package SL::Layout::ActionBar::Action;
use strict;
use parent qw(Rose::Object);
use SL::Presenter;
use Rose::Object::MakeMethods::Generic (
'scalar --get_set_init' => [ qw(id params text) ],
# subclassing interface
sub render {
die 'needs to be implemented';
sub script {
sprintf q|$('#%s').data('action', %s);|, $_[0]->id, JSON->new->allow_blessed->convert_blessed->encode($_[0]->params);
# this is mostly so that outside consumer don't need to load subclasses themselves
sub from_params {
my ($class, $data) = @_;
require SL::Layout::ActionBar::Submit;
my ($text, %params) = @$data;
return if exists($params{only_if}) && !$params{only_if};
return if exists($params{not_if}) && $params{not_if};
return SL::Layout::ActionBar::Submit->new(text => $text, params => \%params);
sub callable { 0 }
# shortcut for presenter
sub p {
sub init_params {
# unique id to tie div and javascript together
sub init_id {
$_[0]->params->{id} //
=head 1
planned options for clickables:
- checks => [ ... ] (done)
a list of functions that need to return true before submitting
- submit => [ form-selector, { params } ] (done)
on click submit the form specified by form-selector with the additional params
- function => function-name (done)
on click call the specified function (is this a special case of checks?)
- disabled => true/false/tooltip explaning why disabled (done)
- runtime disable/enable