


Herunterladen (10,4 KB) Statistiken
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e7530c83 Moritz Bunkus
package SL::DBUtils;

require Exporter;
@ISA = qw(Exporter);

9d047497 Moritz Bunkus
@EXPORT = qw(conv_i conv_date conv_dateq do_query selectrow_query do_statement
93a4e424 Moritz Bunkus
dump_query quote_db_date
selectfirst_hashref_query selectfirst_array_query
selectall_hashref_query selectall_array_query
prepare_execute_query prepare_query);
e7530c83 Moritz Bunkus
sub conv_i {
my ($value, $default) = @_;
return (defined($value) && "$value" ne "") ? $value * 1 : $default;

sub conv_date {
my ($value) = @_;
return (defined($value) && "$value" ne "") ? $value : undef;

5b47ed3e Moritz Bunkus
sub conv_dateq {
my ($value) = @_;
if (defined($value) && "$value" ne "") {
$value =~ s/\'/\'\'/g;
return "'$value'";
return "NULL";

e7530c83 Moritz Bunkus
sub do_query {
4b17bfa8 Moritz Bunkus

e7530c83 Moritz Bunkus
my ($form, $dbh, $query) = splice(@_, 0, 3);
12451e34 Udo Spallek
191a0e0d Moritz Bunkus
dump_query(LXDebug::QUERY, '', $query, @_);
12451e34 Udo Spallek
e7530c83 Moritz Bunkus
if (0 == scalar(@_)) {
$dbh->do($query) || $form->dberror($query);
} else {
$dbh->do($query, undef, @_) ||
$form->dberror($query . " (" . join(", ", @_) . ")");
4b17bfa8 Moritz Bunkus
e7530c83 Moritz Bunkus

7b825818 Sven Schöling
sub selectrow_query { &selectfirst_array_query }
2b664a1f Moritz Bunkus
dcef6ec7 Moritz Bunkus
sub do_statement {
4b17bfa8 Moritz Bunkus

dcef6ec7 Moritz Bunkus
my ($form, $sth, $query) = splice(@_, 0, 3);

191a0e0d Moritz Bunkus
dump_query(LXDebug::QUERY, '', $query, @_);
12451e34 Udo Spallek
dcef6ec7 Moritz Bunkus
if (0 == scalar(@_)) {
$sth->execute() || $form->dberror($query);
} else {
$sth->execute(@_) ||
$form->dberror($query . " (" . join(", ", @_) . ")");
4b17bfa8 Moritz Bunkus
dcef6ec7 Moritz Bunkus

e7530c83 Moritz Bunkus
sub dump_query {
my ($level, $msg, $query) = splice(@_, 0, 3);
12451e34 Udo Spallek
e7530c83 Moritz Bunkus
while ($query =~ /\?/) {
my $value = shift(@_);
$value =~ s/\'/\\\'/g;
$value = "'${value}'";
$query =~ s/\?/$value/;

874ae842 Sven Schöling
$query =~ s/[\n\s]+/ /g;

e7530c83 Moritz Bunkus
$msg .= " " if ($msg);

$main::lxdebug->message($level, $msg . $query);

04c85293 Sven Schöling
sub quote_db_date {
my ($str) = @_;
12451e34 Udo Spallek
04c85293 Sven Schöling
return "NULL" unless defined $str;
return "current_date" if $str =~ /current_date/;
12451e34 Udo Spallek
04c85293 Sven Schöling
$str =~ s/'/''/g;
return "'$str'";

93a4e424 Moritz Bunkus
sub prepare_query {
4b17bfa8 Moritz Bunkus

93a4e424 Moritz Bunkus
my ($form, $dbh, $query) = splice(@_, 0, 3);

dump_query(LXDebug::QUERY, '', $query, @_);

my $sth = $dbh->prepare($query) || $form->dberror($query);
4b17bfa8 Moritz Bunkus

93a4e424 Moritz Bunkus
return $sth;

