


Herunterladen (16 KB) Statistiken
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2f6ebd89 Sven Schöling
package SL::Helper::Csv;

use strict;
use warnings;

5c4833d7 Sven Schöling
use version 0.77;
2f6ebd89 Sven Schöling
use Carp;
use IO::File;
use Params::Validate qw(:all);
ccb40ac4 Bernd Bleßmann
use List::MoreUtils qw(all pairwise firstidx);
dcd6ce29 Moritz Bunkus
use Text::CSV_XS;
2f6ebd89 Sven Schöling
use Rose::Object::MakeMethods::Generic scalar => [ qw(
c8473408 Bernd Bleßmann
file encoding sep_char quote_char escape_char header profile
af205393 Bernd Bleßmann
numberformat dateformat ignore_unknown_columns strict_profile is_multiplexed
7ec8b55e Bernd Bleßmann
_row_header _io _csv _objects _parsed _data _errors all_cvar_configs case_insensitive_header
ccb40ac4 Bernd Bleßmann
2f6ebd89 Sven Schöling
) ];

17d58914 Sven Schöling
use SL::Helper::Csv::Dispatcher;
c46898c7 Sven Schöling
use SL::Helper::Csv::Error;
2f6ebd89 Sven Schöling
# public interface

sub new {
my $class = shift;
my %params = validate(@_, {
1dcc096b Sven Schöling
sep_char => { default => ';' },
quote_char => { default => '"' },
escape_char => { default => '"' },
header => { type => ARRAYREF, optional => 1 },
af205393 Bernd Bleßmann
profile => { type => ARRAYREF, optional => 1 },
1dcc096b Sven Schöling
file => 1,
encoding => 0,
numberformat => 0,
dateformat => 0,
ignore_unknown_columns => 0,
09294068 Sven Schöling
strict_profile => 0,
a54fc392 Sven Schöling
case_insensitive_header => 0,
2f6ebd89 Sven Schöling
my $self = bless {}, $class;

$self->$_($params{$_}) for keys %params;

dcd6ce29 Moritz Bunkus
2f6ebd89 Sven Schöling
binary => 1,
8fba112b Sven Schöling
sep_char => $self->sep_char,
quote_char => $self->quote_char,
escape_char => $self->escape_char,
2f6ebd89 Sven Schöling
8fba112b Sven Schöling
2f6ebd89 Sven Schöling
return $self;

sub parse {
my ($self, %params) = @_;

af205393 Bernd Bleßmann
return if ! $self->_check_multiplexed;
1dcc096b Sven Schöling
return if ! $self->_check_header;
ccb40ac4 Bernd Bleßmann
return if ! $self->_check_multiplex_datatype_position;
17d58914 Sven Schöling
return if ! $self->dispatcher->parse_profile;
1dcc096b Sven Schöling
return if ! $self->_parse_data;
2f6ebd89 Sven Schöling
return $self;

sub get_data {

sub get_objects {
my ($self, %params) = @_;
croak 'must parse first' unless $self->_parsed;

$self->_make_objects unless $self->_objects;
return wantarray ? @{ $self->_objects } : $self->_objects;

8fba112b Sven Schöling
sub errors {
@{ $_[0]->_errors }

f9f7b56e Sven Schöling
sub check_header {

2f6ebd89 Sven Schöling
# private stuff

sub _open_file {
my ($self, %params) = @_;

$self->encoding($self->_guess_encoding) if !$self->encoding;

$self->_io->open($self->file, '<' . $self->_encode_layer)
or die "could not open file " . $self->file;

return $self->_io;

af205393 Bernd Bleßmann
# check, if data is multiplexed and if all nessesary infos are given
sub _check_multiplexed {
my ($self, %params) = @_;


# If more than one profile is given, it is multiplexed.
if ($self->profile) {
my @profile = @{ $self->profile };
if (scalar @profile > 1) {
# Each profile needs a class and a row_ident
202844a1 Bernd Bleßmann
my $info_ok = all { defined $_->{class} && defined $_->{row_ident} } @profile;
a6372bfa Bernd Bleßmann
"missing class or row_ident in one of the profiles for multiplexed data",
0]) unless $info_ok;
af205393 Bernd Bleßmann
# If header is given, there need to be a header for each profile
202844a1 Bernd Bleßmann
# and no empty headers.
af205393 Bernd Bleßmann
if ($info_ok && $self->header) {
my @header = @{ $self->header };
a6372bfa Bernd Bleßmann
my $t_ok = scalar @profile == scalar @header;
"number of headers and number of profiles must be the same for multiplexed data",
0]) unless $t_ok;
$info_ok = $info_ok && $t_ok;

