Revision 27e7d20b
Von Hans Peter Schlaepfer vor mehr als 5 Jahren hinzugefügt
templates/webpages/rp/aging_ar_bottom.html | ||
[%- USE T8 %]
[% USE HTML %][%- USE L -%] <input type="hidden" name="rowcount" value="[% HTML.escape(row_idx) %]">
[% USE T8 %]
[% USE HTML %]
[% USE L %]
<input type="hidden" name="todate" value="[% HTML.escape(todate) %]">
<input type="hidden" name="fromdate" value="[% HTML.escape(fromdate) %]">
... | ... | |
<div id="email_inputs" class="hidden"></div>
<div id="print_options" class="hidden">
<div id="print_dialog" class="hidden">
[%- PROCESS 'common/_print_dialog.html' %]
[% PROCESS 'common/_print_dialog.html' %]
templates/webpages/rp/balance_sheet.html | ||
[%- USE T8 %]
[%- USE HTML %]
[%- USE LxERP %]
<h3 align="center">
[% company %]
<br>[% address %]
<p>[% 'BALANCE SHEET' | $T8 %]
<br>[% 'Balance sheet date' | $T8 %]: [% this_period %]
<br>[% 'Report date' | $T8 %]: [% report_date %]
<table border="0">
<th align="left" width="400" colspan="2">[% 'ASSETS' | $T8 %]<br><hr align="left" width="250" size="5" noshade></th>
<th><b>[% this_startdate %] - [% this_period %]<b></th>
<th><b>[% IF last_period %][% last_startdate %] - [% last_period %][% END %]<b></th>
[% FOREACH row = A %]
<td> </td>
<td>[% row.accno _ ' - ' IF l_accno %][% row.description %]</td>
<td align="right">[% LxERP.format_amount(row.this, decimalplaces) %]</td>
[%- IF last_period %]
<td align="right">[% LxERP.format_amount(row.last, decimalplaces) %]</td>
[%- END %]
[% END %]
[% IF l_subtotal %]
<td colspan="2"> </td>
<td><hr noshade size="1"></td>
<td><hr noshade size="1"></td>
<tr valign="top">
<th align="left" colspan="2">[% 'TOTAL' | $T8 %]</th>
<td align="right">[% LxERP.format_amount(total.A.this, decimalplaces) %]<hr noshade size="2"></td>
[%- IF last_period %]
<td align="right">[% LxERP.format_amount(total.A.last, decimalplaces) %]<hr noshade size="2"></td>
[%- END %]
[% END %]
<th align="left" colspan="4">[% 'LIABILITIES' | $T8 %]<b><hr align="left" width="250" size="5" noshade></th>
[% FOREACH row = L %]
<td>[% row.accno _ ' - ' IF l_accno %][% row.description %]</td>
<td align="right">[% LxERP.format_amount(row.this, decimalplaces) %]</td>
[%- IF last_period %]
<td align="right">[% LxERP.format_amount(row.last, decimalplaces) %]</td>
[%- END %]
[% END %]
[% USE T8 %]
[% USE HTML %]
[% USE LxERP %]
[% IF l_subtotal %]
<td colspan="2"> </td>
<td><hr noshade size="1"></td>
<td><hr noshade size="1"></td>
<tr valign="top">
<th align="left">[% 'TOTAL' | $T8 %]</th>
<td align="right">[% LxERP.format_amount(total.L.this, decimalplaces) %]<br><hr noshade size="2"</td>
[%- IF last_period %]
<td align="right">[% LxERP.format_amount(total.L.last, decimalplaces) %]<br><hr noshade size="2"</td>
[%- END %]
[% END %]
<th align="left" colspan="4">[% 'EQUITY' | $T8 %]<br><hr align="left" width="250" size="5" noshade></th>
[% FOREACH row = Q %]
<td>[% row.accno _ ' - ' IF l_accno and row.accno %][% row.description %]</td>
<td align="right">[% LxERP.format_amount(row.this, decimalplaces) %]</td>
[%- IF last_period %]
<td align="right">[% LxERP.format_amount(row.last, decimalplaces) %]</td>
[%- END %]
[% END %]
[% IF l_subtotal %]
<td colspan="2"> </td>
<td><hr noshade size="1"></td>
<td><hr noshade size="1"></td>
<tr valign="top">
<th align="left">[% 'TOTAL' | $T8 %]</th>
<td align="right">[% LxERP.format_amount(total.Q.this, decimalplaces) %]<br><hr noshade size="2"</td>
[%- IF last_period %]
<td align="right">[% LxERP.format_amount(total.Q.last, decimalplaces) %]<br><hr noshade size="2"</td>
[%- END %]
[% END %]
<!-- PENDENT: Ueberschriften mal genauer anschauen, ebenfalls in Tabellen -->
<h3>[% company %]
<br>[% address %] [% 'BALANCE SHEET' | $T8 %]
<br>[% 'Balance sheet date' | $T8 %]: [% this_period %]
<br>[% 'Report date' | $T8 %]: [% report_date %]</h3>
<tr valign="top">
<th align="left" colspan="2">[% 'TOTAL' | $T8 %] [% 'LIABILITIES' | $T8 %] & [% 'EQUITY' | $T8 %]</th>
<td align="right">[% LxERP.format_amount(total.this, decimalplaces) %]<br><hr noshade size="2"></td>
[%- IF last_period %]
<td align="right">[% LxERP.format_amount(total.last, decimalplaces) %]<br><hr noshade size="2"></td>
[%- END %]
<table class="tbl-horizontal test">
<th colspan="2"><h3>[% 'ASSETS' | $T8 %]</h3></th>
<th>[% this_startdate %] - [% this_period %]</th>
<th>[% IF last_period %][% last_startdate %] - [% last_period %][% END %]</th>
[% FOREACH row = A %]
<td class="right">[% row.accno IF l_accno %]</td>
SET colspan = 1 ;
IF row.accno < 1000 ;
SET colspan = colspan+1 ;
IF last_period ;
SET colspan = colspan+1 ;
[% IF colspan > 1 %]<td colspan="[% colspan %]">[% ELSE %]<td>[% END %]
[% row.description %]</td>
[% IF row.accno > 999 %]
<td class="numeric">[% LxERP.format_amount(row.this, decimalplaces) %]</td>
<td class="numeric">[% IF last_period %][% LxERP.format_amount(row.last, decimalplaces) %][% END %]</td>
[% END %]
[% END %]
[% IF l_subtotal %]
<tr class="subtotal">
<th colspan="2">[% 'TOTAL' | $T8 %]</th>
<th class="numeric">[% LxERP.format_amount(total.A.this, decimalplaces) %]</th>
<th class="numeric">[% IF last_period %][% LxERP.format_amount(total.A.last, decimalplaces) %][% END %]</th>
[% END %]
<tr><th colspan="4" class="caption">[% 'LIABILITIES' | $T8 %]</th></tr>
[% FOREACH row = L %]
<td class="right">[% row.accno IF l_accno %]</td>
