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Revision 35e59a56

Von Hans P. Schlaepfer vor etwa 4 Jahren hinzugefügt

  • ID 35e59a569f8f27e520afef0d381cc80b7f1c0068
  • Vorgänger cdb3f02c
  • Nachfolger e658d9b9

Neues Design 2019 Standard-Code templates/webpages/ar/form_header.html

Unterschiede anzeigen:

<h1>[% title | html %]</h1>
[%- INCLUDE 'common/flash.html' %]
[% INCLUDE 'common/flash.html' %]
<form method=post name="arledger" action="[% script %]" id="form">
<form method="post" name="arledger" action="[% script %]" id="form">
[% L.hidden_tag('id', id) %]
[% L.hidden_tag('sort', sort) %]
[% L.hidden_tag('follow_up_rowcount', 1) %]
<input type="hidden" name="lastmtime" value="[% HTML.escape(lastmtime) %]">
[%- IF saved_message %]<p>[% saved_message | html %]</p>[% END %]
[% IF saved_message %]<p class="message message_info">[% saved_message | html %]</p>[% END %]
<div class="tabwidget">
<li><a href="#ui-tabs-basic-data">[% 'Basic Data' | $T8 %]</a></li>
[%- IF id %]
[%- IF INSTANCE_CONF.get_doc_storage %]
<li><a href="[% HTML.url(id) %]">[% 'Attachments' | $T8 %]</a></li>
[%- END %]
[% IF AUTH.assert('record_links', 1) %]
<li><a href="[% HTML.url(id) %]">[% 'Linked Records' | $T8 %]</a></li>
[%- END %]
<li><a href="[% '' _ HTML.url(id) | html %]">[% LxERP.t8('Transactions') %]</a></li>
[%- END %]
<div id="ui-tabs-basic-data">
<table width=100%>
<tr valign=top>
<table width=100%>
<tr valign=top>
<th align="right" nowrap>[% 'Customer' | $T8 %]</th>
<td colspan=3>
[% P.customer_vendor.picker("customer_id", customer_id, type="customer", style="width: 300px", class=(initial_focus == 'customer_id' ? "initial_focus" : ""), onchange="\$('#update_button').click()") %]
[% L.button_tag("show_vc_details('customer')", LxERP.t8('Details (one letter abbreviation)')) %]
[% L.hidden_tag("previous_customer_id", customer_id) %]
[% L.hidden_tag('terms', terms) %]
[%- IF max_dunning_level || invoice_obj.dunning_config_id %]
<th align="right" valign="top">[% LxERP.t8("Dunning status") %]</th>
<td valign="top">
[% IF invoice_obj.dunning_config_id %]
<span class="dunned_invoice">[% LxERP.t8("This invoice's dunning level: #1", invoice_obj.dunning_config.dunning_description) %]</span>
[% IF max_dunning_level %]<br>[% END %]
[% END %]
[% IF max_dunning_level %]
<span class="customer_dunning_level">
[% LxERP.t8("Customer's current maximum dunning level: #1", max_dunning_level) %]
[% LxERP.t8("Dunned open amount: #1", LxERP.format_amount(dunning_amount, 2)) %]
[% END %]
[%- END %]
<th align="right" valign="top">[% LxERP.t8("Credit Limit") %]</th>
[% LxERP.format_amount(creditlimit, 0) %][% L.hidden_tag('creditlimit', LxERP.format_amount(creditlimit, 0)) %];
[% LxERP.t8("Remaining") %]
<span class="plus[% creditremaining < 0 ? 0 : 1 %]">[% LxERP.format_amount(creditremaining, 0) %][% L.hidden_tag('creditremaining', LxERP.format_amount(creditremaining, 0)) %]</span>
[%- IF invoice_obj.sepa_exports.as_list.size %]
<th align="right">[% LxERP.t8("SEPA exports") %]</th>
[% FOREACH export = invoice_obj.sepa_exports.as_list %]
<a href="[% HTML.url( %]">[% HTML.escape( %]</a>
[% UNLESS loop.last %], [% END %]
[% END %]
[%- END %]
<th align=right>[% 'Currency' | $T8 %]</th>
