


Herunterladen (9,94 KB) Statistiken
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ec1dc3e8 Geoffrey Richardson
package SL::Dev::Inventory;

8d4130ed Sven Schöling
use strict;
ec1dc3e8 Geoffrey Richardson
use base qw(Exporter);
8d4130ed Sven Schöling
our @EXPORT = qw(create_warehouse_and_bins set_stock);
ec1dc3e8 Geoffrey Richardson
use SL::DB::Warehouse;
use SL::DB::Bin;
use SL::DB::Inventory;
use SL::DB::TransferType;
use SL::DB::Employee;
e2db2d12 Geoffrey Richardson
use SL::WH;
use DateTime;
use Data::Dumper;
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sub create_warehouse_and_bins {
my (%params) = @_;

my $number_of_bins = $params{number_of_bins} || 5;
my $wh = SL::DB::Warehouse->new(description => $params{warehouse_description} || "Warehouse", invalid => 0);
for my $i ( 1 .. $number_of_bins ) {
$wh->add_bins( SL::DB::Bin->new(description => ( $params{bin_description} || "Bin" ) . " $i" ) );
return ($wh, $wh->bins->[0]);

sub set_stock {
e2db2d12 Geoffrey Richardson
my (%params) = @_;

die "param part is missing or not an SL::DB::Part object" unless ref($params{part}) eq 'SL::DB::Part';
my $part = delete $params{part};
die "qty is missing" unless $params{qty} or $params{abs_qty};
die "need a bin or default bin" unless $part->warehouse_id or $part->bin_id or $params{bin} or $params{bin_id};

my ($warehouse_id, $bin_id);
ec1dc3e8 Geoffrey Richardson
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if ( $params{bin} ) {
die "illegal param bin: " . Dumper($params{bin}) unless ref($params{bin}) eq 'SL::DB::Bin';
my $bin = delete $params{bin};
$bin_id = $bin->id;
$warehouse_id = $bin->warehouse_id;
} elsif ( $params{bin_id} ) {
my $bin = SL::DB::Manager::Bin->find_by(id => delete $params{bin_id});
$bin_id = $bin->id;
$warehouse_id = $bin->warehouse_id;
} elsif ( $part->bin_id ) {
$bin_id = $part->bin_id;
$warehouse_id = $part->warehouse_id;
} else {
die "can't determine bin and warehouse";
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e2db2d12 Geoffrey Richardson
my $employee_id = delete $params{employee_id} // SL::DB::Manager::Employee->current->id;
die "Can't determine employee" unless $employee_id;
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e2db2d12 Geoffrey Richardson
my $qty = delete $params{qty};
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my $transfer_type_description;
my $transfer_type;
if ( $params{abs_qty} ) {
# determine the current qty and calculate the qty diff that needs to be applied
# if abs_qty is set then any value that was in $params{qty} is ignored/overwritten
my %get_stock_params;
$get_stock_params{bin_id} = $bin_id if $bin_id;
# $get_stock_params{warehouse_id} = $warehouse_id if $warehouse_id; # redundant
my $current_qty = $part->get_stock(%get_stock_params);
$qty = $params{abs_qty} - $current_qty;
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e2db2d12 Geoffrey Richardson
if ( $qty > 0 ) {
$transfer_type_description = delete $params{transfer_type} // 'stock';
$transfer_type = SL::DB::Manager::TransferType->find_by( description => $transfer_type_description, direction => 'in' );
} else {
$transfer_type_description = delete $params{transfer_type} // 'shipped';
$transfer_type = SL::DB::Manager::TransferType->find_by( description => $transfer_type_description, direction => 'out' );
die "can't determine transfer_type" unless $transfer_type;
ec1dc3e8 Geoffrey Richardson
my $shippingdate;
if ( $params{shippingdate} ) {
e2db2d12 Geoffrey Richardson
$shippingdate = delete $params{shippingdate};
$shippingdate = $::locale->parse_date_to_object($shippingdate) unless ref($shippingdate) eq 'DateTime';
ec1dc3e8 Geoffrey Richardson
} else {
$shippingdate = DateTime->today;
e2db2d12 Geoffrey Richardson

