


Herunterladen (29,8 KB) Statistiken
| Zweig: | Markierung: | Revision:
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// VARIABLES (Less-Style) for general use (most of it is Bootstrap-Stuff)
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// - Greys
// - Branding
// - Divers Color Specifications
// - Body/Content Background color, Text color
// - Content Boxes (Wrapper & Columns Container)
// - LINKS
// - Font family
// - Font size
// - Line height
// - Heading 1 - 6
// - Heading 1 (H1)
// - Table & Caption
// - Table Cells
// - Dimensions (Table Cells Only)
// - FORMS
// - Input fields
// - Legend, Labels, Fieldsets
// - Highlighting (Focus and so on)
// - Dimensions (input, select)
// - Z-Index
// - Dashboard (frame-header)
// - Menu (menuv3)
// - Context-Menu (layout-actionbar) -> missing
// - Component properties
// - Messages Old Style
// - Flash Messages
// - Standard Dimensions
// - Dimensions for Table Colums (COL)
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

// --------------------------------------
// --------------------------------------
// Base Colors see variables_color_scheme.less

// -------------------
// General text color (label & data)
// Standard text
@brand-primary: @brand-text-color;
@brand-label: @brand-data-label-color;
@brand-label-bg: @brand-lighter;

// Messages & info types
@brand-ok: @color-green-strong;
@brand-ok-bg: @color-green-light;

@brand-error: @color-red-strong;
@brand-error-bg: @color-red-light;

@brand-info: @color-blue-strong;
@brand-info-bg: @color-blue-light;

@brand-warning: @color-orange-strong;
@brand-warning-bg: @color-orange-light;

// Positive & negative colors
@brand-positive: @color-green-strong;
@brand-positive-bg: @color-green-light;
@brand-negative: @color-red-strong;
@brand-negative-bg: @color-red-light;

// -------------------
// Messages & info types
@brand-ok: @color-green-strong;
@brand-ok-bg: @color-green-light;

@brand-error: @color-red-strong;
@brand-error-bg: @color-red-light;

@brand-info: @color-blue-strong;
@brand-info-bg: @color-blue-light;

@brand-warning: @color-orange-strong;
@brand-warning-bg: @color-orange-light;

// Positive & negative colors
@brand-positive: @color-green-strong;
@brand-positive-bg: @color-green-light;
@brand-negative: @color-red-strong;
@brand-negative-bg: @color-red-light;

// --------------
// Content Boxes

@text-min-width: 400px ;
@text-max-width: 600px ;

// like Wrappers, Colums Containers, Flash-Messages and Record Selection
@content-padding: 0 0 0 0; // 0 is OK otherwise there will be a border after the ui-tabs-panels
@content-margin: 104px 0 1.0em 0; // PENDENT: ueberpruefen

@margin-left-from-content: 0.6em ; // directly inside #content
@margin-left-from-wrapper: 0 ; // directly inside .wrapper

@margin-from-content: 1em 1em 1em @margin-left-from-content ; // directly inside #content
@margin-from-wrapper: 0 0 0.4em @margin-left-from-wrapper ; // directly inside .wrapper

// Paragraphs, messages
@text-container-width: auto ;
@text-container-min-width: @text-min-width ;
@text-container-max-width: @text-max-width ;

@messages_width: 60.0em;
@messages-min-width: 60.0em;
@messages-max-width: 40.0em;

@contentbox-margin: 1.0em 1.0em 1.0em 0.6em ;
@contentbox-padding: 0.6em 1.0em 1.2em 1.8em ;
@contentbox-radius: 0.6em ;

// --------------
// Content Panels
@controlpanel-margin: @contentbox-margin ;
@controlpanel-padding: 1.2em 1.0em 0.8em 1.2em ;
@controlpanel-padding-bold: 0.8em 1.0em 1.4em 1.2em ;
@controlpanel-bg: @brand-lighter ;
@controlpanel-color: @brand-darkest ;
@controlpanel-border: 1px @brand-darkest solid ;
@controlpanel-radius: @contentbox-radius ;
@controlpanel-bg-hover: @brand-darkest ;
@controlpanel-bg-hover-text:@brand-light ;
@controlpanel-active-bg: @brand-strong-dimmed ;
@controlpanel-active-text: @brand-lighter ;