<td>[% L.select_tag("currency", currencies, default=currency, value_key="name", title_key="name") %]</td>
[% L.hidden_tag('defaultcurrency', defaultcurrency) %]
[% L.hidden_tag('fxgain_accno', fxgain_accno) %]
[% L.hidden_tag('fxloss_accno', fxloss_accno) %]
[% L.hidden_tag('forex', forex) %]
[% IF show_exch %]
<th align=right>[% 'Exchangerate' | $T8 %]</th>
<td>[%- IF forex %][% L.hidden_tag('exchangerate', LxERP.format_amount(exchangerate, 5, 1)) %][% LxERP.format_amount(exchangerate, 5, 1) %][%- ELSE %][% L.input_tag('exchangerate', LxERP.format_amount(exchangerate, 5, 1), size=10) %][%- END %]</td>
[% END %]
<th align="right" nowrap>[% 'Department' | $T8 %]</th>
<td colspan=3>[% L.select_tag('department_id', ALL_DEPARTMENTS, default = department_id, title_key = 'description', with_empty = 1) %]</td>
[% END %]
<td align=right>[% L.checkbox_tag('taxincluded', checked=taxincluded) %]</td>
<th align="left" nowrap><label for="taxincluded">[% 'Tax Included' | $T8 %]</label></th>
<td align="right">[% L.checkbox_tag('direct_debit', checked=direct_debit) %]</td>
<th align="left" nowrap><label for="direct_debit">[% 'direct debit' | $T8 %]</label></th>
<td align=right>
<th align=right nowrap>[% 'Salesperson' | $T8 %]</th>
<td colspan=2>[% P.select_tag("employee_id", employees, default=employee_id, title_key='safe_name') %]</td>
<th align=right nowrap>[% 'Invoice Number' | $T8 %]</th>
<td><input name=invnumber size=11 value="[% invnumber | html %]"></td>
<th align=right nowrap>[% 'Order Number' | $T8 %]</th>
<td><input name=ordnumber size=11 value="[% ordnumber | html %]"></td>
<th align=right nowrap>[% 'Invoice Date' | $T8 %]</th>
<td>[% L.date_tag('transdate', transdate) %]</td>
<th align=right nowrap>[% 'Due Date' | $T8 %]</th>
<td>[% L.date_tag('duedate', duedate) %]</td>
<th align="right" nowrap>[% LxERP.t8('Tax point') %]</th>
<td>[% L.date_tag('tax_point', tax_point, id='tax_point') %]</td>
<th align=right nowrap>[% 'Delivery Date' | $T8 %]</th>
<td>[% L.date_tag('deliverydate', deliverydate) %]</td>
<th align=right nowrap>[% 'Project Number' | $T8 %]</th>
<td>[% L.select_tag('globalproject_id', ALL_PROJECTS, title_key = 'projectnumber', default = globalproject_id, with_empty = 1, onChange = "document.getElementById('update_button').click();") %]</td>
<li><a href="#ui-tabs-basic-data">[% 'Basic Data' | $T8 %]</a></li>
[% IF id %]
[% IF INSTANCE_CONF.get_doc_storage %]
<li><a href="[% HTML.url(id) %]">[% 'Attachments' | $T8 %]</a></li>
[% END %]
[% IF AUTH.assert('record_links', 1) %]
<li><a href="[% HTML.url(id) %]">[% 'Linked Records' | $T8 %]</a></li>
[% END %]
<li><a href="[% '' _ HTML.url(id) | html %]">[% LxERP.t8('Transactions') %]</a></li>
[% END %]
[% L.hidden_tag('rowcount', rowcount) %]
<table width=100%>
<tr class=listheading>
<th class=listheading style="width:15%">[% 'Account' | $T8 %]</th>
<th class=listheading style="width:10%">[% 'Amount' | $T8 %]</th>
<th class=listheading style="width:10%">[% 'Tax' | $T8 %]</th>
<th class=listheading style="width:5%">[% 'Taxkey' | $T8 %]</th>
<th class=listheading style="width:10%">[% 'Project' | $T8 %]</th>
<div id="ui-tabs-basic-data">
[%- FOREACH row IN transactions %]
<td>[% row.selectAR_amount %]</td>