<td>[% row.description %]</td>
<td class="numeric">[% LxERP.format_amount(row.this, decimalplaces) %]</td>
<td class="numeric">[% IF last_period %][% LxERP.format_amount(row.last, decimalplaces) %][% END %]</td>
[% END %]
[% IF l_subtotal %]
<tr class="subtotal">
<th colspan="2">[% 'TOTAL' | $T8 %]</th>
<td class="numeric">[% LxERP.format_amount(total.L.this, decimalplaces) %]</td>
<td class="numeric">[% IF last_period %][% LxERP.format_amount(total.L.last, decimalplaces) %][% END %]</td>
[% END %]
<tr><th colspan="4" class="caption">[% 'EQUITY' | $T8 %]</th></tr>
[% FOREACH row = Q %]
<td class="right">[% row.accno IF l_accno and row.accno %]</td>
<td>[% row.description %]</td>
<td class="numeric">[% LxERP.format_amount(row.this, decimalplaces) %]</td>
<td class="numeric">[% IF last_period %][% LxERP.format_amount(row.last, decimalplaces) %][% END %]</td>
[% END %]
[% IF l_subtotal %]
<tr class="subtotal">
<th colspan="2">[% 'TOTAL' | $T8 %]</th>
<td class="numeric">[% LxERP.format_amount(total.Q.this, decimalplaces) %]</td>
<td class="numeric">[% IF last_period %][% LxERP.format_amount(total.Q.last, decimalplaces) %][% END %]</td>
[% END %]
<th colspan="2">[% 'TOTAL' | $T8 %] [% 'LIABILITIES' | $T8 %] & [% 'EQUITY' | $T8 %]</th>
<td class="numeric">[% LxERP.format_amount(total.this, decimalplaces) %]</td>
<td class="numeric">[% IF last_period %][% LxERP.format_amount(total.last, decimalplaces) %][% END %]</td>
templates/webpages/rp/bwa.html | ||
[%- USE T8 %]
[%- USE HTML %]
[%- USE LxERP %]
[%- USE L %]
[% USE T8 %]
[% USE HTML %]
[% USE LxERP %]
[% USE L %]
<table border=0 cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0>
<tr class="headline">
<td class="left">[% company %]</td>
<td class=center colspan="9">
... | ... | |
<td class="right">Blatt 1</td>
<tr class="querkopf">
<th class="left"> </th>
<th class="center" colspan="5">Im Betrachtungszeitraum</th>
<th class="right" colspan="5">Kumuliert seit Jahresanfang</th>
<th class="left">Bezeichnung</th>
... | ... | |
<th>% Pers.- Kosten</th>
<th class="right">Aufschlag</th>
<tr class="white"><td class="left right" colspan="11"> </td></tr>
<tr class="white">
<td class="left right" colspan="11"> </td>
<tr class="grey">
<td class="left"><nobr>[% HTML.escape(category_names.item(1)) %]</td>
... | ... | |
<td class="right"> </td>
<tr class="white">
<td class="left"><nobr>[% HTML.escape(category_names.item(2)) %]</nobr></td>
<td><nobr>[% jetzt2 %]</nobr></td>
... | ... | |
<td><nobr>[% kummpk14 %]</nobr></td>
<td class="right"> </td>
<tr class="white">
<td class="left"><nobr>[% HTML.escape(category_names.item(15)) %]</nobr></td>
<td><nobr>[% jetzt15 %]</nobr></td>
... | ... | |
<td><nobr>[% kummpk15 %]</nobr></td>
<td class="right"> </td>
<tr class="grey">
<td class="left"><nobr>[% HTML.escape(category_names.item(16)) %]Kosten </nobr></td>
<td><nobr>[% jetzt16 %]</nobr></td>
... | ... | |
<td><nobr>[% jetztpk16 %]</nobr></td>
<td><nobr>[% kumm16 %]</nobr></td>
<td><nobr>[% kummgl16 %]</nobr>
<td><nobr>[% kummgl16 %]</nobr></td>
<td><nobr>[% kummgk16 %]</nobr></td>
<td><nobr>[% kummpk16 %]</nobr></td>
<td class="right"> </td>
<tr class="white">
<td class="left"><nobr>[% HTML.escape(category_names.item(17)) %]</nobr></td>
<td><nobr>[% jetzt17 %]</nobr></td>
... | ... | |
<td><nobr>[% kummpk18 %]</nobr></td>
<td class="right"> </td>
<tr class="white">
<td class="left"><nobr>[% HTML.escape(category_names.item(20)) %]</nobr></td>
<td><nobr>[% jetzt20 %]</nobr></td>
... | ... | |
<td><nobr>[% kummpk20 %]</nobr></td>
<td class="right"> </td>
<tr class="grey subtotal">
<td class="left"><nobr>Gesamtkosten</nobr></td>
<td><nobr>[% jetztgesamtkosten %]</nobr></td>
... | ... | |
<td><nobr>[% kummpkgesamtkosten %]</nobr></td>
<td class="right"> </td>
<tr class="white"><td class="left right" colspan="11"> </td></tr>
<tr class="grey subtotal">
<td class="left"><nobr>Betriebsergebnis</nobr></td>
<td class="left"><nobr>Betriebsergebnis</nobr></td>
<td><nobr>[% jetztbetriebsergebnis %]</nobr></td>
<td><nobr>[% jetztglbetriebsergebnis %]</nobr>
<td><nobr>[% jetztglbetriebsergebnis %]</nobr></td>
<td><nobr>[% jetztgkbetriebsergebnis %]</nobr></td>
<td><nobr>[% jetztpkbetriebsergebnis %]</nobr></td>
<td><nobr>[% kummbetriebsergebnis %]</nobr></td>
<td><nobr>[% kummglbetriebsergebnis %]</nobr>
<td><nobr>[% kummglbetriebsergebnis %]</nobr></td>
<td><nobr>[% kummgkbetriebsergebnis %]</nobr></td>
<td><nobr>[% kummpkbetriebsergebnis %]</nobr></td>
<td class="right"> </td>
<tr class="white"><td class="left right" colspan="11"> </td></tr>
<tr class="grey">
<td class="left"><nobr>[% HTML.escape(category_names.item(30)) %]</nobr></td>
<td><nobr>[% jetzt30 %]</nobr></td>
... | ... | |
<td><nobr>[% kummpk30 %]</nobr></td>
<td class="right"> </td>
<tr class="white">
<td class="left"><nobr>[% HTML.escape(category_names.item(19)) %]</nobr></td>
<td><nobr>[% jetzt19 %]</nobr></td>
... | ... | |
<td><nobr>[% kummpk19 %]</nobr></td>
<td class="right"> </td>
<tr class="grey">
<td class="left"><nobr>[% HTML.escape(category_names.item(31)) %]</nobr></td>
<td><nobr>[% jetzt31 %]</nobr></td>
... | ... | |
[% END %]
templates/webpages/rp/erfolgsrechnung.html | ||
[%- USE T8 %]
[%- USE HTML %]
[%- USE LxERP %]
<h2 align="center">
<br>[% company %]
<br>[% address %]
