Revision 28142a65
Von Tamino Steinert vor fast 2 Jahren hinzugefügt
SL/Controller/ | ||
# make new order from given orders
my @multi_orders = map { SL::DB::DeliveryOrder->new(id => $_)->load } @multi_ids;
$self->{converted_from_oe_id} = join ' ', map { $_->id } @multi_orders;
my $target_type = "sales_delivery_order";
my $target_type = SALES_DELIVERY_ORDER_TYPE();
my $delivery_order = SL::Model::Record->new_from_workflow_multi(\@multi_orders, $target_type, sort_sources_by => 'transdate');
SL/Controller/ | ||
use SL::DB::Helper::RecordLink qw(set_record_link_conversions);
use SL::DB::Helper::TypeDataProxy;
use SL::Model::Record;
use SL::DB::Order::TypeData qw(:types);
use SL::DB::Reclamation::TypeData qw(:types);
use SL::Helper::CreatePDF qw(:all);
use SL::Helper::PrintOptions;
... | ... | |
my $reclamation = SL::DB::Reclamation->new(id => $::form->{from_id})->load;
my %params;
my $target_type = $reclamation->is_sales ? 'sales_order'
: 'purchase_order';
my $target_type = $reclamation->is_sales ? SALES_ORDER_TYPE()
my $order = SL::Model::Record->new_from_workflow($reclamation, $target_type);
$self->{converted_from_reclamation_id} = $::form->{from_id};
... | ... | |
my ($self) = @_;
my $text = $self->type eq sales_order_type() ? $::locale->text('The order has been deleted')
: $self->type eq purchase_order_type() ? $::locale->text('The order has been deleted')
: $self->type eq sales_quotation_type() ? $::locale->text('The quotation has been deleted')
: $self->type eq request_quotation_type() ? $::locale->text('The rfq has been deleted')
my $text = $self->type eq SALES_ORDER_TYPE() ? $::locale->text('The order has been deleted')
: $self->type eq PURCHASE_ORDER_TYPE() ? $::locale->text('The order has been deleted')
: $self->type eq SALES_QUOTATION_TYPE() ? $::locale->text('The quotation has been deleted')
: $self->type eq REQUEST_QUOTATION_TYPE() ? $::locale->text('The rfq has been deleted')
: '';
flash_later('info', $text);
... | ... | |
my $text = $self->type eq sales_order_type() ? $::locale->text('The order has been saved')
: $self->type eq purchase_order_type() ? $::locale->text('The order has been saved')
: $self->type eq sales_quotation_type() ? $::locale->text('The quotation has been saved')
: $self->type eq request_quotation_type() ? $::locale->text('The rfq has been saved')
my $text = $self->type eq SALES_ORDER_TYPE() ? $::locale->text('The order has been saved')
: $self->type eq PURCHASE_ORDER_TYPE() ? $::locale->text('The order has been saved')
: $self->type eq SALES_QUOTATION_TYPE() ? $::locale->text('The quotation has been saved')
: $self->type eq REQUEST_QUOTATION_TYPE() ? $::locale->text('The rfq has been saved')
: '';
flash_later('info', $text);
... | ... | |
$config ||= SL::DB::Manager::PeriodicInvoicesConfig->find_by(oe_id => $::form->{id}) if $::form->{id};
my $has_active_periodic_invoices =
$self->type eq sales_order_type()
$self->type eq SALES_ORDER_TYPE()
&& $config
&& $config->active
&& (!$config->end_date || ($config->end_date > DateTime->today_local))
... | ... | |
# can't use save_and_redirect_to, because id is set!
my $to_type = $self->order->is_sales ? 'sales_reclamation'
: 'purchase_reclamation';
my $to_type = $self->order->is_sales ? SALES_RECLAMATION_TYPE()
controller => 'Reclamation',
action => 'add_from_order',
... | ... | |
my $destination_type = $::form->{to_type} ? $::form->{to_type} : '';
my $from_side = $self->order->is_sales ? 'sales' : 'purchase';
my $to_side = (any { $destination_type eq $_ } (sales_order_type(), sales_quotation_type())) ? 'sales' : 'purchase';
my $to_side = (any { $destination_type eq $_ } (SALES_ORDER_TYPE(), SALES_QUOTATION_TYPE())) ? 'sales' : 'purchase';
# check for direct delivery
# copy shipto in custom shipto (custom shipto will be copied by new_from() in case)
... | ... | |
$self->order(SL::DB::Order->new_from($self->order, destination_type => $destination_type));
# no linked records to quotations from the same side (sales -> sales or purchase -> purchase)
if ( (any { $destination_type eq $_ } (sales_quotation_type(), request_quotation_type()))
if ( (any { $destination_type eq $_ } (SALES_QUOTATION_TYPE(), REQUEST_QUOTATION_TYPE()))
&& $from_side eq $to_side) {
delete $::form->{id};
delete $::form->{$_} for qw(converted_from_oe_id converted_from_orderitems_ids);
... | ... | |
sub init_valid_types {
[ sales_order_type(), purchase_order_type(), sales_quotation_type(), request_quotation_type() ];
sub init_type {
... | ... | |
sub init_cv {
my ($self) = @_;
my $cv = (any { $self->type eq $_ } (sales_order_type(), sales_quotation_type())) ? 'customer'
: (any { $self->type eq $_ } (purchase_order_type(), request_quotation_type())) ? 'vendor'
my $cv = (any { $self->type eq $_ } (SALES_ORDER_TYPE(), SALES_QUOTATION_TYPE())) ? 'customer'
: (any { $self->type eq $_ } (PURCHASE_ORDER_TYPE(), REQUEST_QUOTATION_TYPE())) ? 'vendor'
: die "Not a valid type for order";
return $cv;
... | ... | |
my $order;
$order = SL::DB::Order->new(id => $::form->{id})->load(with => [ 'orderitems', 'orderitems.part' ]) if $::form->{id};
$order ||= SL::DB::Order->new(orderitems => [],
quotation => (any { $self->type eq $_ } (sales_quotation_type(), request_quotation_type())),
quotation => (any { $self->type eq $_ } (SALES_QUOTATION_TYPE(), REQUEST_QUOTATION_TYPE())),
currency_id => $::instance_conf->get_currency_id(),);
my $cv_id_method = $self->cv . '_id';