<td>[% L.input_tag('amount_' _ loop.count, LxERP.format_amount(row.amount, 2)) %]</td>
<td>[% L.hidden_tag('tax_' _ loop.count, LxERP.format_tax(, 2)) %][% LxERP.format_amount(, 2) | html %]</td>
<td>[% row.taxchart %]</td>
<td>[% L.select_tag('project_id_' _ loop.count, ALL_PROJECTS, title_key = 'projectnumber', default = row.project_id, with_empty = 1) %]</td>
[%- END %]
<div class="wrapper">
<table class="tbl-horizontal">
<caption>[% 'Customer &amp; Order' | $T8 %]</caption>
<th>[% 'Customer' | $T8 %]</th>
[% P.customer_vendor.picker("customer_id", customer_id, type="customer", style="width: 300px", class=(initial_focus == 'customer_id' ? "initial_focus" : ""), onchange="\$('#update_button').click()") %]
[% L.button_tag("show_vc_details('customer')", LxERP.t8('Details (one letter abbreviation)')) %]
[% L.hidden_tag("previous_customer_id", customer_id) %]
[% L.hidden_tag('terms', terms) %]
[% IF max_dunning_level || invoice_obj.dunning_config_id %]
<th>[% LxERP.t8("Dunning status") %]</th>
[% IF invoice_obj.dunning_config_id %]
<span class="dunned_invoice">[% LxERP.t8("This invoice's dunning level: #1", invoice_obj.dunning_config.dunning_description) %]</span>
[% IF max_dunning_level %]<br>[% END %]
[% END %]
[% IF max_dunning_level %]
<span class="customer_dunning_level">
[% LxERP.t8("Customer's current maximum dunning level: #1", max_dunning_level) %] <br>
[% LxERP.t8("Dunned open amount: #1", LxERP.format_amount(dunning_amount, 2)) %]
[% END %]
[% END %]
<th>[% LxERP.t8("Credit Limit") %]</th>
[% LxERP.format_amount(creditlimit, 0) %][% L.hidden_tag('creditlimit', LxERP.format_amount(creditlimit, 0)) %];
[% LxERP.t8("Remaining") %]
<span class="plus[% creditremaining < 0 ? 0 : 1 %]">[% LxERP.format_amount(creditremaining, 0) %][% L.hidden_tag('creditremaining', LxERP.format_amount(creditremaining, 0)) %]</span>
[% IF invoice_obj.sepa_exports.as_list.size %]
<th>[% LxERP.t8("SEPA exports") %]</th>
[% FOREACH export = invoice_obj.sepa_exports.as_list %]
<a href="[% HTML.url( %]">[% HTML.escape( %]</a>
[% UNLESS loop.last %], [% END %]
[% END %]
[% END %]
<th>[% 'Currency' | $T8 %]</th>
<td>[% L.select_tag("currency", currencies, default=currency, value_key="name", title_key="name") %]</td>
[% L.hidden_tag('defaultcurrency', defaultcurrency) %]
[% L.hidden_tag('fxgain_accno', fxgain_accno) %]
[% L.hidden_tag('fxloss_accno', fxloss_accno) %]
[% L.hidden_tag('forex', forex) %]
[% IF show_exch %]
<!-- PENDENT: Testen und Design ggf. anpassen -->
&nbsp; [% 'Exchangerate' | $T8 %]:
[% IF forex %]
[% L.hidden_tag('exchangerate', LxERP.format_amount(exchangerate, 5, 1)) %][% LxERP.format_amount(exchangerate, 5, 1) %]
[% ELSE %]
[% L.input_tag('exchangerate', LxERP.format_amount(exchangerate, 5, 1), size=10) %]
[% END %]
[% END %]
<td colspan=6>
<hr noshade>
<th>[% 'Department' | $T8 %]</th>
<td>[% L.select_tag('department_id', ALL_DEPARTMENTS, default = department_id, title_key = 'description', with_empty = 1) %]</td>
<td>[% P.chart.picker("AR_chart_id", AR_chart_id, style="width: 400px", type="AR") %]</td>
<th align=left>[% LxERP.format_amount(invtotal, 2) | html %]</th>
[% END %]
<td>[% L.checkbox_tag('taxincluded', checked=taxincluded) %] <label for="taxincluded">[% 'Tax Included' | $T8 %]</label></td>
