Revision 35cd4452
Von Sven Schöling vor etwa 9 Jahren hinzugefügt
modules/override/PDF/ | ||
use strict;
use warnings;
use Carp;
use List::Util qw(sum);
our $VERSION = '0.9.10';
print __PACKAGE__.' is version: '.$VERSION.$/ if($ENV{'PDF_TABLE_DEBUG'});
... | ... | |
# Calc real column widths and expand table width if needed.
my $calc_column_widths;
($calc_column_widths, $width) = CalcColumnWidths( $col_props, $width );
my $num_cols = scalar @{ $calc_column_widths };
# Lets draw what we have!
my $row_index = 0;
... | ... | |
# Check for safety reasons
if( $bot_marg < 0 )
{ # This warning should remain i think
carp "!!! Warning: !!! Incorrect Table Geometry! Setting bottom margin to end of sheet!\n";
# carp "!!! Warning: !!! Incorrect Table Geometry! Setting bottom margin to end of sheet!\n";
$bot_marg = 0;
... | ... | |
my $cur_x = $xbase;
my $leftovers = undef; # Reference to text that is returned from textblock()
my $do_leftovers = 0;
my ($colspan, @vertical_lines);
# Process every cell(column) from current row
for( my $column_idx = 0; $column_idx < scalar( @$record); $column_idx++ )
... | ... | |
# Init cell font object
$txt->font( $cell_font, $cell_font_size );
my $this_width;
if (!$first_row && $cell_props->[$row_index][$column_idx]->{colspan}) {
$colspan = -1 == $cell_props->[$row_index][$column_idx]->{colspan}
? $num_cols - $column_idx
: $cell_props->[$row_index][$column_idx]->{colspan};
my $last_idx = $column_idx + $colspan - 1;
$this_width = sum @{ $calc_column_widths }[$column_idx..$last_idx];
} else {
$this_width = $calc_column_widths->[$column_idx];
# If the content is wider than the specified width, we need to add the text as a text block
if( $record->[$column_idx] !~ m/(.\n.)/ and
$record_widths->[$column_idx] and
$record_widths->[$column_idx] <= $calc_column_widths->[$column_idx]
$record_widths->[$column_idx] <= $this_width
my $space = $pad_left;
if ($justify eq 'right')
$space = $calc_column_widths->[$column_idx] -($txt->advancewidth($record->[$column_idx]) + $pad_right);
$space = $this_width -($txt->advancewidth($record->[$column_idx]) + $pad_right);
elsif ($justify eq 'center')
$space = ($calc_column_widths->[$column_idx] - $txt->advancewidth($record->[$column_idx])) / 2;
$space = ($this_width - $txt->advancewidth($record->[$column_idx])) / 2;
$txt->translate( $cur_x + $space, $text_start );
$txt->text( $record->[$column_idx] );
... | ... | |
x => $cur_x + $pad_left,
y => $text_start,
w => $calc_column_widths->[$column_idx] - $pad_left - $pad_right,
w => $this_width - $pad_left - $pad_right,
h => $cur_y - $bot_marg - $pad_top - $pad_bot,
align => $justify,
lead => $lead
... | ... | |
$cur_x += $calc_column_widths->[$column_idx];
push @vertical_lines, (!$colspan || (1 >= $colspan)) ? 1 : 0;
$colspan-- if $colspan;
if( $do_leftovers )
... | ... | |
$cur_x += $calc_column_widths->[$column_idx];
if ($line_w && $vertical_lines[$column_idx] && ($column_idx != (scalar(@{ $record }) - 1))) {
$gfx->move($cur_x, $cur_y);
$gfx->vline($cur_y - $row_h);
}#End of for(my $column_idx....
$cur_y -= $current_row_height;
... | ... | |
$gfx->move( $xbase, $table_top_y);
$gfx->vline( $cur_y );
my $cur_x = $xbase;
for( my $j = 0; $j < $columns_number; $j++ )
$cur_x += $calc_column_widths->[$j];
$gfx->move( $cur_x, $table_top_y );
$gfx->vline( $cur_y );
$gfx->move($xbase + sum(@{ $calc_column_widths }[0..$num_cols - 1]), $table_top_y);
$gfx->vline( $cur_y );
# ACTUALLY draw all the lines
Auch abrufbar als: Unified diff
Unterstützung für zellenübergreifende Überschriften im PDF-Export des ReportGenerators verbessert.
Reimplementation von d3897394