<br>[% fromdate %] bis [% todate %]
[% USE T8 %]
[% USE HTML %]
[% USE LxERP %]
<!-- PENDENT: Ueberschriften mal genauer anschauen -->
<b>[% company %]<br></b>
[% address %]<br>
<big>[% 'ERFOLGSRECHNUNG' %]</big><br>
<i>[% fromdate %] bis [% todate %]</i>
<table border="0">
<th align="left" width="400" colspan="2"><br></th>
[%- FOREACH category = categories %]
<tr valign="top">
<th align="left" colspan="4">[% %]<b><hr align="left" width="250" size="5" noshade></th>
[%- FOREACH row = category.accounts %]
<table class="tbl-list">
[% FOREACH category = categories %]
<td align="left">[% row.accno %]</td>
<td align="left">[% row.description %]</td>
<td align="right">[% %]</td>
<th class="caption" colspan="3">[% %]</th>
[%- END %]
[% FOREACH row = category.accounts %]
<td>[% row.accno %]</td>
<td>[% row.description %]</td>
<td class="numeric">[% %]</td>
[% END %]
<th colspan="2">TOTAL</th>
<td class="right">[% %]</td>
[% END %]
<td colspan="2"> </td>
<td><hr noshade size="1"></td>
<td><hr noshade size="1"></td>
<tr valign="top">
<th align="left" colspan="2">TOTAL</th>
<td align="right">[% %]<hr noshade size="2"></td>
<th colspan="2">GEWINN/VERLUST</th>
<td class="numeric">[% total %]<br><hr noshade size="2"></td>
[%- END %]
<tr valign="top">
<th align="left" colspan="2">GEWINN/VERLUST</th>
<td align="right">[% total %]<br><hr noshade size="2"></td>
templates/webpages/rp/html_report_susa.html | ||
[%- USE T8 %]
[%- USE HTML %]
[% USE T8 %]
[% USE HTML %]
<h1>[% 'Summen- und Saldenliste' | $T8 %] [% template_fromto %]</h1>
<script type="text/javascript">
function submit_report_generator_form(nextsub) {
document.report_generator_form.report_generator_dispatch_to.value = nextsub;
function submit_report_generator_form(nextsub) {
document.report_generator_form.report_generator_dispatch_to.value = nextsub;
<style type="text/css">
.top_border {
border-top: solid black;
border-width: 4px;
.bottom_border {
border-bottom: solid black;
border-width: 4px;
<p>[% MESSAGE %]</p>
... | ... | |
<table width="100%">
<th class="listheading" rowspan=2>[% 'Account' | $T8 %]</th>
<th class="listheading" rowspan=2>[% 'Description' | $T8 %]</th>
<th class="listheading" rowspan=2>[% 'Last Transaction' | $T8 %]</th>
<th class="listheading" colspan=2>[% 'Starting Balance' | $T8 %]</th>
<th class="listheading" colspan=2>[% 'Sum for' | $T8 %] [% template_fromto %]</th>
<th class="listheading" colspan=2>[% 'Sum per' | $T8 %] [% template_to %]</th>
<th class="listheading" colspan=2>[% 'Saldo per' | $T8 %] [% template_to %]</th>
<th rowspan=2>[% 'Account' | $T8 %]</th>
<th rowspan=2>[% 'Description' | $T8 %]</th>
<th rowspan=2>[% 'Last Transaction' | $T8 %]</th>
<th colspan=2>[% 'Starting Balance' | $T8 %]</th>
<th colspan=2>[% 'Sum for' | $T8 %] [% template_fromto %]</th>
<th colspan=2>[% 'Sum per' | $T8 %] [% template_to %]</th>
<th colspan=2>[% 'Saldo per' | $T8 %] [% template_to %]</th>
<th class="listheading">[% 'Assets' | $T8 %]</th>
<th class="listheading">[% 'Equity' | $T8 %]</th>
<th class="listheading">[% 'Debit' | $T8 %]</th>
<th class="listheading">[% 'Credit' | $T8 %]</th>
<th class="listheading">[% 'Debit' | $T8 %]</th>
<th class="listheading">[% 'Credit' | $T8 %]</th>
<th class="listheading">[% 'Debit' | $T8 %]</th>
<th class="listheading">[% 'Credit' | $T8 %]</th>
<th>[% 'Assets' | $T8 %]</th>
<th>[% 'Equity' | $T8 %]</th>
<th>[% 'Debit' | $T8 %]</th>
<th>[% 'Credit' | $T8 %]</th>
<th>[% 'Debit' | $T8 %]</th>
<th>[% 'Credit' | $T8 %]</th>
<th>[% 'Debit' | $T8 %]</th>
<th>[% 'Credit' | $T8 %]</th>
[% FOREACH row = ROWS %]
[% IF row.IS_CONTROL %]
[% IF row.IS_COLSPAN_DATA %]<tr><td colspan="[% row.NUM_COLUMNS %]">[% %]</td></tr>[% END %]
[% ELSE %]
<tr class="listrow[% row.outer_idx_odd %]">
[%- FOREACH col = row.COLUMNS %]
[% FOREACH col = row.COLUMNS %]
<td[% IF col.align %] align="[% col.align %]"[% END %]
[%- IF col.valign %] valign="[% col.valign %]"[%- END %]
[%- SET tdclass = '' %]
[%- IF row.BORDER_TOP %][%- SET tdclass = "$tdclass top_border" %][%- END %]
[%- IF row.BORDER_BOTTOM %][%- SET tdclass = "$tdclass bottom_border" %][%- END %]
[%- IF col.class %][%- SET tdclass = "$tdclass $col.class" %][%- END %]
[%- IF tdclass %] class="[% tdclass %]"[%- END %]>
[%- IF col.raw_data %][%- col.raw_data %][%- END %]
[%- USE iterator(col.CELL_ROWS) %][%- FOREACH cell_row = iterator %]
[%- IF != '' %]
[%- IF %]<a href="[% %]">[%- END %]
[%- %]
[%- IF %]</a>[%- END %]
[%- END %]
[%- UNLESS iterator.last %]<br>[%- END %]
[%- END %]
[% IF col.valign %] valign="[% col.valign %]"[% END %]
[% SET tdclass = '' %]
[% IF row.BORDER_TOP %][% SET tdclass = "$tdclass top_border" %][% END %]
[% IF row.BORDER_BOTTOM %][% SET tdclass = "$tdclass bottom_border" %][% END %]
[% IF col.class %][% SET tdclass = "$tdclass $col.class" %][% END %]
[% IF tdclass %] class="[% tdclass %]"[% END %]>
[% IF col.raw_data %][% col.raw_data %][% END %]
[% USE iterator(col.CELL_ROWS) %][% FOREACH cell_row = iterator %]
[% IF != '' %]
[% IF %]<a href="[% %]">[% END %]
[% %]
[% IF %]</a>[% END %]
[% END %]
[% UNLESS iterator.last %]<br>[% END %]
[% END %]
[%- END %]
[% END %]
[% END %]
[% END %]
[% ELSE %]
<p class="message_hint">[% 'No data was found.' | $T8 %]</p>
<p class="message message_hint">[% 'No data was found.' | $T8 %]</p>
[% END %]
templates/webpages/rp/income_statement.html | ||
