Revision 2097c966
Von Moritz Bunkus vor etwa 10 Jahren hinzugefügt
SL/BackgroundJob/ | ||
sub _replace_vars {
my (%params) = @_;
my $sub = $params{attribute};
my $str = $params{object}->$sub;
my $str = $params{object}->$sub // '';
my $sub_fmt = lc($params{attribute_format} // 'text');
my ($start_tag, $end_tag) = $sub_fmt eq 'html' ? ('<%', '%>') : ('<%', '%>');
t/background_job/create_periodic_invoices.t | ||
package DateTime;
use SL::Helper::DateTime;
no warnings 'redefine';
sub now_local {
return shift->new(time_zone => $::locale->get_local_time_zone, year => 2014, month => 3, day => 15, hour => 12, minute => 23, second => 34);
sub today_local {
return shift->now_local->truncate(to => 'day');
package main;
use Test::More tests => 80;
use lib 't';
use strict;
use utf8;
use Carp;
use Support::TestSetup;
use_ok 'SL::BackgroundJob::CreatePeriodicInvoices';
use_ok 'SL::DB::Chart';
use_ok 'SL::DB::Customer';
use_ok 'SL::DB::Default';
use_ok 'SL::DB::Invoice';
use_ok 'SL::DB::Order';
use_ok 'SL::DB::Part';
use_ok 'SL::DB::TaxZone';
our ($ar_chart, $buchungsgruppe, $currency_id, $customer, $employee, $order, $part, $tax_zone, $unit, @invoices);
sub init_common_state {
$ar_chart = SL::DB::Manager::Chart->find_by(accno => '1400') || croak "No AR chart";
$buchungsgruppe = SL::DB::Manager::Buchungsgruppe->find_by(description => 'Standard 19%') || croak "No accounting group";
$currency_id = SL::DB::Default->get->currency_id;
$employee = SL::DB::Manager::Employee->current || croak "No employee";
$tax_zone = SL::DB::Manager::TaxZone->find_by( description => 'Inland') || croak "No taxzone";
$unit = SL::DB::Manager::Unit->find_by(name => 'psch') || croak "No unit";
sub create_invoices {
my %params = @_;
$params{$_} ||= {} for qw(customer part tax order orderitem periodic_invoices_config);
# Clean up: remove invoices, orders, parts and customers
"SL::DB::Manager::${_}"->delete_all(all => 1) for qw(InvoiceItem Invoice OrderItem Order Customer Part);
$customer = SL::DB::Customer->new(
name => 'Test Customer',
currency_id => $currency_id,
taxzone_id => $tax_zone->id,
%{ $params{customer} }
$part = SL::DB::Part->new(
partnumber => 'T4254',
description => 'Fourty-two fifty-four',
lastcost => 222.22,
sellprice => 333.33,
buchungsgruppen_id => $buchungsgruppe->id,
unit => $unit->name,
%{ $params{part} }
$order = SL::DB::Order->new(
customer_id => $customer->id,
currency_id => $currency_id,
taxzone_id => $tax_zone->id,
transaction_description => '<%period_start_date%>',
orderitems => [
{ parts_id => $part->id,
description => $part->description,
lastcost => $part->lastcost,
sellprice => $part->sellprice,
qty => 1,
unit => $unit->name,
%{ $params{orderitem} },
periodic_invoices_config => {
active => 1,
ar_chart_id => $ar_chart->id,
%{ $params{periodic_invoices_config} },
%{ $params{order} },
