


Herunterladen (15,3 KB) Statistiken
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916003e3 Moritz Bunkus
package SL::Controller::SimpleSystemSetting;

use strict;
use utf8;

use parent qw(SL::Controller::Base);

use SL::Helper::Flash;
use SL::Locale::String;
use SL::DB::Default;
use SL::System::Process;

use Rose::Object::MakeMethods::Generic (
scalar => [ qw(type config) ],
'scalar --get_set_init' => [ qw(defaults object all_objects class manager_class list_attributes list_url supports_reordering) ],

__PACKAGE__->run_before('setup_javascript', only => [ qw(add create edit update delete) ]);

# Make happy: $self->render("simple_system_setting/_default_form")

my %supported_types = (
945bae4c Moritz Bunkus
bank_account => {
# Make happy: $self->render("simple_system_setting/_bank_account_form")
class => 'BankAccount',
titles => {
list => t8('Bank accounts'),
add => t8('Add bank account'),
edit => t8('Edit bank account'),
list_attributes => [
{ method => 'name', title => t8('Name'), },
{ method => 'iban', title => t8('IBAN'), },
{ method => 'bank', title => t8('Bank'), },
{ method => 'bank_code', title => t8('Bank code'), },
{ method => 'bic', title => t8('BIC'), },
ba40069b Moritz Bunkus
{ title => t8('Use for Factur-X/ZUGFeRD'), formatter => sub { $_[0]->use_for_zugferd ? t8('yes') : t8('no') } },
945bae4c Moritz Bunkus
{ method => 'reconciliation_starting_date_as_date', title => t8('Date'), align => 'right' },
{ method => 'reconciliation_starting_balance_as_number', title => t8('Balance'), align => 'right' },

79dc6c16 Moritz Bunkus
business => {
# Make happy: $self->render("simple_system_setting/_business_form")
class => 'Business',
titles => {
list => t8('Businesses'),
add => t8('Add business'),
edit => t8('Edit business'),
list_attributes => [
{ method => 'description', title => t8('Description'), },
{ title => t8('Discount'), formatter => sub { $_[0]->discount_as_percent . ' %' }, align => 'right' },
{ method => 'customernumberinit', title => t8('Customernumberinit'), },

30d53fc8 Bernd Bleßmann
contact_department => {
class => 'ContactDepartment',
auth => 'config',
titles => {
list => t8('Contact Departments'),
add => t8('Add department'),
edit => t8('Edit department'),

b8c7ffdf Bernd Bleßmann
contact_title => {
class => 'ContactTitle',
auth => 'config',
titles => {
list => t8('Contact Titles'),
add => t8('Add title'),
edit => t8('Edit title'),

9380035c Moritz Bunkus
department => {
class => 'Department',
titles => {
list => t8('Departments'),
add => t8('Add department'),
edit => t8('Edit department'),

c2e49890 Bernd Bleßmann
greeting => {
class => 'Greeting',
auth => 'config',
titles => {
list => t8('Greetings'),
add => t8('Add greeting'),
edit => t8('Edit greeting'),

60d0f05f Moritz Bunkus
language => {
# Make happy: $self->render("simple_system_setting/_language_form")
class => 'Language',
titles => {
list => t8('Languages'),
add => t8('Add language'),
edit => t8('Edit language'),
list_attributes => [
{ method => 'description', title => t8('Description'), },
{ method => 'template_code', title => t8('Template Code'), },
{ method => 'article_code', title => t8('Article Code'), },
{ title => t8('Number Format'), formatter => sub { $_[0]->output_numberformat || t8('use program settings') } },
{ title => t8('Date Format'), formatter => sub { $_[0]->output_dateformat || t8('use program settings') } },
{ title => t8('Long Dates'), formatter => sub { $_[0]->output_longdates ? t8('yes') : t8('no') } },

cd07d289 Moritz Bunkus
part_classification => {
# Make happy: $self->render("simple_system_setting/_part_classification_form")
class => 'PartClassification',
titles => {
list => t8('Part classifications'),
add => t8('Add part classification'),
edit => t8('Edit part classification'),
list_attributes => [
{ title => t8('Description'), formatter => sub { t8($_[0]->description) } },
{ title => t8('Type abbreviation'), formatter => sub { t8($_[0]->abbreviation) } },
{ title => t8('Used for Purchase'), formatter => sub { $_[0]->used_for_purchase ? t8('yes') : t8('no') } },
{ title => t8('Used for Sale'), formatter => sub { $_[0]->used_for_sale ? t8('yes') : t8('no') } },
{ title => t8('Report separately'), formatter => sub { $_[0]->report_separate ? t8('yes') : t8('no') } },

9c194331 Moritz Bunkus
parts_group => {
# Make happy: $self->render("simple_system_setting/_parts_group_form")
class => 'PartsGroup',
titles => {
list => t8('Partsgroups'),
add => t8('Add partsgroup'),
edit => t8('Edit partsgroup'),
list_attributes => [
{ method => 'partsgroup', title => t8('Description') },
{ method => 'obsolete', title => t8('Obsolete'), formatter => sub { $_[0]->obsolete ? t8('yes') : t8('no') } },