@controlpanel-h3-color: @brand-heading-color ;
@controlpanel-h3-size: 110% ;
@controlpanel-h3-style: normal ;
@controlpanel-h3-weight: normal ;

@controlpanel-h4-color: @brand-heading-color ;
@controlpanel-h4-size: 105% ;
@controlpanel-h4-weight: bold ;
@controlpanel-h4-style: normal ;

// select item control panel
@controlpanel-select-item-padding: 0.6em 1.0em 0.6em 0.8em ;

@instructionbox-bg: @controlpanel-bg ;
@instructionbox-border: 1px @brand-darkest solid ;

// --------------------------------------
// --------------------------------------
@link-color: @brand-link-color;
@link-hover-color: darken(@link-color, 15%);
@link-decoration: none;
@link-hover-decoration: underline;

// --------------------------------------
// --------------------------------------

// --------------
// Font family
@font-family-sans-serif: Verdana, "Helvetica Neue", Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif ;
@font-family-serif: Georgia, "Times New Roman", Times, serif ;
@font-family-monospace: Monaco, Menlo, Consolas, "Courier New", monospace;

@font-family-base: @font-family-sans-serif;

// --------------
// Font size
@font-size-base: 11pt; // vorh.14px
@font-size-large: ceil(@font-size-base * 1.25); // ~18px
@font-size-medium: ceil(@font-size-base * 1.0 ); // ~18px
@font-size-small: ceil(@font-size-base * 0.85); // ~11px
@font-size-smaller: ceil(@font-size-base * 0.76); // ~12px
@font-size-verysmall: ceil(@font-size-base * 0.6); // ~12px

// --------------
// Line height
@line-height-base: 1.428571429; // 20/14
@line-height-computed: floor(@font-size-base * @line-height-base); // ~20px

// --------------
// Heading 1-6
@headings-font-family: @font-family-base;
@headings-weight: 500;
@headings-line-height: 1.3em;
@headings-color: @brand-heading-color;
@headings-color-accent: #000;

@headings-color-error: @brand-error;
@headings-color-confirm: @brand-ok;

@h1-size: floor(@font-size-base * 1.1); // ~**px
@h2-size: floor(@font-size-base * 1.2); // ~**px
@h3-size: ceil(@font-size-base * 1.1); // ~**px
@h4-size: ceil(@font-size-base * 1.0); // ~**px
@h5-size: @font-size-base;
@h6-size: ceil(@font-size-base * 0.85); // ~**px

@h1-style: normal;
@h2-style: normal;
@h3-style: normal;
@h4-style: normal;

@h1-weight: bold;
@h2-weight: bold;
@h3-weight: normal;
@h4-weight: normal;

// --------------
// Heading 1 (H1)
// Fixed on top of every page together with the action bar
@h1-color: @brand-h1-color;
@h1-bg: @brand-h1-bg;
@h1-padding: 0.7em 0.5em 0.7em 0.7em;
@h1-margin: 0;

// Heading Controlpanels

@h3-controlpanel-size: @h3-size;
@h4-controlpanel-size: @h4-size;

@h3-controlpanel-style: bold;
@h4-controlpanel-style: bold;

@h3-controlpanel-weight: normal;
@he-controlpanel-weight: bold;

// -------------------
// Data types
@heading-and-label-color: @brand-data-label-color ;
@heading-and-label-bg: @brand-data-label-color ;
@data-color: @brand-data-color ;

@long-desc-size: @font-size-verysmall ;
@long-desc-color: @brand-text-color ;

// --------------------------------------
// Iconography
// --------------------------------------
//@icon-font-path: "../bootstrap/fonts/";
//@icon-font-name: "glyphicons-halflings-regular";

// --------------------------------------
// --------------------------------------

// --------------
// Table & Caption
@table-bg: transparent; // overall background-color
@table-bg-accent: @brand-lighter; // for striping
@table-bg-hover: #ffffff;
@table-bg-active: @table-bg-hover;
@table-border-color: @brand-darkest; // table and cell border