... | ... | |
if (any { $self->type eq $_ } (sales_order_type(), purchase_order_type())) {
if (any { $self->type eq $_ } (SALES_ORDER_TYPE(), PURCHASE_ORDER_TYPE())) {
# Calculate shipped qtys here to prevent calling calculate for every item via the items method.
# Do not use write_to_objects to prevent order->delivered to be set, because this should be
# the value from db, which can be set manually or is set when linked delivery orders are saved.
... | ... | |
} } @all_objects;
if ( (any { $self->type eq $_ } (sales_quotation_type(), sales_order_type()))
if ( (any { $self->type eq $_ } (SALES_QUOTATION_TYPE(), SALES_ORDER_TYPE()))
&& $::instance_conf->get_transport_cost_reminder_article_number_id ) {
$self->{template_args}->{transport_cost_reminder_article} = SL::DB::Part->new(id => $::instance_conf->get_transport_cost_reminder_article_number_id)->load;
... | ... | |
sub setup_edit_action_bar {
my ($self, %params) = @_;
my $deletion_allowed = (any { $self->type eq $_ } (sales_quotation_type(), request_quotation_type()))
|| (($self->type eq sales_order_type()) && $::instance_conf->get_sales_order_show_delete)
|| (($self->type eq purchase_order_type()) && $::instance_conf->get_purchase_order_show_delete);
my $deletion_allowed = (any { $self->type eq $_ } (SALES_QUOTATION_TYPE(), REQUEST_QUOTATION_TYPE()))
|| (($self->type eq SALES_ORDER_TYPE()) && $::instance_conf->get_sales_order_show_delete)
|| (($self->type eq PURCHASE_ORDER_TYPE()) && $::instance_conf->get_purchase_order_show_delete);
my @req_trans_cost_art = qw(kivi.Order.check_transport_cost_article_presence) x!!$::instance_conf->get_transport_cost_reminder_article_number_id;
my @req_cusordnumber = qw(kivi.Order.check_cusordnumber_presence) x($self->type eq sales_order_type() && $::instance_conf->get_order_warn_no_cusordnumber);
my @req_cusordnumber = qw(kivi.Order.check_cusordnumber_presence) x($self->type eq SALES_ORDER_TYPE() && $::instance_conf->get_order_warn_no_cusordnumber);
my $has_invoice_for_advance_payment;
if ($self->order->id && $self->type eq sales_order_type()) {
if ($self->order->id && $self->type eq SALES_ORDER_TYPE()) {
my $lr = $self->order->linked_records(direction => 'to', to => ['Invoice']);
$has_invoice_for_advance_payment = any {'SL::DB::Invoice' eq ref $_ && "invoice_for_advance_payment" eq $_->type} @$lr;
my $has_final_invoice;
if ($self->order->id && $self->type eq sales_order_type()) {
if ($self->order->id && $self->type eq SALES_ORDER_TYPE()) {
my $lr = $self->order->linked_records(direction => 'to', to => ['Invoice']);
$has_final_invoice = any {'SL::DB::Invoice' eq ref $_ && "final_invoice" eq $_->type} @$lr;
... | ... | |
action => [
t8('Save and Quotation'),
call => [ 'kivi.submit_ajax_form', $self->url_for(action => "save_and_order_workflow", to_type => sales_quotation_type()), '#order_form' ],
call => [ 'kivi.submit_ajax_form', $self->url_for(action => "save_and_order_workflow", to_type => SALES_QUOTATION_TYPE()), '#order_form' ],
checks => [ @req_trans_cost_art, @req_cusordnumber ],
only_if => (any { $self->type eq $_ } (sales_order_type(), request_quotation_type())),
only_if => (any { $self->type eq $_ } (SALES_ORDER_TYPE(), REQUEST_QUOTATION_TYPE())),
disabled => !$may_edit_create ? t8('You do not have the permissions to access this function.') : undef,
action => [
t8('Save and RFQ'),
call => [ 'kivi.Order.purchase_check_for_direct_delivery', { to_type => request_quotation_type() } ],
only_if => (any { $self->type eq $_ } (sales_order_type(), sales_quotation_type(), purchase_order_type())),
call => [ 'kivi.Order.purchase_check_for_direct_delivery', { to_type => REQUEST_QUOTATION_TYPE() } ],
only_if => (any { $self->type eq $_ } (SALES_ORDER_TYPE(), SALES_QUOTATION_TYPE(), PURCHASE_ORDER_TYPE())),
disabled => !$may_edit_create ? t8('You do not have the permissions to access this function.') : undef,
action => [
t8('Save and Sales Order'),
call => [ 'kivi.submit_ajax_form', $self->url_for(action => "save_and_order_workflow", to_type => sales_order_type()), '#order_form' ],
call => [ 'kivi.submit_ajax_form', $self->url_for(action => "save_and_order_workflow", to_type => SALES_ORDER_TYPE()), '#order_form' ],
checks => [ @req_trans_cost_art ],
only_if => (any { $self->type eq $_ } (sales_quotation_type(), request_quotation_type(), purchase_order_type())),
only_if => (any { $self->type eq $_ } (SALES_QUOTATION_TYPE(), REQUEST_QUOTATION_TYPE(), PURCHASE_ORDER_TYPE())),
disabled => !$may_edit_create ? t8('You do not have the permissions to access this function.') : undef,
action => [
t8('Save and Purchase Order'),
call => [ 'kivi.Order.purchase_check_for_direct_delivery', { to_type => purchase_order_type() } ],