$t_ok = all { scalar @$_ > 0} @header;
"no empty headers are allowed for multiplexed data",
0]) unless $t_ok;
$info_ok = $info_ok && $t_ok;
af205393 Bernd Bleßmann
return $info_ok;

# ok, if not multiplexed
return 1;

2f6ebd89 Sven Schöling
sub _check_header {
my ($self, %params) = @_;
af205393 Bernd Bleßmann
my $header;
2f6ebd89 Sven Schöling
af205393 Bernd Bleßmann
$header = $self->header;
if (!$header) {
my $n_header = ($self->is_multiplexed)? scalar @{ $self->profile } : 1;
foreach my $p_num (0..$n_header - 1) {
my $h = $self->_csv->getline($self->_io);
2f6ebd89 Sven Schöling
af205393 Bernd Bleßmann
]) unless $h;

e95294b5 Bernd Bleßmann
if ($self->is_multiplexed) {
push @{ $header }, $h;
} else {
$header = $h;
af205393 Bernd Bleßmann
7d9888e3 Sven Schöling
62add698 Sven Schöling
07a38b9f Sven Schöling
# Special case: utf8 BOM.
# certain software (namely MS Office and notepad.exe insist on prefixing
# data with a discouraged but valid byte order mark
# if not removed, the first header field will not be recognized
af205393 Bernd Bleßmann
if ($header) {
e95294b5 Bernd Bleßmann
my $h = ($self->is_multiplexed)? $header->[0] : $header;

202844a1 Bernd Bleßmann
if ($h && $h->[0] && $self->encoding =~ /utf-?8/i) {
$h->[0] =~ s/^\x{FEFF}//;
af205393 Bernd Bleßmann
07a38b9f Sven Schöling

af205393 Bernd Bleßmann
# check, if all header fields are parsed well
e95294b5 Bernd Bleßmann
if ($self->is_multiplexed) {
return unless $header && all { $_ } @$header;
} else {
return unless $header;
a54fc392 Sven Schöling
# Special case: human stupidity
# people insist that case sensitivity doesn't exist and try to enter all
# sorts of stuff. at this point we've got a profile (with keys that represent
# valid methods), and a header full of strings. if two of them match, the user
# mopst likely meant that field, so rewrite the header
if ($self->case_insensitive_header) {
die 'case_insensitive_header is only possible with profile' unless $self->profile;
de4b1e97 Bernd Bleßmann
if ($header) {
e95294b5 Bernd Bleßmann
my $h_aref = ($self->is_multiplexed)? $header : [ $header ];
my $p_num = 0;
foreach my $h (@{ $h_aref }) {
de4b1e97 Bernd Bleßmann
my @names = (
keys %{ $self->profile->[$p_num]->{profile} || {} },
for my $name (@names) {
for my $i (0..$#$h) {
$h->[$i] = $name if lc $h->[$i] eq lc $name;
a54fc392 Sven Schöling

return $self->header($header);
2f6ebd89 Sven Schöling

ccb40ac4 Bernd Bleßmann
sub _check_multiplex_datatype_position {
my ($self) = @_;

return 1 if !$self->is_multiplexed; # ok if if not multiplexed

my @positions = map { firstidx { 'datatype' eq lc($_) } @{ $_ } } @{ $self->header };
my $first_pos = $positions[0];
if (all { $first_pos == $_ } @positions) {
return 1;
} else {
"datatype field must be at the same position for all datatypes for multiplexed data",
return 0;