[% L.button_tag('', LxERP.t8('Hide buttons'), id="hide_buttons_button", class="hide") %]
[% L.button_tag('', LxERP.t8('Show charts'), id="show_charts_button", class="hide") %]
[% L.button_tag('', LxERP.t8('Hide charts'), id="hide_charts_button", class="hide") %]
<!-- PENDENT: Ueberschriften mal genauer anschauen -->
<h3 id="show_buttons"> [% title %]</h3>
<h3>[% period %]<br><big>[% accounting_method %]<br></big><i>[% report_date %]</i></h3>
<h3 align="center" id="show_buttons"> [% title %]</h3>
<h3 align=center>
[% period %]<br>
[% accounting_method %]<br>
<br>[% report_date %]
<style type="text/css">
#eurtable {
border-collapse: collapse;
width: 100%;
tr.category {
/* background set via jquery */
tr.chart {
border: 0;
td.chartname {
padding-left: 50px;
tr.chartrow {
font-size: 75%;
.guv_row_background {
<table id="eurtable">
<table id="eurtable" class="tbl-list">
<td width=75% align=left colspan=2><font size="+1"><b>A. Betriebseinnahmen</font></b><br></td>
<th colspan="2" class="caption">A. Betriebseinnahmen</td>
[% FOREACH i IN categories_income %]
<tr class="category" data-catid="cat[% i %]">
[% HTML.escape(category_names.item(i)) %]
<td class="numeric">
[% eur_amounts.item(i) %]
<td>[% HTML.escape(category_names.item(i)) %]</td>
<td class="numeric">[% eur_amounts.item(i) %]</td>
[% FOREACH chart = charts_by_category.item(i).list %]
<tr class="chartrow cat[% i %]">
... | ... | |
[% END %]
[% END %]
<td> </td>
<td><hr noshade size=1></td>
<tr valign=top>
<th align=left><b>Summe Einnahmen</b></th>
<td align=right>[% sumeura %]<hr noshade size=2></td>
<tr class="inrows-footer">
<th><b>Summe Einnahmen</b></th>
<th class="numeric">[% sumeura %]</td>
<tr class="spacer">
<td colspan="2"> </td>
<td align=left><font size="+1"><b>B. Betriebsausgaben</font></b><br></td>
<th class="caption" colspan="2">B. Betriebsausgaben</th>
[% FOREACH i IN categories_expense %]
<tr class="category" data-catid="cat[% i %]">
[% HTML.escape(category_names.item(i)) %]
<td class="numeric">
[% eur_amounts.item(i) %]
<td>[% HTML.escape(category_names.item(i)) %]</td>
<td class="numeric">[% eur_amounts.item(i) %]</td>
[% FOREACH chart = charts_by_category.item(i).list %]
<tr class="chartrow cat[% i %]">
... | ... | |
[% END %]
[% END %]
<td> </td>
<td><hr noshade size=1></td>
<tr valign=top>
<th align=left><b>Summe Ausgaben</b></th>
<td align=right>[% sumeurb %] <br><hr noshade size=2</td>
<th><b>Summe Ausgaben</b></th>
<td>[% sumeurb %]</td>
<td>[% guvsumme %]<br><hr noshade size=2></td>
<tr valign=top>
<td align=left>GEWINN / VERLUST</td>
<td align=right>[% guvsumme %]<br><hr noshade size=2></td>
templates/webpages/rp/print_options.html | ||
[%- USE HTML %]
[%- USE LxERP %]
[%- USE L %]
[%- USE T8 %]
[% USE HTML %]
[% USE LxERP %]
[% USE L %]
[% USE T8 %]
<select name="type" id="type">
<option value=statement [% PD.statement %]>[% 'Statement' | $T8 %]</option>
<select name="format" id="format">
<option value=html [% DF.html %]>[% 'HTML' | $T8 %]</option>
<option value=pdf [% DF.pdf %]>[% 'PDF' | $T8 %]</option>
<option value=postscript [% DF.postscript %]>[% 'Postscript' | $T8 %]</option>
<select name=media>
[%- IF is_email %]
<option value=attachment [% SM.attachment %]>[% 'Attachment' | $T8 %]</option>
<option value=inline [% SM.inline %]>[% 'In-line' | $T8 %]</option>
[%- ELSE %]
<option value=screen [% OP.screen %]>[% 'Screen' | $T8 %]</option>
[%- IF MYCONFIG.printer && LXCONFIG.print_templates.latex %]
<option value=printer [% OP.printer %]>[% 'Printer' | $T8 %]</option>
[%- END %]
[%- END %]
[%- IF MYCONFIG.printer && LXCONFIG.print_templates.latex && !is_email %]
<td>[% 'Copies' | $T8 %]<input name=copies size=2 value=[% copies %]></td>
[%- END %]
<select name="type" id="type">
<option value="statement" [% pd.statement %]>[% 'Statement' | $T8 %]</option>
<select name="format" id="format">
<option value="html" [% df.html %]>[% 'HTML' | $T8 %]</option>
<option value="pdf" [% df.pdf %]>[% 'PDF' | $T8 %]</option>
<option value="postscript" [% df.postscript %]>[% 'Postscript' | $T8 %]</option>
<select name="media">
[% IF is_email %]
<option value="attachment" [% sm.attachment %]>[% 'Attachment' | $T8 %]</option>
<option value="inline" [% sm.inline %]>[% 'In-line' | $T8 %]</option>
[% ELSE %]
<option value="screen" [% op.screen %]>[% 'Screen' | $T8 %]</option>
[% IF MYCONFIG.printer && LXCONFIG.print_templates.latex %]
<option value="printer" [% op.printer %]>[% 'Printer' | $T8 %]</option>
[% END %] [% END %]
[% IF MYCONFIG.printer && LXCONFIG.print_templates.latex && !is_email %]
<td>[% 'Copies' | $T8 %]<input type="text" name="copies" size="2" value="[%" copies %]></td>
[% END %]
templates/webpages/rp/report.html | ||
[%- USE HTML %]
[%- USE LxERP %]
[%- USE L %]
[%- USE P %]
[%- USE T8 %]
[% USE HTML %]
[% USE LxERP %]
[% USE L %]
[% USE P %]
[% USE T8 %]
[%- BLOCK customized_report %]
[% BLOCK customized_report %]
<th align=left><input name=reporttype class=radio type=radio value="custom" checked>[% 'Customized Report' | $T8 %]</th>
<th class="caption" colspan="4">[% 'Periods' | $T8 %]</th>
<th colspan=1>[% 'Year' | $T8 %]</th>
<input name=year size=11 title="[% 'YYYY' | $T8 %]" value="[% year %]" class="initial_focus" oninput='set_from_to(duetyp.value, this.value)'>
<td align=right> <b>[% 'Yearly' | $T8 %]</b> </td>