call => [ 'kivi.Order.purchase_check_for_direct_delivery', { to_type => PURCHASE_ORDER_TYPE() } ],
checks => [ @req_trans_cost_art, @req_cusordnumber ],
only_if => (any { $self->type eq $_ } (sales_order_type(), request_quotation_type())),
only_if => (any { $self->type eq $_ } (SALES_ORDER_TYPE(), REQUEST_QUOTATION_TYPE())),
disabled => !$may_edit_create ? t8('You do not have the permissions to access this function.') : undef,
action => [
... | ... | |
checks => [ 'kivi.Order.check_save_active_periodic_invoices',
@req_trans_cost_art, @req_cusordnumber,
only_if => (any { $self->type eq $_ } (sales_order_type(), purchase_order_type())),
only_if => (any { $self->type eq $_ } (SALES_ORDER_TYPE(), PURCHASE_ORDER_TYPE())),
disabled => !$may_edit_create ? t8('You do not have the permissions to access this function.') : undef,
action => [
... | ... | |
checks => [ 'kivi.Order.check_save_active_periodic_invoices',
@req_trans_cost_art, @req_cusordnumber,
only_if => (any { $self->type eq $_ } (purchase_order_type())),
only_if => (any { $self->type eq $_ } (PURCHASE_ORDER_TYPE())),
disabled => !$may_edit_create ? t8('You do not have the permissions to access this function.') : undef,
action => [
... | ... | |
call => [ '', { action => 'save_and_reclamation',
warn_on_duplicates => $::instance_conf->get_order_warn_duplicate_parts },
only_if => (any { $self->type eq $_ } (sales_order_type(), purchase_order_type()))
only_if => (any { $self->type eq $_ } (SALES_ORDER_TYPE(), PURCHASE_ORDER_TYPE()))
action => [
t8('Save and Invoice'),
... | ... | |
disabled => !$may_edit_create ? t8('You do not have the permissions to access this function.')
: $has_final_invoice ? t8('This order has already a final invoice.')
: undef,
only_if => (any { $self->type eq $_ } (sales_order_type())),
only_if => (any { $self->type eq $_ } (SALES_ORDER_TYPE())),
action => [
t8('Save and Final Invoice'),
... | ... | |
disabled => !$may_edit_create ? t8('You do not have the permissions to access this function.')
: $has_final_invoice ? t8('This order has already a final invoice.')
: undef,
only_if => (any { $self->type eq $_ } (sales_order_type())) && $has_invoice_for_advance_payment,
only_if => (any { $self->type eq $_ } (SALES_ORDER_TYPE())) && $has_invoice_for_advance_payment,
action => [
t8('Save and AP Transaction'),
call => [ '', { action => 'save_and_ap_transaction',
warn_on_duplicates => $::instance_conf->get_order_warn_duplicate_parts },
only_if => (any { $self->type eq $_ } (purchase_order_type())),
only_if => (any { $self->type eq $_ } (PURCHASE_ORDER_TYPE())),
disabled => !$may_edit_create ? t8('You do not have the permissions to access this function.') : undef,
... | ... | |
sub get_periodic_invoices_status {
my ($self, $config) = @_;
return if $self->type ne sales_order_type();
return if $self->type ne SALES_ORDER_TYPE();
return t8('not configured') if !$config;
my $active = ('HASH' eq ref $config) ? $config->{active}
... | ... | |
# $::locale->text("Edit Request for Quotation");
$action = ucfirst(lc($action));
return $self->type eq sales_order_type() ? $::locale->text("$action Sales Order")
: $self->type eq purchase_order_type() ? $::locale->text("$action Purchase Order")
: $self->type eq sales_quotation_type() ? $::locale->text("$action Quotation")
: $self->type eq request_quotation_type() ? $::locale->text("$action Request for Quotation")
return $self->type eq SALES_ORDER_TYPE() ? $::locale->text("$action Sales Order")
: $self->type eq PURCHASE_ORDER_TYPE() ? $::locale->text("$action Purchase Order")
: $self->type eq SALES_QUOTATION_TYPE() ? $::locale->text("$action Quotation")
: $self->type eq REQUEST_QUOTATION_TYPE() ? $::locale->text("$action Request for Quotation")
: '';
... | ... | |
return ($price_src, $discount_src);
sub sales_order_type {
sub purchase_order_type {
sub sales_quotation_type {
sub request_quotation_type {
sub nr_key {
return $_[0]->type eq sales_order_type() ? 'ordnumber'
: $_[0]->type eq purchase_order_type() ? 'ordnumber'
: $_[0]->type eq sales_quotation_type() ? 'quonumber'
: $_[0]->type eq request_quotation_type() ? 'quonumber'
return $_[0]->type eq SALES_ORDER_TYPE() ? 'ordnumber'
: $_[0]->type eq PURCHASE_ORDER_TYPE() ? 'ordnumber'
: $_[0]->type eq SALES_QUOTATION_TYPE() ? 'quonumber'
: $_[0]->type eq REQUEST_QUOTATION_TYPE() ? 'quonumber'
: '';
... | ... | |
my $text = $self->type eq sales_order_type() ? $::locale->text('The order has been saved')
: $self->type eq purchase_order_type() ? $::locale->text('The order has been saved')
: $self->type eq sales_quotation_type() ? $::locale->text('The quotation has been saved')
: $self->type eq request_quotation_type() ? $::locale->text('The rfq has been saved')
