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Revision 1cc65ebc

Von Moritz Bunkus vor fast 11 Jahren hinzugefügt

  • ID 1cc65ebc086c1821dfcd08bcc97f8b6255dcec65
  • Vorgänger 90651b58
  • Nachfolger e142cf7d

Pflichtenhefte: Aktualisieren von Angeboten/Aufträgen

Unterschiede anzeigen:

use Rose::Object::MakeMethods::Generic
scalar => [ qw(parts) ],
'scalar --get_set_init' => [ qw(requirement_spec js h_unit_name all_customers all_parts) ],
'scalar --get_set_init' => [ qw(requirement_spec rs_order js h_unit_name all_customers all_parts) ],
sub action_update {
my ($self) = @_;
my $order = $self->rs_order->order;
my $sections = $self->requirement_spec->sections_sorted;
my (@orderitems, %sections_seen);
foreach my $item (@{ $order->items_sorted }) {
my $section = first { my $num = $_->fb_number; $item->description =~ m{\b\Q${num}\E\b} && !$sections_seen{ $_->id } } @{ $sections };
$sections_seen{ $section->id } = 1 if $section;
push @orderitems, { item => $item, section => $section };
my $html = $self->render(
'requirement_spec_order/update', { output => 0 },
orderitems => \@orderitems,
sections => $sections,
make_section_title => sub { $_[0]->fb_number . ' ' . $_[0]->title },
$self->js->html('#' . TAB_ID(), $html)
sub action_do_update {
my ($self) = @_;
my $order = $self->rs_order->order;
my $sections = $self->requirement_spec->sections_sorted;
my %orderitems_by_id = map { ($_->id => $_) } @{ $order->orderitems };
my %sections_by_id = map { ($_->id => $_) } @{ $sections };
$self->{parts} = { map { ($_->id => $_) } @{ SL::DB::Manager::Part->get_all(where => [ id => [ uniq map { $_->order_part_id } @{ $sections } ] ]) } };
my %sections_seen;
foreach my $attributes (@{ $::form->{orderitems} || [] }) {
my $orderitem = $orderitems_by_id{ $attributes->{id} };
my $section = $sections_by_id{ $attributes->{section_id} };
next unless $orderitem && $section;
$self->create_order_item(section => $section, item => $orderitem)->save;
$sections_seen{ $section->id } = 1;
my @new_orderitems = map { $self->create_order_item(section => $_) }
grep { !$sections_seen{ $_->id } }
@{ $sections };
$order->orderitems([ @{ $order->orderitems }, @new_orderitems ]) if @new_orderitems;
my $html = $self->render('requirement_spec_order/list', { output => 0 });
$self->js->html('#' . TAB_ID(), $html)
->flash('info', $::form->{quotation} ? t8('Sales quotation #1 has been updated.', $order->quonumber) : t8('Sales order #1 has been updated.', $order->ordnumber))
sub action_edit_assignment {
my ($self) = @_;
# helpers
sub init_all_customers { SL::DB::Manager::Customer->get_all_sorted }
sub init_all_parts { SL::DB::Manager::Part->get_all_sorted }
sub init_h_unit_name { first { SL::DB::Manager::Unit->find_by(name => $_) } qw(Std h Stunde) };
sub init_rs_order { SL::DB::RequirementSpecOrder->new(id => $::form->{rs_order_id})->load };
# helpers
sub load_parts_for_sections {
my ($self, %params) = @_;
$self->parts({ map { ($_->{id} => $_) } @{ SL::DB::Manager::Part->get_all(where => [ id => [ uniq map { $_->{order_part_id} } @{ $params{sections} } ] ]) } });
sub create_order_item {
qty => $section->time_estimation * 1,
unit => $self->h_unit_name,
sellprice => $::form->round_amount($self->requirement_spec->hourly_rate, 2),
lastcost => $part->lastcost,
discount => 0,
project_id => $self->requirement_spec->project_id,
sub create_order {
my ($self, %params) = @_;