<th align=left>[% 'Quarterly' | $T8 %]</th>
<th align=left colspan=3>[% 'Monthly' | $T8 %]</th>
<td align=right>
<input name=duetyp class=radio type=radio value="13" checked onchange='set_from_to(this.value, year.value)'>
<td><input name=duetyp class=radio type=radio value="A" onchange='set_from_to(this.value, year.value)'>
1. [% 'Quarter' | $T8 %]
<td><input name=duetyp class=radio type=radio value="1" onchange='set_from_to(this.value, year.value)'>
[% 'January' | $T8 %]
<td><input name=duetyp class=radio type=radio value="5" onchange='set_from_to(this.value, year.value)'>
[% 'May' | $T8 %]
<td><input name=duetyp class=radio type=radio value="9" onchange='set_from_to(this.value, year.value)'>
[% 'September' | $T8 %]
<th colspan="4"><h4><input name="reporttype" type="radio" value="custom" checked> [% 'Customized Report' | $T8 %]</h4></th>
<td align= right> </td>
<td><input name=duetyp class=radio type=radio value="B" onchange='set_from_to(this.value, year.value)'>
2. [% 'Quarter' | $T8 %]
<td><input name=duetyp class=radio type=radio value="2" onchange='set_from_to(this.value, year.value)'>
[% 'February' | $T8 %]
<td><input name=duetyp class=radio type=radio value="6" onchange='set_from_to(this.value, year.value)'>
[% 'June' | $T8 %]
<td><input name=duetyp class=radio type=radio value="10" onchange='set_from_to(this.value, year.value)'>
[% 'October' | $T8 %]
<th>[% 'Year' | $T8 %]</th>
<td colspan="2"><input type="text" name="year" class="wi-smallest" title="[% 'YYYY' | $T8 %]" value="[% year %]" class="initial_focus" oninput='set_from_to(duetyp.value, this.value)'></td>
<td> </td>
<td><input name=duetyp class=radio type=radio value="C" onchange='set_from_to(this.value, year.value)'>
3. [% 'Quarter' | $T8 %]
<td><input name=duetyp class=radio type=radio value="3" onchange='set_from_to(this.value, year.value)'>
[% 'March' | $T8 %]
<td><input name=duetyp class=radio type=radio value="7" onchange='set_from_to(this.value, year.value)'>
[% 'July' | $T8 %]
<td><input name=duetyp class=radio type=radio value="11" onchange='set_from_to(this.value, year.value)'>
[% 'November' | $T8 %]
<th>[% 'Yearly' | $T8 %]</th>
<th>[% 'Quarterly' | $T8 %]</th>
<th>[% 'Monthly' | $T8 %]</th>
<td> </td>
<td><input name=duetyp class=radio type=radio value="D" onchange='set_from_to(this.value, year.value)'>
4. [% 'Quarter' | $T8 %]
<td><input name=duetyp class=radio type=radio value="4" onchange='set_from_to(this.value, year.value)'>
[% 'April' | $T8 %]
<td><input name=duetyp class=radio type=radio value="8" onchange='set_from_to(this.value, year.value)'>
[% 'August' | $T8 %]
<td><input name="duetyp" type="radio" value="13" checked onchange='set_from_to(this.value, year.value)'>[% 'Yearly' | $T8 %]</td>
<input name="duetyp" type="radio" value="A" onchange='set_from_to(this.value, year.value)'>[% 'Quarter' | $T8 %]<br>
<input name="duetyp" type="radio" value="B" onchange='set_from_to(this.value, year.value)'>2. [% 'Quarter' | $T8 %]<br>
<input name="duetyp" type="radio" value="C" onchange='set_from_to(this.value, year.value)'>3. [% 'Quarter' | $T8 %]<br>
<input name="duetyp" type="radio" value="D" onchange='set_from_to(this.value, year.value)'>4. [% 'Quarter' | $T8 %]<br>
<td><input name=duetyp class=radio type=radio value="12" onchange='set_from_to(this.value, year.value)'>
[% 'December' | $T8 %]
<input name="duetyp" type="radio" value="1" onchange='set_from_to(this.value, year.value)'>[% 'January' | $T8 %]<br>
<input name="duetyp" type="radio" value="2" onchange='set_from_to(this.value, year.value)'>[% 'February' | $T8 %]<br>
<input name="duetyp" type="radio" value="3" onchange='set_from_to(this.value, year.value)'>[% 'March' | $T8 %]<br>
<input name="duetyp" type="radio" value="4" onchange='set_from_to(this.value, year.value)'>[% 'April' | $T8 %]<br>
<input name="duetyp" type="radio" value="5" onchange='set_from_to(this.value, year.value)'>[% 'May' | $T8 %]<br>
<input name="duetyp" type="radio" value="6" onchange='set_from_to(this.value, year.value)'>[% 'June' | $T8 %]<br>
<input name="duetyp" type="radio" value="7" onchange='set_from_to(this.value, year.value)'>[% 'July' | $T8 %]<br>
<input name="duetyp" type="radio" value="8" onchange='set_from_to(this.value, year.value)'>[% 'August' | $T8 %]<br>
<input name="duetyp" type="radio" value="9" onchange='set_from_to(this.value, year.value)'>[% 'September' | $T8 %]<br>
<input name="duetyp" type="radio" value="10" onchange='set_from_to(this.value, year.value)'>[% 'October' | $T8 %]<br>
<input name="duetyp" type="radio" value="11" onchange='set_from_to(this.value, year.value)'>[% 'November' | $T8 %]<br>
<input name="duetyp" type="radio" value="12" onchange='set_from_to(this.value, year.value)'>[% 'December' | $T8 %]<br>
<td colspan=5><hr size=3 noshade></td>
<th colspan="4"><h4><input name="reporttype" type="radio" value="free"> [% 'Free report period' | $T8 %]</h4></th>
<th align=left><input name=reporttype class=radio type=radio value="free">[% 'Free report period' | $T8 %]</th>
<td align=left colspan=4>
<td colspan="3">
[% 'From' | $T8 %] [% L.date_tag('fromdate', fromdate) %]
[% 'Bis' | $T8 %] [% L.date_tag('todate', todate) %]
[% END #BLOCK customized_report %]
[% BLOCK cash_or_accrual %]
<td colspan=5><hr size=3 noshade></td>
[%- END %]
[%- BLOCK cash_or_accrual %]