5e1de2f8 Moritz Bunkus
price_factor => {
# Make happy: $self->render("simple_system_setting/_price_factor_form")
class => 'PriceFactor',
titles => {
list => t8('Price Factors'),
add => t8('Add Price Factor'),
edit => t8('Edit Price Factor'),
list_attributes => [
{ method => 'description', title => t8('Description') },
{ method => 'factor_as_number', title => t8('Factor'), align => 'right' },

916003e3 Moritz Bunkus
pricegroup => {
# Make happy: $self->render("simple_system_setting/_pricegroup_form")
class => 'Pricegroup',
titles => {
list => t8('Pricegroups'),
add => t8('Add pricegroup'),
edit => t8('Edit pricegroup'),
list_attributes => [
{ method => 'pricegroup', title => t8('Description') },
{ method => 'obsolete', title => t8('Obsolete'), formatter => sub { $_[0]->obsolete ? t8('yes') : t8('no') } },
5e55cce6 Moritz Bunkus
project_status => {
class => 'ProjectStatus',
titles => {
list => t8('Project statuses'),
add => t8('Add project status'),
edit => t8('Edit project status'),

project_type => {
class => 'ProjectType',
titles => {
list => t8('Project types'),
add => t8('Add project type'),
edit => t8('Edit project type'),

6761a7c1 Moritz Bunkus
requirement_spec_acceptance_status => {
# Make happy: $self->render("simple_system_setting/_requirement_spec_acceptance_status_form")
class => 'RequirementSpecAcceptanceStatus',
titles => {
list => t8('Acceptance Statuses'),
add => t8('Add acceptance status'),
edit => t8('Edit acceptance status'),
list_attributes => [
{ method => 'name', title => t8('Name') },
{ method => 'description', title => t8('Description') },

459574b9 Moritz Bunkus
requirement_spec_complexity => {
class => 'RequirementSpecComplexity',
titles => {
list => t8('Complexities'),
add => t8('Add complexity'),
edit => t8('Edit complexity'),

5dc93413 Moritz Bunkus
requirement_spec_predefined_text => {
# Make happy: $self->render("simple_system_setting/_requirement_spec_predefined_text_form")
class => 'RequirementSpecPredefinedText',
titles => {
list => t8('Pre-defined Texts'),
add => t8('Add pre-defined text'),
edit => t8('Edit pre-defined text'),
list_attributes => [
{ method => 'description', title => t8('Description') },
{ method => 'title', title => t8('Title') },
{ title => t8('Content'), formatter => sub { my $t = $_[0]->text_as_stripped_html; length($t) > 50 ? substr($t, 0, 50) . '' : $t } },
{ title => t8('Useable for text blocks'), formatter => sub { $_[0]->useable_for_text_blocks ? t8('yes') : t8('no') } },
{ title => t8('Useable for sections'), formatter => sub { $_[0]->useable_for_sections ? t8('yes') : t8('no') } },

459574b9 Moritz Bunkus
requirement_spec_risk => {
class => 'RequirementSpecRisk',
titles => {
list => t8('Risk levels'),
add => t8('Add risk level'),
edit => t8('Edit risk level'),

5a0288d0 Moritz Bunkus
requirement_spec_status => {
# Make happy: $self->render("simple_system_setting/_requirement_spec_status_form")
class => 'RequirementSpecStatus',
titles => {
list => t8('Requirement Spec Statuses'),
add => t8('Add requirement spec status'),
edit => t8('Edit requirement spec status'),
list_attributes => [
{ method => 'name', title => t8('Name') },
{ method => 'description', title => t8('Description') },

d98b10d9 Moritz Bunkus
requirement_spec_type => {
# Make happy: $self->render("simple_system_setting/_requirement_spec_type_form")
class => 'RequirementSpecType',
titles => {
list => t8('Requirement Spec Types'),
add => t8('Add requirement spec type'),
edit => t8('Edit requirement spec type'),
list_attributes => [
{ method => 'description', title => t8('Description') },
{ method => 'section_number_format', title => t8('Section number format') },
{ method => 'function_block_number_format', title => t8('Function block number format') },

916003e3 Moritz Bunkus

my @default_list_attributes = (
{ method => 'description', title => t8('Description') },

# actions

sub action_list {
my ($self) = @_;

a34bdbf7 Moritz Bunkus
916003e3 Moritz Bunkus
$self->render('simple_system_setting/list', title => $self->config->{titles}->{list});

sub action_new {
my ($self) = @_;

$self->render_form(title => $self->config->{titles}->{add});

sub action_edit {
my ($self) = @_;

