' => '',
2dbb0236 Sven Schöling
'Edit bank account' => '',
c0318621 Niclas Zimmermann
'Edit business' => '',
b31d0c56 Moritz Bunkus
'Edit custom variable' => '',
c0318621 Niclas Zimmermann
'Edit department' => '',
b31d0c56 Moritz Bunkus
'Edit file' => '',
'Edit greetings' => '',
'Edit group ' => '',
'Edit group membership' => '',
'Edit groups' => '',
6c6fffef Sven Donath
'Edit membership' => '',
b31d0c56 Moritz Bunkus
'Edit note' => '',
c0318621 Niclas Zimmermann
'Edit payment term' => '',
'Edit prices and discount (if not used, textfield is ONLY set readonly)' => '',
b31d0c56 Moritz Bunkus
'Edit rights' => '',
4b937d1a Sven Donath
'Edit templates' => 'Templates, edit',
b31d0c56 Moritz Bunkus
'Edit the Delivery Order' => '',
ad7247ec Sven Donath
'Edit the configuration for periodic invoices' => '',
b31d0c56 Moritz Bunkus
'Edit the membership of all users in all groups:' => '',
'Edit the purchase_order' => '',
'Edit the request_quotation' => '',
'Edit the sales_order' => '',
'Edit the sales_quotation' => '',
'Edit the stylesheet' => '',
'Edit units' => '',
'Editable' => '',
2dbb0236 Sven Schöling
'Either there are no open invoices, or you have already initiated bank transfers with the open amounts for those that are still open.' => '',
b31d0c56 Moritz Bunkus
'Element disabled' => '',
4dbb0995 Moritz Bunkus
'Employee' => '',
c0318621 Niclas Zimmermann
'Employee #1 saved!' => '',
'Employees' => '',
b31d0c56 Moritz Bunkus
'Empty transaction!' => '',
ad7247ec Sven Donath
'End date' => '',
b31d0c56 Moritz Bunkus
'Enter a description for this new draft.' => '',
'Enter longdescription' => '',
2dbb0236 Sven Schöling
'Enter the requested execution date or leave empty for the quickest possible execution:' => '',
4dbb0995 Moritz Bunkus
'Enter up to 3 letters separated by a colon (i.e CAD:USD:EUR) for your native and foreign currencies' => '',
'Equity' => '',
b31d0c56 Moritz Bunkus
'Error' => '',
'Error in database control file \'%s\': %s' => '',
'Error in position #1: You must either assign no stock at all or the full quantity of #2 #3.' => '',
'Error in position #1: You must either assign no transfer at all or the full quantity of #2 #3.' => '',
'Error in row #1: The quantity you entered is bigger than the stocked quantity.' => '',
'Error message from the database driver:' => '',
c0318621 Niclas Zimmermann
'Error when saving: #1' => '',
b31d0c56 Moritz Bunkus
'Error!' => '',
c0318621 Niclas Zimmermann
'Error: Buchungsgruppe missing or invalid' => '',
'Error: Customer/vendor not found' => '',
'Error: Gender (cp_gender) missing or invalid' => '',
'Error: Invalid business' => '',
'Error: Invalid language' => '',
'Error: Invalid part type' => '',
'Error: Invalid parts group' => '',
'Error: Invalid payment terms' => '',
'Error: Invalid price factor' => '',
'Error: Invalid vendor in column make_#1' => '',
'Error: Name missing' => '',
'Error: Unit missing or invalid' => '',
'Errors' => '',
b31d0c56 Moritz Bunkus
'Ertrag' => '',
'Ertrag prozentual' => '',
'Escape character' => '',
'Exact' => '',
c0318621 Niclas Zimmermann
'Example:' => '',
373dd6d4 Sven Schöling
'Excel' => '',
4dbb0995 Moritz Bunkus
'Exch' => '',
'Exchangerate' => '',
'Exchangerate Difference' => '',
'Exchangerate for payment missing!' => '',
'Exchangerate missing!' => '',
2dbb0236 Sven Schöling
'Executed' => '',
'Execution date' => '',
'Execution date from' => '',
'Execution date to' => '',
b31d0c56 Moritz Bunkus
'Existing Buchungsgruppen' => '',
4dbb0995 Moritz Bunkus
'Existing Datasets' => '',
c0318621 Niclas Zimmermann
'Existing file on server' => '',
b31d0c56 Moritz Bunkus
'Existing pending follow-ups for this item' => '',
c0318621 Niclas Zimmermann
'Existing profiles' => '',
b31d0c56 Moritz Bunkus
'Expected Tax' => '',
4dbb0995 Moritz Bunkus
'Expense' => '',
'Expense Account' => '',
b31d0c56 Moritz Bunkus
'Expense accno' => '',
4dbb0995 Moritz Bunkus
'Expense/Asset' => '',
b31d0c56 Moritz Bunkus
'Expenses EU with UStId' => '',
'Expenses EU without UStId' => '',
'Export Buchungsdaten' => '',
'Export Stammdaten' => '',
'Export as CSV' => '',
'Export as PDF' => '',
2dbb0236 Sven Schöling
'Export date' => '',
'Export date from' => '',
'Export date to' => '',
ad7247ec Sven Donath
'Extend automatically by n months' => '',
4dbb0995 Moritz Bunkus
'Extended' => '',
b31d0c56 Moritz Bunkus
'Extension Of Time' => '',
'Factor' => '',
'Factor missing!' => '',
'Falsches Datumsformat!' => '',
4dbb0995 Moritz Bunkus
'Fax' => '',
'Feb' => '',
'February' => '',
b31d0c56 Moritz Bunkus
'Fee' => '',
c0318621 Niclas Zimmermann
'Field' => '',
b31d0c56 Moritz Bunkus
'File' => '',
'File name' => '',
c0318621 Niclas Zimmermann
'Files created by kivitendo\'s &quot;Backup Dataset&quot; function are such files.' => '',
b31d0c56 Moritz Bunkus
'Filter' => '',
c0318621 Niclas Zimmermann
'Filter date by' => '',
'Filter for customer variables' => '',
'Filter for item variables' => '',
b31d0c56 Moritz Bunkus
'Finish' => '',
c0318621 Niclas Zimmermann
'First 20 Lines' => '',
b31d0c56 Moritz Bunkus
'Fix transaction' => '',
'Fix transactions' => '',
'Folgekonto' => '',
'Follow-Up' => '',
'Follow-Up Date' => '',
'Follow-Up On' => '',
'Follow-Up done' => '',
'Follow-Up for' => '',
'Follow-Up for user' => '',
'Follow-Up saved.' => '',
'Follow-Ups' => '',
'Follow-up for' => '',
'Font' => '',
'Font size' => '',
'For AP transactions it will replace the sales taxkeys with input taxkeys with the same tax rate.' => '',
'For AR transactions it will replace the input taxkeys with sales taxkeys with the same tax rate.' => '',
'For each unit there\'s either no or exactly one base unit. If you chose a base unit then you also have to chose a factor. That way the new unit will be defined as a multiple of the base unit. The base unit must be the &quot;smaller&quot; one. A factor may not be less than 1. Therefore you may define &quot;kg&quot; with the base unit &quot;g&quot; and a factor of &quot;1&quot;, but not the other way round.' => '',
c0318621 Niclas Zimmermann
'For further information read this: ' => '',
'For type "customer" the perl module JSON is required. Please check this on system level: $ ./scripts/' => '',
4dbb0995 Moritz Bunkus
'Foreign Exchange Gain' => '',
'Foreign Exchange Loss' => '',
b31d0c56 Moritz Bunkus
'Foreign Expenses' => '',
'Foreign Revenues' => '',
'Form details (second row)' => '',
'Formula' => '',
c0318621 Niclas Zimmermann
'Found #1 errors.' => '',
'Found #1 objects of which #2 can be imported.' => '',
b31d0c56 Moritz Bunkus
'Free report period' => '',
'Free-form text' => '',
'Fristsetzung' => '',
4dbb0995 Moritz Bunkus
'From' => '',
b31d0c56 Moritz Bunkus
'From Date' => '',
'Full Access' => '',
c0318621 Niclas Zimmermann
'Full Preview' => '',
b31d0c56 Moritz Bunkus
'Full access to all functions' => '',
6791f848 Sven Donath
'Fwd' => 'Forward',
4dbb0995 Moritz Bunkus
'GL Transaction' => '',
b31d0c56 Moritz Bunkus
'Gegenkonto' => '',
'Gender' => '',
4dbb0995 Moritz Bunkus
'General Ledger' => '',
b31d0c56 Moritz Bunkus
'General Ledger Corrections' => '',
'General Ledger Transaction' => '',
'General ledger and cash' => '',
'General ledger corrections' => '',
'Generic Tax Report' => '',
'Given Name' => '',
373dd6d4 Sven Schöling
'Go one step back' => '',
6791f848 Sven Donath
'Go one step forward' => '',
b31d0c56 Moritz Bunkus
'Greeting' => '',
'Greetings' => '',
4dbb0995 Moritz Bunkus
'Group' => '',
b31d0c56 Moritz Bunkus
'Group Invoices' => '',
4dbb0995 Moritz Bunkus
'Group Items' => '',
'Group deleted!' => '',
b31d0c56 Moritz Bunkus
'Group membership' => '',
4dbb0995 Moritz Bunkus
'Group missing!' => '',
'Group saved!' => '',
'Groups' => '',
b31d0c56 Moritz Bunkus
'HTML' => '',
4dbb0995 Moritz Bunkus
'HTML Templates' => '',
373dd6d4 Sven Schöling
'Hardcopy' => '',
b31d0c56 Moritz Bunkus
'Has serial number' => '',
4dbb0995 Moritz Bunkus
'Heading' => '',
b31d0c56 Moritz Bunkus
'Help' => '',
4b937d1a Sven Donath
'Help Template Variables' => '',
c0318621 Niclas Zimmermann
'Help on column names' => '',
b31d0c56 Moritz Bunkus
'Here\'s an example command line:' => '',
c0318621 Niclas Zimmermann
'Hide Filter' => '',
b31d0c56 Moritz Bunkus
'Hide by default' => '',
c0318621 Niclas Zimmermann
'Hide help text' => '',
'History' => '',
b31d0c56 Moritz Bunkus
'History Search' => '',
'History Search Engine' => '',
'Homepage' => '',
4dbb0995 Moritz Bunkus
'Host' => '',
b31d0c56 Moritz Bunkus
'However, you can create a new part which will then be selected.' => '',
'I' => '',
'IBAN' => '',
4dbb0995 Moritz Bunkus
'ID' => '',
b31d0c56 Moritz Bunkus
'ID-Nummer' => '',
'II' => '',
'III' => '',
c0318621 Niclas Zimmermann
'IMPORTANT NOTE: You cannot safely change currencies, IF you have already booking entries!' => '',
b31d0c56 Moritz Bunkus
'IV' => '',
c0318621 Niclas Zimmermann
'If checked the taxkey will not be exported in the DATEV Export, but only IF chart taxkeys differ from general ledger taxkeys' => '',
'If the article type is set to \'mixed\' then a column called \'type\' must be present.' => '',
b31d0c56 Moritz Bunkus
'If the automatic creation of invoices for fees and interest is switched on for a dunning level then the following accounts will be used for the invoice.' => '',
'If the database user listed above does not have the right to create a database then enter the name and password of the superuser below:' => '',
373dd6d4 Sven Schöling
'If you chose to let Lx-Office do the migration then Lx-Office will also remove the old member file after creating a backup copy of it in the directory &quot;#1&quot;.' => '',
b31d0c56 Moritz Bunkus
'If you enter values for the part number and / or part description then only those bins containing parts whose part number or part description match your input will be shown.' => '',
'If you see this message, you most likely just setup your LX-Office and haven\'t added any entry types. If this is the case, the option is accessible for administrators in the System menu.' => '',
c0318621 Niclas Zimmermann