<th align=left>[% 'Method' | $T8 %]</th>
<td colspan=3>
[% L.radio_button_tag('method', value='accrual', checked=(INSTANCE_CONF.get_accounting_method=='accrual'), label=LxERP.t8('Accrual')) %]
<th colspan="2">[% 'Method' | $T8 %]</th>
<td colspan="2">
[% L.radio_button_tag('method', value='accrual', checked=(INSTANCE_CONF.get_accounting_method=='accrual'), label=LxERP.t8('Accrual')) %]<br>
[% L.radio_button_tag('method', value='cash', checked=(INSTANCE_CONF.get_accounting_method=='cash'), label=LxERP.t8('cash')) %]
[%- END %]
[%- BLOCK customer %]
[% END #BLOCK cash_or_accrual %]
[% BLOCK customer %]
<th align=right nowrap>[% 'Customer' | $T8 %]</th>
<td colspan=3>[% P.customer_vendor.picker('customer_id', '', type='customer') %]</td>
<th colspan="2">[% 'Customer' | $T8 %]</th>
<td colspan="2" class="wi-lightwide">[% P.customer_vendor.picker('customer_id', '', type='customer') %]</td>
[%- END %]
[%- BLOCK projectnumber %]
[% END #BLOCK customer %]
[% BLOCK projectnumber %]
<th align=right nowrap>[% 'Project' | $T8 %]</th>
<td colspan=3>[% P.project.picker('project_id', '') %]</td>
<th colspan="2">[% 'Project' | $T8 %]</th>
<td colspan="2">[% P.project.picker('project_id', '', class='wi-lightwide') %]</td>
[%- END %]
<h1>[% title %]</h1>
[% END #BLOCK projectnumber %]
<form method='post' action='[% script %]' id='form'>
<input type=hidden name=title value="[% title %]">
<table border="0">
[%- IF selectdepartment %]
<th align="left" nowrap>[% 'Department' | $T8 %]</th>
<td colspan=3><select name=department>[% selectdepartment %]</select></td>
[%- END %]
[%- IF is_projects %]
[% INCLUDE projectnumber %]
<input type=hidden name=nextsub value=generate_projects>
<th align=right>[% 'From' | $T8 %]</th>
<td> [% L.date_tag('fromdate', fromdate, class='initial_focus') %]</td>
<th align=right nowrap>[% 'Bis' | $T8 %]</th>
<td>[% L.date_tag('todate') %]</td>
<th align=right nowrap>[% 'Include in Report' | $T8 %]</th>
<td><input name=l_heading class=checkbox type=checkbox value=Y> [% 'Heading' | $T8 %]
<input name=l_subtotal class=checkbox type=checkbox value=Y> [% 'Subtotal' | $T8 %]</td>
[%- END %]
<h1>[% title %]</h1>
[%- IF is_income_statement %]
[%- PROCESS projectnumber %]
<input type=hidden name=nextsub value=generate_income_statement>
[%- PROCESS customized_report %]
[%- PROCESS cash_or_accrual %]
<th align=left nowrap>[% 'Include in Report' | $T8 %]</th>
<td><input name=l_cb class=checkbox type=checkbox value=Y> [% 'CB Transactions' | $T8 %]</td>
[%- END %]
<div class="wrapper">
<form method="post" action='[% script %]' id="form">
<input type="hidden" name="title" value="[% title %]">
[%- IF is_bwa %]
[%- PROCESS projectnumber %]
<input type=hidden name=nextsub value=generate_bwa>
[%- PROCESS customized_report %]
[%- PROCESS cash_or_accrual %]
<th align=right colspan=4>[% 'Decimalplaces' | $T8 %]</th>
<td><input name=decimalplaces size=3 value="2"></td>
[%- END %]
<table class="tbl-horizontal">
<colgroup><col class="wi-smallest"><col class="wi-mediumsmall"><col class="wi-mediumsmall"><col class="wi-wide"></colgroup>
[% IF selectdepartment %]
<th colspan="2">[% 'Department' | $T8 %]</th>
<td colspan="2"><select name="department" class="wi-lightwide">[% selectdepartment %]</select></td>
[% END #IF selectdepartment %]
[% IF is_projects %]
[% INCLUDE projectnumber %]
<th colspan="2">
<input type="hidden" name="nextsub" value="generate_projects">
[% 'Periode' | $T8 %] [% 'from' | $T8 %]
<td colspan="2">
[% L.date_tag('fromdate', fromdate, class='initial_focus') %]
[% 'Bis' | $T8 %]
[% L.date_tag('todate') %]
<th colspan="2">[% 'Include in Report' | $T8 %]</th>
<td colspan="2">
<input name="l_heading" type="checkbox" value="Y"> [% 'Heading' | $T8 %]<br>
<input name="l_subtotal" type="checkbox" value="Y"> [% 'Subtotal' | $T8 %]
[% END #IF is_projects %]
[% IF is_income_statement %]
[% PROCESS projectnumber %]
<input type="hidden" name="nextsub" value="generate_income_statement">
[% PROCESS cash_or_accrual %]
<th colspan="2">[% 'Include in Report' | $T8 %]</th>
<td colspan="2"><input name="l_cb" type="checkbox" value="Y"> [% 'CB Transactions' | $T8 %]</td>
[% PROCESS customized_report %]
[% END #IF is_income_statement %]
[% IF is_bwa %]
[% PROCESS projectnumber %]
<input type="hidden" name="nextsub" value="generate_bwa">
[% PROCESS cash_or_accrual %]
<th colspan="2">[% 'Decimalplaces' | $T8 %]</th>
<td colspan="2"><input type="text" name="decimalplaces" class="wi-verysmall" value="2"></td>
[% PROCESS customized_report %]
[% END #IF is_bwa %]
[% IF is_erfolgsrechnung %]
<input type="hidden" name="nextsub" value="generate_erfolgsrechnung">
[% PROCESS customized_report %]
[% END #IF is_erfolgsrechnung %]
[% IF is_balance_sheet %]
<input type="hidden" name="nextsub" value="generate_balance_sheet">
<th colspan="2">[% 'as at' | $T8 %]</th>
<td class="wi-date"> [% L.date_tag('asofdate', asofdate, class="initial_focus") %]</td>
<input name="l_cb" type="checkbox" value="Y"> [% 'CB Transactions' | $T8 %]<br>
<input name="l_ob" type="checkbox" value="Y"> [% 'only OB Transactions' | $T8 %]
<th colspan="2">[% 'Compare to' | $T8 %]</th>
<td class="wi-date">[% L.date_tag('compareasofdate', compareasofdate) %]</td>
<input name="l_cb_compared" type="checkbox" value="Y"> [% 'CB Transactions' | $T8 %]<br>