2f6ebd89 Sven Schöling
sub _parse_data {
my ($self, %params) = @_;
8fba112b Sven Schöling
my (@data, @errors);
2f6ebd89 Sven Schöling
8fba112b Sven Schöling
while (1) {
my $row = $self->_csv->getline($self->_io);
if ($row) {
af205393 Bernd Bleßmann
my $header = $self->_header_by_row($row);
8fba112b Sven Schöling
my %hr;
af205393 Bernd Bleßmann
@hr{@{ $header }} = @$row;
8fba112b Sven Schöling
push @data, \%hr;
} else {
61a56da0 Sven Schöling
last if $self->_csv->eof;
5c4833d7 Sven Schöling
# Text::CSV_XS 0.89 added record number to error_diag
if (qv(Text::CSV_XS->VERSION) >= qv('0.89')) {
push @errors, [
} else {
push @errors, [
8fba112b Sven Schöling
61a56da0 Sven Schöling
last if $self->_csv->eof;
8fba112b Sven Schöling
2f6ebd89 Sven Schöling
f9f7b56e Sven Schöling
8fba112b Sven Schöling
f9f7b56e Sven Schöling
return ! @errors;
2f6ebd89 Sven Schöling

af205393 Bernd Bleßmann
sub _header_by_row {
my ($self, $row) = @_;

7ec8b55e Bernd Bleßmann
# initialize lookup hash if not already done
if ($self->is_multiplexed && ! defined $self->_row_header ) {
d161c66c Bernd Bleßmann
$self->_row_header({ pairwise { no warnings 'once'; $a->{row_ident} => $b } @{ $self->profile }, @{ $self->header } });
7ec8b55e Bernd Bleßmann
1870f11e Bernd Bleßmann
af205393 Bernd Bleßmann
if ($self->is_multiplexed) {
ccb40ac4 Bernd Bleßmann
return $self->_row_header->{$row->[$self->_multiplex_datatype_position]}
af205393 Bernd Bleßmann
} else {
e95294b5 Bernd Bleßmann
return $self->header;
af205393 Bernd Bleßmann

2f6ebd89 Sven Schöling
sub _encode_layer {
':encoding(' . $_[0]->encoding . ')';

sub _make_objects {
my ($self, %params) = @_;
my @objs;

local $::myconfig{numberformat} = $self->numberformat if $self->numberformat;
local $::myconfig{dateformat} = $self->dateformat if $self->dateformat;

for my $line (@{ $self->_data }) {
c8473408 Bernd Bleßmann
my $tmp_obj = $self->dispatcher->dispatch($line);
17d58914 Sven Schöling
push @objs, $tmp_obj;
2f6ebd89 Sven Schöling


17d58914 Sven Schöling
sub dispatcher {
my ($self, %params) = @_;

$self->{_dispatcher} ||= $self->_make_dispatcher;

sub _make_dispatcher {
my ($self, %params) = @_;

die 'need a header to make a dispatcher' unless $self->header;

return SL::Helper::Csv::Dispatcher->new($self);
f9f7b56e Sven Schöling

2f6ebd89 Sven Schöling
sub _guess_encoding {
# won't fix

f9f7b56e Sven Schöling
sub _push_error {
my ($self, @errors) = @_;
c46898c7 Sven Schöling
my @new_errors = ($self->errors, map { SL::Helper::Csv::Error->new(@$_) } @errors);
f9f7b56e Sven Schöling

2f6ebd89 Sven Schöling


8fba112b Sven Schöling
=encoding utf-8

2f6ebd89 Sven Schöling
=head1 NAME

SL::Helper::Csv - take care of csv file uploads


use SL::Helper::Csv;

my $csv = SL::Helper::Csv->new(
file => \$::form->{upload_file},
encoding => 'utf-8', # undef means utf8
sep_char => ',', # default ';'
efb48636 Moritz Bunkus
quote_char => '\'', # default '"'
escape_char => '"', # default '"'
e95294b5 Bernd Bleßmann
header => [ qw(id text sellprice word) ], # see later
af205393 Bernd Bleßmann
profile => [ { profile => { sellprice => 'sellprice_as_number'},
class => 'SL::DB::Part' } ],
efb48636 Moritz Bunkus
2f6ebd89 Sven Schöling
my $status = $csv->parse;
8fba112b Sven Schöling
my $hrefs = $csv->get_data;
bfb0d001 Sven Schöling
my @objects = $csv->get_objects;

my @errors = $csv->errors;
2f6ebd89 Sven Schöling

See Synopsis.