ok($order->save(cascade => 1));
@invoices = @{ SL::DB::Manager::Invoice->get_all(sort_by => [ qw(id) ]) };
sub are_invoices {
my ($description, @exp_date_netamount_pairs) = @_;
is scalar(@invoices), scalar(@exp_date_netamount_pairs), "${description} number of invoices " . scalar(@exp_date_netamount_pairs);
my @actual_date_netamount_pairs = map { [ $_->transaction_description, $_->netamount * 1 ] } @invoices;
is_deeply \@actual_date_netamount_pairs, \@exp_date_netamount_pairs, "${description} date/netamount of created invoices";
# order_value_periodicity=y
create_invoices(periodic_invoices_config => { periodicity => 'm', order_value_periodicity => 'y', start_date => DateTime->from_kivitendo('01.01.2013') });
are_invoices 'p=m ovp=y',[ '01.01.2013', 27.78 ], [ '01.02.2013', 27.78 ], [ '01.03.2013', 27.78 ], [ '01.04.2013', 27.78 ],
[ '01.05.2013', 27.78 ], [ '01.06.2013', 27.78 ], [ '01.07.2013', 27.78 ], [ '01.08.2013', 27.78 ],
[ '01.09.2013', 27.78 ], [ '01.10.2013', 27.78 ], [ '01.11.2013', 27.78 ], [ '01.12.2013', 27.75 ],
[ '01.01.2014', 27.78 ], [ '01.02.2014', 27.78 ], [ '01.03.2014', 27.78 ];
create_invoices(periodic_invoices_config => { periodicity => 'q', order_value_periodicity => 'y', start_date => DateTime->from_kivitendo('01.01.2013') });
are_invoices 'p=q ovp=y',[ '01.01.2013', 83.33 ], [ '01.04.2013', 83.33 ], [ '01.07.2013', 83.33 ], [ '01.10.2013', 83.34 ], [ '01.01.2014', 83.33 ];
create_invoices(periodic_invoices_config => { periodicity => 'b', order_value_periodicity => 'y', start_date => DateTime->from_kivitendo('01.01.2013') });
are_invoices 'p=b ovp=y',[ '01.01.2013', 166.67 ], [ '01.07.2013', 166.66 ], [ '01.01.2014', 166.67 ];
create_invoices(periodic_invoices_config => { periodicity => 'y', order_value_periodicity => 'y', start_date => DateTime->from_kivitendo('01.01.2013') });
are_invoices 'p=y ovp=y',[ '01.01.2013', 333.33 ], [ '01.01.2014', 333.33 ];
# order_value_periodicity=b
create_invoices(periodic_invoices_config => { periodicity => 'm', order_value_periodicity => 'b', start_date => DateTime->from_kivitendo('01.01.2013') });
are_invoices 'p=m ovp=b',[ '01.01.2013', 55.56 ], [ '01.02.2013', 55.56 ], [ '01.03.2013', 55.56 ], [ '01.04.2013', 55.56 ],
[ '01.05.2013', 55.56 ], [ '01.06.2013', 55.53 ], [ '01.07.2013', 55.56 ], [ '01.08.2013', 55.56 ],
[ '01.09.2013', 55.56 ], [ '01.10.2013', 55.56 ], [ '01.11.2013', 55.56 ], [ '01.12.2013', 55.53 ],
[ '01.01.2014', 55.56 ], [ '01.02.2014', 55.56 ], [ '01.03.2014', 55.56 ];
create_invoices(periodic_invoices_config => { periodicity => 'q', order_value_periodicity => 'b', start_date => DateTime->from_kivitendo('01.01.2013') });
are_invoices 'p=q ovp=b',[ '01.01.2013', 166.67 ], [ '01.04.2013', 166.66 ], [ '01.07.2013', 166.67 ], [ '01.10.2013', 166.66 ], [ '01.01.2014', 166.67 ];