my $text = $self->type eq SALES_ORDER_TYPE() ? $::locale->text('The order has been saved')
: $self->type eq PURCHASE_ORDER_TYPE() ? $::locale->text('The order has been saved')
: $self->type eq SALES_QUOTATION_TYPE() ? $::locale->text('The quotation has been saved')
: $self->type eq REQUEST_QUOTATION_TYPE() ? $::locale->text('The rfq has been saved')
: '';
flash_later('info', $text);
SL/Controller/ | ||
use SL::DB::DeliveryOrder;
use SL::DB::Invoice;
use SL::Model::Record;
use SL::DB::Order::TypeData qw(:types);
use SL::DB::Reclamation::TypeData qw(:types);
use List::Util qw(first sum0);
use List::UtilsBy qw(sort_by uniq_by);
... | ... | |
my $order = SL::DB::Order->new(id => $::form->{from_id})->load;
my $target_type = $order->is_sales ? 'sales_reclamation'
: 'purchase_reclamation';
my $target_type = $order->is_sales ? SALES_RECLAMATION_TYPE()
my $reclamation = SL::Model::Record->new_from_workflow($order, $target_type);
... | ... | |
my $delivery_order = SL::DB::DeliveryOrder->new(id => $::form->{from_id})->load;
my $target_type = $delivery_order->is_sales ? 'sales_reclamation'
: 'purchase_reclamation';
my $target_type = $delivery_order->is_sales ? SALES_RECLAMATION_TYPE()
my $reclamation = SL::Model::Record->new_from_workflow($delivery_order, $target_type);
... | ... | |
my $invoice = SL::DB::Invoice->new(id => $::form->{from_id})->load;
my $target_type = 'sales_reclamation';
my $target_type = SALES_RECLAMATION_TYPE();
my $reclamation = SL::Model::Record->new_from_workflow($invoice, $target_type);
... | ... | |
require SL::DB::PurchaseInvoice;
my $invoice = SL::DB::PurchaseInvoice->new(id => $::form->{from_id})->load;
$invoice->{type} = $invoice->invoice_type; #can't add type → invoice_type in SL/DB/PurchaseInvoice
my $target_type = 'purchase_reclamation';
my $target_type = PURCHASE_RECLAMATION_TYPE();
my $reclamation = SL::Model::Record->new_from_workflow($invoice, $target_type);
... | ... | |
sub action_save_and_order {
my ($self) = @_;
my $to_type = $self->reclamation->is_sales ? 'sales_order'
: 'purchase_order';
my $to_type = $self->reclamation->is_sales ? SALES_ORDER_TYPE()
flash_later('info', t8('The reclamation has been saved'));
... | ... | |
controller => 'Reclamation',
action => 'add_from_reclamation',
from_id => $self->reclamation->id,
type => sales_reclamation_type(),
... | ... | |
controller => 'Reclamation',
action => 'add_from_reclamation',
from_id => $self->reclamation->id,
type => purchase_reclamation_type(),
... | ... | |
sub init_valid_types {
[ sales_reclamation_type(), purchase_reclamation_type() ];
sub init_type {
... | ... | |
sub init_cv {
my ($self) = @_;
my $cv = (any { $self->type eq $_ } (sales_reclamation_type())) ? 'customer'
: (any { $self->type eq $_ } (purchase_reclamation_type())) ? 'vendor'
my $cv = (any { $self->type eq $_ } (SALES_RECLAMATION_TYPE())) ? 'customer'
: (any { $self->type eq $_ } (PURCHASE_RECLAMATION_TYPE())) ? 'vendor'
: die "Not a valid type for reclamation";
return $cv;
... | ... | |
language_id => t8('Language'),
department_id => t8('Department'),
globalproject_id => t8('Project Number'),
cv_record_number => ($self->type eq 'sales_reclamation' ? t8('Customer Record Number') : t8('Vendor Record Number')),
cv_record_number => ($self->type eq SALES_RECLAMATION_TYPE() ? t8('Customer Record Number') : t8('Vendor Record Number')),
transaction_description => t8('Description'),
notes => t8('Notes'),
intnotes => t8('Internal Notes'),
... | ... | |
sub init_part_picker_classification_ids {
my ($self) = @_;
my $attribute = 'used_for_' . ($self->type eq sales_reclamation_type() ? 'sale' : 'purchase');
my $attribute = 'used_for_' . ($self->type eq SALES_RECLAMATION_TYPE() ? 'sale' : 'purchase');
return [ map { $_->id } @{ SL::DB::Manager::PartClassification->get_all(where => [ $attribute => 1 ]) } ];
... | ... | |
# check for direct delivery
# copy shipto in custom shipto (custom shipto will be copied by new_from() in case)
if ($::form->{type} eq purchase_reclamation_type()) {
if ($::form->{type} eq PURCHASE_RECLAMATION_TYPE()) {
if ($::form->{use_shipto}) {
my $custom_shipto = $source_reclamation->shipto->clone('SL::DB::Reclamation');
$self->reclamation->custom_shipto($custom_shipto) if $custom_shipto;
... | ... | |
sub => sub { $_[0]->closed ? t8('Yes') : t8('No') },
if ($self->type eq sales_reclamation_type()) {
if ($self->type eq SALES_RECLAMATION_TYPE()) {
$column_defs{customer_id} = ({
raw_data => sub { $_[0]->customervendor->presenter->customer(display => 'table-cell', callback => $callback) },
sub => sub { $_[0]->customervendor->name },
... | ... | |
sub => sub { $_[0]->contact ? $_[0]->contact->cp_name : '' },