9d047497 Moritz Bunkus
sub prepare_execute_query {
4b17bfa8 Moritz Bunkus

9d047497 Moritz Bunkus
my ($form, $dbh, $query) = splice(@_, 0, 3);
12451e34 Udo Spallek
191a0e0d Moritz Bunkus
dump_query(LXDebug::QUERY, '', $query, @_);
12451e34 Udo Spallek
my $sth = $dbh->prepare($query) || $form->dberror($query);
9d047497 Moritz Bunkus
if (scalar(@_) != 0) {
$sth->execute(@_) || $form->dberror($query . " (" . join(", ", @_) . ")");
} else {
$sth->execute() || $form->dberror($query);

4b17bfa8 Moritz Bunkus

9d047497 Moritz Bunkus
return $sth;

sub selectall_hashref_query {
4b17bfa8 Moritz Bunkus

9d047497 Moritz Bunkus
my ($form, $dbh, $query) = splice(@_, 0, 3);

my $sth = prepare_execute_query($form, $dbh, $query, @_);
my $result = [];
while (my $ref = $sth->fetchrow_hashref()) {
push(@{ $result }, $ref);

4b17bfa8 Moritz Bunkus

9d047497 Moritz Bunkus
return $result;

93a4e424 Moritz Bunkus
sub selectall_array_query {
4b17bfa8 Moritz Bunkus

93a4e424 Moritz Bunkus
my ($form, $dbh, $query) = splice(@_, 0, 3);

my $sth = prepare_execute_query($form, $dbh, $query, @_);
my @result;
while (my ($value) = $sth->fetchrow_array()) {
push(@result, $value);

4b17bfa8 Moritz Bunkus

93a4e424 Moritz Bunkus
return @result;

15d5b55d Sven Schöling
sub selectfirst_hashref_query {
4b17bfa8 Moritz Bunkus

15d5b55d Sven Schöling
my ($form, $dbh, $query) = splice(@_, 0, 3);

my $sth = prepare_execute_query($form, $dbh, $query, @_);
my $ref = $sth->fetchrow_hashref();

4b17bfa8 Moritz Bunkus

15d5b55d Sven Schöling
return $ref;
9d047497 Moritz Bunkus
7b825818 Sven Schöling
sub selectfirst_array_query {
4b17bfa8 Moritz Bunkus

7b825818 Sven Schöling
my ($form, $dbh, $query) = splice(@_, 0, 3);

my $sth = prepare_execute_query($form, $dbh, $query, @_);
my @ret = $sth->fetchrow_array();

4b17bfa8 Moritz Bunkus

7b825818 Sven Schöling
return @ret;

e7530c83 Moritz Bunkus
12451e34 Udo Spallek


=head1 NAME All about Databaseconections in Lx


use DBUtils;
743f51fc Sven Schöling
conv_i($str, $default)
12451e34 Udo Spallek
do_query($form, $dbh, $query)
do_statement($form, $sth, $query)

dump_query($level, $msg, $query)
prepare_execute_query($form, $dbh, $query)

my $all_results_ref = selectall_hashref_query($form, $dbh, $query)
my $first_result_hash_ref = selectfirst_hashref_query($form, $dbh, $query);
my @first_result = selectfirst_array_query($form, $dbh, $query); # ==
my @first_result = selectrow_query($form, $dbh, $query);
743f51fc Sven Schöling
DBUtils is the attempt to reduce the amount of overhead it takes to retrieve information from the database in Lx-Office. Previously it would take about 15 lines of code just to get one single integer out of the database, including failure procedures and importing the necessary packages. Debugging would take even more.

Using DBUtils most database procedures can be reduced to defining the query, executing it, and retrieving the result. Let DBUtils handle the rest. Whenever there is a database operation not covered in DBUtils, add it here, rather than working around it in the backend code.

DBUtils relies heavily on two parameters which have to be passed to almost every function: $form and $dbh.
- $form is used for error handling only. It can be omitted in theory, but should not.
- $dbh is a handle to the databe, as returned by the DBI::connect routine. If you don't have an active connectiong, you can query $form->get_standard_dbh() to get a generic no_auto connection. Don't forget to commit in this case!