@table-caption-bg: transparent ;
@table-caption-color: @brand-darkest;
@table-caption-size: @h3-size - 1pt ;
@table-caption-style: @h3-style ;
@table-caption-weight: @h3-weight ;

// --------------
// Table Cells
@t-cell-padding: 8px;
@t-cell-padding-condensed: 5px;

@t-cell-text-color: @brand-darkest;

@t-cell-head-bg: @brand-strong;
@t-cell-head-bg-accent: @gray-light;
@t-cell-head-text: @brand-light;
@t-cell-head-text-accent: @brand-lighter;

@t-cell-label-text: @brand-strong-dimmed;
@t-cell-label-text-accent: @brand-strong-dimmed-hover;
@t-cell-data-text: @brand-darkest;
@t-cell-data-text-accent: @brand-darkest;

@t-cell-foot-text: @brand-darkest;

// Zebra effect in list tables
@t-row-zebra-bg-odd: @brand-lighter;
@t-row-zebra-bg-even: @brand-light;
@t-row-zebra-bg-hover: #ffffff;

@t-row-zebra-bg-error: @brand-error-bg;
@t-row-zebra-bg-special: #FEF2C5; // PENDENT: ANSCHAUEN
@t-row-zebra-bg-highlight: #B4F4FE; // PENDENT: ANSCHAUEN

// --------------------------------------
// --------------------------------------

@btn-font-weight: normal;
// -------------------
// STANDARD-Button Strong (with Submission / data manipulation)
// Standard
@btn-default-color: @brand-verylight;
@btn-default-bg: @brand-strong;
@btn-default-border: @brand-darkest;
// Hover
@btn-default-hover-color: #ffffff;
@btn-default-hover-bg: @brand-strong-dimmed;
@btn-default-hover-border: @brand-darkest;
// Active
@btn-default-active-color: #ffffff;
@btn-default-active-bg: @brand-strong-dimmed;
@btn-default-active-border: @brand-darkest;

// -------------------
// NEUTRAL-Button (NO Submission)
// Standard
@btn-neutral-color: @brand-strong;
@btn-neutral-bg: @brand-lighter;
@btn-neutral-border: @brand-darkest;
// Hover
@btn-neutral-hover-color: @brand-strong;
@btn-neutral-hover-bg: @brand-light;
@btn-neutral-hover-border: @brand-darkest;
// Active
@btn-neutral-active-color: #ffffff;
@btn-neutral-active-bg: @brand-light;
@btn-neutral-active-border: @brand-darkest;

// -------------------
// Diverse Button states

@btn-primary-color: #ffffff;
@btn-primary-bg: @brand-primary;
@btn-primary-border: darken(@btn-primary-bg, 5%);

@btn-success-color: #ffffff;
@btn-success-bg: @color-green-strong;
@btn-success-border: darken(@color-green-light, 5%);

@btn-warning-color: #ffffff;
@btn-warning-bg: @brand-warning;
@btn-warning-border: darken(@btn-warning-bg, 5%);

@btn-info-color: #ffffff;
@btn-info-bg: @brand-info;
@btn-info-border: darken(@btn-info-bg, 5%);

@btn-link-disabled-color: @gray-light;

// --------------------------------------
// --------------------------------------

// --------------
// Input elements

@input-bg: #fff;
@input-bg-disabled: @gray-lighter;

@input-color: @gray;
@input-border: #ccc;
@input-border-radius: @border-radius-base;
@input-border-focus: #66afe9;

@input-color-placeholder: @gray-light;

@input-height-base: (@line-height-computed + (@padding-base-vertical * 2) + 2);
@input-height-large: (floor(@font-size-large * @line-height-large) + (@padding-large-vertical * 2) + 2);
@input-height-small: (floor(@font-size-small * @line-height-small) + (@padding-small-vertical * 2) + 2);

@input-group-addon-bg: @gray-lighter;
@input-group-addon-border-color: @input-border;

// --------------
// Legend, Labels, Fieldsets

@legend-color: @gray-dark;
@legend-border-color: #e5e5e5;

// --------------
// Highlighting (Focused, Activated)

@formelement-focus-bg: #E7FFCE ;
@formelement-focus-border: 1px solid #9ccb21 ;

