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Revision 2c2447e3

Von G. Richardson vor fast 7 Jahren hinzugefügt

  • ID 2c2447e3b398aa0a9888f9f8312960f1a001ec9b
  • Vorgänger 4b69fb00
  • Nachfolger 3b4876c5

Refactoring payment.t

reset_state in init_state umbenannt und params entfernt. Die Daten werden nur
einmal aufbereitet.

Überall title an Anfang der Funktion verschoben, bzw. neu angelegt.

ALWAYS_RESET entfernt. Es werden nun während des Tests nie Rechnungen gelöscht.
Immer alle Daten der Einzeltests zu löschen und alles neu zu initialisieren
würde den Test auch recht langsam, und war eh nicht sauber implementiert.

Unterschiede anzeigen:

use Test::More;
use strict;
use Test::More tests => 197;
use strict;
my ($transdate1, $transdate2, $transdate3, $transdate4, $currency, $exchangerate, $exchangerate2, $exchangerate3, $exchangerate4);
my ($ar_chart,$bank,$ar_amount_chart, $ap_chart, $ap_amount_chart, $fxloss_chart, $fxgain_chart);
my $reset_state_counter = 0;
my $purchase_invoice_counter = 0; # used for generating purchase invnumber
# test cases: without_skonto
test_ap_currency_tax_not_included_and_payment_2(); # two exchangerates, with fx_gain_loss
test_ap_currency_tax_not_included_and_payment_2_credit_note(); # two exchangerates, with fx_gain_loss
{ local $TODO = "currently this test fails because the code writing the invoice is buggy, the calculation of skonto is correct";
my ($acc_trans_sum) = selectfirst_array_query($::form, $currency->db->dbh, 'SELECT SUM(amount) FROM acc_trans'); is($acc_trans_sum, '0.00000', "sum of all acc_trans is 0");
is(SL::DB::Manager::Invoice->get_all_count(), 21, "number of invoices at end of tests ok");
local $TODO = "currently this test fails because the code writing the invoice is buggy, the calculation of skonto is correct";
my ($acc_trans_sum) = selectfirst_array_query($::form, $currency->db->dbh, 'SELECT SUM(amount) FROM acc_trans');
is($acc_trans_sum, '0.00000', "sum of all acc_trans at end of all tests is 0");
# remove all created data at end of test
# clear_up();
SL::DB::Manager::Currency->delete_all(where => [ name => 'CUR' ]);
sub reset_state {
sub init_state {
my %params = @_;
return if $reset_state_counter;
$params{$_} ||= {} for qw(buchungsgruppe unit customer part tax vendor);
$transdate1 = DateTime->today;
$transdate3 = DateTime->today->add(days => 2);
$transdate4 = DateTime->today->add(days => 3);
$buchungsgruppe = SL::DB::Manager::Buchungsgruppe->find_by(description => 'Standard 19%', %{ $params{buchungsgruppe} }) || croak "No accounting group";
$buchungsgruppe7 = SL::DB::Manager::Buchungsgruppe->find_by(description => 'Standard 7%') || croak "No accounting group for 7\%";
$unit = SL::DB::Manager::Unit->find_by(name => 'kg', %{ $params{unit} }) || croak "No unit";
$employee = SL::DB::Manager::Employee->current || croak "No employee";
$tax = SL::DB::Manager::Tax->find_by(taxkey => 3, rate => 0.19, %{ $params{tax} }) || croak "No tax";
$tax7 = SL::DB::Manager::Tax->find_by(taxkey => 2, rate => 0.07) || croak "No tax for 7\%";
$taxzone = SL::DB::Manager::TaxZone->find_by( description => 'Inland') || croak "No taxzone";
$tax_9 = SL::DB::Manager::Tax->find_by(taxkey => 9, rate => 0.19, %{ $params{tax} }) || croak "No tax";
# $tax7 = SL::DB::Manager::Tax->find_by(taxkey => 2, rate => 0.07) || croak "No tax for 7\%";
$buchungsgruppe = SL::DB::Manager::Buchungsgruppe->find_by(description => 'Standard 19%') || croak "No accounting group";
$buchungsgruppe7 = SL::DB::Manager::Buchungsgruppe->find_by(description => 'Standard 7%') || croak "No accounting group for 7\%";
