kivitendo/SL/DB/Manager/ @ 267550f0
34099460 | Tamino Steinert | package SL::DB::Manager::Reclamation;
use strict;
use parent qw(SL::DB::Helper::Manager);
use SL::DB::Helper::Paginated;
use SL::DB::Helper::Sorted;
use SL::DB::Helper::Filtered;
sub object_class { 'SL::DB::Reclamation' }
type => sub {
my ($key, $value, $prefix) = @_;
return __PACKAGE__->type_filter($value, $prefix);
# todo when is this used?
#all => sub {
# my ($key, $value, $prefix) = @_;
# return or => [ map { $prefix . $_ => $value } qw(record_number transaction_description) ]
sub type_filter {
my $class = shift;
my $type = lc(shift || '');
my $prefix = shift || '';
return (and => [ "!customer_id" => undef ]) if $type eq 'sales_reclamation';
return (and => [ "!vendor_id" => undef ]) if $type eq 'purchase_reclamation';
die "Unknown type $type";
sub _sort_spec {
return (
default => [ 'transdate', 1 ],
nulls => {
transaction_description => 'FIRST',
default => 'LAST',
columns => {
customer => 'lower(',
vendor => 'lower(',
employee => 'lower(',
27e3ec0d | Tamino Steinert | salesman => 'lower(',
contact => 'lower(contact.cp_name)',
language => 'lower(language.article_code)',
department => 'lower(department.description)',
34099460 | Tamino Steinert | globalprojectnumber => 'lower(globalproject.projectnumber)',
27e3ec0d | Tamino Steinert | delivery_term => 'lower(delivery_term.description)',
payment => 'lower(payment.description)',
currency => 'lower(',
taxzone => 'lower(taxzone.description)',
34099460 | Tamino Steinert | |||
# Bug in Rose::DB::Object: the next should be
# "globalproject.project_type.description". This workaround will
# only work if no other table with "project_type" is visible in
# the current query
globalproject_type => 'lower(project_type.description)',
map { ( $_ => "lower(reclamations.$_)" ) }
qw(record_number cv_record_number shippingpoint shipvia notes intnotes