Revision 203d3cee
Von Bernd Bleßmann vor mehr als 4 Jahren hinzugefügt
bin/mozilla/ | ||
my $arap_id = $vc eq 'customer' ? 'ar_id' : 'ap_id';
my $invoices = SL::SEPA->retrieve_open_invoices(vc => $vc);
# load all open invoices (again), but grep out the ones that were selected with checkboxes beforehand ($_->selected). At this stage we again have all the invoice information, including dropdown with payment_type options
# all the information from retrieve_open_invoices is then ADDED to what was passed via @{ $form->{bank_transfers} }
# parse amount from the entry in the form, but take skonto_amount from PT again
# the map inserts the values of invoice_map directly into the array of hashes
# Load all open invoices (again), but grep out the ones that were selected with checkboxes beforehand ($_->selected).
# At this stage we again have all the invoice information, including dropdown with payment_type options.
# All the information from retrieve_open_invoices is then ADDED to what was passed via @{ $form->{bank_transfers} }.
# Parse amount from the entry in the form, but take skonto_amount from PT again.
# The map inserts the values of invoice_map directly into the array of hashes.
my %selected_ids = map { ($_ => 1) } @{ $form->{ids} || [] };
my %invoices_map = map { $_->{id} => $_ } @{ $invoices };
my @bank_transfers =
Auch abrufbar als: Unified diff
sepa: Kosmetik: Kommentar neu formatiert.