create_invoices(periodic_invoices_config => { periodicity => 'b', order_value_periodicity => 'b', start_date => DateTime->from_kivitendo('01.01.2013') });
are_invoices 'p=b ovp=b',[ '01.01.2013', 333.33 ], [ '01.07.2013', 333.33 ], [ '01.01.2014', 333.33 ];
create_invoices(periodic_invoices_config => { periodicity => 'y', order_value_periodicity => 'b', start_date => DateTime->from_kivitendo('01.01.2013') });
are_invoices 'p=y ovp=b',[ '01.01.2013', 666.66 ], [ '01.01.2014', 666.66 ];
# order_value_periodicity=q
create_invoices(periodic_invoices_config => { periodicity => 'm', order_value_periodicity => 'q', start_date => DateTime->from_kivitendo('01.01.2013') });
are_invoices 'p=m ovp=q',[ '01.01.2013', 111.11 ], [ '01.02.2013', 111.11 ], [ '01.03.2013', 111.11 ], [ '01.04.2013', 111.11 ],
[ '01.05.2013', 111.11 ], [ '01.06.2013', 111.11 ], [ '01.07.2013', 111.11 ], [ '01.08.2013', 111.11 ],
[ '01.09.2013', 111.11 ], [ '01.10.2013', 111.11 ], [ '01.11.2013', 111.11 ], [ '01.12.2013', 111.11 ],
[ '01.01.2014', 111.11 ], [ '01.02.2014', 111.11 ], [ '01.03.2014', 111.11 ];
create_invoices(periodic_invoices_config => { periodicity => 'q', order_value_periodicity => 'q', start_date => DateTime->from_kivitendo('01.01.2013') });
are_invoices 'p=q ovp=q',[ '01.01.2013', 333.33 ], [ '01.04.2013', 333.33 ], [ '01.07.2013', 333.33 ], [ '01.10.2013', 333.33 ], [ '01.01.2014', 333.33 ];
create_invoices(periodic_invoices_config => { periodicity => 'b', order_value_periodicity => 'q', start_date => DateTime->from_kivitendo('01.01.2013') });
are_invoices 'p=b ovp=q',[ '01.01.2013', 666.66 ], [ '01.07.2013', 666.66 ], [ '01.01.2014', 666.66 ];
create_invoices(periodic_invoices_config => { periodicity => 'y', order_value_periodicity => 'q', start_date => DateTime->from_kivitendo('01.01.2013') });
are_invoices 'p=y ovp=q',[ '01.01.2013', 1333.32 ], [ '01.01.2014', 1333.32 ];
# order_value_periodicity=m
create_invoices(periodic_invoices_config => { periodicity => 'm', order_value_periodicity => 'm', start_date => DateTime->from_kivitendo('01.01.2013') });
are_invoices 'p=m ovp=m',[ '01.01.2013', 333.33 ], [ '01.02.2013', 333.33 ], [ '01.03.2013', 333.33 ], [ '01.04.2013', 333.33 ],
[ '01.05.2013', 333.33 ], [ '01.06.2013', 333.33 ], [ '01.07.2013', 333.33 ], [ '01.08.2013', 333.33 ],
[ '01.09.2013', 333.33 ], [ '01.10.2013', 333.33 ], [ '01.11.2013', 333.33 ], [ '01.12.2013', 333.33 ],
[ '01.01.2014', 333.33 ], [ '01.02.2014', 333.33 ], [ '01.03.2014', 333.33 ];
create_invoices(periodic_invoices_config => { periodicity => 'q', order_value_periodicity => 'm', start_date => DateTime->from_kivitendo('01.01.2013') });
are_invoices 'p=q ovp=m',[ '01.01.2013', 999.99 ], [ '01.04.2013', 999.99 ], [ '01.07.2013', 999.99 ], [ '01.10.2013', 999.99 ], [ '01.01.2014', 999.99 ];