<td>[% L.checkbox_tag('direct_debit', checked=direct_debit) %] <label for="direct_debit">[% 'direct debit' | $T8 %]</label></td>
<input type=hidden name=oldinvtotal value='[% oldinvtotal %]'>
<input type=hidden name=oldtotalpaid value='[% oldtotalpaid %]'>
<table class="tbl-horizontal">
<caption>[% 'Notes' | $T8 %]</caption>
<textarea name="notes" rows="[% rows %]" cols="30" wrap="soft">[% notes | html %]</textarea>
[% 'Notes for customer' | $T8 %]<br>
<textarea name="intnotes" rows="[% rows %]" cols="30" wrap="soft" readonly>[% intnotes | html %]</textarea>
<input type=hidden name=taxaccounts value="[% taxaccounts | html %]">
<table class="tbl-horizontal">
<caption>[% 'Dates &amp; Numbers' | $T8 %]</caption>
<th>[% 'Salesperson' | $T8 %]</th>
<td>[% P.select_tag("employee_id", employees, default=employee_id, title_key='safe_name') %]</td>
<th>[% 'Invoice Number' | $T8 %]</th>
<td><input type="text" name="invnumber" size="11" value="[% invnumber | html %]"></td>
<th>[% 'Order Number' | $T8 %]</th>
<td><input type="text" name="ordnumber" size="11" value="[% ordnumber | html %]"></td>
<th>[% 'Invoice Date' | $T8 %]</th>
<td>[% L.date_tag('transdate', transdate) %]</td>
<th>[% 'Due Date' | $T8 %]</th>
<td>[% L.date_tag('duedate', duedate) %]</td>
<th>[% LxERP.t8('Tax point') %]</th>
<td>[% L.date_tag('tax_point', tax_point, id='tax_point') %]</td>
<th>[% 'Delivery Date' | $T8 %]</th>
<td>[% L.date_tag('deliverydate', deliverydate) %]</td>
<th>[% 'Project Number' | $T8 %]</th>
<td>[% L.select_tag('globalproject_id', ALL_PROJECTS, title_key = 'projectnumber', default = globalproject_id, with_empty = 1, onChange = "document.getElementById('update_button').click();") %]</td>
<td colspan=4></td>
</div><!-- /.wrapper -->
[% L.hidden_tag('rowcount', rowcount) %]
<table class="tbl-list" style="width:90%;">
<caption>[% 'Transaction' | $T8 %]</caption>
<th>[% 'Account' | $T8 %]</th>
<th class="right">[% 'Amount' | $T8 %]</th>
<th class="right">[% 'Tax' | $T8 %]</th>
<th>[% 'Taxkey' | $T8 %]</th>
<th>[% 'Project' | $T8 %]</th>
[% FOREACH row IN transactions %]
<table width=100%>
<th align=left width=1%>[% 'Notes' | $T8 %]</th>
<td align=left><textarea name=notes rows="[% rows %]" cols=50 wrap=soft>[% notes | html %]</textarea></td>
<th align=left width=1%>[% 'Notes for customer' | $T8 %]</th>
<td align=left><textarea name=intnotes rows="[% rows %]" cols=50 wrap=soft readonly>[% intnotes | html %]</textarea></td>
<table width=100%>
<tr class=listheading>
<th colspan=7 class=listheading>[% 'Incoming Payments' | $T8 %]</th>
<td>[% row.selectAR_amount %]</td>
<td class="numeric">[% L.input_tag('amount_' _ loop.count, LxERP.format_amount(row.amount, 2), class='wi-small numeric') %]</td>
<td class="numeric">[% L.hidden_tag('tax_' _ loop.count, LxERP.format_tax(, 2)) %][% LxERP.format_amount(, 2) | html %]</td>
<td>[% row.taxchart %]</td>
<td>[% L.select_tag('project_id_' _ loop.count, ALL_PROJECTS, title_key='projectnumber', default=row.project_id, with_empty=1, class="wi-small") %]</td>
[% END %]
<td>[% P.chart.picker("AR_chart_id", AR_chart_id, style="width: 400px", type="AR") %]</td>
<th class="numeric">[% LxERP.format_amount(invtotal, 2) | html %]</th>
<input type="hidden" name="oldinvtotal" value="[% oldinvtotal %]">