// --------------------------------------
// Dropdowns
// --------------------------------------

@dropdown-bg: #fff;
@dropdown-border: rgba(0,0,0,.15);
@dropdown-fallback-border: #ccc;
@dropdown-divider-bg: #e5e5e5;

@dropdown-link-color: @gray-dark;
@dropdown-link-hover-color: darken(@gray-dark, 5%);
@dropdown-link-hover-bg: #f5f5f5;

@dropdown-link-active-color: @component-active-color;
@dropdown-link-active-bg: @component-active-bg;

@dropdown-link-disabled-color: @gray-light;

@dropdown-header-color: @gray-light;

@dropdown-caret-color: #000;

// --------------------------------------
// --------------------------------------

// --------------
// Z-index
// Stack-/Layer Positions of components
// only for specialists

// General
@zindex-dropdown: 1000;
@zindex-popover: 1010;
@zindex-tooltip: 1030;
@zindex-navbar-fixed: 1030;
@zindex-modal-background: 1040;
@zindex-modal: 1050;

// Components
@zindex-dashboard: 1040; // frame-header
@zindex-navbar: 1999; // menuv3 muss zuoberst sein
@zindex-h1: 1020; // h1 innerhalb content

@zindex-actionbar: 1030; // action-bar (Workflow)
@zindex-actionbar-action: 1031;
@zindex-actionbar-combobox: 1031;
@zindex-actionbar-combobox-head: 1033;
@zindex-actionbar-combobox-list: 1032;

// --------------
// Dashboard (frame-header)
@dashbrd_bg: @brand-darkest ;
@dashbrd_text: @brand-light ;
@dashbrd_link: @brand-light ;
@dashbrd_link_hover: #ffffff ;
@dashbrd_link_deco: underline ;
@dashbrd_input_bg: @brand-light;
@dashbrd_input_text: #000000 ;

// --------------
// Menue (menuv3)

@menu_bg: #fff ;
@menu_link: #000 ;
@menu_link_bg: #ebebeb ; // display:block
@menu_link_hover: #000 ;
@menu_link_hover_bg: #ebebeb ;
@menu_link_hover_deco: underline ;

@menu_link_bg_level1: #dcdcdc ;
@menu_link_bg_level1_hover: #cdcdcd ;
@menu_link_bg_level2: #cdcdcd ;
@menu_link_bg_level2_hover: #dcdcdc ;
@menu_link_bg_level3: #dcdcdc ;
@menu_link_bg_level3_hover: #cdcdcd ;

// --------------
// Context-Menu (layout-actionbar)
@actionbar-bg: @brand-light;
@actionbar-bg-active: @brand-light;
@actionbar-font-color: #ffffff;
@actionbar-font-color-active: #ffffff;
@actionbar-border-color: @brand-strong;
@actionbar-border-color-active: @brand-strong;

// --------------
// Component properties
// Based on 14px font-size and 1.428 line-height (~20px to start)
// PENDENT: UI-Tabs und so weiter

@padding-base-vertical: 6px;
@padding-base-horizontal: 12px;

@padding-large-vertical: 10px;
@padding-large-horizontal: 16px;

@padding-small-vertical: 5px;
@padding-small-horizontal: 10px;

@line-height-large: 1.33;
@line-height-small: 1.5;

@border-radius-base: 4px;
@border-radius-large: 6px;
@border-radius-small: 3px;

@component-active-color: #fff;
@component-active-bg: @brand-primary;

@caret-width-base: 4px;
@caret-width-large: 5px;

// --------------------------------------
// Messages
// --------------------------------------
@message-margin: 3.6em 2.0em 0.6em 1.0em ;
@message-padding: 0.6em 0.6em 0.5em 0.6em ;

// Error
@message_error_bg: @brand-error-bg ;
@message_error_border: 1px solid @brand-error ;
@message_error_text: @brand-error ;
// OK
@message_ok_bg: @brand-ok-bg ;
@message_ok_border: 1px solid @brand-ok ;
@message_ok_text: @brand-ok ;
// Info & Hint
@message_info_bg: @brand-info-bg ;
@message_info_border: 1px solid @brand-info ;
@message_info_text: @brand-info ;
// Warning
@message_warning_bg: @brand-warning-bg ;
@message_warning_border: 1px solid @brand-warning ;
@message_warning_text: @brand-warning ;
// Hint (like Info above, just to make it sure working)
@message_hint_bg: @message_info_bg ;
@message_hint_border: @message_info_border ;
@message_hint_text: @message_info_text ;