$unit = SL::DB::Manager::Unit->find_by(name => 'kg') || croak "No unit";
$employee = SL::DB::Manager::Employee->current || croak "No employee";
$tax = SL::DB::Manager::Tax->find_by(taxkey => 3, rate => 0.19) || croak "No tax";
$tax7 = SL::DB::Manager::Tax->find_by(taxkey => 2, rate => 0.07) || croak "No tax for 7\%";
$taxzone = SL::DB::Manager::TaxZone->find_by( description => 'Inland') || croak "No taxzone";
$tax_9 = SL::DB::Manager::Tax->find_by(taxkey => 9, rate => 0.19) || croak "No tax";
# $tax7 = SL::DB::Manager::Tax->find_by(taxkey => 2, rate => 0.07) || croak "No tax for 7\%";
$currency_id = $::instance_conf->get_currency_id;
$bank = SL::DB::Manager::Chart->find_by( accno => '1200' ); # Bank
$ar_amount_chart = SL::DB::Manager::Chart->find_by( accno => '8400' ); # Erlöse
$ap_amount_chart = SL::DB::Manager::Chart->find_by( accno => '3400' ); # Wareneingang 19%
sub new_purchase_invoice {
# test 1
sub test_default_invoice_one_item_19_without_skonto() {
reset_state() if $ALWAYS_RESET;
my $title = 'default invoice, one item, 19% tax, without_skonto';
my $item = create_invoice_item(part => $parts[0], qty => 2.5);
my $invoice = create_sales_invoice(
taxincluded => 0,
my ($number_of_payments, $paid_amount) = number_of_payments($invoice);
my $total = total_amount($invoice);
my $title = 'default invoice, one item, 19% tax, without_skonto';
is($invoice->netamount, 5.85, "${title}: netamount");
is($invoice->amount, 6.96, "${title}: amount");
is($paid_amount, -6.96, "${title}: paid amount");
sub test_default_invoice_one_item_19_without_skonto_overpaid() {
reset_state() if $ALWAYS_RESET;
my $title = 'default invoice, one item, 19% tax, without_skonto';
my $item = create_invoice_item(part => $parts[0], qty => 2.5);
my $invoice = create_sales_invoice(
my ($number_of_payments, $paid_amount) = number_of_payments($invoice);
my $total = total_amount($invoice);
my $title = 'default invoice, one item, 19% tax, without_skonto';
is($invoice->netamount, 5.85, "${title}: netamount");
is($invoice->amount, 6.96, "${title}: amount");
is($paid_amount, -6.96, "${title}: paid amount");
# test 2
sub test_default_invoice_two_items_19_7_tax_with_skonto() {
reset_state() if $ALWAYS_RESET;
my $title = 'default invoice, two items, 19/7% tax with_skonto_pt';
my $item1 = create_invoice_item(part => $parts[0], qty => 2.5);
my $item2 = create_invoice_item(part => $parts[1], qty => 1.2);
my ($number_of_payments, $paid_amount) = number_of_payments($invoice);
my $total = total_amount($invoice);
my $title = 'default invoice, two items, 19/7% tax with_skonto_pt';
is($invoice->netamount, 5.85 + 11.66, "${title}: netamount");
is($invoice->amount, 6.96 + 12.48, "${title}: amount");
is($paid_amount, -19.44, "${title}: paid amount");
sub test_default_invoice_two_items_19_7_tax_with_skonto_tax_included() {
reset_state() if $ALWAYS_RESET;
my $title = 'default invoice, two items, 19/7% tax with_skonto_pt';
my $item1 = create_invoice_item(part => $parts[0], qty => 2.5);
my $item2 = create_invoice_item(part => $parts[1], qty => 1.2);
my ($number_of_payments, $paid_amount) = number_of_payments($invoice);
my $total = total_amount($invoice);
my $title = 'default invoice, two items, 19/7% tax with_skonto_pt';
is($invoice->netamount, 15.82, "${title}: netamount");
is($invoice->amount, 17.51, "${title}: amount");
is($paid_amount, -17.51, "${title}: paid amount");
is($invoice->paid, 17.51, "${title}: paid");
is($number_of_payments, 3, "${title}: 3 AR_paid bookings");
{ local $TODO = "currently this test fails because the code writing the invoice is buggy, the calculation of skonto is correct";