<input type="hidden" name="oldtotalpaid" value="[% oldtotalpaid %]">
<input type="hidden" name="taxaccounts" value="[% taxaccounts | html %]">
<td colspan="3"></td>
<th>[% 'Date' | $T8 %]</th>
<th>[% 'Source' | $T8 %]</th>
<th>[% 'Memo' | $T8 %]</th>
<th>[% 'Amount' | $T8 %]</th>
[%- IF show_exch %]
<th>[% 'Exch' | $T8 %]</th>
[%- END %]
<th>[% 'Account' | $T8 %]</th>
<th>[% 'Project Number' | $T8 %]</th>
[%- FOREACH row IN payments %]
<td align=center>
[%- IF row.changeable %]
<table class="tbl-list" style="width:90%;">
<caption>[% 'Incoming Payments' | $T8 %]</caption>
<th>[% 'Date' | $T8 %]</th>
<th>[% 'Source' | $T8 %]</th>
<th>[% 'Memo' | $T8 %]</th>
<th class="right">[% 'Amount' | $T8 %]</th>
[% IF show_exch %]
<th>[% 'Exch' | $T8 %]</th>
[% END %]
<th>[% 'Account' | $T8 %]</th>
<th>[% 'Project Number' | $T8 %]</th>
[% FOREACH row IN payments %]
[% IF row.changeable %]
[% L.date_tag('datepaid_' _ loop.count, row.datepaid ? row.datepaid : today) %]
[%- ELSE %]
[% row.datepaid | html %][% L.hidden_tag('datepaid_' _ loop.count, row.datepaid) %]
[%- END %]
<td align=center>
[%- IF row.changeable %]
<input name="source_[% loop.count %]" size=11 value="[% row.source | html %]">
[%- ELSE %]
[% row.source | html %]<input type=hidden name="source_[% loop.count %]" value="[% row.source | html %]">
[%- END %]
<td align=center>
[%- IF row.changeable %]
<input name="memo_[% loop.count %]" size=11 value="[% row.memo | html %]">
[%- ELSE %]
[% row.memo | html %]<input type=hidden name="memo_[% loop.count %]" value="[% row.memo | html %]">
[%- END %]
<td align=center>
[%- IF row.changeable %]
<input name="paid_[% loop.count %]" size=11 data-validate="number" class="numeric" value="[% row.paid ? LxERP.format_amount(row.paid, 2) : '' | html %]">
[%- ELSE %]
[% row.paid | html %]<input type=hidden name="paid_[% loop.count %]" value="[% row.paid ? LxERP.format_amount(row.paid, 2) : '' | html %]">
[%- END %]
[% IF row.changeable && loop.last && paid_missing > 0 %]
<input type="button" id="ar_set_to_paid_missing" value="[% "Set to paid missing" | $T8 %]">
[% END %]
[%- IF show_exch %]
<td align=center>
[%- IF || !row.changeable%]
<input type=hidden name="exchangerate_[% loop.count %]" value="[%- LxERP.format_amount(row.exchangerate, 5, 1) -%]">[%- LxERP.format_amount(row.exchangerate, 5, 1) -%]
[%- ELSE %]
<input name="exchangerate_[% loop.count %]" size=10 value="[%- LxERP.format_amount(row.exchangerate, 5, 1) -%]">
[%- END %]
<input type=hidden name="forex_[% loop.count %]" value='[% | html %]'>
[%- END %]
<td align=center>
[%- IF row.changeable %]
[% ELSE %]
[% row.datepaid | html %][% L.hidden_tag('datepaid_' _ loop.count, row.datepaid) %]
[% END %]
[% IF row.changeable %]
<input type="text" name="source_[% loop.count %]" size="11" value="[% row.source | html %]">
[% ELSE %]
[% row.source | html %]<input type="hidden" name="source_[% loop.count %]" value="[% row.source | html %]">
[% END %]
[% IF row.changeable %]
<input type="text" name="memo_[% loop.count %]" size="11" value="[% row.memo | html %]">
[% ELSE %]
[% row.memo | html %]<input type="hidden" name="memo_[% loop.count %]" value="[% row.memo | html %]">
[% END %]
<td class="numeric">
[% IF row.changeable %]