// --------------------------------------
// DIMENSIONS (width)
// --------------------------------------

// --------------
// Standard Dimensions
// Only for Containers like DIV, TABLE, TH, TD, COL, P
// Table cells: COL, TD, TH, DIV
@wi-smallest: 42px ; // 2.6em ; // one or two ciphers
@wi-verysmall: 80px ; // 5.0em ;
@wi-small: 128px ; // 8.0em ; // also date e.g. 2018/06/06
@wi-mediumsmall: 160px ; // 10.0em ;
@wi-normal: 208px ; // 13.0em ;
@wi-lightwide: 256px ; // 16.0em ;
@wi-wide: 320px ; // 20.0em ;
@wi-wider: 384px ; // 24.0em ;
@wi-verywide: 576px ; // 36.0em ;

// --------------
// Dimensions for DIVs
@div-wi-smallest: (@wi-smallest ) ;
@div-wi-verysmall: (@wi-verysmall ) ;
@div-wi-small: (@wi-small ) ;
@div-wi-mediumsmall: (@wi-mediumsmall ) ;
@div-wi-normal: (@wi-normal ) ;
@div-wi-lightwide: (@wi-lightwide ) ;
@div-wi-wide: (@wi-wide ) ; // min-width
@div-wi-wider: (@wi-wider ) ; // min-width
@div-wi-verywide: (@wi-verywide ) ; // min-width

// --------------
// Dimensions for Table Colums (TH, TD & Col)
@tcol-wi-smallest: (@wi-smallest ) ;
@tcol-wi-verysmall: (@wi-verysmall ) ;
@tcol-wi-small: (@wi-small ) ;
@tcol-wi-mediumsmall: (@wi-mediumsmall ) ;
@tcol-wi-normal: (@wi-normal ) ;
@tcol-wi-lightwide: (@wi-lightwide ) ;
@tcol-wi-wide: (@wi-wide ) ; // min-width
@tcol-wi-wider: (@wi-wider ) ; // min-width
@tcol-wi-verywide: (@wi-verywide ) ; // min-width

// --------------
// Dimensions for combined rows with combination Table column widths
@tcol-wi-small-small: (@tcol-wi-small + @tcol-wi-small ) ;
@tcol-wi-small-mediumsmall: (@tcol-wi-small + @tcol-wi-mediumsmall ) ;
@tcol-wi-small-normal: (@tcol-wi-small + @tcol-wi-normal ) ;
@tcol-wi-small-lightwide: (@tcol-wi-small + @tcol-wi-lightwide ) ;
@tcol-wi-small-wide: (@tcol-wi-small + @tcol-wi-wide ) ;
@tcol-wi-small-wider: (@tcol-wi-small + @tcol-wi-wider ) ;
@tcol-wi-small-verywide: (@tcol-wi-small + @tcol-wi-verywide ) ;

@tcol-wi-mediumsmall-small: (@tcol-wi-mediumsmall + @tcol-wi-small ) ;
@tcol-wi-mediumsmall-mediumsmall:(@tcol-wi-mediumsmall + @tcol-wi-mediumsmall ) ;
@tcol-wi-mediumsmall-normal: (@tcol-wi-mediumsmall + @tcol-wi-normal ) ;
@tcol-wi-mediumsmall-lightwide: (@tcol-wi-mediumsmall + @tcol-wi-lightwide ) ;
@tcol-wi-mediumsmall-wide: (@tcol-wi-mediumsmall + @tcol-wi-wide ) ;
@tcol-wi-mediumsmall-wider: (@tcol-wi-mediumsmall + @tcol-wi-wider ) ;
@tcol-wi-mediumsmall-verywide: (@tcol-wi-mediumsmall + @tcol-wi-verywide ) ;