my $unit;
if ( $params{unit} ) {
$unit = delete $params{unit};
$unit = SL::DB::Manager::Unit->find_by( name => $unit ) unless ref($unit) eq 'SL::DB::Unit';
$qty = $unit->convert_to($qty, $part->unit_obj);
ec1dc3e8 Geoffrey Richardson
my ($trans_id) = $part->db->dbh->selectrow_array("select nextval('id')", {});

parts_id => $part->id,
e2db2d12 Geoffrey Richardson
bin_id => $bin_id,
warehouse_id => $warehouse_id,
employee_id => $employee_id,
ec1dc3e8 Geoffrey Richardson
trans_type_id => $transfer_type->id,
comment => $params{comment},
shippingdate => $shippingdate,
e2db2d12 Geoffrey Richardson
qty => $qty,
ec1dc3e8 Geoffrey Richardson
trans_id => $trans_id,

e2db2d12 Geoffrey Richardson
sub transfer_stock {
my (%params) = @_;

# check params:
die "missing params" unless ( $params{parts_id} or $params{part} ) and $params{from_bin} and $params{to_bin};

my $part;
if ( $params{parts_id} ) {
$part = SL::DB::Manager::Part->find_by( id => delete $params{parts_id} ) or die "illegal parts_id";
} else {
$part = delete $params{part};
die "illegal part" unless ref($part) eq 'SL::DB::Part';

my $from_bin = delete $params{from_bin};
my $to_bin = delete $params{to_bin};
die "illegal bins" unless ref($from_bin) eq 'SL::DB::Bin' and ref($to_bin) eq 'SL::DB::Bin';

my $qty = delete($params{qty});
die "qty must be > 0" unless $qty > 0;

# set defaults
my $transfer_type = SL::DB::Manager::TransferType->find_by(description => 'transfer') or die "can't determine transfer type";
my $employee_id = delete $params{employee_id} // SL::DB::Manager::Employee->current->id;

my $WH_params = {
'bestbefore' => undef,
'change_default_bin' => undef,
'chargenumber' => '',
'comment' => delete $params{comment} // '',
'dst_bin_id' => $to_bin->id,
'dst_warehouse_id' => $to_bin->warehouse_id,
'parts_id' => $part->id,
'qty' => $qty,
'src_bin_id' => $from_bin->id,
'src_warehouse_id' => $from_bin->warehouse_id,
'transfer_type_id' => $transfer_type->id,


return 1;

# do it manually via rose:
# my $trans_id;

# my $db = SL::DB::Inventory->new->db;
# $db->with_transaction(sub{
# ($trans_id) = $db->dbh->selectrow_array("select nextval('id')", {});
# die "no trans_id" unless $trans_id;

# my %params = (
# shippingdate => delete $params{shippingdate} // DateTime->today,
# employee_id => $employee_id,
# trans_id => $trans_id,
# trans_type_id => $transfer_type->id,
# parts_id => $part->id,
# comment => delete $params{comment} || 'Umlagerung',
# );

# SL::DB::Inventory->new(
# warehouse_id => $from_bin->warehouse_id,
# bin_id => $from_bin->id,
# qty => $qty * -1,
# %params,
# )->save;

# SL::DB::Inventory->new(
# warehouse_id => $to_bin->warehouse_id,
# bin_id => $to_bin->id,
# qty => $qty,
# %params,
# )->save;
# }) or die $@ . "\n";
# return 1;

ec1dc3e8 Geoffrey Richardson


=head1 NAME

SL::Dev::Inventory - create inventory-related objects for testing, with minimal


=head2 C<create_warehouse_and_bins %PARAMS>

Creates a new warehouse and bins, and immediately saves them. Returns the
warehouse and the first bin object.
my ($wh, $bin) = SL::Dev::Inventory::create_warehouse_and_bins();