$self->{parts} = { map { ($_->{id} => $_) } @{ SL::DB::Manager::Part->get_all(where => [ id => [ uniq map { $_->{order_part_id} } @{ $params{sections} } ] ]) } };
my @orderitems = map { $self->create_order_item(section => $_) } @{ $params{sections} };
my $employee = SL::DB::Manager::Employee->current;
"The selected database is still configured for client \"#1\". If you delete the database that client will stop working until you re-configure it. Do you still want to delete the database?":"Die auswählte Datenbank ist noch für Mandant \"#1\" konfiguriert. Wenn Sie die Datenbank löschen, wird der Mandanten nicht mehr funktionieren, bis er anders konfiguriert wurde. Wollen Sie die Datenbank trotzdem löschen?",
"Time/cost estimate actions":"Aktionen für Kosten-/Zeitabschätzung",
"Toggle marker":"Markierung umschalten",
"Update quotation/order":"Auftrag/Angebot aktualisieren",
"Version actions":"Aktionen für Versionen"
var data = 'action=RequirementSpecOrder/' + key
+ '&' + $('#requirement_spec_id').serialize();
if ((key == 'save_assignment') || (key == 'create'))
data += '&' + $('#quotations_and_orders_article_assignment_form').serialize();
data += '&id=' + encodeURIComponent(ns.find_quotation_order_id(opt.$trigger));
if ((key == 'save_assignment') || (key == 'create') || (key == 'do_update'))
data += '&' + $('#quotations_and_orders_form').serialize();
else if ((key == 'update') || (key == 'delete'))
data += '&rs_order_id=' + encodeURIComponent(ns.find_quotation_order_id(opt.$trigger));
// console.log("I would normally POST the following now:");
// console.log(data);
ns.assign_order_part_id_to_all = function() {
var order_part_id = $('#quoations_and_orders_order_id').val();
$('#quotations_and_orders_article_assignment_form SELECT[name="sections[].order_part_id"]').each(function(idx, elt) {
$('#quotations_and_orders_form SELECT[name="sections[].order_part_id"]').each(function(idx, elt) {
selector: '.quotations-and-orders-new-context-menu',
items: $.extend({
heading: { name: kivi.t8('Create new quotation/order'), className: 'context-menu-heading' }
heading: { name: kivi.t8('Create new quotation/order'), className: 'context-menu-heading' }
, create: { name: kivi.t8('Create'), icon: "edit", callback: ns.standard_quotation_order_ajax_call }
, cancel: { name: kivi.t8('Cancel'), icon: "close", callback: ns.standard_quotation_order_ajax_call }
}, general_actions)
selector: '.quotations-and-orders-update-context-menu',
items: $.extend({
heading: { name: kivi.t8('Update quotation/order'), className: 'context-menu-heading' }
, do_update: { name: kivi.t8('Update'), icon: "update", callback: ns.standard_quotation_order_ajax_call }
, cancel: { name: kivi.t8('Cancel'), icon: "close", callback: ns.standard_quotation_order_ajax_call }
}, general_actions)
selector: '#content',
items: general_actions
'Display options' => 'Anzeigeoptionen',
'Do not change the tax rate of taxkey 0.' => 'Ändern Sie nicht den Steuersatz vom Steuerschlüssel 0.',
'Do not check for duplicates' => 'Nicht nach Dubletten suchen',
'Do not modify this position' => 'Diese Position nicht verändern',
'Do not set default buchungsgruppe' => 'Nie Standardbuchungsgruppe setzen',
'Do you really want to cancel?' => 'Wollen Sie wirklich abbrechen?',
'Do you really want to close the following SEPA exports? No payment will be recorded for bank collections that haven\'t been marked as executed yet.' => 'Wollen Sie wirklich die folgenden SEPA-Exporte abschließen? Für Überweisungen, die noch nicht gebucht wurden, werden dann keine Zahlungen verbucht.',
