Revision 2f6a11fb
Von Bernd Bleßmann vor mehr als 10 Jahren hinzugefügt
SL/ | ||
} else {
($form->{id}) = selectrow_query($form, $dbh, qq|SELECT nextval('glid')|);
$query =
qq|INSERT INTO ap (id, invnumber, employee_id,currency_id, taxzone_id) | .
qq|VALUES (?, ?, (SELECT FROM employee e WHERE e.login = ?),
SL/Controller/ | ||
# constraint, if Buchungsgruppe is connected to a part
my $db = $self->{config}->db;
$db->do_transaction(sub {
$db->do_transaction(sub {
my $taxzone_charts = SL::DB::Manager::TaxzoneChart->get_all(where => [ buchungsgruppen_id => $self->config->id ]);
foreach my $taxzonechart ( @{$taxzone_charts} ) { $taxzonechart->delete };
SL/Controller/CsvImport/ | ||
my $ri = $p->{row_ident};
$ccb->{row_ident}->{$ri} = [ map { "cvar_" . $_->name } (@{ $self->cvar_configs_by->{row_ident}->{$ri} }) ];
return $ccb;
SL/DB/ | ||
my ($self) = @_;
return SL::DB::Manager::TaxzoneChart->get_all(where => [ buchungsgruppen_id => $self->id ]);
sub orphaned {
my ($self) = @_;
die 'not an accessor' if @_ > 1;
SL/ | ||
$form->{saved_donumber} = $form->{donumber};
$form->{saved_ordnumber} = $form->{ordnumber};
$form->{saved_cusordnumber} = $form->{cusordnumber};
SL/ | ||
# also search hits in makemodels, but only cache the results by id and merge later
my $mm_query = qq|
SELECT parts_id, model FROM makemodel
LEFT JOIN parts ON = parts_id
SELECT parts_id, model FROM makemodel
LEFT JOIN parts ON = parts_id
WHERE NOT parts.obsolete AND model ILIKE ? AND (make IS NULL OR make = ?);
my $mm_results = selectall_hashref_query($::form, $dbh, $mm_query, '%' . $form->{"partnumber_$i"} . '%', $::form->{vendor_id});
... | ... | |
WHERE id = p.buchungsgruppen_id) =
LEFT JOIN chart c2 ON
((SELECT tc.income_accno_id
FROM taxzone_charts tc
FROM taxzone_charts tc
WHERE tc.taxzone_id = '$taxzone_id' and tc.buchungsgruppen_id = p.buchungsgruppen_id) =
LEFT JOIN chart c3 ON
((SELECT tc.expense_accno_id
SL/ | ||
Valid options:
closed_to start_of_year all_transactions last_ob_or_all_transactions last_ob_or_start_of_year
closed_to start_of_year all_transactions last_ob_or_all_transactions last_ob_or_start_of_year
=item C<get_is_changeable>
SL/Presenter/ | ||
=over 2
SL/ | ||
Common::check_params(\%params, qw(assembly_id dst_warehouse_id login qty unit dst_bin_id chargenumber bestbefore comment));
my $unit = SL::DB::Manager::Unit->find_by(name => $params{unit});
my $unit = SL::DB::Manager::Unit->find_by(name => $params{unit});
if ($unit) {
my $assembly = SL::DB::Manager::Assembly->get_all(
query => [ id => $params{assembly_id} ],
bin/mozilla/ | ||
# stored seperately). However, for fxsellprice this method only works when
# the tax is not included, because otherwise fxsellprice includes the tax
# and there is no simple way to extract the tax rate of the article from
# the big query.
# the big query.
# Using fxsellprice is potentially more accurate (certainly for tax
# included), because we can use the same method as is used while the
... | ... | |
# sellprice_total_including_tax = qty * fxsellprice * (1-discount) / price_factor * exchangerate
# $ar->{sellprice_total_including_tax} = $form->round_amount( $ar->{qty} * ( $ar->{fxsellprice} * ( 1 - $ar->{discount} ) ) / $ar->{price_factor}, $form->{"decimalplaces"});
$ar->{sellprice} = $ar->{sellprice} / $ar->{price_factor} / $basefactor;
$ar->{sellprice} = $ar->{sellprice} / $ar->{price_factor} / $basefactor;
$ar->{sellprice_total} = $form->round_amount( $ar->{qty} * $ar->{sellprice} / $ar->{price_factor} , $form->{"decimalplaces"});
$ar->{lastcost} = $ar->{lastcost} / $ar->{price_factor} / $basefactor;
Auch abrufbar als: Unified diff
trailing whitespaces entfernt