'If you select a base unit then you also have to enter a factor.' => '',
ad7247ec Sven Donath
'If you want to change any of these parameters then press the &quot;Back&quot; button, edit the file &quot;config/lx_office.conf&quot; and login into the admin module again.' => '',
b31d0c56 Moritz Bunkus
'If you want to delete such a dataset you have to edit the user(s) that are using the dataset in question and have them use another dataset.' => '',
c0318621 Niclas Zimmermann
'If you want to set up the authentication database yourself then log in to the administration panel. kivitendo will then create the database and tables for you.' => '',
b31d0c56 Moritz Bunkus
'If you yourself want to upgrade the installation then please read the file &quot;doc/UPGRADE&quot; and follow the steps outlined in this file.' => '',
4dbb0995 Moritz Bunkus
'Image' => '',
c0318621 Niclas Zimmermann
'Import' => '',
b31d0c56 Moritz Bunkus
'Import CSV' => '',
c0318621 Niclas Zimmermann
'Import file' => '',
'Import preview' => '',
'Import profiles' => '',
'Import result' => '',
'Import summary' => '',
b31d0c56 Moritz Bunkus
'In order to do that hit the button "Delete transaction".' => '',
'In the latter case the tables needed by Lx-Office will be created in that database.' => '',
c0318621 Niclas Zimmermann
'In version 2.4.0 the administrator has to enter a list of units in the administrative section.' => '',
4dbb0995 Moritz Bunkus
'In-line' => '',
b31d0c56 Moritz Bunkus
'Inactive' => '',
'Include Exchangerate Difference' => '',
'Include column headings' => '',
'Include empty bins' => '',
4dbb0995 Moritz Bunkus
'Include in Report' => '',
'Include in drop-down menus' => '',
c0318621 Niclas Zimmermann
'Include invalid warehouses ' => '',
b31d0c56 Moritz Bunkus
'Includeable in reports' => '',
c0318621 Niclas Zimmermann
'Including' => '',
4dbb0995 Moritz Bunkus
'Income Statement' => '',
b31d0c56 Moritz Bunkus
'Income accno' => '',
'Incoming Payments' => '',
'Incoming invoice number' => '',
4dbb0995 Moritz Bunkus
'Incorrect Password!' => '',
c0318621 Niclas Zimmermann
'Incorrect password!.' => '',
b31d0c56 Moritz Bunkus
'Incorrect username or password!' => '',
'Increase' => '',
4dbb0995 Moritz Bunkus
'Individual Items' => '',
b31d0c56 Moritz Bunkus
'Information' => '',
c0318621 Niclas Zimmermann
'Insert with new part number' => '',
b31d0c56 Moritz Bunkus
'Interest' => '',
'Interest Rate' => '',
'Internal Notes' => '',
'International' => '',
'Internet' => '',
'Introduction of Buchungsgruppen' => '',
'Introduction of units' => '',
'Inv. Duedate' => '',
'Invalid' => '',
'Invalid follow-up ID.' => '',
'Invalid quantity.' => '',
'Invdate' => '',
'Invdate from' => '',
4dbb0995 Moritz Bunkus
'Inventory' => '',
'Inventory Account' => '',
'Inventory quantity must be zero before you can set this assembly obsolete!' => '',
'Inventory quantity must be zero before you can set this part obsolete!' => '',
43f9b1c5 Geoffrey Richardson
'Inventory system' => '',
b31d0c56 Moritz Bunkus
'Invno.' => '',
'Invnumber' => '',
'Invnumber missing!' => '',
4dbb0995 Moritz Bunkus
'Invoice' => '',
b31d0c56 Moritz Bunkus
'Invoice (one letter abbreviation)' => '',
4dbb0995 Moritz Bunkus
'Invoice Date' => '',
'Invoice Date missing!' => '',
b31d0c56 Moritz Bunkus
'Invoice Duedate' => '',
4dbb0995 Moritz Bunkus
'Invoice Number' => '',
'Invoice Number missing!' => '',
'Invoice deleted!' => '',
b31d0c56 Moritz Bunkus
'Invoice for fees' => '',
'Invoice has already been storno\'d!' => '',
2dbb0236 Sven Schöling
'Invoice number' => '',
c0318621 Niclas Zimmermann
'Invoice total' => '',
'Invoice total less discount' => '',
b31d0c56 Moritz Bunkus
'Invoice with Storno (abbreviation)' => '',
4dbb0995 Moritz Bunkus
'Invoices' => '',
4b937d1a Sven Donath
'Is Searchable' => '',
4dbb0995 Moritz Bunkus
'Is this a summary account to record' => '',
b31d0c56 Moritz Bunkus
'It is possible that even after such a correction there is something wrong with this transaction (e.g. taxes that don\'t match the selected taxkey). Therefore you should re-run the general ledger analysis.' => '',
'It is possible to do this automatically for some Buchungsgruppen, but not for all.' => '',
'It is possible to do this automatically for some units, but for others the user has to chose the new unit.' => '',
'It may optionally be compressed with &quot;gzip&quot;.' => '',
'It will simply set the taxkey to 0 (meaning "no taxes") which is the correct value for such inventory transactions.' => '',
4dbb0995 Moritz Bunkus
'Item deleted!' => '',
c0318621 Niclas Zimmermann
'Item mode' => '',
4dbb0995 Moritz Bunkus
'Item not on file!' => '',
c0318621 Niclas Zimmermann
'Item values' => '',
'Item variables' => '',
b31d0c56 Moritz Bunkus
'Jahresverkehrszahlen neu' => '',
4dbb0995 Moritz Bunkus
'Jan' => '',
'January' => '',
b31d0c56 Moritz Bunkus
'Journal' => '',
4dbb0995 Moritz Bunkus
'Jul' => '',
'July' => '',
b31d0c56 Moritz Bunkus
'Jump to' => '',
4dbb0995 Moritz Bunkus
'Jun' => '',
'June' => '',
b31d0c56 Moritz Bunkus
'KNE-Export erfolgreich!' => '',
'KNr. beim Kunden' => '',
'Keine Suchergebnisse gefunden!' => '',
c0318621 Niclas Zimmermann
'Kivitendo needs to update the authentication database before you can proceed.' => '',
'Kivitendo will then update the database automatically.' => '',
b31d0c56 Moritz Bunkus
'Konten' => '',
'L' => '',
'LP' => '',
4dbb0995 Moritz Bunkus
'LaTeX Templates' => '',
b31d0c56 Moritz Bunkus
'Landscape' => '',
4dbb0995 Moritz Bunkus
'Language' => '',
c0318621 Niclas Zimmermann
'Language (database ID)' => '',
'Language (name)' => '',
b31d0c56 Moritz Bunkus
'Language Values' => '',
'Language deleted!' => '',
'Language missing!' => '',
'Language saved!' => '',
'Languages' => '',
c0318621 Niclas Zimmermann
'Last Action' => '',
b31d0c56 Moritz Bunkus
'Last Article Number' => '',
4dbb0995 Moritz Bunkus
'Last Cost' => '',
b31d0c56 Moritz Bunkus
'Last Credit Note Number' => '',
'Last Customer Number' => '',
4dbb0995 Moritz Bunkus
'Last Invoice Number' => '',
b31d0c56 Moritz Bunkus
'Last Purchase Delivery Order Number' => '',
4dbb0995 Moritz Bunkus
'Last Purchase Order Number' => '',
b31d0c56 Moritz Bunkus
'Last RFQ Number' => '',
'Last Sales Delivery Order Number' => '',
4dbb0995 Moritz Bunkus
'Last Sales Order Number' => '',
b31d0c56 Moritz Bunkus
'Last Sales Quotation Number' => '',
'Last Service Number' => '',
'Last Transaction' => '',
'Last Vendor Number' => '',
'Lead' => '',
4dbb0995 Moritz Bunkus
'Leave host and port field empty unless you want to make a remote connection.' => '',
b31d0c56 Moritz Bunkus
'Left' => '',
4dbb0995 Moritz Bunkus
'Liability' => '',
b31d0c56 Moritz Bunkus
'Limit part selection' => '',
4dbb0995 Moritz Bunkus
'Line Total' => '',
c0318621 Niclas Zimmermann
'Line and column' => '',
b31d0c56 Moritz Bunkus
'Line endings' => '',
'List' => '',
'List Accounting Groups' => '',
4dbb0995 Moritz Bunkus
'List Accounts' => '',
b31d0c56 Moritz Bunkus
'List Businesses' => '',
'List Departments' => '',
'List Groups' => '',
'List Languages' => '',
'List Lead' => '',
'List Payment Terms' => '',
4dbb0995 Moritz Bunkus
'List Price' => '',
b31d0c56 Moritz Bunkus
'List Price Factors' => '',
'List Pricegroups' => '',
4dbb0995 Moritz Bunkus
'List Transactions' => '',
b31d0c56 Moritz Bunkus
'List Warehouses' => '',
2dbb0236 Sven Schöling
'List bank accounts' => '',
b31d0c56 Moritz Bunkus
'List export' => '',
2dbb0236 Sven Schöling
'List of bank accounts' => '',
54ddc03b Sven Donath
'List of bank collections' => '',
2dbb0236 Sven Schöling
'List of bank transfers' => '',
b31d0c56 Moritz Bunkus
'List of custom variables' => '',
2dbb0236 Sven Schöling
'List open SEPA exports' => '',
b31d0c56 Moritz Bunkus
'Load draft' => '',
c0318621 Niclas Zimmermann
'Load profile' => '',
b31d0c56 Moritz Bunkus
'Local Tax Office Preferences' => '',
'Lock System' => '',
'Lockfile created!' => '',
'Lockfile removed!' => '',
4dbb0995 Moritz Bunkus
'Login' => '',
b31d0c56 Moritz Bunkus
'Login Name' => '',
'Login name missing!' => '',
c0318621 Niclas Zimmermann
'Login of User' => '',
4dbb0995 Moritz Bunkus
'Logout' => '',
1de53cbf Sven Donath
'Logout now' => '',
b31d0c56 Moritz Bunkus
'Long Dates' => '',
'Long Description' => '',
'MAILED' => '',
'Main Preferences' => '',
54ddc03b Sven Donath
'Main sorting' => '',
4dbb0995 Moritz Bunkus
'Make' => '',
c0318621 Niclas Zimmermann
'Make (with X being a number)' => '',
'Make compatible for import' => '',
'Make default profile' => '',
4b937d1a Sven Donath
'Manage Custom Variables' => '',
b31d0c56 Moritz Bunkus
'Mandantennummer' => '',
373dd6d4 Sven Schöling
'Mandatory Departments' => '',
4dbb0995 Moritz Bunkus
'Mar' => '',
'March' => '',
54ddc03b Sven Donath
'Margepercent' => '',
'Margetotal' => '',
b31d0c56 Moritz Bunkus
'Margins' => '',
2dbb0236 Sven Schöling
'Mark as closed' => '',
b31d0c56 Moritz Bunkus
'Mark as paid?' => '',
c0318621 Niclas Zimmermann
'Mark as shop article if column missing' => '',
b31d0c56 Moritz Bunkus
'Mark closed' => '',
'Marked as paid' => '',
'Marked entries printed!' => '',
'Master Data' => '',
'Max. Dunning Level' => '',
4dbb0995 Moritz Bunkus
'May' => '',
'May ' => '',
b31d0c56 Moritz Bunkus
'May set the BCC field when sending emails' => '',
c0318621 Niclas Zimmermann
'Meaning' => '',
b31d0c56 Moritz Bunkus
'Medium Number' => '',
'Memo' => '',
1de53cbf Sven Donath
'Menu' => '',
4dbb0995 Moritz Bunkus
'Message' => '',
b31d0c56 Moritz Bunkus
'Method' => '',
4dbb0995 Moritz Bunkus
'Microfiche' => '',
b31d0c56 Moritz Bunkus
'Minimum Amount' => '',
'Miscellaneous' => '',
'Missing \'description\' field.' => '',
'Missing \'tag\' field.' => '',
'Missing Method!' => '',
'Missing Tax Authoritys Preferences' => '',
'Missing amount' => '',
'Missing parameter #1 in call to sub #2.' => '',
'Missing parameter (at least one of #1) in call to sub #2.' => '',
c0318621 Niclas Zimmermann
'Missing qty' => '',
373dd6d4 Sven Schöling
'Missing taxkeys in invoices with taxes.' => '',
c0318621 Niclas Zimmermann
'Missing user id!' => '',
