kivitendo/SL/DB/ @ 300dc618
82515b2d | Sven Schöling | package SL::DB::Chart;
use strict;
use SL::DB::MetaSetup::Chart;
da61b6b1 | Moritz Bunkus | use SL::DB::Manager::Chart;
82515b2d | Sven Schöling | |||
e2013e83 | Moritz Bunkus | __PACKAGE__->meta->add_relationships(taxkeys => { type => 'one to many',
class => 'SL::DB::TaxKey',
column_map => { id => 'chart_id' },
82515b2d | Sven Schöling | |||
e2013e83 | Moritz Bunkus | sub get_active_taxkey {
my ($self, $date) = @_;
$date ||= DateTime->today_local;
ff338f61 | Sven Schöling | require SL::DB::TaxKey;
33b0b2ca | Moritz Bunkus | return SL::DB::Manager::TaxKey->get_all(query => [ and => [ chart_id => $self->id,
e2013e83 | Moritz Bunkus | startdate => { le => $date } ] ],
sort_by => "startdate DESC")->[0];
82515b2d | Sven Schöling | 1;
e2013e83 | Moritz Bunkus | |||
=encoding utf8
=head1 NAME
SL::DB::Chart - Rose database model for the "chart" table
=over 4
=item C<get_active_taxkey $date>
Returns the active tax key object for a given date. C<$date> defaults
to the current date if undefined.
=head1 BUGS
Nothing here yet.
=head1 AUTHOR
Moritz Bunkus E<lt>m.bunkus@linet-services.deE<gt>