@tcol-wi-normal-small: (@tcol-wi-normal + @tcol-wi-small ) ;
@tcol-wi-normal-mediumsmall: (@tcol-wi-normal + @tcol-wi-mediumsmall ) ;
@tcol-wi-normal-normal: (@tcol-wi-normal + @tcol-wi-normal ) ;
@tcol-wi-normal-lightwide: (@tcol-wi-normal + @tcol-wi-lightwide ) ;
@tcol-wi-normal-wide: (@tcol-wi-normal + @tcol-wi-wide ) ;
@tcol-wi-normal-wider: (@tcol-wi-normal + @tcol-wi-wider ) ;
@tcol-wi-normal-verywide: (@tcol-wi-normal + @tcol-wi-verywide ) ;

@tcol-wi-lightwide-small: (@tcol-wi-lightwide + @tcol-wi-small ) ;
@tcol-wi-lightwide-mediumsmall: (@tcol-wi-lightwide + @tcol-wi-mediumsmall ) ;
@tcol-wi-lightwide-normal: (@tcol-wi-lightwide + @tcol-wi-normal ) ;
@tcol-wi-lightwide-lightwide: (@tcol-wi-lightwide + @tcol-wi-lightwide ) ;
@tcol-wi-lightwide-wide: (@tcol-wi-lightwide + @tcol-wi-wide ) ;
@tcol-wi-lightwide-wider: (@tcol-wi-lightwide + @tcol-wi-wider ) ;
@tcol-wi-lightwide-verywide: (@tcol-wi-lightwide + @tcol-wi-verywide ) ;

// --------------
// Dimensions for Form elements
@diff-input-select: 36px ; //1.6em ;

// Input elements
@form-element-margin-right: 5px ;

@input-wi-smallest: (@wi-smallest ) ;
@input-wi-verysmall: (@wi-verysmall ) ;
@input-wi-small: (@wi-small - @diff-input-select) ;
@input-wi-mediumsmall: (@wi-mediumsmall - @diff-input-select) ;
@input-wi-normal: (@wi-normal - @diff-input-select) ;
@input-wi-lightwide: (@wi-lightwide - @diff-input-select) ;
@input-wi-wide: (@wi-wide) - @diff-input-select ; // min-width
@input-wi-wider: (@wi-wider) - @diff-input-select ; // min-width
@input-wi-verywide: (@wi-verywide) - @diff-input-select ; // min-width

// Input elements with combined dimensions

// Minus size combinations (take care of the double hyphen --)
@input-wi-lightwide--verysmall: ( @input-wi-lightwide - @input-wi-verysmall ) - 1 ;
@input-wi-wide--verysmall: ( @input-wi-wide - @input-wi-verysmall ) - ( @form-element-margin-right ) + 4px ;

// Select elements
@select-wi-smallest: (@wi-smallest ) ;
@select-wi-verysmall: (@wi-verysmall ) ;
@select-wi-small: (@wi-small - @diff-input-select ) ;
@select-wi-mediumsmall: (@wi-mediumsmall - @diff-input-select ) ;
@select-wi-normal: (@wi-normal - @diff-input-select ) ;
@select-wi-lightwide: (@wi-lightwide - @diff-input-select ) ;
@select-wi-wide: (@wi-wide - @diff-input-select ) ; // min-width
@select-wi-wider: (@wi-wider - @diff-input-select ) ; // min-width
@select-wi-verywide: (@wi-verywide - @diff-input-select ) ; // min-width

// Select elements with combined dimensions
@diff-select-combined: 0 ;