<input name="paid_[% loop.count %]" value="[% row.paid ? LxERP.format_amount(row.paid, 2) : '' | html %]" type="text" data-validate="number" class="numeric">
[% ELSE %]
[% row.paid | html %]<input type="hidden" name="paid_[% loop.count %]" value="[% row.paid ? LxERP.format_amount(row.paid, 2) : '' | html %]">
[% END %]
[% IF row.changeable && loop.last && paid_missing > 0 %]
<input type="button" id="ar_set_to_paid_missing" value="[% 'Set to paid missing' | $T8 %]">
[% END %]
[% IF show_exch %]
[% IF || !row.changeable%]
<input type="hidden" name="exchangerate_[% loop.count %]" value="[% LxERP.format_amount(row.exchangerate, 5, 1) %]">[% LxERP.format_amount(row.exchangerate, 5, 1) %]
[% ELSE %]
<input type="text" name="exchangerate_[% loop.count %]" size="10" value="[% LxERP.format_amount(row.exchangerate, 5, 1) %]">
[% END %]
<input type="hidden" name="forex_[% loop.count %]" value="[% | html %]">
[% END %]
[% IF row.changeable %]
[% row.selectAR_paid %]
[%- ELSE %]
[% row.AR_paid | html %]<input type=hidden name="AR_paid_[% loop.count %]" value='[% row.AR_paid | html %]'>
[%- END %]
[%- IF row.changeable %]
[% L.select_tag('paid_project_id_' _ loop.count, ALL_PROJECTS, title_key = 'projectnumber', default = row.paid_project_id, with_empty=1) %]
[%- ELSE %]
[% ELSE %]
[% row.AR_paid | html %]<input type="hidden" name="AR_paid_[% loop.count %]" value="[% row.AR_paid | html %]">
[% END %]
[% IF row.changeable %]
[% L.select_tag('paid_project_id_' _ loop.count, ALL_PROJECTS, title_key='projectnumber', default=row.paid_project_id, with_empty=1, class='wi-small') %]
[% ELSE %]
[% project_labels.${row.paid_project_id} | html %]
<input type=hidden name="paid_project_id_[% loop.count %]" value='[% row.paid_project_id %]'>
[%- END %]
<input type="hidden" name="paid_project_id_[% loop.count %]" value="[% row.paid_project_id %]">
[% END %]
<input type="hidden" name="acc_trans_id_[% loop.count %]" value="[% row.acc_trans_id | html %]">
<input type="hidden" name="gldate_[% loop.count %]" value="[% row.gldate | html %]">
[% END %]
<th class="right">[% 'Total' | $T8 %]</th>
<td class="numeric">[% LxERP.format_amount(totalpaid, 2) | html %]</td>
[% IF show_exch %]
[% END %]
<th class="right">[% 'Missing amount' | $T8 %]</th>
<td class="numeric">
[% LxERP.format_amount(paid_missing, 2) | html %]
<input type="hidden" name="paidaccounts" value="[% paidaccounts %]">
[% IF show_exch %]
[% END %]
<input type=hidden name="acc_trans_id_[% loop.count %]" value='[% row.acc_trans_id | html %]'>
<input type=hidden name="gldate_[% loop.count %]" value='[% row.gldate | html %]'>
[%- END %]
<td align="center">[% 'Total' | $T8 %]</td>
<td align="center">[% LxERP.format_amount(totalpaid, 2) | html %]</td>
<td align="center">[% 'Missing amount' | $T8 %]</td>
<td align="center">[% LxERP.format_amount(paid_missing, 2) | html %]</td>
<input type=hidden name=paidaccounts value='[% paidaccounts %]'>
</div><!-- /#ui-tabs-basic-data -->
</div><!-- ./tabwidget -->
<script type='text/javascript'>
<script type="text/javascript">
$('#ar_set_to_paid_missing').click(function(){ $('input[name^="paid_"]:last').val('[% LxERP.format_amount(paid_missing, 2) %]') });

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