package SL::Layout::ActionBar;
use strict;
use parent qw(SL::Layout::Base);
use Carp;
use Scalar::Util qw(blessed);
use SL::Layout::ActionBar::Action;
use SL::Layout::ActionBar::ComboBox;
use SL::Layout::ActionBar::Link;
use SL::Layout::ActionBar::Separator;
use constant HTML_CLASS => 'layout-actionbar';
use Rose::Object::MakeMethods::Generic (
'scalar --get_set_init' => [ qw(actions) ],
my %class_descriptors = (
action => { class => 'SL::Layout::ActionBar::Action', num_params => 1, },
combobox => { class => 'SL::Layout::ActionBar::ComboBox', num_params => 1, },
link => { class => 'SL::Layout::ActionBar::Link', num_params => 1, },
separator => { class => 'SL::Layout::ActionBar::Separator', num_params => 0, },
###### Layout overrides
sub pre_content {
my ($self) = @_;
my $content = join '', map { $_->render } @{ $self->actions };
return if !$content;
$::request->presenter->html_tag('div', $content, class => HTML_CLASS);
sub javascripts_inline {
join '', map { $_->script } @{ $_[0]->actions };
sub javascripts {
###### interface
sub add {
my ($self, @actions) = @_;
push @{ $self->actions }, $self->parse_actions(@actions);
return $self->actions->[-1];
sub parse_actions {
my ($self_or_class, @actions) = @_;
my @parsed;
while (my $type = shift(@actions)) {
if (blessed($type) && $type->isa('SL::Layout::ActionBar::Action')) {
push @parsed, $type;
my $descriptor = $class_descriptors{lc $type} || croak("Unknown action type '${type}'");
my @params = splice(@actions, 0, $descriptor->{num_params});
push @parsed, $descriptor->{class}->from_params(@params);
return @parsed;
sub init_actions {
=encoding utf-8
=head1 NAME
SL::Layout::ActionBar - Unified action buttons for controllers
=head1 CONCEPT
This is a layout block that does a unified action bar for any controller who
wants to use it. It's designed to be rendered above the content and to be
fixed when scrolling.
While it can be used as a generic widget container, it's designed to be able to
provide commonly used functionality as a short cut. These shortcuts include:
=over 4
=item *
Calling a controller with parameters
=item *
Submitting a form with added parameters
=item *
Arrangement utility
=head1 METHODS
=over 4
=item C<add LIST>
to be documented
This is accessable through
=head1 DOM MODEL
The entire block is rendered into a div with the class 'layout-actionbar'.
Each individual action must be an instance of C<SL::Layout::ActionBar::Action>.
=head1 BUGS
none yet. :)
=head1 AUTHOR
Sven Schoeling E<lt>s.schoeling@linet-services.deE<gt>