} elsif ($self->type eq purchase_reclamation_type()) {
} elsif ($self->type eq PURCHASE_RECLAMATION_TYPE()) {
$column_defs{vendor_id} = ({
raw_data => sub { $_[0]->customervendor->presenter->vendor(display => 'table-cell', callback => $callback) },
sub => sub { $_[0]->customervendor->name },
... | ... | |
{ output => 0 },
models => $self->models
title => $self->type eq sales_reclamation_type() ? t8('Sales Reclamations') : t8('Purchase Reclamations'),
title => $self->type eq SALES_RECLAMATION_TYPE() ? t8('Sales Reclamations') : t8('Purchase Reclamations'),
allow_pdf_export => 1,
allow_csv_export => 1,
... | ... | |
sub _setup_edit_action_bar {
my ($self, %params) = @_;
my $deletion_allowed = ($self->type eq sales_reclamation_type()
my $deletion_allowed = ($self->type eq SALES_RECLAMATION_TYPE()
&& $::instance_conf->get_sales_reclamation_show_delete)
|| ($self->type eq purchase_reclamation_type()
|| ($self->type eq PURCHASE_RECLAMATION_TYPE()
&& $::instance_conf->get_purchase_reclamation_show_delete);
for my $bar ($::request->layout->get('actionbar')) {
... | ... | |
only_if => (any { $self->type eq $_ } (purchase_reclamation_type())),
only_if => (any { $self->type eq $_ } (PURCHASE_RECLAMATION_TYPE())),
action => [
t8('Save and Purchase Reclamation'),
call => [ 'kivi.Reclamation.purchase_reclamation_check_for_direct_delivery' ],
only_if => (any { $self->type eq $_ } (sales_reclamation_type())),
only_if => (any { $self->type eq $_ } (SALES_RECLAMATION_TYPE())),
action => [
t8('Save and Order'),
... | ... | |
only_if => (any { $self->type eq $_ } (sales_reclamation_type())),
only_if => (any { $self->type eq $_ } (SALES_RECLAMATION_TYPE())),
action => [
t8('Save and Supplier Delivery Order'),
... | ... | |
only_if => (any { $self->type eq $_ } (purchase_reclamation_type())),
only_if => (any { $self->type eq $_ } (PURCHASE_RECLAMATION_TYPE())),
action => [
t8('Save and Credit Note'),
... | ... | |
only_if => (any { $self->type eq $_ } (sales_reclamation_type())),
only_if => (any { $self->type eq $_ } (SALES_RECLAMATION_TYPE())),
], # end of combobox "Workflow"
... | ... | |
# t8("Edit Purchase Reclamation");
$action = ucfirst(lc($action));
return $self->type eq sales_reclamation_type() ? t8("$action Sales Reclamation")
: $self->type eq purchase_reclamation_type() ? t8("$action Purchase Reclamation")
return $self->type eq SALES_RECLAMATION_TYPE() ? t8("$action Sales Reclamation")
: $self->type eq PURCHASE_RECLAMATION_TYPE() ? t8("$action Purchase Reclamation")
: '';
... | ... | |
return $texts;
sub sales_reclamation_type {
sub purchase_reclamation_type {
sub save_history {
my ($self, $addition) = @_;
... | ... | |
sub init_type_data {
SL::DB::Helper::TypeDataProxy->new('SL::DB::Reclamation', $_[0]->type);
SL::DB::Helper::TypeDataProxy->new('SL::DB::Reclamation', $::form->{type});
SL/DB/ | ||
use SL::DB::Unit;
use SL::DB::DeliveryOrder::TypeData qw(:types);
use SL::DB::Reclamation::TypeData qw(:types);
use SL::Helper::Number qw(_format_total _round_total);
... | ... | |
return first { $_->is_type('sales_order') } @{ $orders };
return first { $_->is_type(SALES_ORDER_TYPE()) } @{ $orders };
sub type {
... | ... | |
sub displayable_type {
my $type = shift->type;
return $::locale->text('Sales Delivery Order') if $type eq 'sales_delivery_order';
return $::locale->text('Purchase Delivery Order') if $type eq 'purchase_delivery_order';
return $::locale->text('Sales Delivery Order') if $type eq SALES_DELIVERY_ORDER_TYPE();
return $::locale->text('Purchase Delivery Order') if $type eq PURCHASE_DELIVERY_ORDER_TYPE();
die 'invalid type';
... | ... | |
sub convert_to_reclamation {
my ($self, %params) = @_;
$params{destination_type} = $self->is_sales ? 'sales_reclamation'
: 'purchase_reclamation';
$params{destination_type} = $self->is_sales ? SALES_RECLAMATION_TYPE()
my $reclamation = SL::DB::Reclamation->new_from($self, %params);
... | ... | |
# infer type from legacy fields if not given
$record_args{order_type} //= $source->customer_id ? 'sales_delivery_order'
: $source->vendor_id ? 'purchase_delivery_order'
: $source->is_sales ? 'sales_delivery_order'
$record_args{order_type} //= $source->customer_id ? SALES_DELIVERY_ORDER_TYPE()
: $source->vendor_id ? PURCHASE_DELIVERY_ORDER_TYPE()
: $source->is_sales ? SALES_DELIVERY_ORDER_TYPE()
: croak "need some way to set delivery order type from source";
my $delivery_order = $class->new(%record_args);
$delivery_order->assign_attributes(%{ $params{attributes} }) if $params{attributes};
my $items = delete($params{items}) || $source->items_sorted;
my @items = ( $delivery_order->is_type(SUPPLIER_DELIVERY_ORDER_TYPE) && ref($source) ne 'SL::DB::Reclamation' ) ?