$self->render_form(title => $self->config->{titles}->{edit});

sub action_create {
my ($self) = @_;


sub action_update {
my ($self) = @_;


sub action_delete {
my ($self) = @_;

if ($self->object->can('orphaned') && !$self->object->orphaned) {
flash_later('error', t8('The object is in use and cannot be deleted.'));

} elsif ( eval { $self->object->delete; 1; } ) {
flash_later('info', t8('The object has been deleted.'));

} else {
flash_later('error', t8('The object is in use and cannot be deleted.'));


sub action_reorder {
my ($self) = @_;

$self->class->reorder_list(@{ $::form->{object_id} || [] });
$self->render(\'', { type => 'json' });

# filters

sub check_type_and_auth {
my ($self) = @_;

$self->config($supported_types{$self->type}) || die "Unsupported type";

$::auth->assert($self->config->{auth} || 'config');

my $pm = (map { s{::}{/}g; "${_}.pm" } $self->class)[0];
require $pm;

my $setup = "setup_" . $self->type;
$self->$setup if $self->can($setup);


sub setup_javascript {
$::request->layout->use_javascript("${_}.js") for qw(ckeditor/ckeditor ckeditor/adapters/jquery);

sub init_class { "SL::DB::" . $_[0]->config->{class} }
sub init_manager_class { "SL::DB::Manager::" . $_[0]->config->{class} }
sub init_object { $_[0]->class->new(id => $::form->{id})->load }
sub init_all_objects { $_[0]->manager_class->get_all_sorted }
sub init_list_url { $_[0]->url_for(action => 'list', type => $_[0]->type) }
sub init_supports_reordering { $_[0]->class->new->can('reorder_list') }
sub init_defaults { SL::DB::Default->get }

sub init_list_attributes {
my ($self) = @_;

my $method = "list_attributes_" . $self->type;

return $self->$method if $self->can($method);
return $self->config->{list_attributes} // \@default_list_attributes;

# helpers

sub create_or_update {
my ($self) = @_;
my $is_new = !$self->object->id;

my $params = delete($::form->{object}) || { };

$self->object->assign_attributes(%{ $params });

my @errors;

push @errors, $self->object->validate if $self->object->can('validate');

if (@errors) {
flash('error', @errors);
return $self->render_form(title => $self->config->{titles}->{$is_new ? 'add' : 'edit'});


flash_later('info', $is_new ? t8('The object has been created.') : t8('The object has been saved.'));


sub render_form {
my ($self, %params) = @_;

my $sub_form_template = SL::System::Process->exe_dir . '/templates/webpages/simple_system_setting/_' . $self->type . '_form.html';

a34bdbf7 Moritz Bunkus
916003e3 Moritz Bunkus
sub_form_template => (-f $sub_form_template ? $self->type : 'default'),

# type-specific helper functions

6761a7c1 Moritz Bunkus
sub setup_requirement_spec_acceptance_status {
my ($self) = @_;

no warnings 'once';
$self->{valid_names} = \@SL::DB::RequirementSpecAcceptanceStatus::valid_names;

5a0288d0 Moritz Bunkus
sub setup_requirement_spec_status {
my ($self) = @_;

no warnings 'once';
$self->{valid_names} = \@SL::DB::RequirementSpecStatus::valid_names;

60d0f05f Moritz Bunkus
sub setup_language {
my ($self) = @_;

$self->{numberformats} = [ '1,000.00', '1000.00', '1.000,00', '1000,00', "1'000.00" ];
$self->{dateformats} = [ qw(mm/dd/yy dd/mm/yy yyyy-mm-dd) ];

a34bdbf7 Moritz Bunkus
# action bar

sub setup_list_action_bar {
my ($self, %params) = @_;

for my $bar ($::request->layout->get('actionbar')) {
link => [
link => $self->url_for(action => 'new', type => $self->type),

sub setup_render_form_action_bar {
my ($self) = @_;

my $is_new = !$self->object->id;
my $can_be_deleted = !$is_new
&& (!$self->object->can("orphaned") || $self->object->orphaned)
&& (!$self->object->can("can_be_deleted") || $self->object->can_be_deleted);

for my $bar ($::request->layout->get('actionbar')) {
action => [
submit => [ '#form', { action => 'SimpleSystemSetting/' . ($is_new ? 'create' : 'update') } ],
checks => [ 'kivi.validate_form' ],
accesskey => 'enter',

action => [
submit => [ '#form', { action => 'SimpleSystemSetting/delete' } ],
confirm => t8('Do you really want to delete this object?'),
disabled => $is_new ? t8('This object has not been saved yet.')
: !$can_be_deleted ? t8('The object is in use and cannot be deleted.')
: undef,

link => [
link => $self->list_url,
bf231cac Sven Schöling
a34bdbf7 Moritz Bunkus

916003e3 Moritz Bunkus


=encoding utf-8

=head1 NAME

SL::Controller::SimpleSystemSettings — a common CRUD controller for
various settings in the "System" menu

=head1 AUTHOR

Moritz Bunkus <>
