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package SL::VATIDNr;

use strict;
use warnings;

use Algorithm::CheckDigits;

sub clean {
my ($class, $ustid) = @_;

$ustid //= '';
$ustid =~ s{[[:space:].-]+}{}g;

return $ustid;

sub normalize {
my ($class, $ustid) = @_;

$ustid = $class->clean($ustid);

if ($ustid =~ m{^CHE(\d{3})(\d{3})(\d{3})$}) {
return sprintf('CHE-%s.%s.%s', $1, $2, $3);

return $ustid;

sub _validate_switzerland {
my ($ustid) = @_;

return $ustid =~ m{^CHE\d{9}$} ? 1 : 0;

sub _validate_european_union {
my ($ustid) = @_;

# 1. Two upper-case letters with the ISO 3166-1 Alpha-2 country code (exception: Greece uses EL instead of GR)
# 2. Up to twelve alphanumeric characters

return 0 unless $ustid =~ m{^(?:AT|BE|BG|CY|CZ|DE|DK|EE|EL|ES|FI|FR|GB|HR|HU|IE|IT|LT|LU|LV|MT|NL|PL|PT|RO|SE|SI|SK|SM)[[:alnum:]]{1,12}$};

my $algo_name = "ustid_" . lc(substr($ustid, 0, 2));
my $checker = eval { CheckDigits($algo_name) };

return $checker->is_valid(substr($ustid, 2)) if $checker;
return 1;

sub validate {
my ($class, $ustid) = @_;

$ustid = $class->clean($ustid);

return _validate_switzerland($ustid) if $ustid =~ m{^CHE};
return _validate_european_union($ustid);



=encoding utf8

=head1 NAME

SL::VATIDNr - Helper routines for dealing with VAT ID numbers
("Umsatzsteuer-Identifikationsnummern", "UStID-Nr" in German) and
Switzerland's enterprise identification numbers (UIDs)


my $is_valid = SL::VATIDNr->validate($ustid);


=over 4

=item C<clean> C<$ustid>

Returns the number with all spaces, dashes & points removed.

=item C<normalize> C<$ustid>

Normalizes the given number to the format usually used in the country
given by the country code at the start of the number
(e.g. C<CHE-123.456.789> for a Swiss UID or DE123456789 for a German

=item C<validate> C<$ustid>

Returns whether or not a number is valid. Depending on the country
code at the start several tests are done including check digit

The number in question is first run through the L</clean> function and
may therefore contain certain ignored characters.


=head1 BUGS

Nothing here yet.

=head1 AUTHOR

Moritz Bunkus E<lt>m.bunkus@linet-services.deE<gt>