<input name="l_ob_compared" type="checkbox" value="Y"> [% 'only OB Transactions' | $T8 %]
<th colspan="2">[% 'Decimalplaces' | $T8 %]</th>
<td colspan="2"><input type="text" name="decimalplaces" class="wi-verysmall" value="2"></td>
[% PROCESS cash_or_accrual %]
<th colspan="2">[% 'Include in Report' | $T8 %]</th>
<td colspan="2">
<input name="l_heading" type="checkbox" value="Y"> [% 'Heading' | $T8 %]<br>
<input name="l_subtotal" type="checkbox" value="Y"> [% 'Subtotal' | $T8 %]<br>
<input name="l_accno" type="checkbox" value="Y"> [% 'Account Number' | $T8 %]
[% END #IF is_balance_sheet %]
[% IF is_trial_balance %]
[% PROCESS customer %]
[% PROCESS projectnumber %]
<input type="hidden" name="nextsub" value="generate_trial_balance">
<th colspan="2">[% 'All Accounts' | $T8 %]</th>
<td colspan="2"><input name="all_accounts" type="checkbox" value="1"></td>
<th colspan="2">[% 'Decimalplaces' | $T8 %]</th>
<td colspan="2"><input type="text" name="decimalplaces" class="wi-verysmall" value="2"></td>
[% PROCESS cash_or_accrual %]
[% PROCESS customized_report %]
[% END #IF is_trial_balance %]
[% IF is_aging %]
<th colspan="2">[% label %]</th>
<td colspan="2" class="wi-lightwide">[% vc %]</td>
<th colspan="4">
<input name="reporttype" type="radio" value="custom" checked>
[% 'Reference day' | $T8 %] ([% 'Due Date' | $T8 %][% ', if set' | $T8 %])
<th>[% 'Review of Aging list' | $T8 %]</th>
<td colspan="2">
<select name="review_of_aging_list">
<option>> 120</option>
<th>... [% 'for date' | $T8 %]</th>
<td colspan="2">[% L.date_tag('fordate', today) %]</td>
<th colspan="4">
<input name="reporttype" type="radio" value="free">
[% 'Free report period' | $T8 %] ([% 'Invoice Date' | $T8 %])
<th>[% 'Period' | $T8 %] [% 'from' | $T8 %]</th>
<td colspan="2">
[% L.date_tag('fromdate', fromdate) %]
[% 'Bis' | $T8 %] [% L.date_tag('todate') %]
[%- IF is_erfolgsrechnung %]
<input type=hidden name=nextsub value=generate_erfolgsrechnung>
<input type="hidden" name="type" value="statement">
[% L.hidden_tag("format", format) %]
<input type="hidden" name="media" value="screen">
<input type="hidden" name="nextsub" value='[% nextsub %]'>
<input type="hidden" name="action" value='[% nextsub %]'>
[% END #IF is_aging %]
[% IF is_payments %]
<input type="hidden" name="nextsub" value="list_payments">
<th colspan="2">[% 'Account' | $T8 %]</th>
<td colspan="2">
<select name="account">[% selection %]</select>
<input type="hidden" name="paymentaccounts" value="[% paymentaccounts %]">
<th colspan="2">[% 'Reference' | $T8 %]</th>
<td colspan="2"><input type="text" name="reference" class="initial_focus" class="wi-lightwide"></td>
<th colspan="2">[% 'Source' | $T8 %]</th>
<td colspan="2"><input type="text" name="source" class="wi-lightwide"></td>
<th colspan="2">[% 'Memo' | $T8 %]</th>
<td colspan="2"><input type="text" name="memo" class="wi-lightwide"></td>
<th colspan="2">[% 'Period' | $T8 %] [% 'From' | $T8 %]</th>
<td colspan="2">
[% L.date_tag('fromdate', fromdate) %]
[% 'Bis' | $T8 %]
[% L.date_tag('todate') %]
<td colspan="2"></td>
<td colspan="2">
<input type="checkbox" style="checkbox" name="fx_transaction" value="1" checked>
[% 'Include Exchangerate Difference' | $T8 %]
<input type="hidden" name="db" value='[% db %]'>
<input type="hidden" name="sort" value="transdate">
[% END #IF is_payments %]
[% IF 0 # is_taxreport %]
<td colspan="2">
<input type="hidden" name="nextsub" value="generate_tax_report">
[% 'Period' | $T8 %] [% 'from' | $T8 %]
<td colspan="2" class="wi-date">[% L.date_tag('fromdate', fromdate) %] [% 'Bis' | $T8 %] [% L.date_tag('todate', todate) %]</td>
<th colspan="2">[% 'Report for' | $T8 %]</th>
<td colspan="2">
[% FOREACH row IN taxaccounts %]
<input name="accno" type="radio" value='[% row.accno %]' [% loop.first ? 'checked' : '' %]> [% row.description %]
<input name="[% row.accno %]_description" type="hidden" value="[% row.description %]">
<input name="[% row.accno %]_rate" type="hidden" value="[% row.rate %]">
[% END %]
<input type="hidden" name="db" value='[% db %]'>
<input type="hidden" name="sort" value="transdate">
[% PROCESS cash_or_accrual %]
[% END %]
[%- PROCESS customized_report %]
[%- END %]
[% IF 0 # is_taxreport - formerly at end of table above in a separate row %]
<div class="form-addition control-panel">
<h3>[% 'Include in Report' | $T8 %]</h3>
<table class="tbl-horizontal">
<td><input name="l_id" type="checkbox" value="Y"></td>
<td>[% 'ID' | $T8 %]</td>
<td><input name="l_invnumber" type="checkbox" value="Y" checked></td>
<td>[% 'Invoice' | $T8 %]</td>
<td><input name="l_transdate" type="checkbox" value="Y" checked></td>
<td>[% 'Date' | $T8 %]</td>
<td><input name="l_name" type="checkbox" value="Y" checked></td>
[% LxERP.t8('Customer') IF db == 'ar' %]
[% LxERP.t8('Vendor') IF db == 'ap' %]
<td><input name="l_netamount" type="checkbox" value="Y" checked></td>
<td>[% 'Amount' | $T8 %]</td>
<td><input name="l_tax" type="checkbox" value="Y" checked></td>
<td>[% 'Tax' | $T8 %]</td>
<td><input name="l_amount" type="checkbox" value="Y"></td>
<td>[% 'Total' | $T8 %]</td>
<td><input name="l_subtotal" type="checkbox" value="Y"></td>
<td>[% 'Subtotal' | $T8 %]</td>
</div><!-- /.form-addition -->
[% END %]
[%- IF is_balance_sheet %]
<input type=hidden name=nextsub value=generate_balance_sheet>
<th align=right>[% 'as at' | $T8 %]</th>
