kivitendo/SL/Helper/ @ 2872818f
7e62d6a2 | Tamino Steinert | package SL::Helper::EmailProcessing;
use strict;
use warnings;
use Carp;
use XML::LibXML;
use SL::ZUGFeRD;
b8dfb10a | Tamino Steinert | use SL::Locale::String qw(t8);
7e62d6a2 | Tamino Steinert | |||
use SL::DB::PurchaseInvoice;
sub process_attachments {
my ($self, $function_name, $email_journal, %params) = @_;
b8dfb10a | Tamino Steinert | my $full_function_name = "process_attachments_$function_name";
unless ($self->can($full_function_name)) {
7e62d6a2 | Tamino Steinert | croak "Function not implemented for: $function_name";
b8dfb10a | Tamino Steinert | my @processed_files;
my @errors;
7e62d6a2 | Tamino Steinert | foreach my $attachment (@{$email_journal->attachments_sorted}) {
b8dfb10a | Tamino Steinert | my $attachment_name = $attachment->name;
my $error = $self->$full_function_name($email_journal, $attachment, %params);
if ($error) {
push @errors, "$attachment_name: $error.";
} else {
push @processed_files, $attachment_name;
7e62d6a2 | Tamino Steinert | }
b8dfb10a | Tamino Steinert | my $extended_status = t8("Processed attachments with function '#1':", $function_name);
if (scalar @processed_files) {
$extended_status .= "\n" . t8("Processed successfully: ")
. join(', ', @processed_files);
if (scalar @errors) {
$extended_status .= "\n" . t8("Errors while processing: ")
. "\n" . join("\n", @errors);
unless (scalar @processed_files || scalar @errors) {
$extended_status .= "\n" . t8("No attachments.");
join "\n", $email_journal->extended_status, $extended_status
return scalar @processed_files;
7e62d6a2 | Tamino Steinert | }
9ea083c2 | Tamino Steinert | sub can_function {
my ($self, $function_name) = @_;
7e62d6a2 | Tamino Steinert | sub process_attachments_zugferd {
my ($self, $email_journal, $attachment, %params) = @_;
my $content = $attachment->content; # scalar ref
b8dfb10a | Tamino Steinert | return t8("Not a PDF or XML file") unless $content =~ m/^%PDF|<\?xml/;
7e62d6a2 | Tamino Steinert | |||
b0d95d74 | Tamino Steinert | my %res;
if ( $content =~ m/^%PDF/ ) {
%res = %{SL::ZUGFeRD->extract_from_pdf($content)};
} else {
%res = %{SL::ZUGFeRD->extract_from_xml($content)};
7e62d6a2 | Tamino Steinert | |||
b0d95d74 | Tamino Steinert | unless ($res{'result'} == SL::ZUGFeRD::RES_OK()) {
b8dfb10a | Tamino Steinert | # my $error = $res{'message'}; # technical error
my $error = t8('No vaild Factur-X/ZUGFeRD file');
return $error;
b0d95d74 | Tamino Steinert | }
7e62d6a2 | Tamino Steinert | |||
b0d95d74 | Tamino Steinert | my $purchase_invoice;
eval {
ba8675f5 | Tamino Steinert | $purchase_invoice = SL::DB::PurchaseInvoice->create_from_zugferd_data($res{invoice_xml})->save();
b0d95d74 | Tamino Steinert | 1;
} or do {
my $error = $@;
b8dfb10a | Tamino Steinert | return $error;
b0d95d74 | Tamino Steinert | };
7e62d6a2 | Tamino Steinert | |||
$self->_add_attachment_to_record($email_journal, $attachment, $purchase_invoice);
b8dfb10a | Tamino Steinert | return 0;
7e62d6a2 | Tamino Steinert | }
sub _add_attachment_to_record {
my ($self, $email_journal, $attachment, $record) = @_;
f642a664 | Tamino Steinert | $attachment->add_file_to_record($record);
7e62d6a2 | Tamino Steinert | |||
f642a664 | Tamino Steinert | $email_journal->link_to_record($record);
7e62d6a2 | Tamino Steinert | }
2b841a42 | Max Wessendorf | |||
=encoding utf8
=head1 NAME
SL::Helper::EmailProcessing - Helper functions for processing email attachments
This module provides helper functions for processing email attachments.
=head1 METHODS
=head2 process_attachments($function_name, $email_journal, %params)
Processes the attachments of an email journal. The function to be used for processing is determined by the first argument.
dfa4b4a4 | Max Wessendorf | =head2 process_attachments_zugferd($function_name, $email_journal, %params)
2b841a42 | Max Wessendorf | |||
dfa4b4a4 | Max Wessendorf | Processes the attachments of an email journal. If it is a ZUGFeRD Invoiue it creates the PurchaseInvoice and links it to the email_journal.
2b841a42 | Max Wessendorf | |||
=head1 AUTHOR
Tamino Steinert E<lt>tamino.steinert@tamino.stE<gt>