local $TODO = "currently this test fails because the code writing the invoice is buggy, the calculation of skonto is correct";
is($total, 0, "${title}: even balance");
# test 3 : two items, without skonto
sub test_default_invoice_two_items_19_7_without_skonto() {
reset_state() if $ALWAYS_RESET;
my $title = 'default invoice, two items, 19/7% tax without skonto';
my $item1 = create_invoice_item(part => $parts[0], qty => 2.5);
my $item2 = create_invoice_item(part => $parts[1], qty => 1.2);
my ($number_of_payments, $paid_amount) = number_of_payments($invoice);
my $total = total_amount($invoice);
my $title = 'default invoice, two items, 19/7% tax without skonto';
is($invoice->netamount, 5.85 + 11.66, "${title}: netamount");
is($invoice->amount, 6.96 + 12.48, "${title}: amount");
is($paid_amount, -19.44, "${title}: paid amount");
# test 4
sub test_default_invoice_two_items_19_7_without_skonto_incomplete_payment() {
reset_state() if $ALWAYS_RESET;
my $title = 'default invoice, two items, 19/7% tax without skonto incomplete payment';
my $item1 = create_invoice_item(part => $parts[0], qty => 2.5);
my $item2 = create_invoice_item(part => $parts[1], qty => 1.2);
my ($number_of_payments, $paid_amount) = number_of_payments($invoice);
my $total = total_amount($invoice);
my $title = 'default invoice, two items, 19/7% tax without skonto incomplete payment';
is($invoice->netamount, 5.85 + 11.66, "${title}: netamount");
is($invoice->amount, 6.96 + 12.48, "${title}: amount");
is($paid_amount, -9.44, "${title}: paid amount");
# test 5
sub test_default_invoice_two_items_19_7_tax_without_skonto_multiple_payments() {
reset_state() if $ALWAYS_RESET;
my $title = 'default invoice, two items, 19/7% tax not included';
my $item1 = create_invoice_item(part => $parts[0], qty => 2.5);
my $item2 = create_invoice_item(part => $parts[1], qty => 1.2);
my ($number_of_payments, $paid_amount) = number_of_payments($invoice);
my $total = total_amount($invoice);
my $title = 'default invoice, two items, 19/7% tax not included';
is($invoice->netamount, 5.85 + 11.66, "${title}: netamount");
is($invoice->amount, 6.96 + 12.48, "${title}: amount");
is($paid_amount, -19.44, "${title}: paid amount");
# test 6
sub test_default_invoice_two_items_19_7_tax_without_skonto_multiple_payments_final_difference_as_skonto() {
reset_state() if $ALWAYS_RESET;
my $title = 'default invoice, two items, 19/7% tax not included';
my $item1 = create_invoice_item(part => $parts[0], qty => 2.5);
my $item2 = create_invoice_item(part => $parts[1], qty => 1.2);
my ($number_of_payments, $paid_amount) = number_of_payments($invoice);
my $total = total_amount($invoice);
my $title = 'default invoice, two items, 19/7% tax not included';
is($invoice->netamount, 5.85 + 11.66, "${title}: netamount");
is($invoice->amount, 6.96 + 12.48, "${title}: amount");
is($paid_amount, -19.44, "${title}: paid amount");
sub test_default_invoice_two_items_19_7_tax_without_skonto_multiple_payments_final_difference_as_skonto_1cent() {
reset_state() if $ALWAYS_RESET;
my $title = 'default invoice, two items, 19/7% tax not included';
# if there is only one cent left there can only be one skonto booking, the
# error handling should choose the highest amount, which is the 7% account
my ($number_of_payments, $paid_amount) = number_of_payments($invoice);
my $total = total_amount($invoice);
my $title = 'default invoice, two items, 19/7% tax not included';
is($invoice->netamount, 5.85 + 11.66, "${title}: netamount");
is($invoice->amount, 6.96 + 12.48, "${title}: amount");
is($paid_amount, -19.44, "${title}: paid amount");
sub test_default_invoice_two_items_19_7_tax_without_skonto_multiple_payments_final_difference_as_skonto_2cent() {
