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Revision 233f338c

Von Jan Büren vor mehr als 8 Jahren hinzugefügt

  • ID 233f338cd8681490a50bdf9f9e6bbc908063d3b3
  • Vorgänger 6c984131
  • Nachfolger a68089fb

2. Version POD zu create_assembly

Probiert insgesamt mehr 'auf den Punkt' und trotzdem
user-verständlich zu beschreiben.

Unterschiede anzeigen:

Creates an assembly if all defined items are available.
One to n rows are inserted in inventory for the used parts and
exactly one row is inserted in inventory for the created assembly.
Assembly item(s) will be stocked out and the assembly will be stocked in,
taking into account the qty and units which can be defined for each
assembly item seperately.
The calling params originate from C<transfer> but only parts_id with the
attribute assembly are processed.
assembly_id has to be an id in the table parts with the valid subset assembly.
=item More than zero items need to be defined for this subset
=item Assembly is composed of assembly item(s)
There has to be at least one date set in the table assembly referenced to this assembly_id.
There has to be at least one data set in the table assembly referenced to this assembly_id.
=item The param qty needs to be in the set of positive integers
=item Assembly cannot be destroyed or disassembled
No negative qty's can be assembled neither zero.
Assemblies are like cakes. You cannot disassemble it. NEVER.
No negative nor zero qty's are valid inputs.
=item The assembly item(s) have to be in the same warehouse
=item The assembly item(s) have to be in stock with the qty needed
The qty of all assembly item(s) are >= than the needed qty
to assemble the qty of assemblies (client configurable).
I can only make a cake by receipt if I have ALL ingredients and
in the needed stock amount.
The qty of stocked in assembly item(s) has to fit into the
number of the qty of the assemblies, which are going to be created (client configurable).
=item assembly item(s) with the parts set 'service' are ignored
Client configurable prerequisites can be changed with different
prerequisites as described in client_config (s.a. next chapter).
More prerequisites may be added in the future.
=head2 default creation of assembly
Inventory entries distinguish between directions (in/out) and transfer_types.
Valid entries after a creation of an assembly are 'out' and 'used' for assembly
items and 'in' and 'assembled' for the assembly.
The valid state of the assembly item(s) used for the assembly process are
'out' for the general direction and 'used' as the specific reason.
The valid state of the assembly is 'in' for the direction and 'assembled'
as the specific reason.
The method is transaction safe, in case of errors not a single entry will be made
in inventory.

Auch abrufbar als: Unified diff