Text::CSV offeres already good functions to get lines out of a csv file, but in
most cases you will want those line to be parsed into hashes or even objects,
so this model just skips ahead and gives you objects.

bfb0d001 Sven Schöling
Its basic assumptions are:

=over 4

=item You do know what you expect to be in that csv file.

This means first and foremost you have knowledge about encoding, number and
date format, csv parameters such as quoting and separation characters. You also
know what content will be in that csv and what L<Rose::DB> is responsible for
it. You provide valid header columns and their mapping to the objects.

=item You do NOT know if the csv provider yields to your expectations.

Stuff that does not work with what you expect should not crash anything, but
46e31af5 Bernd Bleßmann
give you a hint what went wrong. As a result, if you remember to check for
bfb0d001 Sven Schöling
errors after each step, you should be fine.

=item Data does not make sense. It's just data.

Almost all data imports have some type of constraints. Some data needs to be
unique, other data needs to be connected to existing data sets. This will not
happen here. You will receive a plain mapping of the data into the class tree,
nothing more.

af205393 Bernd Bleßmann
=item Multiplex data

This module can handle multiplexed data of different class types. In that case
multiple profiles with classes and row identifiers must be given. Multiple
headers may also be given or read from csv data. Data must contain the row
ccb40ac4 Bernd Bleßmann
identifier in the column named 'datatype'.
af205393 Bernd Bleßmann
bfb0d001 Sven Schöling
2f6ebd89 Sven Schöling
=head1 METHODS

=over 4

=item C<new> PARAMS

Standard constructor. You can use this to set most of the data.

=item C<parse>

Do the actual work. Will return true ($self actually) if success, undef if not.

=item C<get_objects>

Parse the data into objects and return those.

8fba112b Sven Schöling
This method will return list or arrayref depending on context.

2f6ebd89 Sven Schöling
=item C<get_data>

Returns an arrayref of the raw lines as hashrefs.

8fba112b Sven Schöling
=item C<errors>

bfb0d001 Sven Schöling
Return all errors that came up during parsing. See error handling for detailed
8fba112b Sven Schöling


=head1 PARAMS

=over 4

2f6ebd89 Sven Schöling
=item C<file>

The file which contents are to be read. Can be a name of a physical file or a
scalar ref for memory data.

=item C<encoding>

f9f7b56e Sven Schöling
Encoding of the CSV file. Note that this module does not do any encoding
efb48636 Moritz Bunkus
guessing. Know what your data is. Defaults to utf-8.
2f6ebd89 Sven Schöling
=item C<sep_char>

=item C<quote_char>

8fba112b Sven Schöling
=item C<escape_char>

2f6ebd89 Sven Schöling
Same as in L<Text::CSV>

af205393 Bernd Bleßmann
=item C<header> \@HEADERS

e95294b5 Bernd Bleßmann
If given, it contains an ARRAY of the header fields for not multiplexed data.
Or an ARRAYREF for each different class type for multiplexed data. These
ARRAYREFS are the header fields which are an array of columns. In this case
the first lines are not used as a header. Empty header fields will be ignored
in objects.
af205393 Bernd Bleßmann
If not given, headers are taken from the first n lines of data, where n is the
number of different class types.
2f6ebd89 Sven Schöling
ccb40ac4 Bernd Bleßmann
In case of multiplexed data there must be a column named 'datatype'. This
column must be given in each header and must be at the same position in each
fa7c3cb5 Bernd Bleßmann
af205393 Bernd Bleßmann
2f6ebd89 Sven Schöling
af205393 Bernd Bleßmann
classic data of one type:
e95294b5 Bernd Bleßmann
[ 'name', 'street', 'zipcode', 'city' ]
2f6ebd89 Sven Schöling
ccb40ac4 Bernd Bleßmann
multiplexed data with two different types:
fa7c3cb5 Bernd Bleßmann
[ [ 'datatype', 'ordernumber', 'customer', 'transdate' ],
[ 'datatype', 'partnumber', 'qty', 'sellprice' ] ]
af205393 Bernd Bleßmann
=item C<profile> [{profile => \%ACCESSORS, class => class, row_ident => ri},]

This is an ARRAYREF to HASHREFs which may contain the keys C<profile>, C<class>
and C<row_ident>.
2f6ebd89 Sven Schöling
c8473408 Bernd Bleßmann
The C<profile> is a HASHREF which may be used to map header fields to custom
accessors. Example:

af205393 Bernd Bleßmann
[ {profile => { listprice => listprice_as_number }} ]
2f6ebd89 Sven Schöling
In this case C<listprice_as_number> will be used to read in values from the
C<listprice> column.