b31d0c56 Moritz Bunkus
'Mitarbeiter' => '',
c0318621 Niclas Zimmermann
'Mixed (requires column "type")' => '',
'Mobile' => '',
b31d0c56 Moritz Bunkus
'Mobile1' => '',
'Mobile2' => '',
4dbb0995 Moritz Bunkus
'Model' => '',
c0318621 Niclas Zimmermann
'Model (with X being a number)' => '',
b31d0c56 Moritz Bunkus
'Module' => '',
'Module home page' => '',
'Module name' => '',
'Monat' => '',
c0318621 Niclas Zimmermann
'Month' => '',
b31d0c56 Moritz Bunkus
'Monthly' => '',
373dd6d4 Sven Schöling
'More than one #1 found matching, please be more specific.' => '',
b31d0c56 Moritz Bunkus
'More than one control file with the tag \'%s\' exist.' => '',
2dbb0236 Sven Schöling
'Multi mode not supported.' => '',
4dbb0995 Moritz Bunkus
'Multibyte Encoding' => '',
b31d0c56 Moritz Bunkus
'MwSt. inkl.' => '',
4dbb0995 Moritz Bunkus
'Name' => '',
'Name missing!' => '',
b31d0c56 Moritz Bunkus
'National' => '',
'National Expenses' => '',
'National Revenues' => '',
c0318621 Niclas Zimmermann
'Net amount' => '',
b31d0c56 Moritz Bunkus
'Netto Terms' => '',
373dd6d4 Sven Schöling
'New Buchungsgruppe #1' => '',
4dbb0995 Moritz Bunkus
'New Templates' => '',
373dd6d4 Sven Schöling
'New Win/Tab' => '',
b31d0c56 Moritz Bunkus
'New assembly' => '',
2dbb0236 Sven Schöling
'New bank account' => '',
b31d0c56 Moritz Bunkus
'New contact' => '',
'New customer' => '',
'New invoice' => '',
'New part' => '',
'New sales order' => '',
'New service' => '',
c0318621 Niclas Zimmermann
'New shipto' => '',
b31d0c56 Moritz Bunkus
'New unit' => '',
'New vendor' => '',
'Next Dunning Level' => '',
4dbb0995 Moritz Bunkus
'No' => '',
b31d0c56 Moritz Bunkus
'No %s was found matching the search parameters.' => '',
'No Company Address given' => '',
'No Company Name given' => '',
'No Customer was found matching the search parameters.' => '',
4dbb0995 Moritz Bunkus
'No Database Drivers available!' => '',
'No Dataset selected!' => '',
b31d0c56 Moritz Bunkus
'No Vendor was found matching the search parameters.' => '',
'No action defined.' => '',
'No backup file has been uploaded.' => '',
54ddc03b Sven Donath
'No bank information has been entered in this customer\'s master data entry. You cannot create bank collections unless you enter bank information.' => '',
2dbb0236 Sven Schöling
'No bank information has been entered in this vendor\'s master data entry. You cannot create bank transfers unless you enter bank information.' => '',
b31d0c56 Moritz Bunkus
'No bins have been added to this warehouse yet.' => '',
c0318621 Niclas Zimmermann
'No business has been created yet.' => '',
'No contact selected to delete' => '',
b31d0c56 Moritz Bunkus
'No customer has been selected yet.' => '',
'No data was found.' => '',
'No databases have been found on this server.' => '',
'No datasets have been selected.' => '',
c0318621 Niclas Zimmermann
'No department has been created yet.' => '',
b31d0c56 Moritz Bunkus
'No dunnings have been selected for printing.' => '',
'No entries were found which had no unit assigned to them.' => '',
c0318621 Niclas Zimmermann
'No file has been uploaded yet.' => '',
b31d0c56 Moritz Bunkus
'No group has been selected, or the group does not exist anymore.' => '',
'No groups have been added yet.' => '',
ad7247ec Sven Donath
'No or an unknown authenticantion module specified in "config/lx_office.conf".' => '',
b31d0c56 Moritz Bunkus
'No part was found matching the search parameters.' => '',
c0318621 Niclas Zimmermann
'No payment term has been created yet.' => '',
b31d0c56 Moritz Bunkus
'No prices will be updated because no prices have been entered.' => '',
'No problems were recognized.' => '',
c0318621 Niclas Zimmermann
'No shipto selected to delete' => '',
a4eade3e Sven Donath
'No transaction selected!' => '',
2dbb0236 Sven Schöling
'No transfers were executed in this export.' => '',
b31d0c56 Moritz Bunkus
'No unknown units where found.' => '',
'No valid number entered for pricegroup "#1".' => '',
'No vendor has been selected yet.' => '',
'No warehouse has been created yet or the quantity of the bins is not configured yet.' => '',
4dbb0995 Moritz Bunkus
'No.' => '',
b31d0c56 Moritz Bunkus
'Non-taxable Purchases' => '',
'Non-taxable Sales' => '',
'None' => '',
'Not Discountable' => '',
'Not delivered' => '',
'Not done yet' => '',
'Not obsolete' => '',
'Note' => '',
6c6fffef Sven Donath
'Note: Taxkeys must have a "valid from" date, and will not behave correctly without.' => '',
4dbb0995 Moritz Bunkus
'Notes' => '',
c0318621 Niclas Zimmermann
'Notes (translation for #1)' => '',
4b937d1a Sven Donath
'Notes (will appear on hard copy)' => '',
b31d0c56 Moritz Bunkus
'Nothing has been selected for removal.' => '',
'Nothing has been selected for transfer.' => '',
4dbb0995 Moritz Bunkus
'Nothing selected!' => '',
'Nothing to delete!' => '',
'Nov' => '',
'November' => '',
b31d0c56 Moritz Bunkus
'Now the user must select a single Buchungsgruppe for each part instead of three distinct accounts.' => '',
4dbb0995 Moritz Bunkus
'Number' => '',
'Number Format' => '',
'Number missing in Row' => '',
b31d0c56 Moritz Bunkus
'Number of bins' => '',
'Number of copies' => '',
7eff31cf Bernd Bleßmann
'Number of entries changed: #1' => '',
b31d0c56 Moritz Bunkus
'Number of new bins' => '',
'Number pages' => '',
'Number variables: \'PRECISION=n\' forces numbers to be shown with exactly n decimal places.' => '',
'OB Transaction' => '',
c0318621 Niclas Zimmermann
'Objects have been imported.' => '',
4dbb0995 Moritz Bunkus
'Obsolete' => '',
'Oct' => '',
'October' => '',
b31d0c56 Moritz Bunkus
'Off' => '',
'Old (on the side)' => '',
c0318621 Niclas Zimmermann
'Old configuration files' => '',
b31d0c56 Moritz Bunkus
'On' => '',
4dbb0995 Moritz Bunkus
'On Hand' => '',
'On Order' => '',
b31d0c56 Moritz Bunkus
'One or more Perl modules missing' => '',
c0318621 Niclas Zimmermann
'Only Warnings and Errors' => '',
b31d0c56 Moritz Bunkus
'Only due follow-ups' => '',
c0318621 Niclas Zimmermann
'Only shown in item mode' => '',
'Oops. No valid action found to dispatch. Please report this case to the Lx-Office team.' => '',
4dbb0995 Moritz Bunkus
'Open' => '',
7eff31cf Bernd Bleßmann
'Open Amount' => '',
c0318621 Niclas Zimmermann
'Open a further kivitendo Window or Tab' => '',
2dbb0236 Sven Schöling
'Open amount' => '',
4b937d1a Sven Donath
'Open in new window' => '',
'Open this Website' => '',
b31d0c56 Moritz Bunkus
'OpenDocument/OASIS' => '',
'Openings' => '',
'Optional comment' => '',
'Options' => '',
c0318621 Niclas Zimmermann
'Or download the whole Installation Documentation as PDF (350kB) for off-line study (currently in German Language): ' => '',
4dbb0995 Moritz Bunkus
'Order' => '',
'Order Date' => '',
'Order Date missing!' => '',
'Order Number' => '',
'Order Number missing!' => '',
'Order deleted!' => '',
'Ordered' => '',
b31d0c56 Moritz Bunkus
'Orientation' => '',
4dbb0995 Moritz Bunkus
'Orphaned' => '',
b31d0c56 Moritz Bunkus
'Other users\' follow-ups' => '',
'Other values are ignored.' => '',
'Others' => '',
'Otherwise all users will only have access to their own settings.' => '',
'Otherwise the variable is only available for printing.' => '',
'Out of balance transaction!' => '',
4dbb0995 Moritz Bunkus
'Out of balance!' => '',
b31d0c56 Moritz Bunkus
'Output Number Format' => '',
'Outputformat' => '',
'Overdue sales quotations and requests for quotations' => '',
94944f08 Bernd Bleßmann
'Override invoice language' => '',
b31d0c56 Moritz Bunkus
4dbb0995 Moritz Bunkus
'PDF' => '',
b31d0c56 Moritz Bunkus
'PDF (OpenDocument/OASIS)' => '',
'PDF export -- options' => '',
'POSTED' => '',
'POSTED AS NEW' => '',
'PRINTED' => '',
'Packing Lists' => '',
c0318621 Niclas Zimmermann
'Page' => '',
b31d0c56 Moritz Bunkus
'Page #1/#2' => '',
4dbb0995 Moritz Bunkus
'Paid' => '',
'Part' => '',
b31d0c56 Moritz Bunkus
'Part Description' => '',
'Part Description missing!' => '',
4b937d1a Sven Donath
'Part Notes' => '',
b31d0c56 Moritz Bunkus
'Part Number' => '',
4dbb0995 Moritz Bunkus
'Part Number missing!' => '',
b31d0c56 Moritz Bunkus
'Partnumber must not be set to empty!' => '',
'Partnumber not unique!' => '',
4dbb0995 Moritz Bunkus
'Parts' => '',
'Parts Inventory' => '',
b31d0c56 Moritz Bunkus
'Parts must have an entry type.' => '',
c0318621 Niclas Zimmermann
'Parts with existing part numbers' => '',
b31d0c56 Moritz Bunkus
'Parts, services and assemblies' => '',
c0318621 Niclas Zimmermann
'Partsgroup (database ID)' => '',
'Partsgroup (name)' => '',
4dbb0995 Moritz Bunkus
'Password' => '',
'Payables' => '',
'Payment' => '',
b31d0c56 Moritz Bunkus
'Payment Reminder' => '',
'Payment Terms' => '',
'Payment Terms missing in row ' => '',
4dbb0995 Moritz Bunkus
'Payment date missing!' => '',
c0318621 Niclas Zimmermann
'Payment description' => '',
'Payment description detail' => '',
2dbb0236 Sven Schöling
'Payment list as PDF' => '',
4dbb0995 Moritz Bunkus
'Payment posted!' => '',
c0318621 Niclas Zimmermann
'Payment terms' => '',
'Payment terms (database ID)' => '',
'Payment terms (name)' => '',
4dbb0995 Moritz Bunkus
'Payments' => '',
ad7247ec Sven Donath
'Per. Inv.' => '',
b31d0c56 Moritz Bunkus
'Period' => '',
'Period:' => '',
ad7247ec Sven Donath
'Periodic Invoices' => '',
'Periodic invoices active' => '',
'Periodic invoices inactive' => '',
'Periodicity' => '',
b31d0c56 Moritz Bunkus
'Personal settings' => '',
4dbb0995 Moritz Bunkus
'Pg Database Administration' => '',
'Phone' => '',
b31d0c56 Moritz Bunkus
'Phone1' => '',
'Phone2' => '',
'Pick List' => '',
54ddc03b Sven Donath
'Please Check the bank information for each customer:' => '',
2dbb0236 Sven Schöling
'Please Check the bank information for each vendor:' => '',
b31d0c56 Moritz Bunkus
'Please ask your administrator to create warehouses and bins.' => '',
c0318621 Niclas Zimmermann
'Please contact your administrator.' => '',
'Please enter a profile name.' => '',
b31d0c56 Moritz Bunkus
'Please enter the login for the new user.' => '',
'Please enter the name of the database that will be used as the template for the new database:' => '',