my @items = ( $delivery_order->is_type(SUPPLIER_DELIVERY_ORDER_TYPE()) && ref($source) ne 'SL::DB::Reclamation' ) ?
: map { SL::DB::DeliveryOrderItem->new_from($_, %params) } @{ $items };
SL/DB/ | ||
use SL::RecordLinks;
use Rose::DB::Object::Helpers qw(as_tree strip);
use SL::DB::Order::TypeData qw(:types);
use SL::DB::Reclamation::TypeData qw(:types);
orderitems => {
type => 'one to many',
... | ... | |
my ($self) = @_;
# force new project, if not set yet
if ($::instance_conf->get_order_always_project && !$self->globalproject_id && ($self->type eq 'sales_order')) {
if ($::instance_conf->get_order_always_project && !$self->globalproject_id && ($self->type eq SALES_ORDER_TYPE())) {
die t8("Error while creating project with project number of new order number, project number #1 already exists!", $self->ordnumber)
if SL::DB::Manager::Project->find_by(projectnumber => $self->ordnumber);
... | ... | |
sub type {
my $self = shift;
return 'sales_order' if $self->customer_id && ! $self->quotation;
return 'purchase_order' if $self->vendor_id && ! $self->quotation;
return 'sales_quotation' if $self->customer_id && $self->quotation;
return 'request_quotation' if $self->vendor_id && $self->quotation;
return SALES_ORDER_TYPE() if $self->customer_id && ! $self->quotation;
return PURCHASE_ORDER_TYPE() if $self->vendor_id && ! $self->quotation;
return SALES_QUOTATION_TYPE() if $self->customer_id && $self->quotation;
return REQUEST_QUOTATION_TYPE() if $self->vendor_id && $self->quotation;
... | ... | |
# But this has a different meaning for sales quotations.
# deliverydate can be used to determine tax if tax_point isn't set.
return $_[0]->reqdate if $_[0]->type ne 'sales_quotation';
return $_[0]->reqdate if $_[0]->type ne SALES_QUOTATION_TYPE();
sub effective_tax_point {
... | ... | |
sub displayable_type {
my $type = shift->type;
return $::locale->text('Sales quotation') if $type eq 'sales_quotation';
return $::locale->text('Request quotation') if $type eq 'request_quotation';
return $::locale->text('Sales Order') if $type eq 'sales_order';
return $::locale->text('Purchase Order') if $type eq 'purchase_order';
return $::locale->text('Sales quotation') if $type eq SALES_QUOTATION_TYPE();
return $::locale->text('Request quotation') if $type eq REQUEST_QUOTATION_TYPE();
return $::locale->text('Sales Order') if $type eq SALES_ORDER_TYPE();
return $::locale->text('Purchase Order') if $type eq PURCHASE_ORDER_TYPE();
die 'invalid type';
... | ... | |
return 1 if $self->currency_id == $::instance_conf->get_currency_id;
my $rate = (any { $self->is_type($_) } qw(sales_quotation sales_order)) ? 'buy'
: (any { $self->is_type($_) } qw(request_quotation purchase_order)) ? 'sell'
my $rate = (any { $self->is_type($_) } (SALES_QUOTATION_TYPE(), SALES_ORDER_TYPE())) ? 'buy'
: (any { $self->is_type($_) } (REQUEST_QUOTATION_TYPE(), PURCHASE_ORDER_TYPE())) ? 'sell'
: undef;
return if !$rate;
... | ... | |
sub convert_to_reclamation {
my ($self, %params) = @_;
$params{destination_type} = $self->is_sales ? 'sales_reclamation'
: 'purchase_reclamation';
$params{destination_type} = $self->is_sales ? SALES_RECLAMATION_TYPE()
require SL::DB::Reclamation;
my $reclamation = SL::DB::Reclamation->new_from($self, %params);
... | ... | |
my $destination_type = delete $params{destination_type};
my @from_tos = (
{ from => 'sales_quotation', to => 'sales_order', abbr => 'sqso' },
{ from => 'request_quotation', to => 'purchase_order', abbr => 'rqpo' },
{ from => 'sales_quotation', to => 'sales_quotation', abbr => 'sqsq' },
{ from => 'sales_order', to => 'sales_order', abbr => 'soso' },
{ from => 'request_quotation', to => 'request_quotation', abbr => 'rqrq' },
{ from => 'purchase_order', to => 'purchase_order', abbr => 'popo' },