8a635325 Sven Schöling
In case of a One-To-One relationsship these can also be set over
relationsships by sparating the steps with a dot (C<.>). This will work:

af205393 Bernd Bleßmann
[ {profile => { customer => '' }} ]
8a635325 Sven Schöling
And will result in something like this:


But beware, this will not try to look up anything in the database. You will
simply receive objects that represent what the profile defined. If some of
these information are unique, and should be connected to preexisting data, you
will have to do that for yourself. Since you provided the profile, it is
assumed you know what to do in this case.

de4b1e97 Bernd Bleßmann
If no profile is given, any header field found will be taken as is.

If the path in a profile entry is empty, the field will be subjected to
C<strict_profile> and C<case_insensitive_header> checking, will be parsed into
C<get_data>, but will not be attempted to be dispatched into objects.

c8473408 Bernd Bleßmann
If C<class> is present, the line will be handed to the new sub of this class,
2f6ebd89 Sven Schöling
and the return value used instead of the line itself.

af205393 Bernd Bleßmann
C<row_ident> is a string to recognize the right profile and class for each data
fa7c3cb5 Bernd Bleßmann
line in multiplexed data. It must match the value in the column 'dataype' for
each class.
af205393 Bernd Bleßmann
In case of multiplexed data, C<class> and C<row_ident> must be given.
[ {
class => 'SL::DB::Order',
row_ident => 'O'
class => 'SL::DB::OrderItem',
row_ident => 'I',
profile => {sellprice => sellprice_as_number}
} ]

1dcc096b Sven Schöling
=item C<ignore_unknown_columns>

If set, the import will ignore unkown header columns. Useful for lazy imports,
but deactivated by default.

a54fc392 Sven Schöling
=item C<case_insensitive_header>

If set, header columns will be matched against profile entries case
insensitive, and on match the profile name will be taken.

Only works if a profile is given, will die otherwise.

If both C<case_insensitive_header> and C<strict_profile> is set, matched header
columns will be accepted.

09294068 Sven Schöling
=item C<strict_profile>

If set, all columns to be parsed must be specified in C<profile>. Every header
field not listed there will be treated like an unknown column.

a54fc392 Sven Schöling
If both C<case_insensitive_header> and C<strict_profile> is set, matched header
columns will be accepted.

2f6ebd89 Sven Schöling

8fba112b Sven Schöling

After parsing a file all errors will be accumulated into C<errors>.
c46898c7 Sven Schöling
Each entry is an object with the following attributes:
8fba112b Sven Schöling
c46898c7 Sven Schöling
raw_input: offending raw input,
code: Text::CSV error code if Text:CSV signalled an error, 0 else,
diag: error diagnostics,
line: position in line,
col: estimated line in file,
8fba112b Sven Schöling
Note that the last entry can be off, but will give an estimate.

=head1 CAVEATS

=over 4

=item *

sep_char, quote_char, and escape_char are passed to Text::CSV on creation.
Changing them later has no effect currently.

=item *

Encoding errors are not dealt with properly.

2f6ebd89 Sven Schöling
f9f7b56e Sven Schöling
=head1 TODO

Dispatch to child objects, like this:

$csv = SL::Helper::Csv->new(
c8473408 Bernd Bleßmann
file => ...
af205393 Bernd Bleßmann
profile => [ {
c8473408 Bernd Bleßmann
profile => [
makemodel => {
make_1 => make,
model_1 => model,
makemodel => {
make_2 => make,
model_2 => model,
class => SL::DB::Part,
af205393 Bernd Bleßmann
} ]
f9f7b56e Sven Schöling

2f6ebd89 Sven Schöling
=head1 AUTHOR

8fba112b Sven Schöling
Sven Schöling E<lt>s.schoeling@linet-services.deE<gt>

2f6ebd89 Sven Schöling