'Please enter the name of the dataset you want to restore the backup in.' => '',
6c6fffef Sven Donath
'Please enter the sales tax identification number.' => '',
373dd6d4 Sven Schöling
'Please enter the taxnumber in the administration menu user preferences' => '',
b31d0c56 Moritz Bunkus
'Please enter values' => '',
'Please insert object dimensions below.' => '',
'Please insert your language values below' => '',
'Please insert your longdescription below' => '',
'Please install the below listed modules or ask your system administrator to.' => '',
c0318621 Niclas Zimmermann
'Please log in to the administration panel.' => '',
b31d0c56 Moritz Bunkus
'Please re-run the analysis for broken general ledger entries by clicking this button:' => '',
7eff31cf Bernd Bleßmann
'Please read the file' => '',
b31d0c56 Moritz Bunkus
'Please select a customer from the list below.' => '',
'Please select a part from the list below.' => '',
bf280df0 Sven Donath
'Please select a user' => '',
b31d0c56 Moritz Bunkus
'Please select a vendor from the list below.' => '',
'Please select the chart of accounts this installation is using from the list below.' => '',
'Please select the database you want to backup' => '',
54ddc03b Sven Donath
'Please select the destination bank account for the collections:' => '',
2dbb0236 Sven Schöling
'Please select the source bank account for the transfers:' => '',
b31d0c56 Moritz Bunkus
'Please seletct the dataset you want to delete:' => '',
'Please specify a description for the warehouse designated for these goods.' => '',
c0318621 Niclas Zimmermann
'Please wait...' => '',
b31d0c56 Moritz Bunkus
'Plural' => '',
4dbb0995 Moritz Bunkus
'Port' => '',
b31d0c56 Moritz Bunkus
'Portrait' => '',
4dbb0995 Moritz Bunkus
'Post' => '',
b31d0c56 Moritz Bunkus
'Post Payment' => '',
2dbb0236 Sven Schöling
'Post payments' => '',
4dbb0995 Moritz Bunkus
'Postscript' => '',
b31d0c56 Moritz Bunkus
'Posustva_coa' => '',
4dbb0995 Moritz Bunkus
'Preferences' => '',
'Preferences saved!' => '',
b31d0c56 Moritz Bunkus
'Prefix for the new bins\' names' => '',
'Preis' => '',
'Preisklasse' => '',
54ddc03b Sven Donath
'Prepare bank collection via SEPA XML' => '',
2dbb0236 Sven Schöling
'Prepare bank transfer via SEPA XML' => '',
b31d0c56 Moritz Bunkus
'Prepayment' => '',
'Preview' => '',
c0318621 Niclas Zimmermann
'Preview Mode' => '',
b31d0c56 Moritz Bunkus
'Previous transdate text' => '',
'Previous transnumber text' => '',
4dbb0995 Moritz Bunkus
'Price' => '',
b31d0c56 Moritz Bunkus
'Price Factor' => '',
'Price Factors' => '',
c0318621 Niclas Zimmermann
'Price factor (database ID)' => '',
'Price factor (name)' => '',
b31d0c56 Moritz Bunkus
'Price factor deleted!' => '',
'Price factor saved!' => '',
c0318621 Niclas Zimmermann
'Price information' => '',
b31d0c56 Moritz Bunkus
'Pricegroup' => '',
'Pricegroup deleted!' => '',
'Pricegroup missing!' => '',
'Pricegroup saved!' => '',
'Pricegroups' => '',
4dbb0995 Moritz Bunkus
'Print' => '',
b31d0c56 Moritz Bunkus
'Print and Post' => '',
ad7247ec Sven Donath
'Print automatically' => '',
b31d0c56 Moritz Bunkus
'Print dunnings' => '',
'Print list' => '',
'Print options' => '',
4dbb0995 Moritz Bunkus
'Printer' => '',
b31d0c56 Moritz Bunkus
'Printer Command' => '',
'Printer Command missing!' => '',
bf280df0 Sven Donath
'Printer Management' => '',
'Printers are created for a user database. Please select a user. The associated database will be edited.' => '',
b31d0c56 Moritz Bunkus
'Printing ... ' => '',
c0318621 Niclas Zimmermann
'Prior to version v2.4.0 the user could enter arbitrary strings as units for parts, services and in invoices, sales quotations etc.' => '',
'Prior to version v2.4.0 the user had to chose the accounts for each part and service.' => '',
b31d0c56 Moritz Bunkus
'Private E-mail' => '',
'Private Phone' => '',
'Problem' => '',
'Produce Assembly' => '',
'Productivity' => '',
43f9b1c5 Geoffrey Richardson
'Profit determination' => '',
b31d0c56 Moritz Bunkus
'Proforma Invoice' => '',
dea746a3 Sven Donath
'Program' => '',
4dbb0995 Moritz Bunkus
'Project' => '',
c0318621 Niclas Zimmermann
'Project Description' => '',
4dbb0995 Moritz Bunkus
'Project Number' => '',
'Project Number missing!' => '',
b31d0c56 Moritz Bunkus
'Project Numbers' => '',
'Project Transactions' => '',
4dbb0995 Moritz Bunkus
'Project deleted!' => '',
'Project not on file!' => '',
'Project saved!' => '',
'Projects' => '',
b31d0c56 Moritz Bunkus
'Projecttransactions' => '',
'Prozentual/Absolut' => '',
'Purchase Invoice' => '',
4dbb0995 Moritz Bunkus
'Purchase Order' => '',
'Purchase Orders' => '',
b31d0c56 Moritz Bunkus
'Purchase Price' => '',
'Purchase Prices' => '',
'Purchase delivery order' => '',
'Purchase invoices' => '',
54ddc03b Sven Donath
'Purchase net amount' => '',
'Purchase price' => '',
'Purchase price total' => '',
2dbb0236 Sven Schöling
'Purpose' => '',
4dbb0995 Moritz Bunkus
'Qty' => '',
b31d0c56 Moritz Bunkus
'Qty according to delivery order' => '',
c0318621 Niclas Zimmermann
'Qty in Selected Records' => '',
b31d0c56 Moritz Bunkus
'Qty in stock' => '',
'Quantity' => '',
'Quantity missing.' => '',
'Quartal' => '',
'Quarter' => '',
'Quarterly' => '',
'Queue' => '',
'Quotation' => '',
'Quotation Date' => '',
'Quotation Date missing!' => '',
'Quotation Number' => '',
'Quotation Number missing!' => '',
'Quotation deleted!' => '',
'Quotations' => '',
c0318621 Niclas Zimmermann
'Quote character' => '',
b31d0c56 Moritz Bunkus
'Quote chararacter' => '',
'Quoted' => '',
c0318621 Niclas Zimmermann
'Quotes' => '',
b31d0c56 Moritz Bunkus
'RFQ' => '',
54ddc03b Sven Donath
'RFQ Date' => '',
b31d0c56 Moritz Bunkus
'RFQ Number' => '',
'RFQs' => '',
4dbb0995 Moritz Bunkus
'ROP' => '',
b31d0c56 Moritz Bunkus
'Ranges of numbers' => '',
'Ranges of numbers and default accounts' => '',
'Re-run analysis' => '',
4dbb0995 Moritz Bunkus
'Receipt' => '',
b31d0c56 Moritz Bunkus
'Receipt posted!' => '',
'Receipt, payment, reconciliation' => '',
4dbb0995 Moritz Bunkus
'Receipts' => '',
'Receivables' => '',
b31d0c56 Moritz Bunkus
'Rechnungsnummer' => '',
4dbb0995 Moritz Bunkus
'Reconciliation' => '',
4b937d1a Sven Donath
'Record Vendor Invoice' => '',
4dbb0995 Moritz Bunkus
'Record in' => '',
b31d0c56 Moritz Bunkus
'Recorded Tax' => '',
'Recorded taxkey' => '',
4dbb0995 Moritz Bunkus
'Reference' => '',
c0318621 Niclas Zimmermann
'Reference / Invoice Number' => '',
4dbb0995 Moritz Bunkus
'Reference missing!' => '',
b31d0c56 Moritz Bunkus
'Release From Stock' => '',
4dbb0995 Moritz Bunkus
'Remaining' => '',
54ddc03b Sven Donath
'Remittance information prefix' => '',
b31d0c56 Moritz Bunkus
'Removal' => '',
'Removal from Warehouse' => '',
'Removal from warehouse' => '',
'Removal qty' => '',
'Remove' => '',
'Remove Draft' => '',
'Remove draft when posting' => '',
'Removed spoolfiles!' => '',
'Removing marked entries from queue ...' => '',
'Rename the group' => '',
'Report Positions' => '',
1de53cbf Sven Donath
'Report about warehouse contents' => '',
'Report about warehouse transactions' => '',
b31d0c56 Moritz Bunkus
'Report and misc. Preferences' => '',
4dbb0995 Moritz Bunkus
'Report for' => '',
'Reports' => '',
7eff31cf Bernd Bleßmann
'Representative' => '',
b31d0c56 Moritz Bunkus
'Reqdate' => '',
'Request for Quotation' => '',
'Request for Quotations' => '',
'Request quotation' => '',
2dbb0236 Sven Schöling
'Requested execution date' => '',
'Requested execution date from' => '',
'Requested execution date to' => '',
4dbb0995 Moritz Bunkus
'Required by' => '',
c0318621 Niclas Zimmermann
'Reset' => '',
b31d0c56 Moritz Bunkus
'Restore Dataset' => '',
'Revenue' => '',
'Revenue Account' => '',
'Revenues EU with UStId' => '',
'Revenues EU without UStId' => '',
54ddc03b Sven Donath
'Review of Aging list' => '',
b31d0c56 Moritz Bunkus
'Right' => '',
'SAVED' => '',
'SCREENED' => '',
2dbb0236 Sven Schöling
'SEPA XML download' => '',
54ddc03b Sven Donath
'SEPA creditor ID' => '',
2dbb0236 Sven Schöling
'SEPA exports:' => '',
54ddc03b Sven Donath
'SEPA strings' => '',
b31d0c56 Moritz Bunkus
'Saldo Credit' => '',
'Saldo Debit' => '',
'Saldo neu' => '',
'Saldo per' => '',
'Sale Prices' => '',
4dbb0995 Moritz Bunkus
'Sales Invoice' => '',
b31d0c56 Moritz Bunkus
'Sales Invoices' => '',
4dbb0995 Moritz Bunkus
'Sales Order' => '',
'Sales Orders' => '',
c0318621 Niclas Zimmermann
'Sales Price information' => '',
54ddc03b Sven Donath
'Sales Report' => '',
b31d0c56 Moritz Bunkus
'Sales and purchase invoices with inventory transactions with taxkeys' => '',
'Sales delivery order' => '',
'Sales invoice number' => '',
'Sales invoices' => '',
54ddc03b Sven Donath
'Sales margin' => '',
'Sales margin %' => '',
'Sales net amount' => '',
'Sales price' => '',
'Sales price total' => '',
b31d0c56 Moritz Bunkus
'Sales quotation' => '',
'Salesman' => '',
4dbb0995 Moritz Bunkus
'Salesperson' => '',
b31d0c56 Moritz Bunkus
'Same as the quote character' => '',
'Sat. Fax' => '',
'Sat. Phone' => '',
'Satz %' => '',
4dbb0995 Moritz Bunkus
'Save' => '',
2dbb0236 Sven Schöling
'Save Draft' => '',
b31d0c56 Moritz Bunkus
'Save account first to insert taxkeys' => '',
'Save and AP Transaction' => '',
'Save and AR Transaction' => '',
'Save and Close' => '',
'Save and Invoice' => '',
'Save and Order' => '',
'Save and Quotation' => '',
'Save and RFQ' => '',
'Save and close' => '',
4dbb0995 Moritz Bunkus
'Save as new' => '',
b31d0c56 Moritz Bunkus
'Save draft' => '',
c0318621 Niclas Zimmermann
'Save profile' => '',
'Save settings as' => '',
b31d0c56 Moritz Bunkus
'Saving the file \'%s\' failed. OS error message: %s' => '',
4dbb0995 Moritz Bunkus
'Screen' => '',
4b937d1a Sven Donath
'Search AP Aging' => '',
'Search AR Aging' => '',
c0318621 Niclas Zimmermann
'Search contacts' => '',
'Search term' => '',
b31d0c56 Moritz Bunkus
'Searchable' => '',
c0318621 Niclas Zimmermann
'Secondary sorting' => '',
b31d0c56 Moritz Bunkus
'Select' => '',
'Select a Customer' => '',
'Select a customer' => '',