Create named warehouse with 10 bins:
my ($wh, $bin) = SL::Dev::Inventory::create_warehouse_and_bins(warehouse_description => 'Testlager',
bin_description => 'Testlagerplatz',
number_of_bins => 10,
To access the second bin:
my $bin2 = $wh->bins->[1];

e2db2d12 Geoffrey Richardson
=head2 C<set_stock %PARAMS>

Change the stock level of a certain part by creating an inventory event.
To access the updated onhand the part object needs to be loaded afterwards.

Mandatory params:
part - an SL::DB::Part object or a parts_id
qty | abs_qty
qty : the qty to increase of decrease the stock level by
abs_qty : sets stock level for a certain part to abs_qty by creating
a stock event with the current difference

Optional params:
bin_id | bin
shippingdate : may be a DateTime object or a string that needs to be parsed by parse_date_to_object.
unit : SL::DB::Unit object, or the name of an SL::DB::Unit object

If no bin is passed the default bin of the part is used, if that doesn't exist
either there will be an error.
ec1dc3e8 Geoffrey Richardson
e2db2d12 Geoffrey Richardson
C<set_stock> creates the SL::DB::Inventory object from scratch, rather
than passing params to WH->transfer_in or WH->transfer_out.
ec1dc3e8 Geoffrey Richardson
e2db2d12 Geoffrey Richardson
ec1dc3e8 Geoffrey Richardson
my $part = SL::DB::Manager::Part->find_by(partnumber => '1');
e2db2d12 Geoffrey Richardson
SL::Dev::Inventory::set_stock(part => $part, qty => 5);
SL::Dev::Inventory::set_stock(part => $part, qty => -2);
ec1dc3e8 Geoffrey Richardson
e2db2d12 Geoffrey Richardson
$part->onhand; # 3

Set stock level of a part in a certain bin_id to 10:
SL::Dev::Inventory::set_stock(part => $part, bin_id => 99, abs_qty => 10);

Create 10 warehouses with 5 bins each, then create 100 parts and increase the
stock qty in a random bin by a random positive qty for each of the parts:

SL::Dev::Inventory::create_warehouse_and_bins(warehouse_description => "Testlager $_") for ( 1 .. 10 );
SL::Dev::Part::create_part(description => "Testpart $_")->save for ( 1 .. 100 );
my $bins = SL::DB::Manager::Bin->get_all;
SL::Dev::Inventory::set_stock(part => $_,
qty => int(rand(99))+1,
bin => $bins->[ rand @{$bins} ],
) foreach @{ SL::DB::Manager::Part->get_all() };

=head2 C<transfer_stock %PARAMS>

Transfers parts from one bin to another.

Mandatory params:
part | parts_id - an SL::DB::Part object or a parts_id
from_bin - an SL::DB::Bin object
to_bin qty - an SL::DB::Bin object

Optional params: shippingdate

The unit is always base_unit and there is no check for negative stock values.

Example: Create a warehouse and bins, a part, stock the part and then move some
of the stock to a different bin inside the same warehouse:

my ($wh, $bin) = SL::Dev::Inventory::create_warehouse_and_bins();
my $part = SL::Dev::Part::create_part->save;
SL::Dev::Inventory::set_stock(part => $part, bin_id => $wh->bins->[2]->id, qty => 5);
SL::Dev::Inventory::transfer_stock(part => $part,
from_bin => $wh->bins->[2],
to_bin => $wh->bins->[4],
qty => 3
$part->get_stock(bin_id => $wh->bins->[4]->id); # 3.00000
$part->get_stock(bin_id => $wh->bins->[2]->id); # 2.00000
ec1dc3e8 Geoffrey Richardson
=head1 BUGS

Nothing here yet.

=head1 AUTHOR

G. Richardson E<lt>grichardson@kivitendo-premium.deE<gt>