<td> [% L.date_tag('asofdate', asofdate, class="initial_focus") %]</td>
<td><input name=l_cb class=checkbox type=checkbox value=Y> [% 'CB Transactions' | $T8 %]</td>
<td><input name=l_ob class=checkbox type=checkbox value=Y> [% 'only OB Transactions' | $T8 %]</td>
<th align=right nowrap>[% 'Compare to' | $T8 %]</th>
<td>[% L.date_tag('compareasofdate', compareasofdate) %]</td>
<td><input name=l_cb_compared class=checkbox type=checkbox value=Y> [% 'CB Transactions' | $T8 %]</td>
<td><input name=l_ob_compared class=checkbox type=checkbox value=Y> [% 'only OB Transactions' | $T8 %]</td>
<th align=right>[% 'Decimalplaces' | $T8 %]</th>
<td><input name=decimalplaces size=3 value="2"></td>
[%- PROCESS cash_or_accrual %]
<th align=right nowrap>[% 'Include in Report' | $T8 %]</th>
<td><input name=l_heading class=checkbox type=checkbox value=Y> [% 'Heading' | $T8 %]
<input name=l_subtotal class=checkbox type=checkbox value=Y> [% 'Subtotal' | $T8 %]
<input name=l_accno class=checkbox type=checkbox value=Y> [% 'Account Number' | $T8 %]</td>
[%- END %]
[%- IF is_trial_balance %]
[%- PROCESS customer %]
[%- PROCESS projectnumber %]
<input type=hidden name=nextsub value=generate_trial_balance>
[%- PROCESS customized_report %]
[%- PROCESS cash_or_accrual %]
<th align=right colspan=4>[% 'All Accounts' | $T8 %]</th>
<td><input name=all_accounts type=checkbox value=1></td>
<th align=right colspan=4>[% 'Decimalplaces' | $T8 %]</th>
<td><input name=decimalplaces size=3 value="2"></td>
[%- END %]
[%- IF is_aging %]
<th align=left>[% label %]</th>
<td>[% vc %]</td>
<table border="0">
<td colspan=5><hr size=1 noshade></td>
<th align=left><input name=reporttype class=radio type=radio value="custom" checked><b>[% 'Reference day' | $T8 %]</b> ([% 'Due Date' | $T8 %][% ', if set' | $T8 %])</b> </th>
<td align="right" colspan="4">[% 'Review of Aging list' | $T8 %] <select name="review_of_aging_list">
<option>> 120</option>
</select> [% 'for date' | $T8 %] [% L.date_tag('fordate', today) %]
<td colspan=5><hr size=3 noshade></td>
<th align=left><input name=reporttype class=radio type=radio value="free"><b>[% 'Free report period' | $T8 %]</b> ([% 'Invoice Date' | $T8 %]) </th>
<td align="right" colspan=4>
[% 'From' | $T8 %] [% L.date_tag('fromdate', fromdate) %]
[% 'Bis' | $T8 %] [% L.date_tag('todate') %]
<input type=hidden name=type value=statement>
[% L.hidden_tag("format", format) %]
<input type=hidden name=media value=screen>
<input type=hidden name=nextsub value='[% nextsub %]'>
<input type=hidden name=action value='[% nextsub %]'>
[%- END %]
[%- IF is_payments %]
<input type=hidden name=nextsub value=list_payments>
<th align=right nowrap>[% 'Account' | $T8 %]</th>
<td colspan=3><select name=account>[% selection %]</select>
<input type=hidden name=paymentaccounts value="[% paymentaccounts %]">
<th align=right>[% 'Reference' | $T8 %]</th>
<td colspan=3><input name=reference class="initial_focus"></td>
<th align=right nowrap>[% 'Source' | $T8 %]</th>
<td colspan=3><input name=source></td>
<th align=right nowrap>[% 'Memo' | $T8 %]</th>
<td colspan=3><input name=memo size=30></td>
<th align=right>[% 'From' | $T8 %]</th>
<td>[% L.date_tag('fromdate', fromdate) %]</td>
<th align=right>[% 'Bis' | $T8 %]</th>
<td>[% L.date_tag('todate') %]</td>
<td align=right><input type=checkbox style=checkbox name=fx_transaction value=1 checked></td>
<th align=left colspan=3>[% 'Include Exchangerate Difference' | $T8 %]</td>
<input type=hidden name=db value='[% db %]'>
<input type=hidden name=sort value=transdate>
[%- END %]
[%- IF 0 # is_taxreport %]
<input type=hidden name=nextsub value=generate_tax_report>
<th align=right>[% 'From' | $T8 %]</th>
<td>[% L.date_tag('fromdate', fromdate) %]</td>
<th align=right>[% 'Bis' | $T8 %]</th>
<td>[% L.date_tag('todate', todate) %]</td>
<th align=right>[% 'Report for' | $T8 %]</th>
<td colspan=3>
[% FOREACH row IN taxaccounts %]
<input name=accno class=radio type=radio value='[% row.accno %]' [% loop.first ? 'checked' : '' %]> [% row.description %]
<input name="[% row.accno %]_description" type=hidden value="[% row.description %]">
<input name="[% row.accno %]_rate" type=hidden value="[% row.rate %]">
[%- END %]
<input type=hidden name=db value='[% db %]'>
<input type=hidden name=sort value=transdate>
[%- PROCESS cash_or_accrual %]
<th align=right>[% 'Include in Report' | $T8 %]</th>
<td><input name="l_id" class=checkbox type=checkbox value=Y></td>
<td>[% 'ID' | $T8 %]</td>
<td><input name="l_invnumber" class=checkbox type=checkbox value=Y checked></td>
<td>[% 'Invoice' | $T8 %]</td>
<td><input name="l_transdate" class=checkbox type=checkbox value=Y checked></td>
<td>[% 'Date' | $T8 %]</td>
<td><input name="l_name" class=checkbox type=checkbox value=Y checked></td>
[% LxERP.t8('Customer') IF db == 'ar' %]
[% LxERP.t8('Vendor') IF db == 'ap' %]
<td><input name="l_netamount" class=checkbox type=checkbox value=Y checked></td>
<td>[% 'Amount' | $T8 %]</td>
<td><input name="l_tax" class=checkbox type=checkbox value=Y checked></td>
<td>[% 'Tax' | $T8 %]</td>
<td><input name="l_amount" class=checkbox type=checkbox value=Y></td>
<td>[% 'Total' | $T8 %]</td>
<td><input name="l_subtotal" class=checkbox type=checkbox value=Y></td>
<td>[% 'Subtotal' | $T8 %]</td>
[%- END %]
</div><!-- /.wrapper -->
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