reset_state() if $ALWAYS_RESET;
my $title = 'default invoice, two items, 19/7% tax not included';
# if there are two cents left there will be two skonto bookings, 1 cent each
my $item1 = create_invoice_item(part => $parts[0], qty => 2.5);
my ($number_of_payments, $paid_amount) = number_of_payments($invoice);
my $total = total_amount($invoice);
my $title = 'default invoice, two items, 19/7% tax not included';
is($invoice->netamount, 5.85 + 11.66, "${title}: netamount");
is($invoice->amount, 6.96 + 12.48, "${title}: amount");
is($paid_amount, -19.44, "${title}: paid amount");
sub test_default_invoice_one_item_19_multiple_payment_final_difference_as_skonto() {
reset_state() if $ALWAYS_RESET;
my $title = 'default invoice, one item, 19% tax, without_skonto';
my $item = create_invoice_item(part => $parts[0], qty => 2.5);
my $invoice = create_sales_invoice(
my ($number_of_payments, $paid_amount) = number_of_payments($invoice);
my $total = total_amount($invoice);
my $title = 'default invoice, one item, 19% tax, without_skonto';
is($invoice->netamount, 5.85, "${title}: netamount");
is($invoice->amount, 6.96, "${title}: amount");
is($paid_amount, -6.96, "${title}: paid amount");
sub test_default_invoice_one_item_19_multiple_payment_final_difference_as_skonto_1cent() {
reset_state() if $ALWAYS_RESET;
my $title = 'default invoice, one item, 19% tax, without_skonto';
my $item = create_invoice_item(part => $parts[0], qty => 2.5);
my $invoice = create_sales_invoice(
my ($number_of_payments, $paid_amount) = number_of_payments($invoice);
my $total = total_amount($invoice);
my $title = 'default invoice, one item, 19% tax, without_skonto';
is($invoice->netamount, 5.85, "${title}: netamount");
is($invoice->amount, 6.96, "${title}: amount");
is($paid_amount, -6.96, "${title}: paid amount");
# test 3 : two items, without skonto
sub test_default_purchase_invoice_two_charts_19_7_without_skonto() {
reset_state() if $ALWAYS_RESET;
my $title = 'default invoice, two items, 19/7% tax without skonto';
my $purchase_invoice = new_purchase_invoice();
my ($number_of_payments, $paid_amount) = number_of_payments($purchase_invoice);
my $total = total_amount($purchase_invoice);
my $title = 'default invoice, two items, 19/7% tax without skonto';
is($paid_amount, 226, "${title}: paid amount");
is($number_of_payments, 1, "${title}: 1 AP_paid bookings");
is($total, 0, "${title}: even balance");
sub test_default_purchase_invoice_two_charts_19_7_with_skonto() {
reset_state() if $ALWAYS_RESET;
my $title = 'default invoice, two items, 19/7% tax without skonto';
my $purchase_invoice = new_purchase_invoice();
my ($number_of_payments, $paid_amount) = number_of_payments($purchase_invoice);
my $total = total_amount($purchase_invoice);
my $title = 'default invoice, two items, 19/7% tax without skonto';
is($paid_amount, 226, "${title}: paid amount");
is($number_of_payments, 3, "${title}: 1 AP_paid bookings");
is($total, 0, "${title}: even balance");
sub test_default_purchase_invoice_two_charts_19_7_tax_partial_unrounded_payment_without_skonto() {
my $title = 'default purchase_invoice, two charts, 19/7% tax multiple payments with final difference as skonto';
# check whether unrounded amounts passed via $params{amount} are rounded for without_skonto case
reset_state() if $ALWAYS_RESET;
my $purchase_invoice = new_purchase_invoice();
amount => ( $purchase_invoice->amount / 3 * 2),
my ($number_of_payments, $paid_amount) = number_of_payments($purchase_invoice);
my $total = total_amount($purchase_invoice);
my $title = 'default purchase_invoice, two charts, 19/7% tax multiple payments with final difference as skonto';