'Select a part' => '',
'Select a part or assembly' => '',
'Select a period' => '',
'Select a vendor' => '',
4dbb0995 Moritz Bunkus
'Select all' => '',
b31d0c56 Moritz Bunkus
'Select federal state...' => '',
4dbb0995 Moritz Bunkus
'Select from one of the items below' => '',
'Select from one of the names below' => '',
'Select from one of the projects below' => '',
'Select postscript or PDF!' => '',
b31d0c56 Moritz Bunkus
'Select tax office...' => '',
'Select the chart of accounts in use' => '',
'Select the checkboxes that match users to the groups they should belong to.' => '',
'Select type of removal' => '',
'Select type of transfer' => '',
6c6fffef Sven Donath
'Selected' => '',
b31d0c56 Moritz Bunkus
'Selection' => '',
'Selection fields: The option field must contain the available options for the selection. Options are separated by \'##\', for example \'Early##Normal##Late\'.' => '',
4dbb0995 Moritz Bunkus
'Sell Price' => '',
c0318621 Niclas Zimmermann
'Sellprice' => '',
'Sellprice adjustment' => '',
'Sellprice for price group \'#1\'' => '',
'Sellprice significant places' => '',
'Semicolon' => '',
b31d0c56 Moritz Bunkus
'Send the backup via Email' => '',
4dbb0995 Moritz Bunkus
'Sep' => '',
c0318621 Niclas Zimmermann
'Separator' => '',
b31d0c56 Moritz Bunkus
'Separator chararacter' => '',
4dbb0995 Moritz Bunkus
'September' => '',
b31d0c56 Moritz Bunkus
'Serial No.' => '',
'Serial Number' => '',
4dbb0995 Moritz Bunkus
'Service' => '',
'Service Items' => '',
'Service Number missing!' => '',
b31d0c56 Moritz Bunkus
'Service unit' => '',
4dbb0995 Moritz Bunkus
'Services' => '',
b31d0c56 Moritz Bunkus
'Set Language Values' => '',
'Set eMail text' => '',
c0318621 Niclas Zimmermann
'Settings' => '',
b31d0c56 Moritz Bunkus
'Setup Menu' => '',
4dbb0995 Moritz Bunkus
'Setup Templates' => '',
'Ship to' => '',
'Ship via' => '',
b31d0c56 Moritz Bunkus
'Shipping Address' => '',
'Shipping Point' => '',
'Shipto' => '',
c0318621 Niclas Zimmermann
'Shipto deleted.' => '',
'Shipto is in use and was flagged invalid.' => '',
b31d0c56 Moritz Bunkus
'Shopartikel' => '',
4dbb0995 Moritz Bunkus
'Short' => '',
b31d0c56 Moritz Bunkus
'Show' => '',
c0318621 Niclas Zimmermann
'Show Filter' => '',
2dbb0236 Sven Schöling
'Show Salesman' => '',
b31d0c56 Moritz Bunkus
'Show TODO list' => '',
'Show by default' => '',
2dbb0236 Sven Schöling
'Show custom variable search inputs' => '',
b31d0c56 Moritz Bunkus
'Show details' => '',
'Show follow ups...' => '',
c0318621 Niclas Zimmermann
'Show help text' => '',
'Show items from invoices individually' => '',
b31d0c56 Moritz Bunkus
'Show old dunnings' => '',
'Show overdue sales quotations and requests for quotations...' => '',
'Show your TODO list after loggin in' => '',
4dbb0995 Moritz Bunkus
'Signature' => '',
b31d0c56 Moritz Bunkus
'Since bin is not enforced in the parts data, please specify a bin where goods without a specified bin will be put.' => '',
c0318621 Niclas Zimmermann
'Single quotes' => '',
'Single values in item mode, cumulated values in invoice mode' => '',
b31d0c56 Moritz Bunkus
'Skip' => '',
'Skonto' => '',
'Skonto Terms' => '',
4dbb0995 Moritz Bunkus
'Sold' => '',
b31d0c56 Moritz Bunkus
'Solution' => '',
c0318621 Niclas Zimmermann
'Sort By' => '',
4dbb0995 Moritz Bunkus
'Source' => '',
2dbb0236 Sven Schöling
'Source BIC' => '',
'Source IBAN' => '',
'Source bank account' => '',
b31d0c56 Moritz Bunkus
'Source bin' => '',
c0318621 Niclas Zimmermann
'Space' => '',
'Split entry detected. The values you have entered will result in an entry with more than one position on both debit and credit. Due to known problems involving accounting software Lx-Office does not allow these.' => '',
b31d0c56 Moritz Bunkus
'Spoolfile' => '',
'Start Dunning Process' => '',
'Start analysis' => '',
ad7247ec Sven Donath
'Start date' => '',
b31d0c56 Moritz Bunkus
'Start the correction assistant' => '',
'Startdate_coa' => '',
'Starting Balance' => '',
c0318621 Niclas Zimmermann
'Starting with version 2.6.3 the configuration files in "config" have been consolidated.' => '',
4dbb0995 Moritz Bunkus
'Statement' => '',
'Statement Balance' => '',
'Statement sent to' => '',
'Statements sent to printer!' => '',
ad7247ec Sven Donath
'Status' => '',
b31d0c56 Moritz Bunkus
'Step 1 of 3: Parts' => '',
2dbb0236 Sven Schöling
'Step 2' => '',
b31d0c56 Moritz Bunkus
'Step 2 of 3: Services' => '',
'Step 3 of 3: Assemblies' => '',
'Step 3 of 3: Default units' => '',
'Steuersatz' => '',
4dbb0995 Moritz Bunkus
'Stock' => '',
c0318621 Niclas Zimmermann
'Stock Qty for Date' => '',
b31d0c56 Moritz Bunkus
'Stock value' => '',
c0318621 Niclas Zimmermann
'Stocked Qty' => '',
b31d0c56 Moritz Bunkus
'Storno' => '',
'Storno (one letter abbreviation)' => '',
'Storno Invoice' => '',
'Street' => '',
4dbb0995 Moritz Bunkus
'Stylesheet' => '',
'Subject' => '',
b31d0c56 Moritz Bunkus
'Subject:' => '',
4dbb0995 Moritz Bunkus
'Subtotal' => '',
c0318621 Niclas Zimmermann
'Subtotal cannot distinguish betweens record types. Only one of the selected record types will be displayed: #1' => '',
b31d0c56 Moritz Bunkus
'Such entries cannot be exported into the DATEV format and have to be fixed as well.' => '',
'Sum Credit' => '',
'Sum Debit' => '',
'Sum for' => '',
'Sum per' => '',
'Summen- und Saldenliste' => '',
'Superuser name' => '',
a11b9390 Sven Donath
'Supplies' => '',
1de53cbf Sven Donath
'Switch Menu on / off' => '',
4dbb0995 Moritz Bunkus
'System' => '',
c0318621 Niclas Zimmermann
'System currently down for maintenance!' => '',
b31d0c56 Moritz Bunkus
'TODO list' => '',
'TODO list options' => '',
'TOP100' => '',
'TOTAL' => '',
c0318621 Niclas Zimmermann
'Tab' => '',
2dbb0236 Sven Schöling
'Target bank account' => '',
c0318621 Niclas Zimmermann
'Target table' => '',
4dbb0995 Moritz Bunkus
'Tax' => '',
b31d0c56 Moritz Bunkus
'Tax Consultant' => '',
4dbb0995 Moritz Bunkus
'Tax Included' => '',
b31d0c56 Moritz Bunkus
'Tax Number' => '',
'Tax Number / SSN' => '',
'Tax Office' => '',
'Tax Office Preferences' => '',
'Tax Percent is a number between 0 and 100' => '',
'Tax Period' => '',
'Tax Position' => '',
4dbb0995 Moritz Bunkus
'Tax collected' => '',
b31d0c56 Moritz Bunkus
'Tax deleted!' => '',
'Tax number' => '',
4dbb0995 Moritz Bunkus
'Tax paid' => '',
b31d0c56 Moritz Bunkus
'Tax saved!' => '',
'Tax-O-Matic' => '',
'Tax-o-matic Account' => '',
'Taxaccount_coa' => '',
'Taxation' => '',
'Taxdescription missing!' => '',
'Taxdescription_coa' => '',
'Taxes' => '',
'Taxkey' => '',
'Taxkey missing!' => '',
'Taxkey_coa' => '',
'Taxkeys and Taxreport Preferences' => '',
'Taxlink_coa' => '',
'Taxnumber' => '',
'Taxrate missing!' => '',
'Tel' => '',
'Tel.' => '',
'Telephone' => '',
'Template' => '',
'Template Code' => '',
'Template Code missing!' => '',
'Template database' => '',
4dbb0995 Moritz Bunkus
'Templates' => '',
b31d0c56 Moritz Bunkus
'Terms missing in row ' => '',
c0318621 Niclas Zimmermann
'Test and preview' => '',
b31d0c56 Moritz Bunkus
'Test connection' => '',
'Text field' => '',
'Text field variables: \'WIDTH=w HEIGHT=h\' sets the width and height of the text field. They default to 30 and 5 respectively.' => '',
'Text variables: \'MAXLENGTH=n\' sets the maximum entry length to \'n\'.' => '',
'Text, text field and number variables: The default value will be used as-is.' => '',
2dbb0236 Sven Schöling
'That export does not exist.' => '',
b31d0c56 Moritz Bunkus
'The \'tag\' field must only consist of alphanumeric characters or the carachters - _ ( )' => '',
'The AP transaction #1 has been deleted.' => '',
'The AR transaction #1 has been deleted.' => '',
'The GL transaction #1 has been deleted.' => '',
ad7247ec Sven Donath
'The LDAP server "#1:#2" is unreachable. Please check config/lx_office.conf.' => '',
2dbb0236 Sven Schöling
'The SEPA export has been created.' => '',
54ddc03b Sven Donath
'The SEPA strings have been saved.' => '',
b31d0c56 Moritz Bunkus
'The access rights have been saved.' => '',
7eff31cf Bernd Bleßmann
'The account 3804 already exists, the update will be skipped.' => '',
'The account 3804 will not be added automatically.' => '',
c0318621 Niclas Zimmermann
'The application "#1" was not found on the system.' => '',
b31d0c56 Moritz Bunkus
'The assembly has been created.' => '',
'The assistant could not find anything wrong with #1. Maybe the problem has been solved in the meantime.' => '',
c0318621 Niclas Zimmermann
'The authentication configuration file &quot;config/lx_office.conf&quot; does not exist. This kivitendo installation has probably not been updated correctly yet. Please contact your administrator.' => '',
b31d0c56 Moritz Bunkus
'The authentication database is not reachable at the moment. Either it hasn\'t been set up yet or the database server might be down. Please contact your administrator.' => '',
'The available options depend on the varibale type:' => '',
'The backup you upload here has to be a file created with &quot;pg_dump -o -Ft&quot;.' => '',
2dbb0236 Sven Schöling
'The bank information must not be empty.' => '',
b31d0c56 Moritz Bunkus
'The base unit does not exist or it is about to be deleted in row %d.' => '',
'The base unit does not exist.' => '',
'The base unit relations must not contain loops (e.g. by saying that unit A\'s base unit is B, B\'s base unit is C and C\'s base unit is A) in row %d.' => '',
c0318621 Niclas Zimmermann
'The business has been created.' => '',
'The business has been deleted.' => '',
'The business has been saved.' => '',
'The business is in use and cannot be deleted.' => '',
'The changing of tax-o-matic account is NOT recommended, but if you do so please also (re)configure buchungsgruppen and reconfigure ALL charts which point to this tax-o-matic account. ' => '',
b31d0c56 Moritz Bunkus
'The columns &quot;Dunning Duedate&quot;, &quot;Total Fees&quot; and &quot;Interest&quot; show data for the previous dunning created for this invoice.' => '',
ad7247ec Sven Donath
'The connection to the LDAP server cannot be encrypted (SSL/TLS startup failure). Please check config/lx_office.conf.' => '',