@select-wi-small-normal: ((@wi-small + (@wi-normal - @diff-input-select)) - @diff-select-combined ) ;
@select-wi-small-lightwide: ((@wi-small + (@wi-lightwide - @diff-input-select)) - @diff-select-combined ) ;
@select-wi-small-wide: ((@wi-small + (@wi-wide - @diff-input-select)) - @diff-select-combined ) ;
@select-wi-small-wider: ((@wi-small + (@wi-wider - @diff-input-select)) - @diff-select-combined ) ;
@select-wi-small-verywide: ((@wi-small + (@wi-verywide - @diff-input-select)) - @diff-select-combined ) ;
@select-wi-mediumsmall-normal: ((@wi-mediumsmall + (@wi-normal - @diff-input-select)) - @diff-select-combined ) ;
@select-wi-mediumsmall-lightwide: ((@wi-mediumsmall + (@wi-lightwide - @diff-input-select)) - @diff-select-combined ) ;
@select-wi-mediumsmall-wide: ((@wi-mediumsmall + (@wi-wide - @diff-input-select)) - @diff-select-combined ) ;
@select-wi-mediumsmall-wider: ((@wi-mediumsmall + (@wi-wider - @diff-input-select)) - @diff-select-combined ) ;
@select-wi-mediumsmall-verywide: ((@wi-mediumsmall + (@wi-verywide - @diff-input-select)) - @diff-select-combined ) ;
@select-wi-normal-normal: ((@wi-normal + (@wi-normal - @diff-input-select)) - @diff-select-combined ) ;
@select-wi-normal-lightwide: ((@wi-normal + (@wi-lightwide - @diff-input-select)) - @diff-select-combined ) ;
@select-wi-normal-wide: ((@wi-normal + (@wi-wide - @diff-input-select)) - @diff-select-combined ) ;
@select-wi-normal-wider: ((@wi-normal + (@wi-wider - @diff-input-select)) - @diff-select-combined ) ;
@select-wi-normal-verywide: ((@wi-normal + (@wi-verywide - @diff-input-select)) - @diff-select-combined ) ;
@select-wi-lightwide-normal: ((@wi-lightwide + (@wi-normal - @diff-input-select)) - @diff-select-combined ) ;
@select-wi-lightwide-lightwide: ((@wi-lightwide + (@wi-lightwide - @diff-input-select)) - @diff-select-combined ) ;
@select-wi-lightwide-wide: ((@wi-lightwide + (@wi-wide - @diff-input-select)) - @diff-select-combined ) ;
@select-wi-lightwide-wider: ((@wi-lightwide + (@wi-wider - @diff-input-select)) - @diff-select-combined ) ;
@select-wi-lightwide-verywide: ((@wi-lightwide + (@wi-verywide - @diff-input-select)) - @diff-select-combined ) ;
@select-wi-wide-normal: ((@wi-wide + (@wi-normal - @diff-input-select)) - @diff-select-combined ) ;
@select-wi-wide-lightwide: ((@wi-wide + (@wi-lightwide - @diff-input-select)) - @diff-select-combined ) ;
@select-wi-wide-wide: ((@wi-wide + (@wi-wide - @diff-input-select)) - @diff-select-combined ) ;
@select-wi-wide-wider: ((@wi-wide + (@wi-wider - @diff-input-select)) - @diff-select-combined ) ;
@select-wi-wide-verywide: ((@wi-wide + (@wi-verywide - @diff-input-select)) - @diff-select-combined ) ;

// Textarea elements with standard dimensions
@textarea-wi-normal: (@wi-normal - @diff-input-select ) ;
@textarea-wi-lightwide: (@wi-lightwide - @diff-input-select ) ;
@textarea-wi-wide: (@wi-wide - @diff-input-select ) ; // min-width
@textarea-wi-wider: (@wi-wider - @diff-input-select ) ; // min-width
@textarea-wi-verywide: (@wi-verywide - @diff-input-select ) ; // min-width

// Textarea elements with combined dimensions
@diff-input-textarea-combined: 0px ; //1.6em ;
//@textarea-margin-combined: 24px ;

@textarea-wi-small-small: ((@tcol-wi-small + @input-wi-small) - @diff-input-textarea-combined) ;
@textarea-wi-small-mediumsmall: ((@tcol-wi-small + @input-wi-mediumsmall) - @diff-input-textarea-combined) ;
@textarea-wi-small-normal: ((@tcol-wi-small + @input-wi-normal) - @diff-input-textarea-combined) ;
@textarea-wi-small-lightwide: ((@tcol-wi-small + @input-wi-lightwide) - @diff-input-textarea-combined) ;
@textarea-wi-small-wide: ((@tcol-wi-small + @input-wi-wide) - @diff-input-textarea-combined) ;
@textarea-wi-small-wider: ((@tcol-wi-small + @input-wi-wider) - @diff-input-textarea-combined) ;
@textarea-wi-small-verywide: ((@tcol-wi-small + @input-wi-verywide) - @diff-input-textarea-combined) ;