is($paid_amount, 150.67, "${title}: paid amount");
is($number_of_payments, 1, "${title}: 1 AP_paid bookings");
is($total, 0, "${title}: even balance");
sub test_default_purchase_invoice_two_charts_19_7_tax_without_skonto_multiple_payments_final_difference_as_skonto() {
reset_state() if $ALWAYS_RESET;
my $title = 'default purchase_invoice, two charts, 19/7% tax multiple payments with final difference as skonto';
my $purchase_invoice = new_purchase_invoice();
my ($number_of_payments, $paid_amount) = number_of_payments($purchase_invoice);
my $total = total_amount($purchase_invoice);
my $title = 'default purchase_invoice, two charts, 19/7% tax multiple payments with final difference as skonto';
is($paid_amount, 226, "${title}: paid amount");
is($number_of_payments, 4, "${title}: 1 AP_paid bookings");
is($total, 0, "${title}: even balance");
# test
sub test_default_invoice_two_items_19_7_tax_with_skonto_50_50() {
reset_state() if $ALWAYS_RESET;
my $title = 'default invoice, two items, 19/7% tax with_skonto_pt 50/50';
my $item1 = create_invoice_item(part => $parts[2], qty => 1);
my $item2 = create_invoice_item(part => $parts[3], qty => 1);
my ($number_of_payments, $paid_amount) = number_of_payments($invoice);
my $total = total_amount($invoice);
my $title = 'default invoice, two items, 19/7% tax with_skonto_pt 50/50';
is($invoice->netamount, 100, "${title}: netamount");
is($invoice->amount, 113, "${title}: amount");
is($paid_amount, -113, "${title}: paid amount");
# test
sub test_default_invoice_four_items_19_7_tax_with_skonto_4x_25() {
reset_state() if $ALWAYS_RESET;
my $title = 'default invoice, four items, 19/7% tax with_skonto_pt 4x25';
my $item1 = create_invoice_item(part => $parts[2], qty => 0.5);
my $item2 = create_invoice_item(part => $parts[3], qty => 0.5);
my ($number_of_payments, $paid_amount) = number_of_payments($invoice);
my $total = total_amount($invoice);
my $title = 'default invoice, four items, 19/7% tax with_skonto_pt 4x25';
is($invoice->netamount , 100 , "${title}: netamount");
is($invoice->amount , 113 , "${title}: amount");
is($paid_amount , -113 , "${title}: paid amount");
sub test_default_invoice_four_items_19_7_tax_with_skonto_4x_25_tax_included() {
reset_state() if $ALWAYS_RESET;
my $title = 'default invoice, four items, 19/7% tax with_skonto_pt 4x25';
my $item1 = create_invoice_item(part => $parts[2], qty => 0.5);
my $item2 = create_invoice_item(part => $parts[3], qty => 0.5);
my ($number_of_payments, $paid_amount) = number_of_payments($invoice);
my $total = total_amount($invoice);
my $title = 'default invoice, four items, 19/7% tax with_skonto_pt 4x25';
is($invoice->netamount, 88.75, "${title}: netamount");
is($invoice->amount, 100, "${title}: amount");
is($paid_amount, -100, "${title}: paid amount");
is($invoice->paid, 100, "${title}: paid");
is($number_of_payments, 3, "${title}: 3 AR_paid bookings");
{ local $TODO = "currently this test fails because the code writing the invoice is buggy, the calculation of skonto is correct";
local $TODO = "currently this test fails because the code writing the invoice is buggy, the calculation of skonto is correct";
is($total, 0, "${title}: even balance");
sub test_default_invoice_four_items_19_7_tax_with_skonto_4x_25_multiple() {
reset_state() if $ALWAYS_RESET;
my $title = 'default invoice, four items, 19/7% tax with_skonto_pt 4x25';
my $item1 = create_invoice_item(part => $parts[2], qty => 0.5);
my $item2 = create_invoice_item(part => $parts[3], qty => 0.5);
my ($number_of_payments, $paid_amount) = number_of_payments($invoice);
my $total = total_amount($invoice);