{ from => 'sales_order', to => 'purchase_order', abbr => 'sopo' },
{ from => 'purchase_order', to => 'sales_order', abbr => 'poso' },
{ from => 'sales_order', to => 'sales_quotation', abbr => 'sosq' },
{ from => 'purchase_order', to => 'request_quotation', abbr => 'porq' },
{ from => 'request_quotation', to => 'sales_quotation', abbr => 'rqsq' },
{ from => 'request_quotation', to => 'sales_order', abbr => 'rqso' },
{ from => 'sales_quotation', to => 'request_quotation', abbr => 'sqrq' },
{ from => 'sales_order', to => 'request_quotation', abbr => 'sorq' },
{ from => 'sales_reclamation', to => 'sales_order', abbr => 'srso' },
{ from => 'purchase_reclamation', to => 'purchase_order', abbr => 'prpo' },
{ from => SALES_QUOTATION_TYPE(), to => SALES_ORDER_TYPE(), abbr => 'sqso' },
{ from => REQUEST_QUOTATION_TYPE(), to => PURCHASE_ORDER_TYPE(), abbr => 'rqpo' },
{ from => SALES_QUOTATION_TYPE(), to => SALES_QUOTATION_TYPE(), abbr => 'sqsq' },
{ from => SALES_ORDER_TYPE(), to => SALES_ORDER_TYPE(), abbr => 'soso' },
{ from => REQUEST_QUOTATION_TYPE(), to => REQUEST_QUOTATION_TYPE(), abbr => 'rqrq' },
{ from => PURCHASE_ORDER_TYPE(), to => PURCHASE_ORDER_TYPE(), abbr => 'popo' },
{ from => SALES_ORDER_TYPE(), to => PURCHASE_ORDER_TYPE(), abbr => 'sopo' },
{ from => PURCHASE_ORDER_TYPE(), to => SALES_ORDER_TYPE(), abbr => 'poso' },
{ from => SALES_ORDER_TYPE(), to => SALES_QUOTATION_TYPE(), abbr => 'sosq' },
{ from => PURCHASE_ORDER_TYPE(), to => REQUEST_QUOTATION_TYPE(), abbr => 'porq' },
{ from => REQUEST_QUOTATION_TYPE(), to => SALES_QUOTATION_TYPE(), abbr => 'rqsq' },
{ from => REQUEST_QUOTATION_TYPE(), to => SALES_ORDER_TYPE(), abbr => 'rqso' },
{ from => SALES_QUOTATION_TYPE(), to => REQUEST_QUOTATION_TYPE(), abbr => 'sqrq' },
{ from => SALES_ORDER_TYPE(), to => REQUEST_QUOTATION_TYPE(), abbr => 'sorq' },
{ from => SALES_RECLAMATION_TYPE(), to => SALES_ORDER_TYPE(), abbr => 'srso' },
{ from => PURCHASE_RECLAMATION_TYPE(), to => PURCHASE_ORDER_TYPE(), abbr => 'prpo' },
my $from_to = (grep { $_->{from} eq $source->type && $_->{to} eq $destination_type} @from_tos)[0];
croak("Cannot convert from '" . $source->type . "' to '" . $destination_type . "'") if !$from_to;
... | ... | |
push @items, @{$_->items_sorted} for @$sources;
# make order from first source and all items
my $order = $class->new_from($sources->[0],
destination_type => 'sales_order',
destination_type => SALES_ORDER_TYPE(),
attributes => \%attributes,
items => \@items,
... | ... | |
return if !$self->type;
my %number_method = (
sales_order => 'ordnumber',
sales_quotation => 'quonumber',
purchase_order => 'ordnumber',
request_quotation => 'quonumber',
SALES_ORDER_TYPE() => 'ordnumber',
SALES_QUOTATION_TYPE() => 'quonumber',
PURCHASE_ORDER_TYPE() => 'ordnumber',
REQUEST_QUOTATION_TYPE() => 'quonumber',
return $self->${ \ $number_method{$self->type} }(@_);
SL/DB/ | ||
use List::Util qw(max sum0);
use List::MoreUtils qw(any);
use SL::DB::DeliveryOrder::TypeData qw(:types);
use SL::DB::Reclamation::TypeData qw(:types);
use SL::DB::MetaSetup::Reclamation;
use SL::DB::Manager::Reclamation;
use SL::DB::Helper::Attr;
... | ... | |
sub type {
my ($self) = @_;
return 'sales_reclamation' if $self->customer_id;
return 'purchase_reclamation' if $self->vendor_id;
return SALES_RECLAMATION_TYPE() if $self->customer_id;
return PURCHASE_RECLAMATION_TYPE() if $self->vendor_id;
... | ... | |
sub displayable_type {
my $type = shift->type;
return $::locale->text('Sales Reclamation') if $type eq 'sales_reclamation';
return $::locale->text('Purchase Reclamation') if $type eq 'purchase_reclamation';
return $::locale->text('Sales Reclamation') if $type eq SALES_RECLAMATION_TYPE();
return $::locale->text('Purchase Reclamation') if $type eq PURCHASE_RECLAMATION_TYPE();