@textarea-wi-mediumsmall-small: ((@tcol-wi-mediumsmall + @input-wi-small) - @diff-input-textarea-combined) ;
@textarea-wi-mediumsmall-mediumsmall: ((@tcol-wi-mediumsmall + @input-wi-mediumsmall) - @diff-input-textarea-combined) ;
@textarea-wi-mediumsmall-normal: ((@tcol-wi-mediumsmall + @input-wi-normal) - @diff-input-textarea-combined) ;
@textarea-wi-mediumsmall-lightwide: ((@tcol-wi-mediumsmall + @input-wi-lightwide) - @diff-input-textarea-combined) ;
@textarea-wi-mediumsmall-wide: ((@tcol-wi-mediumsmall + @input-wi-wide) - @diff-input-textarea-combined) ;
@textarea-wi-mediumsmall-wider: ((@tcol-wi-mediumsmall + @input-wi-wider) - @diff-input-textarea-combined) ;
@textarea-wi-mediumsmall-verywide: ((@tcol-wi-mediumsmall + @input-wi-verywide) - @diff-input-textarea-combined) ;

@textarea-wi-normal-small: ((@tcol-wi-normal + @input-wi-small) - @diff-input-textarea-combined) ;
@textarea-wi-normal-mediumsmall: ((@tcol-wi-normal + @input-wi-mediumsmall) - @diff-input-textarea-combined) ;
@textarea-wi-normal-normal: ((@tcol-wi-normal + @input-wi-normal) - @diff-input-textarea-combined) ;
@textarea-wi-normal-lightwide: ((@tcol-wi-normal + @input-wi-lightwide) - @diff-input-textarea-combined) ;
@textarea-wi-normal-wide: ((@tcol-wi-normal + @input-wi-wide) - @diff-input-textarea-combined) ;
@textarea-wi-normal-wider: ((@tcol-wi-normal + @input-wi-wider) - @diff-input-textarea-combined) ;
@textarea-wi-normal-verywide: ((@tcol-wi-normal + @input-wi-verywide) - @diff-input-textarea-combined) ;

@textarea-wi-lightwide-small: ((@tcol-wi-lightwide + @input-wi-small) - @diff-input-textarea-combined) ;
@textarea-wi-lightwide-mediumsmall: ((@tcol-wi-lightwide + @input-wi-mediumsmall) - @diff-input-textarea-combined) ;
@textarea-wi-lightwide-normal: ((@tcol-wi-lightwide + @input-wi-normal) - @diff-input-textarea-combined) ;
@textarea-wi-lightwide-lightwide: ((@tcol-wi-lightwide + @input-wi-lightwide) - @diff-input-textarea-combined) ;
@textarea-wi-lightwide-wide: ((@tcol-wi-lightwide + @input-wi-wide) - @diff-input-textarea-combined) ;
@textarea-wi-lightwide-wider: ((@tcol-wi-lightwide + @input-wi-wider) - @diff-input-textarea-combined) ;
@textarea-wi-lightwide-verywide: ((@tcol-wi-lightwide + @input-wi-verywide) - @diff-input-textarea-combined) ;

@textarea-wi-wide-small: ((@tcol-wi-wide + @input-wi-small) - @diff-input-textarea-combined) ;
@textarea-wi-wide-mediumsmall: ((@tcol-wi-wide + @input-wi-mediumsmall) - @diff-input-textarea-combined) ;
@textarea-wi-wide-normal: ((@tcol-wi-wide + @input-wi-normal) - @diff-input-textarea-combined) ;
@textarea-wi-wide-lightwide: ((@tcol-wi-wide + @input-wi-lightwide) - @diff-input-textarea-combined) ;
@textarea-wi-wide-wide: ((@tcol-wi-wide + @input-wi-wide) - @diff-input-textarea-combined) ;
@textarea-wi-wide-wider: ((@tcol-wi-wide + @input-wi-wider) - @diff-input-textarea-combined) ;
@textarea-wi-wide-verywide: ((@tcol-wi-wide + @input-wi-verywide) - @diff-input-textarea-combined) ;