my $title = 'default invoice, four items, 19/7% tax with_skonto_pt 4x25';
is($invoice->netamount, 100, "${title}: netamount");
is($invoice->amount, 113, "${title}: amount");
is($paid_amount, -113, "${title}: paid amount");
sub test_ar_currency_tax_not_included_and_payment {
my $title = 'test_ar_currency_tax_not_included_and_payment_2';
my $netamount = $::form->round_amount(75 * $exchangerate->sell,2); # 75 in CUR, 100.00 in EUR
my $amount = $::form->round_amount($netamount * 1.19,2); # 100 in CUR, 119.00 in EUR
my $invoice = SL::DB::Invoice->new(
sub test_ar_currency_tax_included {
my $title = 'test_ar_currency_tax_included';
# we want the acc_trans amount to be 100
my $amount = $::form->round_amount(75 * $exchangerate->sell * 1.19);
my $netamount = $::form->round_amount($amount / 1.19,2);
sub test_ap_currency_tax_not_included_and_payment {
my $title = 'test_ap_currency_tax_not_included_and_payment';
my $netamount = $::form->round_amount(75 * $exchangerate->buy,2); # 75 in CUR, 100.00 in EUR
my $amount = $::form->round_amount($netamount * 1.19,2); # 100 in CUR, 119.00 in EUR
my $invoice = SL::DB::PurchaseInvoice->new(
sub test_ap_currency_tax_included {
my $title = 'test_ap_currency_tax_included';
# we want the acc_trans amount to be 100
my $amount = $::form->round_amount(75 * $exchangerate->buy * 1.19);
my $netamount = $::form->round_amount($amount / 1.19,2);
sub test_ar_currency_tax_not_included_and_payment_2 {
my $title = 'test_ar_currency_tax_not_included_and_payment_2';
my $netamount = $::form->round_amount(125 * $exchangerate2->sell,2); # 125.00 in CUR, 100.00 in EUR
my $amount = $::form->round_amount($netamount * 1.19,2); # 148.75 in CUR, 119.00 in EUR
my $invoice = SL::DB::Invoice->new(
sub test_ar_currency_tax_not_included_and_payment_2_credit_note {
my $title = 'test_ar_currency_tax_not_included_and_payment_2_credit_note';
my $netamount = $::form->round_amount(-125 * $exchangerate2->sell,2); # 125.00 in CUR, 100.00 in EUR
my $amount = $::form->round_amount($netamount * 1.19,2); # 148.75 in CUR, 119.00 in EUR
my $invoice = SL::DB::Invoice->new(
sub test_ap_currency_tax_not_included_and_payment_2 {
my $title = 'test_ap_currency_tax_not_included_and_payment_2';
my $netamount = $::form->round_amount(125 * $exchangerate2->sell,2); # 125.00 in CUR, 100.00 in EUR
my $amount = $::form->round_amount($netamount * 1.19,2); # 148.75 in CUR, 119.00 in EUR
my $invoice = SL::DB::PurchaseInvoice->new(
sub test_ap_currency_tax_not_included_and_payment_2_credit_note {
my $title = 'test_ap_currency_tax_not_included_and_payment_2_credit_note';
my $netamount = $::form->round_amount(-125 * $exchangerate2->sell,2); # 125.00 in CUR, 100.00 in EUR
my $amount = $::form->round_amount($netamount * 1.19,2); # 148.75 in CUR, 119.00 in EUR
my $invoice = SL::DB::PurchaseInvoice->new(
is(total_amount($invoice), 0, "$title: even balance");
sub test_credit_note_two_items_19_7_tax_tax_not_included() {
reset_state() if $ALWAYS_RESET;
sub test_credit_note_two_items_19_7_tax_tax_not_included {
my $title = 'test_credit_note_two_items_19_7_tax_tax_not_included';
my $item1 = create_invoice_item(part => $parts[0], qty => 5);
my $item2 = create_invoice_item(part => $parts[1], qty => 3);
my ($number_of_payments, $paid_amount) = number_of_payments($invoice);
my $total = total_amount($invoice);
my $title = 'credit_note, two items, 19/7%, tax not included';
is($invoice->netamount, -40.84, "${title}: netamount");
is($invoice->amount, -45.10, "${title}: amount");
is($paid_amount, 45.10, "${title}: paid amount according to acc_trans is positive (Haben)");

Auch abrufbar als: Unified diff