kivitendo/t/request/flatten.t @ 2fc8536b
9414d575 | Sven Schöling | use Test::More;
use Test::Deep;
use Data::Dumper;
use_ok 'SL::Request', qw(flatten unflatten);
use constant DEBUG => 0;
sub f ($$$) {
my $flat = flatten($_[0]);
print Dumper($flat) if DEBUG;
my $unflat = unflatten($flat);
print Dumper($unflat) if DEBUG;
cmp_deeply($flat, $_[1], $_[2]);
cmp_deeply($unflat, $_[0], $_[2]);
f {
test => 1,
whut => 2
[ test => 1 ],
[ whut => 2 ],
], 'simple case';
f { a => { b => 2 } },
[ 'a.b' => 2 ]
], 'simple hash nesting';
f { a => [ 2, 4 ] },
[ 'a[]' => 2 ],
[ 'a[]' => 4 ],
], 'simple array';
f { a => [ { c => 1, d => 2 }, { c => 3, d => 4 }, ] },
[ 'a[+].c', 1 ],
[ 'a[].d', 2 ],
[ 'a[+].c', 3 ],
[ 'a[].d', 4 ],
], 'array of hashes';
# tests from Hash::Flatten below
f {
'x' => 1,
'y' => {
'a' => 2,
'b' => {
'p' => 3,
'q' => 4
}, bag(
[ 'x' => 1, ],
[ 'y.a' => 2, ],
[ 'y.b.p' => 3, ],
[ 'y.b.q' => 4 ],
), 'Hash::Flatten 1';
f {
'x' => 1,
'0' => {
'1' => 2,
'a' => [1,2,3],
bag (
['x' => 1, ],
['0.1' => 2, ],
['a[]' => 1, ],
['a[]' => 2, ],
['a[]' => 3, ],
), 'Hash::Flatten 2 - weird keys and values';
f {
'x' => 1,
'ay' => {
'a' => 2,
'b' => {
'p' => 3,
'q' => 4
'y' => [
'a', 2,
'baz' => 'bum',
[ 'ay.b.p' => 3, ],
[ 'ay.b.q' => 4, ],
[ 'ay.a' => 2, ],
[ 'x' => 1, ],
[ 'y[]' => 'a', ],
[ 'y[]' => 2 ],
[ 'y[+].baz' => 'bum', ],
), 'Hash::Flatten 3 - mixed';
f {
'x' => 1,
'y' => [
'a', 'fool', 'is',
'easily', [ 'parted', 'from' ], 'his'
[ 'x' => 1, ],
[ 'y[][]' => 'his', ],
[ 'y[][+][]' => 'parted', ],
[ 'y[][][]' => 'from', ],
[ 'y[+][]' => 'a', ],
[ 'y[+][]' => 'easily', ],
[ 'y[][]' => 'fool', ],
[ 'y[][]' => 'is' ],
[ 'y[]' => 'money', ],
), 'Hash::Flatten 4 - array nesting';
f {
'x' => 1,
'ay' => {
'a' => 2,
'b' => {
'p' => 3,
'q' => 4
's' => 'hey',
'y' => [
'a', 2, {
'baz' => 'bum',
[ 'x' => 1, ],
[ 's' => 'hey', ],
[ 'ay.a' => 2, ],
[ 'y[+].baz' => 'bum', ],
[ 'ay.b.p' => 3, ],
[ 'y[]' => 'a', ],
[ 'ay.b.q' => 4, ],
[ 'y[]' => 2 ],
), 'Hash::Flatten 5 - deep mix';