create_invoices(periodic_invoices_config => { periodicity => 'b', order_value_periodicity => 'm', start_date => DateTime->from_kivitendo('01.01.2013') });
are_invoices 'p=b ovp=m',[ '01.01.2013', 1999.98 ], [ '01.07.2013', 1999.98 ], [ '01.01.2014', 1999.98 ];
create_invoices(periodic_invoices_config => { periodicity => 'y', order_value_periodicity => 'm', start_date => DateTime->from_kivitendo('01.01.2013') });
are_invoices 'p=y ovp=m',[ '01.01.2013', 3999.96 ], [ '01.01.2014', 3999.96 ];
# order_value_periodicity=2
create_invoices(periodic_invoices_config => { periodicity => 'm', order_value_periodicity => '2', start_date => DateTime->from_kivitendo('01.01.2012') });
are_invoices 'p=m ovp=2',[ '01.01.2012', 13.89 ], [ '01.02.2012', 13.89 ], [ '01.03.2012', 13.89 ], [ '01.04.2012', 13.89 ],
[ '01.05.2012', 13.89 ], [ '01.06.2012', 13.89 ], [ '01.07.2012', 13.89 ], [ '01.08.2012', 13.89 ],
[ '01.09.2012', 13.89 ], [ '01.10.2012', 13.89 ], [ '01.11.2012', 13.89 ], [ '01.12.2012', 13.89 ],
[ '01.01.2013', 13.89 ], [ '01.02.2013', 13.89 ], [ '01.03.2013', 13.89 ], [ '01.04.2013', 13.89 ],
[ '01.05.2013', 13.89 ], [ '01.06.2013', 13.89 ], [ '01.07.2013', 13.89 ], [ '01.08.2013', 13.89 ],
[ '01.09.2013', 13.89 ], [ '01.10.2013', 13.89 ], [ '01.11.2013', 13.89 ], [ '01.12.2013', 13.86 ],
[ '01.01.2014', 13.89 ], [ '01.02.2014', 13.89 ], [ '01.03.2014', 13.89 ];
create_invoices(periodic_invoices_config => { periodicity => 'q', order_value_periodicity => '2', start_date => DateTime->from_kivitendo('01.01.2012') });
are_invoices 'p=q ovp=2',[ '01.01.2012', 41.67 ], [ '01.04.2012', 41.67 ], [ '01.07.2012', 41.67 ], [ '01.10.2012', 41.67 ],
[ '01.01.2013', 41.67 ], [ '01.04.2013', 41.67 ], [ '01.07.2013', 41.67 ], [ '01.10.2013', 41.64 ],
[ '01.01.2014', 41.67 ];
create_invoices(periodic_invoices_config => { periodicity => 'b', order_value_periodicity => '2', start_date => DateTime->from_kivitendo('01.01.2012') });
are_invoices 'p=b ovp=2',[ '01.01.2012', 83.33 ], [ '01.07.2012', 83.33 ], [ '01.01.2013', 83.33 ], [ '01.07.2013', 83.34 ], [ '01.01.2014', 83.33 ];
create_invoices(periodic_invoices_config => { periodicity => 'y', order_value_periodicity => '2', start_date => DateTime->from_kivitendo('01.01.2012') });
are_invoices 'p=y ovp=2',[ '01.01.2012', 166.67 ], [ '01.01.2013', 166.66 ], [ '01.01.2014', 166.67 ];
# order_value_periodicity=5
create_invoices(periodic_invoices_config => { periodicity => 'm', order_value_periodicity => '5', start_date => DateTime->from_kivitendo('01.01.2009') });
are_invoices 'p=m ovp=5',[ '01.01.2009', 5.56 ], [ '01.02.2009', 5.56 ], [ '01.03.2009', 5.56 ], [ '01.04.2009', 5.56 ],
[ '01.05.2009', 5.56 ], [ '01.06.2009', 5.56 ], [ '01.07.2009', 5.56 ], [ '01.08.2009', 5.56 ],
[ '01.09.2009', 5.56 ], [ '01.10.2009', 5.56 ], [ '01.11.2009', 5.56 ], [ '01.12.2009', 5.56 ],
