# The Installation Documentation is being written in 'INSTALL.texi' using
# the texinfo syntax. Visit http://www.gnu.org/software/texinfo/ and
# http://mirrors.ctan.org/macros/texinfo/texinfo/doc/refcard/txirefcard.pdf
# In order to generate the text, HTML and PDF versions of this
# documentation you have to install the 'make' and 'textinfo' packages
# of your operating system.
# Usage:
# cd doc/
# make
all: INSTALL.txt Lx-Office_Installation_DE.pdf
%.txt: %.texi
makeinfo --html --document-language=de_DE.UTF-8 -o $(patsubst %.txt,%.html,$@) --no-split $^
makeinfo --plaintext --document-language=de_DE.UTF-8 -o $@ $^
Lx-Office_Installation_DE.pdf: INSTALL.texi
texi2pdf -p -c -q -o $@ $^