die 'invalid type';
... | ... | |
return 1 if $self->currency_id == $::instance_conf->get_currency_id;
my $rate = (any { $self->is_type($_) } qw(sales_reclamation)) ? 'buy'
: (any { $self->is_type($_) } qw(purchase_reclamation)) ? 'sell'
my $rate = (any { $self->is_type($_) } (SALES_RECLAMATION_TYPE())) ? 'buy'
: (any { $self->is_type($_) } (PURCHASE_RECLAMATION_TYPE())) ? 'sell'
: undef;
return if !$rate;
... | ... | |
my ($self, %params) = @_;
my $order;
$params{destination_type} = $self->is_sales ? 'sales_order'
: 'purchase_order';
$params{destination_type} = $self->is_sales ? SALES_ORDER_TYPE()
if (!$self->db->with_transaction(sub {
require SL::DB::Order;
$order = SL::DB::Order->new_from($self, %params);
... | ... | |
my @from_tos = (
{ from => 'sales_reclamation', to => 'sales_reclamation', abbr => 'srsr', },
{ from => 'purchase_reclamation', to => 'purchase_reclamation', abbr => 'prpr', },
{ from => 'sales_reclamation', to => 'purchase_reclamation', abbr => 'srpr', },
{ from => 'purchase_reclamation', to => 'sales_reclamation', abbr => 'prsr', },
{ from => SALES_RECLAMATION_TYPE(), to => SALES_RECLAMATION_TYPE(), abbr => 'srsr', },
{ from => PURCHASE_RECLAMATION_TYPE(), to => PURCHASE_RECLAMATION_TYPE(), abbr => 'prpr', },
{ from => SALES_RECLAMATION_TYPE(), to => PURCHASE_RECLAMATION_TYPE(), abbr => 'srpr', },
{ from => PURCHASE_RECLAMATION_TYPE(), to => SALES_RECLAMATION_TYPE(), abbr => 'prsr', },
{ from => 'sales_order', to => 'sales_reclamation', abbr => 'sosr', },
{ from => 'purchase_order', to => 'purchase_reclamation', abbr => 'popr', },
{ from => SALES_ORDER_TYPE(), to => SALES_RECLAMATION_TYPE(), abbr => 'sosr', },
{ from => PURCHASE_ORDER_TYPE(), to => PURCHASE_RECLAMATION_TYPE(), abbr => 'popr', },
#Delivery Order
{ from => 'sales_delivery_order', to => 'sales_reclamation', abbr => 'sdsr', },
{ from => 'purchase_delivery_order', to => 'purchase_reclamation', abbr => 'pdpr', },
{ from => SALES_DELIVERY_ORDER_TYPE(), to => SALES_RECLAMATION_TYPE(), abbr => 'sdsr', },
{ from => 'invoice', to => 'sales_reclamation', abbr => 'sisr', },
{ from => 'purchase_invoice', to => 'purchase_reclamation', abbr => 'pipr', },
{ from => 'invoice', to => SALES_RECLAMATION_TYPE(), abbr => 'sisr', },
{ from => 'purchase_invoice', to => PURCHASE_RECLAMATION_TYPE(), abbr => 'pipr', },
my $from_to = (grep { $_->{from} eq $source->type && $_->{to} eq $destination_type} @from_tos)[0];
if (!$from_to) {
SL/Model/ | ||
use SL::DB::Status;
use SL::DB::ValidityToken;
use SL::DB::Helper::TypeDataProxy;
use SL::DB::Order::TypeData qw(:types);
use SL::DB::DeliveryOrder::TypeData qw(:types);
use SL::DB::Reclamation::TypeData qw(:types);
use SL::Util qw(trim);
use SL::Locale::String qw(t8);
... | ... | |
my %subtype_to_type = (
# Order
"request_quotation" => "SL::DB::Order",
"purchase_order" => "SL::DB::Order",
"sales_quotation" => "SL::DB::Order",
"sales_order" => "SL::DB::Order",
SALES_ORDER_TYPE() => "SL::DB::Order",
# DeliveryOrder
"sales_delivery_order" => "SL::DB::DeliveryOrder",
"purchase_delivery_order" => "SL::DB::DeliveryOrder",
"rma_delivery_order" => "SL::DB::DeliveryOrder",
"supplier_delivery_order" => "SL::DB::DeliveryOrder",
RMA_DELIVERY_ORDER_TYPE() => "SL::DB::DeliveryOrder",
# Reclamation
"sales_reclamation" => "SL::DB::Reclamation",
"purchase_reclamation" => "SL::DB::Reclamation",
SALES_RECLAMATION_TYPE() => "SL::DB::Reclamation",
my $target_type = $subtype_to_type{$target_subtype};
unless ($target_type) {
... | ... | |
my %subtype_to_type = (
# Order
"sales_order" => "SL::DB::Order",
SALES_ORDER_TYPE() => "SL::DB::Order",
my $target_type = $subtype_to_type{$target_subtype};
unless ($target_type) {
Auch abrufbar als: Unified diff
TypeData: nutzte Konstanten anstatt String für Typen