b31d0c56 Moritz Bunkus
'The connection to the authentication database failed:' => '',
'The connection to the database could not be established.' => '',
'The connection to the template database failed:' => '',
'The connection was established successfully.' => '',
'The creation of the authentication database failed:' => '',
'The custom variable has been deleted.' => '',
'The custom variable has been saved.' => '',
373dd6d4 Sven Schöling
'The database #1 has been successfully deleted.' => '',
c0318621 Niclas Zimmermann
'The database for user management and authentication does not exist. You can create let kivitendo create it with the following parameters:' => '',
373dd6d4 Sven Schöling
'The database update/creation did not succeed. The file #1 contained the following error:' => '',
b31d0c56 Moritz Bunkus
'The database upgrade for the introduction of Buchungsgruppen is now complete.' => '',
'The database upgrade for the introduction of units is now complete.' => '',
373dd6d4 Sven Schöling
'The dataset #1 has been successfully created.' => '',
'The dataset backup has been sent via email to #1.' => '',
b31d0c56 Moritz Bunkus
'The dataset has to exist before a restoration can be started.' => '',
'The dataset name is missing.' => '',
c0318621 Niclas Zimmermann
'The deductible amount' => '',
b31d0c56 Moritz Bunkus
'The default value depends on the variable type:' => '',
'The delivery order has not been marked as delivered. The warehouse contents have not changed.' => '',
c0318621 Niclas Zimmermann
'The department has been created.' => '',
'The department has been deleted.' => '',
'The department has been saved.' => '',
'The department is in use and cannot be deleted.' => '',
b31d0c56 Moritz Bunkus
'The description is missing.' => '',
'The description is shown on the form. Chose something short and descriptive.' => '',
'The directory "%s" could not be created:\n%s' => '',
'The directory %s does not exist.' => '',
c0318621 Niclas Zimmermann
'The discount in percent' => '',
'The discount must be less than 100%.' => '',
'The discount must not be negative.' => '',
b31d0c56 Moritz Bunkus
'The dunning process started' => '',
'The dunnings have been printed.' => '',
'The email address is missing.' => '',
ad7247ec Sven Donath
'The end date is the last day for which invoices will possibly be created.' => '',
b31d0c56 Moritz Bunkus
'The factor is missing in row %d.' => '',
'The factor is missing.' => '',
c0318621 Niclas Zimmermann
'The first reason is that kivitendo contained a bug which resulted in the wrong taxkeys being recorded for transactions in which two entries are posted for the same chart with different taxkeys.' => '',
b31d0c56 Moritz Bunkus
'The follow-up date is missing.' => '',
'The following Buchungsgruppen have already been created:' => '',
4dbb0995 Moritz Bunkus
'The following Datasets need to be updated' => '',
b31d0c56 Moritz Bunkus
'The following drafts have been saved and can be loaded.' => '',
c0318621 Niclas Zimmermann
'The following old files whose settings have to be merged manually into the new configuration file "config/lx_office.conf" still exist:' => '',
b31d0c56 Moritz Bunkus
'The following transaction contains wrong taxes:' => '',
'The following transaction contains wrong taxkeys:' => '',
'The following units are unknown.' => '',
'The following units exist already:' => '',
'The following users have been migrated into the authentication database:' => '',
'The following warnings occured during an upgrade to the document templates:' => '',
'The formula needs the following syntax:<br>For regular article:<br>Variablename= Variable Unit;<br>Variablename2= Variable2 Unit2;<br>...<br>###<br>Variable + ( Variable2 / Variable )<br><b>Please be beware of the spaces in the formula</b><br>' => '',
'The greetings have been saved.' => '',
'The group has been added.' => '',
'The group has been deleted.' => '',
'The group has been saved.' => '',
'The group memberships have been saved.' => '',
'The group name is missing.' => '',
'The list has been printed.' => '',
c0318621 Niclas Zimmermann
'The long description is missing.' => '',
b31d0c56 Moritz Bunkus
'The name in row %d has already been used before.' => '',
'The name is missing in row %d.' => '',
'The name is missing.' => '',
'The name must only consist of letters, numbers and underscores and start with a letter.' => '',
c0318621 Niclas Zimmermann
'The number of days for full payment' => '',
373dd6d4 Sven Schöling
'The old file containing the user information is still present (&quot;#1&quot;). Do you want to migrate these users into the database? If not then you will not be able to log in with any of the users present in the old file.' => '',
b31d0c56 Moritz Bunkus
'The option field is empty.' => '',
'The parts for this delivery order have already been transferred in.' => '',
'The parts for this delivery order have already been transferred out.' => '',
'The parts have been removed.' => '',
'The parts have been stocked.' => '',
'The parts have been transferred.' => '',
ad7247ec Sven Donath
'The password is too long (maximum length: #1).' => '',
'The password is too short (minimum length: #1).' => '',
'The password is weak (e.g. it can be found in a dictionary).' => '',
c0318621 Niclas Zimmermann
'The payment term has been created.' => '',
'The payment term has been deleted.' => '',
'The payment term has been saved.' => '',
'The payment term is in use and cannot be deleted.' => '',
2dbb0236 Sven Schöling
'The payments have been posted.' => '',
b31d0c56 Moritz Bunkus
'The pg_dump process could not be started.' => '',
'The pg_restore process could not be started.' => '',
'The preferred one is to install packages provided by your operating system distribution (e.g. Debian or RPM packages).' => '',
c0318621 Niclas Zimmermann
'The profile \'#1\' has been deleted.' => '',
'The profile has been saved under the name \'#1\'.' => '',
373dd6d4 Sven Schöling
'The program\'s exit code was #1 (&quot;0&quot; usually means that everything went OK).' => '',
b31d0c56 Moritz Bunkus
'The project has been added.' => '',
'The project has been saved.' => '',
'The restoration process has started. Here\'s the output of the &quot;pg_restore&quot; command:' => '',
'The restoration process is complete. Please review &quot;pg_restore&quot;\'s output to find out if the restoration was successful.' => '',
c0318621 Niclas Zimmermann
'The second reason is that kivitendo allowed the user to enter the tax amount manually regardless of the taxkey used.' => '',
b31d0c56 Moritz Bunkus
'The second way is to use Perl\'s CPAN module and let it download and install the module for you.' => '',
'The selected PostgreSQL installation uses UTF-8 as its encoding. Therefore you have to configure Lx-Office to use UTF-8 as well.' => '',
2dbb0236 Sven Schöling
'The selected bank account does not exist anymore.' => '',
b31d0c56 Moritz Bunkus
'The selected bin does not exist.' => '',
c0318621 Niclas Zimmermann
'The selected currency' => '',
2dbb0236 Sven Schöling
'The selected exports have been closed.' => '',
b31d0c56 Moritz Bunkus
'The selected warehouse does not exist.' => '',
8633bf54 Sven Donath
'The selected warehouse is empty, or no stocked items where found that match the filter settings.' => '',
b31d0c56 Moritz Bunkus
'The session is invalid or has expired.' => '',
ad7247ec Sven Donath
'The settings were saved, but the password was not changed.' => '',
b31d0c56 Moritz Bunkus
'The source warehouse does not contain any bins.' => '',
ad7247ec Sven Donath
'The start date is missing.' => '',
b31d0c56 Moritz Bunkus
'The subject is missing.' => '',
'The tables for user management and authentication do not exist. They will be created in the next step in the following database:' => '',
'The tabulator character' => '',
'The third way is to download the module from the above mentioned URL and to install the module manually following the installations instructions contained in the source archive.' => '',
'The transaction is shown below in its current state.' => '',
'The unit has been saved.' => '',
'The unit in row %d has been deleted in the meantime.' => '',
'The unit in row %d has been used in the meantime and cannot be changed anymore.' => '',
'The units have been saved.' => '',
'The user is a member in the following group(s):' => '',
'The user migration process is complete.' => '',
'The variable name must only consist of letters, numbers and underscores. It must begin with a letter. Example: send_christmas_present' => '',
'The warehouse could not be deleted because it has already been used.' => '',
'The warehouse does not contain any bins.' => '',
'The warehouse or the bin is missing.' => '',
'The wrong taxkeys for AP and AR transactions have been fixed.' => '',
'The wrong taxkeys for inventory transactions for sales and purchase invoices have been fixed.' => '',
'The wrong taxkeys have been fixed.' => '',
7eff31cf Bernd Bleßmann
'There are #1 more open invoices for this customer with other currencies.' => '',
'There are #1 more open invoices from this vendor with other currencies.' => '',
b31d0c56 Moritz Bunkus
'There are #1 unfinished follow-ups of which #2 are due.' => '',
7eff31cf Bernd Bleßmann
'There are bookings to the account 3803 after 01.01.2007. If you didn\'t change this account manually to 19% the bookings are probably incorrect.' => '',
b31d0c56 Moritz Bunkus
'There are four tax zones.' => '',
'There are no items in stock.' => '',
'There are no items on your TODO list at the moment.' => '',
'There are still entries in the database for which no unit has been assigned.' => '',
c0318621 Niclas Zimmermann
'There are still transfers not matching the qty of the delivery order. Stock operations can not be changed later. Do you really want to proceed?' => '',
b31d0c56 Moritz Bunkus
'There are usually three ways to install Perl modules.' => '',
c0318621 Niclas Zimmermann
