package SL::PriceSource::Discount;
use strict;
use parent 'SL::DB::Object';
use Rose::Object::MakeMethods::Generic (
scalar => [ qw(discount description spec price_source invalid missing) ],
require SL::DB::Helper::Attr;
discount => 'numeric(15,5)',
sub source {
? $_[0]->price_source->name . '/' . $_[0]->spec
: '';
sub full_description {
my ($self) = @_;
? $self->price_source->description . ': ' . $self->description
: $self->description
sub source_description {
my ($self) = @_;
? $self->price_source->description
: $self->description
sub to_str {
"source: @{[ $_[0]->source ]}, discount: @{[ $_[0]->discount ]}, description: @{[ $_[0]->description ]}"
=encoding utf-8
=head1 NAME
SL::PriceSource::Price - contrainer to pass calculated prices around
# in PriceSource::Base implementation
$price = SL::PriceSource::Price->new(
discount => 10,
spec => 'summersale2014', # something you can easily parse later
description => t8('10% discount during summer sale 2014'),
price_source => $self,
# special empty price in SL::PriceSource, for internal use.
description => t8('None (PriceSource)'),
# price can't be restored
missing => t8('Um, sorry, cannot find that one'),
price_source => $self,
# invalid price
price => $original_price,
spec => $original_spec,
description => $original_description,
invalid => t8('Offer expired #1 weeks ago', $dt->delta_weeks),
price_source => $self,
See L<SL::PriceSource> for information about the mechanism.
This is a container for prices that are generated by L<SL::PriceSource::Base>
=over 4
=item C<discount>
The discount in percent. A discount of 0 will be ignored. If passed as
part of C<available_prices> it will be filtered out. If returned as
C<best_price> or C<price_from_source> it will trigger a warning.
=item C<spec>
A unique string that can later be understood by the creating implementation.
Can be empty if the implementation only supports one price for a given
=item C<description>
A localized short description of the origins of this price.
=item C<price_source>
A ref to the creating algorithm.
=item C<missing>
OPTIONAL. Both indicator and localized message that the price with this spec
could not be reproduced and should be changed.
If price is missing, you do not need to supply anything except C<source>.
=item C<invalid>
OPTIONAL. Both indicator and localized message that the conditions for this
price are no longer valid, and that the price should be changed.
If price is missing, you do not need to supply anything except C<source>.
=head1 SEE ALSO
=head1 BUGS
None yet. :)
=head1 AUTHOR
Sven Schoeling E<lt>s.schoeling@linet-services.deE<gt>