[ '01.01.2010', 5.56 ], [ '01.02.2010', 5.56 ], [ '01.03.2010', 5.56 ], [ '01.04.2010', 5.56 ],
[ '01.05.2010', 5.56 ], [ '01.06.2010', 5.56 ], [ '01.07.2010', 5.56 ], [ '01.08.2010', 5.56 ],
[ '01.09.2010', 5.56 ], [ '01.10.2010', 5.56 ], [ '01.11.2010', 5.56 ], [ '01.12.2010', 5.56 ],
[ '01.01.2011', 5.56 ], [ '01.02.2011', 5.56 ], [ '01.03.2011', 5.56 ], [ '01.04.2011', 5.56 ],
[ '01.05.2011', 5.56 ], [ '01.06.2011', 5.56 ], [ '01.07.2011', 5.56 ], [ '01.08.2011', 5.56 ],
[ '01.09.2011', 5.56 ], [ '01.10.2011', 5.56 ], [ '01.11.2011', 5.56 ], [ '01.12.2011', 5.56 ],
[ '01.01.2012', 5.56 ], [ '01.02.2012', 5.56 ], [ '01.03.2012', 5.56 ], [ '01.04.2012', 5.56 ],
[ '01.05.2012', 5.56 ], [ '01.06.2012', 5.56 ], [ '01.07.2012', 5.56 ], [ '01.08.2012', 5.56 ],
[ '01.09.2012', 5.56 ], [ '01.10.2012', 5.56 ], [ '01.11.2012', 5.56 ], [ '01.12.2012', 5.56 ],
[ '01.01.2013', 5.56 ], [ '01.02.2013', 5.56 ], [ '01.03.2013', 5.56 ], [ '01.04.2013', 5.56 ],
[ '01.05.2013', 5.56 ], [ '01.06.2013', 5.56 ], [ '01.07.2013', 5.56 ], [ '01.08.2013', 5.56 ],
[ '01.09.2013', 5.56 ], [ '01.10.2013', 5.56 ], [ '01.11.2013', 5.56 ], [ '01.12.2013', 5.29 ],
[ '01.01.2014', 5.56 ], [ '01.02.2014', 5.56 ], [ '01.03.2014', 5.56 ];
create_invoices(periodic_invoices_config => { periodicity => 'q', order_value_periodicity => '5', start_date => DateTime->from_kivitendo('01.01.2009') });
are_invoices 'p=q ovp=5',[ '01.01.2009', 16.67 ], [ '01.04.2009', 16.67 ], [ '01.07.2009', 16.67 ], [ '01.10.2009', 16.67 ],
[ '01.01.2010', 16.67 ], [ '01.04.2010', 16.67 ], [ '01.07.2010', 16.67 ], [ '01.10.2010', 16.67 ],
[ '01.01.2011', 16.67 ], [ '01.04.2011', 16.67 ], [ '01.07.2011', 16.67 ], [ '01.10.2011', 16.67 ],
[ '01.01.2012', 16.67 ], [ '01.04.2012', 16.67 ], [ '01.07.2012', 16.67 ], [ '01.10.2012', 16.67 ],
[ '01.01.2013', 16.67 ], [ '01.04.2013', 16.67 ], [ '01.07.2013', 16.67 ], [ '01.10.2013', 16.60 ],
[ '01.01.2014', 16.67 ];
create_invoices(periodic_invoices_config => { periodicity => 'b', order_value_periodicity => '5', start_date => DateTime->from_kivitendo('01.01.2009') });
are_invoices 'p=b ovp=5',[ '01.01.2009', 33.33 ], [ '01.07.2009', 33.33 ],
[ '01.01.2010', 33.33 ], [ '01.07.2010', 33.33 ],
[ '01.01.2011', 33.33 ], [ '01.07.2011', 33.33 ],
[ '01.01.2012', 33.33 ], [ '01.07.2012', 33.33 ],
[ '01.01.2013', 33.33 ], [ '01.07.2013', 33.36 ],
[ '01.01.2014', 33.33 ];
create_invoices(periodic_invoices_config => { periodicity => 'y', order_value_periodicity => '5', start_date => DateTime->from_kivitendo('01.01.2009') });
are_invoices 'p=y ovp=5',[ '01.01.2009', 66.67 ], [ '01.01.2010', 66.67 ], [ '01.01.2011', 66.67 ], [ '01.01.2012', 66.67 ], [ '01.01.2013', 66.65 ], [ '01.01.2014', 66.67 ];
Auch abrufbar als: Unified diff
Wiederkehrende Rechnungen: Testcase für Periodizitäten