#!/usr/bin/perl -l
use strict;
#use warnings; # corelist and find throw tons of warnings
use File::Find;
use Module::CoreList;
use SL::InstallationCheck;
use Term::ANSIColor;
use Getopt::Long;
my (%uselines, %modules, %supplied, %requires);
# since the information which classes belong to a cpan distribution is not
# easily obtained, I'll just hard code the bigger ones we use here. the same
# hash will be filled later with information gathered from the source files.
%requires = (
'DateTime' => {
'DateTime::Duration' => 1,
'DateTime::Infinite' => 1,
'Rose::DB::Object' => {
'Rose::DB::Object::ConventionManager' => 1,
'Rose::DB::Object::Manager' => 1,
'Rose::DB::Object::Metadata' => 1,
'Rose::Object' => {
'Rose::Object::MakeMethods::Generic' => 1,
'Template' => {
'Template::Constants' => 1,
'Template::Exception' => 1,
'Template::Iterator' => 1,
'Template::Plugin' => 1,
'Template::Plugin::Filter' => 1,
'Template::Plugin::HTML' => 1,
'Devel::REPL' => {
'namespace::clean' => 1,
'Email::MIME' => {
'Email::MIME::Creator' => 1,
'Test::Harness' => {
'TAP::Parser' => 1,
'TAP::Parser::Aggregator' => 1,
'files-with-match|l' => \ my $l,
find(sub {
return unless /(\.p[lm]|console)$/;
# remember modules shipped with Lx-Office
if $File::Find::dir =~ m#modules/#;
open my $fh, '<', $_ or warn "can't open $_: $!";
while (<$fh>) {
next if !/^use /;
next if /SL::/;
next if /Support::Files/; # our own test support module
next if /use (warnings|strict|vars|lib|constant|utf8)/;
my ($useline) = m/^use\s+(.*?)$/;
next if $useline =~ /^[\d._]+;/; # skip version requirements
next if !$useline;
$uselines{$useline} ||= [];
push @{ $uselines{$useline} }, $File::Find::name;
}, '.');
for my $useline (keys %uselines) {
$useline =~ s/#.*//; # kill comments
# modules can be loaded implicitly with use base qw(Module) or use parent
# 'Module'. catch these:
my ($module, $args) = $useline =~ /
)? # optional parent block
([\w:]+) # the module
(.*) # args
# some comments looks very much like use lines
# try to get rid of them
next if $useline =~ /^it like a normal Perl node/; # YAML::Dump comment
next if $useline =~ /^most and offer that in a small/; # YAML
my $version = Module::CoreList->first_release($module);
$modules{$module} = { status => $supplied{$module} ? 'included'
: $version ? sprintf '%2.6f', $version
: is_required($module) ? 'required'
: is_optional($module) ? 'optional'
: is_developer($module) ? 'developer'
: '!missing',
files => $uselines{$useline},
# build requirement tree
for my $file (@{ $uselines{$useline} }) {
next if $file =~ /\.pl$/;
my $orig_module = modulize($file);
$requires{$orig_module} ||= {};
# have all documented modules mentioned here
$modules{$_->{name}} ||= { status => 'required' } for @SL::InstallationCheck::required_modules;
$modules{$_->{name}} ||= { status => 'optional' } for @SL::InstallationCheck::optional_modules;
$modules{$_->{name}} ||= { status => 'developer' } for @SL::InstallationCheck::developer_modules;
# build transitive closure for documented dependancies
my $changed = 1;
while ($changed) {
$changed = 0;
for my $src_module (keys %requires) {
for my $dst_module (keys %{ $requires{$src_module} }) {
if ( $modules{$src_module}
&& $modules{$dst_module}
&& $modules{$src_module}->{status} =~ /^(required|devel|optional)/
&& $modules{$dst_module}->{status} eq '!missing') {
$modules{$dst_module}->{status} = "required"; # . ", via $src_module";
$changed = 1;
do {
print sprintf "%8s : %s", color_text($modules{$_}->{status}), $_;
if ($l) {
print " $_" for @{ $modules{$_}->{files} || [] };
} for sort {
$modules{$a}->{status} cmp $modules{$b}->{status}
|| $a cmp $b
} keys %modules;
sub modulize {
for (my ($name) = @_) {
return $_;
sub is_required {
my ($module) = @_;
grep { $_->{name} eq $module } @SL::InstallationCheck::required_modules;
sub is_optional {
my ($module) = @_;
grep { $_->{name} eq $module } @SL::InstallationCheck::optional_modules;
sub is_developer {
my ($module) = @_;
grep { $_->{name} eq $module } @SL::InstallationCheck::developer_modules;
sub color_text {
my ($text) = @_;
return color(get_color($text)) . $text . color('reset');
sub get_color {
for (@_) {
return 'yellow' if /^5./ && $_ > 5.008;
return 'green' if /^5./;
return 'green' if /^included/;
return 'red' if /^!missing/;
return 'yellow';
=head1 NAME
=head1 EXAMPLE
# perl scipts/find-use.pl
!missing : Perl::Tags
!missing : Template::Constants
!missing : DBI
This util is useful for package builders to identify all the CPAN dependencies
we have. It requires Module::CoreList (which is core since 5.9) to determine if
a module is distributed with perl or not. The output will be one of the
=over 4
If a version string is displayed, the module is core since this version.
Everything up to 5.8 is alright. 5.10 (aka 5.010) is acceptable, but should be
documented. Please do not use 5.12 core modules without adding an explicit
=item included
This module is included in C<modules/*>. Don't worry about it.
=item required
This module is documented in C<SL:InstallationCheck> to be necessary, or is a
dependancy of one of these. Everything alright.
=item !missing
These modules are neither core, nor included, nor required. This is ok for
developer tools, but should never occur for modules the actual program uses.
=head1 AUTHOR
http://www.ledgersmb.org/ - The LedgerSMB team
Sven Schöling E<lt>s.schoeling@linet-services.deE<gt>
=head1 LICENSE
Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2.