'Sales margin %' => 'Marge prozentual',
'Sales net amount' => 'VK-Betrag',
'Sales order #1 has been created.' => 'Kundenauftrag #1 wurde angelegt.',
'Sales order #1 has been updated.' => 'Kundenauftrag #1 wurde aktualisiert.',
'Sales price' => 'VK-Preis',
'Sales price total' => 'VK-Betrag',
'Sales quotation' => 'Angebot',
'Sales quotation #1 has been created.' => 'Angebot #1 wurde angelegt.',
'Sales quotation #1 has been updated.' => 'Angebot #1 wurde aktualisiert.',
'Salesman' => 'Verkäufer/in',
'Salesman (database ID)' => 'Verkäufer (Datenbank-ID)',
'Salesperson' => 'Verkäufer',
'Section "#1"' => 'Abschnitt "#1"',
'Section/Function block actions' => 'Abschnitts-/Funktionsblockaktionen',
'Sections' => 'Abschnitte',
'Sections that are not assigned to any of the items above will be added as new positions.' => 'Abschnitte, die keiner der oben aufgeführten Positionen zugeordnet sind, werden als neue Positionen ergänzt.',
'Select' => 'auswählen',
'Select a Customer' => 'Endkunde auswählen',
'Select a customer' => 'Einen Kunden auswählen',
'Update prices of existing entries' => 'Preise von vorhandenen Artikeln aktualisieren',
'Update properties of existing entries' => 'Eigenschaften von existierenden Einträgen aktualisieren',
'Update quotation/order' => 'Auftrag/Angebot aktualisieren',
'Update sales order #1' => 'Kundenauftrag #1 aktualisieren',
'Update sales quotation #1' => 'Angebot #1 aktualisieren',
'Update with section' => 'Mit Abschnitt aktualisieren',
'Updated' => 'Erneuert am',
'Updating existing entry in database' => 'Existierenden Eintrag in Datenbank aktualisieren',
'Updating prices of existing entry in database' => 'Preis des Eintrags in der Datenbank wird aktualisiert',
[%- USE HTML -%][%- USE LxERP -%][%- USE L -%][%- USE P -%]
[% SET style="width: 400px" %]
<form id="quotations_and_orders_article_assignment_form">
<form id="quotations_and_orders_form">
[% IF for_new %]
[%- USE HTML -%][%- USE LxERP -%][%- USE L -%][%- USE P -%]
[% SET style = "width: 400px" %]
[% SET order = SELF.rs_order.order %]
<div class="quotations-and-orders-update-context-menu">
[% IF order.quotation %]
[% LxERP.t8("Update sales quotation #1", order.quonumber) %]
[% ELSE %]
[% LxERP.t8("Update sales order #1", order.ordnumber) %]
[% END %]
<form id="quotations_and_orders_form">
[% L.hidden_tag("rs_order_id",, no_id=1) %]
<table style="width: 100%">
<tr class="listheading">
<th>[% LxERP.t8("Part Number") %]</th>
<th>[% LxERP.t8("Description") %]</th>
<th align="right">[% LxERP.t8("Qty") %]</th>
<th align="right">[% LxERP.t8("Sellprice") %]</th>
<th>[% LxERP.t8("Update with section") %]</th>
[% FOREACH item = orderitems %]
<tr class="listrow">
[% L.hidden_tag("orderitems[+].id",, no_id=1) %]
<td>[% HTML.escape(item.item.part.partnumber) %]</td>
<td>[% HTML.escape(item.item.description) %]</td>
<td align="right">[% LxERP.format_amount(item.item.qty * 1) %] [% HTML.escape(item.item.unit) %]</td>
<td align="right">[% LxERP.format_amount(item.item.qty * 1) %] [% HTML.escape(item.item.unit) %]</td>
<td>[% L.select_tag('orderitems[].section_id', sections,, title_sub=\make_section_title, style=style, no_id=1, with_empty=1, empty_title=LxERP.t8('Do not modify this position')) %]</td>
[% END %]
[% LxERP.t8("Sections that are not assigned to any of the items above will be added as new positions.") %]

Auch abrufbar als: Unified diff