'There is at least one sales or purchase invoice for which kivitendo recorded an inventory transaction with taxkeys even though no tax was recorded.' => '',
b31d0c56 Moritz Bunkus
'There is at least one transaction for which the user has chosen a logically wrong taxkey.' => '',
7eff31cf Bernd Bleßmann
'There is not enough available of \'#1\' at warehouse \'#2\', bin \'#3\', #4, #5, for the transfer of #6.' => '',
73a404b5 Bernd Bleßmann
'There is not enough available of \'#1\' at warehouse \'#2\', bin \'#3\', #4, for the transfer of #5.' => '',
b31d0c56 Moritz Bunkus
'There is not enough left of \'#1\' in bin \'#2\' for the removal of #3.' => '',
'There is nothing to do in this step.' => '',
c0318621 Niclas Zimmermann
'Therefore the definition of "kg" with the base unit "g" and a factor of 1000 is valid while defining "g" with a base unit of "kg" and a factor of "0.001" is not.' => '',
b31d0c56 Moritz Bunkus
'Therefore there\'s no need to create the same article more than once if it is sold or bought in/from another tax zone.' => '',
c0318621 Niclas Zimmermann
'These units can be based on other units so that kivitendo can convert prices when the user switches from one unit to another.' => '',
b31d0c56 Moritz Bunkus
'These wrong entries cannot be fixed automatically.' => '',
c0318621 Niclas Zimmermann
'This corresponds to kivitendo\'s behavior prior to version 2.4.4.' => '',
b31d0c56 Moritz Bunkus
'This could have happened for two reasons:' => '',
'This customer number is already in use.' => '',
'This group will be called &quot;Full Access&quot;.' => '',
373dd6d4 Sven Schöling
'This installation uses an unknown chart of accounts (&quot;#1&quot;). This database upgrade cannot create standard buchungsgruppen automatically.' => '',
4dbb0995 Moritz Bunkus
'This is a preliminary check for existing sources. Nothing will be created or deleted at this stage!' => '',
b31d0c56 Moritz Bunkus
'This list is capped at 15 items to keep it fast. If you need a full list, please use reports.' => '',
'This means that the user has created an AP transaction and chosen a taxkey for sales taxes, or that he has created an AR transaction and chosen a taxkey for input taxes.' => '',
'This module can help you identify and correct such entries by analyzing the general ledger and presenting you likely solutions but also allowing you to fix problems yourself.' => '',
'This transaction has to be split into several transactions manually.' => '',
'This update will change the nature the onhand of goods is tracked.' => '',
'This upgrade script tries to map all existing parts in the database to the newly created Buchungsgruppen.' => '',
'This upgrade script tries to map all existing units in the database to the newly created units.' => '',
'This vendor number is already in use.' => '',
'Time period for the analysis:' => '',
'Timestamp' => '',
'Title' => '',
4dbb0995 Moritz Bunkus
'To' => '',
b31d0c56 Moritz Bunkus
'To (email)' => '',
'To (time)' => '',
'To Date' => '',
373dd6d4 Sven Schöling
'To add a user to a group edit a name, change the login name and save. A new user with the same variables will then be saved under the new login name.' => '',
b31d0c56 Moritz Bunkus
'Top' => '',
'Top (CSS)' => '',
'Top (CSS) new' => '',
'Top (Javascript)' => '',
'Top 100' => '',
'Top 100 hinzufuegen' => '',
4dbb0995 Moritz Bunkus
'Top Level' => '',
'Total' => '',
b31d0c56 Moritz Bunkus
'Total Fees' => '',
'Total stock value' => '',
c0318621 Niclas Zimmermann
'Total sum' => '',
b31d0c56 Moritz Bunkus
'Totals' => '',
'Trade Discount' => '',
'Trans Id' => '',
'Trans Type' => '',
'Transaction' => '',
'Transaction %d cancelled.' => '',
4dbb0995 Moritz Bunkus
'Transaction Date missing!' => '',
b31d0c56 Moritz Bunkus
'Transaction ID missing.' => '',
4dbb0995 Moritz Bunkus
'Transaction deleted!' => '',
b31d0c56 Moritz Bunkus
'Transaction description' => '',
'Transaction has already been cancelled!' => '',
'Transaction has been split on both the credit and the debit side' => '',
4dbb0995 Moritz Bunkus
'Transaction posted!' => '',
b31d0c56 Moritz Bunkus
'Transactions, AR transactions, AP transactions' => '',
7eff31cf Bernd Bleßmann
'Transdate' => '',
b31d0c56 Moritz Bunkus
'Transfer' => '',
'Transfer Quantity' => '',
'Transfer To Stock' => '',
'Transfer from warehouse' => '',
'Transfer in' => '',
'Transfer out' => '',
'Transfer qty' => '',
c0318621 Niclas Zimmermann
'Translation' => '',
4dbb0995 Moritz Bunkus
'Trial Balance' => '',
b31d0c56 Moritz Bunkus
'Trial balance between %s and %s' => '',
'Trying to call a sub without a name' => '',
'Type' => '',
c0318621 Niclas Zimmermann
'Type can be either \'part\' or \'service\'.' => '',
b31d0c56 Moritz Bunkus
'Type of Business' => '',
7eff31cf Bernd Bleßmann
'Type of Customer' => '',
'Type of Vendor' => '',
b31d0c56 Moritz Bunkus
'USTVA' => '',
'USTVA 2004' => '',
'USTVA 2005' => '',
'USTVA 2006' => '',
'USTVA 2007' => '',
'USTVA-Hint: Method' => '',
'USTVA-Hint: Tax Authoritys' => '',
'USt-IdNr.' => '',
'USt-Konto' => '',
'UStVA' => '',
'UStVA (PDF-Dokument)' => '',
'UStVa' => '',
'UStVa Einstellungen' => '',
'Unbalanced Ledger' => '',
'Unchecked custom variables will not appear in orders and invoices.' => '',
'Unfinished follow-ups' => '',
4dbb0995 Moritz Bunkus
'Unit' => '',
c0318621 Niclas Zimmermann
'Unit (if missing or empty default unit will be used)' => '',
b31d0c56 Moritz Bunkus
'Unit missing.' => '',
4dbb0995 Moritz Bunkus
'Unit of measure' => '',
b31d0c56 Moritz Bunkus
'Units marked for deletion will be deleted upon saving.' => '',
'Units that have already been used (e.g. for parts and services or in invoices or warehouse transactions) cannot be changed.' => '',
'Unknown Category' => '',
'Unknown Link' => '',
'Unknown chart of accounts' => '',
'Unknown dependency \'%s\'.' => '',
'Unknown problem type.' => '',
'Unlock System' => '',
'Until' => '',
4dbb0995 Moritz Bunkus
'Update' => '',
'Update Dataset' => '',
b31d0c56 Moritz Bunkus
'Update Prices' => '',
7eff31cf Bernd Bleßmann
'Update SKR04: new tax account 3804 (19%)' => '',
b31d0c56 Moritz Bunkus
'Update complete' => '',
'Update prices' => '',
c0318621 Niclas Zimmermann
'Update prices of existing entries' => '',
b31d0c56 Moritz Bunkus
'Update?' => '',
4dbb0995 Moritz Bunkus
'Updated' => '',
c0318621 Niclas Zimmermann
'Updating prices of existing entry in database' => '',
'Uploaded on #1, size #2 kB' => '',
b31d0c56 Moritz Bunkus
'Use As Template' => '',
4dbb0995 Moritz Bunkus
'Use Templates' => '',
'User' => '',
b31d0c56 Moritz Bunkus
'User Config' => '',
4b937d1a Sven Donath
'User Login' => '',
b31d0c56 Moritz Bunkus
'User data migration' => '',
4dbb0995 Moritz Bunkus
'User deleted!' => '',
b31d0c56 Moritz Bunkus
'User migration complete' => '',
'User name' => '',
4dbb0995 Moritz Bunkus
'User saved!' => '',
7eff31cf Bernd Bleßmann
'Username' => '',
6c6fffef Sven Donath
'Users in this group' => '',
b31d0c56 Moritz Bunkus
'Ust-IDNr' => '',
'Valid from' => '',
'Valid until' => '',
'Value' => '',
'Variable' => '',
4b937d1a Sven Donath
'Variable Description' => '',
'Variable Name' => '',
4dbb0995 Moritz Bunkus
'Vendor' => '',
c0318621 Niclas Zimmermann
'Vendor (name)' => '',
4dbb0995 Moritz Bunkus
'Vendor Invoice' => '',
b31d0c56 Moritz Bunkus
'Vendor Invoices' => '',
7eff31cf Bernd Bleßmann
'Vendor Name' => '',
b31d0c56 Moritz Bunkus
'Vendor Number' => '',
7eff31cf Bernd Bleßmann
'Vendor Order Number' => '',
4dbb0995 Moritz Bunkus
'Vendor deleted!' => '',
b31d0c56 Moritz Bunkus
'Vendor details' => '',
4dbb0995 Moritz Bunkus
'Vendor missing!' => '',
b31d0c56 Moritz Bunkus
'Vendor not on file or locked!' => '',
4dbb0995 Moritz Bunkus
'Vendor not on file!' => '',
'Vendor saved!' => '',
b31d0c56 Moritz Bunkus
'Vendor type' => '',
4dbb0995 Moritz Bunkus
'Vendors' => '',
b31d0c56 Moritz Bunkus
'Verrechnungseinheit' => '',
4dbb0995 Moritz Bunkus
'Version' => '',
c0318621 Niclas Zimmermann
'Version 2.4.0 introduces two new concepts: tax zones and Buchungsgruppen.' => '',
2dbb0236 Sven Schöling
'View SEPA export' => '',
b31d0c56 Moritz Bunkus
'View warehouse content' => '',
7eff31cf Bernd Bleßmann
'View/edit all employees sales documents' => '',
b31d0c56 Moritz Bunkus
'Von Konto: ' => '',
'WHJournal' => '',
'Warehouse' => '',
'Warehouse From' => '',
7eff31cf Bernd Bleßmann
'Warehouse Migration' => '',
b31d0c56 Moritz Bunkus
'Warehouse To' => '',
'Warehouse content' => '',
'Warehouse deleted.' => '',
'Warehouse management' => '',
'Warehouse saved.' => '',
'Warehouses' => '',
98a7dcf9 Sven Donath
'Warning' => '',
b31d0c56 Moritz Bunkus
'Warnings during template upgrade' => '',
'WebDAV link' => '',
39967a1f Sven Donath
'Webserver interface' => '',
4dbb0995 Moritz Bunkus
'Weight' => '',
b31d0c56 Moritz Bunkus
'Weight unit' => '',
4b937d1a Sven Donath
'What <b>term</b> you are looking for?' => '',
4dbb0995 Moritz Bunkus
'What type of item is this?' => '',
c0318621 Niclas Zimmermann
'Which is located at doc/Kivitendo-Dokumentation.pdf. Click here: ' => '',
b31d0c56 Moritz Bunkus
'With Extension Of Time' => '',
'Workflow Delivery Order' => '',
'Workflow purchase_order' => '',
'Workflow request_quotation' => '',
'Workflow sales_order' => '',
'Workflow sales_quotation' => '',
'Wrong Period' => '',
'Wrong date format!' => '',
'Wrong tax keys recorded' => '',
'Wrong taxes recorded' => '',
'YYYY' => '',
'Year' => '',
'Yearly' => '',
'Yearly taxreport not yet implemented' => '',
4dbb0995 Moritz Bunkus
'Yes' => '',
b31d0c56 Moritz Bunkus
'Yes, included by default' => '',
'Yes/No (Checkbox)' => '',
4dbb0995 Moritz Bunkus
'You are logged out!' => '',
b31d0c56 Moritz Bunkus
'You can also create new units now.' => '',
'You can also delete this transaction and re-enter it manually.' => '',
'You can correct this transaction by chosing the correct taxkeys from the drop down boxes and hitting the button "Fix transaction" afterwards.' => '',
'You can create a missing dataset by going back and chosing &quot;Create Dataset&quot;.' => '',
'You can create warehouses and bins via the menu "System -> Warehouses".' => '',
'You can declare different translations for singular and plural for each unit (e.g. &quot;day&quot; and &quot;days).' => '',
'You can either create a new database or chose an existing database.' => '',
c0318621 Niclas Zimmermann
'You can find information on the migration in the upgrade chapter of the documentation.' => '',
b31d0c56 Moritz Bunkus
'You can only delete datasets that are not in use.' => '',
c0318621 Niclas Zimmermann
'You can use the following strings in the long description and all translations. They will be replaced by their actual values by kivitendo before they\'re output.' => '',
b31d0c56 Moritz Bunkus
'You cannot adjust the price for pricegroup "#1" by a negative percentage.' => '',
'You cannot continue before all required modules are installed.' => '',
'You cannot continue until all unknown units have been mapped to known ones.' => '',
'You cannot create an invoice for delivery orders for different customers.' => '',
'You cannot create an invoice for delivery orders from different vendors.' => '',
4dbb0995 Moritz Bunkus
'You did not enter a name!' => '',
b31d0c56 Moritz Bunkus
'You do not have the permissions to access this function.' => '',
'You have entered or selected the following shipping address for this customer:' => '',
2dbb0236 Sven Schöling
'You have not added bank accounts yet.' => '',
b31d0c56 Moritz Bunkus
'You have not selected any delivery order.' => '',
2dbb0236 Sven Schöling
'You have not selected any export.' => '',
'You have not selected any item.' => '',
'You have selected none of the invoices.' => '',
b31d0c56 Moritz Bunkus
'You have to chose a dimension unit and a service unit which will then be assigned to those entries.' => '',
'You have to chose which unit to save for each of them.' => '',
c0318621 Niclas Zimmermann
'You have to create at least one group, grant it access to kivitendo\'s functions and assign users to it.' => '',
b31d0c56 Moritz Bunkus
'You have to create new Buchungsgruppen for all the combinations of inventory, income and expense accounts that have been used already.' => '',
c0318621 Niclas Zimmermann
'You have to define a unit as a multiple of a smaller unit.' => '',
2dbb0236 Sven Schöling
'You have to enter a company name in your user preferences (see the "Program" menu, "Preferences").' => '',
54ddc03b Sven Donath
'You have to enter the SEPA creditor ID in your user preferences (see the "Program" menu, "Preferences").' => '',
2dbb0236 Sven Schöling
'You have to fill in at least an account number, the bank code, the IBAN and the BIC.' => '',
373dd6d4 Sven Schöling
'You have to specify a department.' => '',
2dbb0236 Sven Schöling
'You have to specify an execution date for each antry.' => '',
b31d0c56 Moritz Bunkus
'You must chose a user.' => '',
373dd6d4 Sven Schöling
'You should create a backup of the database before proceeding because the backup might not be reversible.' => '',
b31d0c56 Moritz Bunkus
'You will now be forwarded to the administration panel.' => '',
'You\'re not editing a file.' => '',
'You\'ve already chosen the following limitations:' => '',
'Your PostgreSQL installationen uses UTF-8 as its encoding. Therefore you have to configure Lx-Office to use UTF-8 as well.' => '',
'Your TODO list' => '',
c0318621 Niclas Zimmermann
'Your account number' => '',
'Your bank' => '',
'Your bank code' => '',
b31d0c56 Moritz Bunkus
'Your browser does not currently support Javascript.' => '',
'Your download does not exist anymore. Please re-run the DATEV export assistant.' => '',
'Zeitpunkt' => '',
'Zeitraum' => '',
'Zero amount posting!' => '',
'Zip, City' => '',
'Zipcode' => '',
'Zusatz' => '',
'[email]' => '',
c0318621 Niclas Zimmermann
'absolute' => '',
b31d0c56 Moritz Bunkus
'account_description' => '',
'accrual' => '',
c0318621 Niclas Zimmermann
'action= not defined!' => '',
ad7247ec Sven Donath
'active' => '',
b31d0c56 Moritz Bunkus
'all entries' => '',
'ap_aging_list' => '',
'ar_aging_list' => '',
4dbb0995 Moritz Bunkus
'as at' => '',
b31d0c56 Moritz Bunkus
'assembly_list' => '',
c0318621 Niclas Zimmermann
'averaged values, in invoice mode only useful when filtered by a part' => '',
b31d0c56 Moritz Bunkus
'back' => '',
c0318621 Niclas Zimmermann
'balance' => '',
54ddc03b Sven Donath
'bank_collection_payment_list_#1' => '',
2dbb0236 Sven Schöling
'bank_transfer_payment_list_#1' => '',
'bankaccounts' => '',
'banktransfers' => '',
7eff31cf Bernd Bleßmann
'bestbefore #1' => '',
b31d0c56 Moritz Bunkus
'bin_list' => '',
'bis' => '',
'button' => '',
'cash' => '',
'chargenumber #1' => '',
'chart_of_accounts' => '',
'choice' => '',
'choice part' => '',
2dbb0236 Sven Schöling
'click here to edit cvars' => '',
b31d0c56 Moritz Bunkus
'close' => '',
2dbb0236 Sven Schöling
'closed' => '',
4b937d1a Sven Donath
'companylogo_subtitle' => '',
ad7247ec Sven Donath
'config/lx_office.conf: Key "DB_config" is missing.' => '',
'config/lx_office.conf: Key "authentication/ldap" is missing.' => '',
'config/lx_office.conf: Missing parameters in "authentication/database". Required parameters are "host", "db" and "user".' => '',
'config/lx_office.conf: Missing parameters in "authentication/ldap". Required parameters are "host", "attribute" and "base_dn".' => '',
c0318621 Niclas Zimmermann
'contact_list' => '',
b31d0c56 Moritz Bunkus
'continue' => '',
'correction' => '',
2dbb0236 Sven Schöling
'cp_greeting to cp_gender migration' => '',
b31d0c56 Moritz Bunkus
'customer' => '',
'customer_list' => '',
'debug' => '',
'delete' => '',
c0318621 Niclas Zimmermann
'delivered' => '',
b31d0c56 Moritz Bunkus
'deliverydate' => '',
'direct debit' => '',
'disposed' => '',
2828d156 Bernd Bleßmann
'do not include' => '',
b31d0c56 Moritz Bunkus
'done' => '',
'down' => '',
'dunning_list' => '',
'eMail Send?' => '',
'eMail?' => '',
4dbb0995 Moritz Bunkus
'ea' => '',
'emailed to' => '',
c0318621 Niclas Zimmermann
'empty' => '',
2dbb0236 Sven Schöling
'executed' => '',
b31d0c56 Moritz Bunkus
'female' => '',
'follow_up_list' => '',
'for' => '',
4dbb0995 Moritz Bunkus
'for Period' => '',
b31d0c56 Moritz Bunkus
'found' => '',
'from (time)' => '',
'general_ledger_list' => '',
'history' => '',
'history search engine' => '',
ad7247ec Sven Donath
'inactive' => '',
02a2e50f Geoffrey Richardson
'income' => '',
b31d0c56 Moritz Bunkus
'invoice' => '',
c0318621 Niclas Zimmermann
'invoice mode or item mode' => '',
b31d0c56 Moritz Bunkus
'invoice_list' => '',
c0318621 Niclas Zimmermann
'kivitendo' => '',
'kivitendo Homepage' => '',
'kivitendo can fix these problems automatically.' => '',
'kivitendo has been switched to group-based access restrictions.' => '',
'kivitendo has found one or more problems in the general ledger.' => '',
'kivitendo is about to update the database [ #1 ].' => '',
'kivitendo is now able to manage warehouses instead of just tracking the amount of goods in your system.' => '',
b31d0c56 Moritz Bunkus
'lead deleted!' => '',
'lead saved!' => '',
'list' => '',
'list_of_payments' => '',
'list_of_receipts' => '',
'list_of_transactions' => '',
c0318621 Niclas Zimmermann
'loading' => '',
b31d0c56 Moritz Bunkus
'logout' => '',
'male' => '',
'mark as paid' => '',
'missing' => '',
'month' => '',
ad7247ec Sven Donath
'monthly' => '',
b31d0c56 Moritz Bunkus
'new Window' => '',
c0318621 Niclas Zimmermann
'next' => '',
b31d0c56 Moritz Bunkus
'no' => '',
7eff31cf Bernd Bleßmann
'no bestbefore' => '',
b31d0c56 Moritz Bunkus
'no chargenumber' => '',
'none (pricegroup)' => '',
ad7247ec Sven Donath
'not configured' => '',
c0318621 Niclas Zimmermann
'not delivered' => '',
2dbb0236 Sven Schöling
'not executed' => '',
c0318621 Niclas Zimmermann
'not logged in' => '',
b31d0c56 Moritz Bunkus
'not transferred in yet' => '',
'not transferred out yet' => '',
2dbb0236 Sven Schöling
'not yet executed' => '',
b31d0c56 Moritz Bunkus
'number' => '',
' called with unknown type' => '',
c0318621 Niclas Zimmermann
'only OB Transactions' => '',
2dbb0236 Sven Schöling
'open' => '',
b31d0c56 Moritz Bunkus
'order' => '',
'our vendor number at customer' => '',
'part_list' => '',
c0318621 Niclas Zimmermann
'percental' => '',
02a2e50f Geoffrey Richardson
'periodic' => '',
'perpetual' => '',
b31d0c56 Moritz Bunkus
'pick_list' => '',
'plural first char' => '',
'pos_bilanz' => '',
'pos_bwa' => '',
'pos_eur' => '',
'pos_ustva' => '',
'posted!' => '',
c0318621 Niclas Zimmermann
'prev' => '',
b31d0c56 Moritz Bunkus
'print' => '',
'proforma' => '',
'project_list' => '',
'purchase_delivery_order_list' => '',
'purchase_order' => '',
'purchase_order_list' => '',
'quarter' => '',
ad7247ec Sven Donath
'quarterly' => '',
b31d0c56 Moritz Bunkus
'quotation_list' => '',
'release_material' => '',
c0318621 Niclas Zimmermann
'reorder item' => '',
b31d0c56 Moritz Bunkus
'report_generator_dispatch_to is not defined.' => '',
'report_generator_nextsub is not defined.' => '',
'request_quotation' => '',
'reset' => '',
'return_material' => '',
'rfq_list' => '',
'sales tax identification number' => '',
'sales_delivery_order_list' => '',
'sales_order' => '',
'sales_order_list' => '',
'sales_quotation' => '',
'saved' => '',
'saved!' => '',
'sent' => '',
4dbb0995 Moritz Bunkus
'sent to printer' => '',
b31d0c56 Moritz Bunkus
'service_list' => '',
'shipped' => '',
'singular first char' => '',
'soldtotal' => '',
'stock' => '',
'submit' => '',
'tax_chartaccno' => '',
'tax_percent' => '',
'tax_rate' => '',
'tax_taxdescription' => '',
'tax_taxkey' => '',
'taxnumber' => '',
ad7247ec Sven Donath
'terminated' => '',
b31d0c56 Moritz Bunkus
'to (date)' => '',
'to (time)' => '',
'transfer' => '',
'transferred in' => '',
'transferred out' => '',
'trial_balance' => '',
'up' => '',
'use program settings' => '',
'used' => '',
'valid from' => '',
'vendor' => '',
'vendor_invoice_list' => '',
'vendor_list' => '',
'warehouse_journal_list' => '',
'warehouse_report_list' => '',
'wrongformat' => '',
ad7247ec Sven Donath
'yearly' => '',
b31d0c56 Moritz Bunkus
'yes' => '',
4dbb0995 Moritz Bunkus