Every function here should accomplish the follwing things:
- Easy debugging. Every handled query gets dumped via LXDebug, if specified there.
- Safe value binding. Although DBI is far from perfect in terms of binding, the rest of the bindings should happen here.
- Error handling. Should a query fail, an error message will be generated here instead of in the backend code invoking DBUtils.

Note that binding is not perfect here either...
12451e34 Udo Spallek
743f51fc Sven Schöling

12451e34 Udo Spallek
=over 4

743f51fc Sven Schöling
=item conv_i STR
12451e34 Udo Spallek
743f51fc Sven Schöling
=item conv_i STR,DEFAULT
12451e34 Udo Spallek
743f51fc Sven Schöling
Converts STR to an integer. If STR is empty, returns DEFAULT. If no DEFAULT is given, returns undef.
12451e34 Udo Spallek
743f51fc Sven Schöling
=item conv_date STR
12451e34 Udo Spallek
743f51fc Sven Schöling
Converts STR to a date string. If STR is emptry, returns undef.
12451e34 Udo Spallek
743f51fc Sven Schöling
=item conv_dateq STR
12451e34 Udo Spallek
743f51fc Sven Schöling
Database version of conv_date. Quotes STR before returning. Returns 'NULL' if STR is empty.
12451e34 Udo Spallek
743f51fc Sven Schöling
=item quote_db_date STR
12451e34 Udo Spallek
743f51fc Sven Schöling
Treats STR as a database date, quoting it. If STR equals current_date returns an escaped version which is treated as the current date by Postgres.
Returns 'NULL' if STR is empty.
12451e34 Udo Spallek
743f51fc Sven Schöling


=over 4

=item do_query FORM,DBH,QUERY,ARRAY

Uses DBI::do to execute QUERY on DBH using ARRAY for binding values. FORM is only needed for error handling, but should always be passed nevertheless. Use this for insertions or updates that don't need to be prepared.

=item do_statement FORM,STH,QUERY,ARRAY

Uses DBI::execute to execute QUERY on DBH using ARRAY for binding values. As with do_query, FORM is only used for error handling. If you are unsure what to use, refer to the documentation of DBI::do and DBI::execute.

=item prepare_execute_query FORM,DBH,QUERY,ARRAY

Prepares and executes QUERY on DBH using DBI::prepare and DBI::execute. ARRAY is passed as binding values to execute.
12451e34 Udo Spallek
743f51fc Sven Schöling

=over 4

=item selectfirst_array_query FORM,DBH,QUERY,ARRAY

=item selectrow_query FORM,DBH,QUERY,ARRAY

Prepares and executes a query using DBUtils functions, retireves the first row from the database, and returns it as an arrayref of the first row.

=item selectfirst_hashref_query FORM,DBH,QUERY,ARRAY

Prepares and executes a query using DBUtils functions, retireves the first row from the database, and returns it as a hashref of the first row.

=item selectall_hashref_query FORM,DBH,QUERY,ARRAY

Prepares and executes a query using DBUtils functions, retireves all data from the database, and returns it in hashref mode. This is slightly confusing, as the data structure will actually be a reference to an array, containing hashrefs for each row.



=over 4

=item dump_query LEVEL,MSG,QUERY,ARRAY

Dumps a query using LXDebug->message, using LEVEL for the debug-level of LXDebug. If MSG is given, it preceeds the QUERY dump in the logfiles. ARRAY is used to interpolate the '?' placeholders in QUERY, the resulting QUERY can be copy-pasted into a database frontend for debugging. Note that this method is also automatically called by each of the other QUERY FUNCTIONS, so there is in general little need to invoke it manually.



=over 4

=item Retrieving a whole table:

$query = qq|SELECT id, pricegroup FROM pricegroup|;
$form->{PRICEGROUPS} = selectall_hashref_query($form, $dbh, $query);

=item Retrieving a single value:

$query = qq|SELECT nextval('glid')|;
($new_id) = selectrow_query($form, $dbh, $query);

=item Using binding values:

$query = qq|UPDATE ar SET paid = amount + paid, storno = 't' WHERE id = ?|;
do_query($form, $dbh, $query, $id);

=item A more complicated example, using dynamic binding values:

my @values;
if ($form->{language_values} ne "") {
$query = qq|SELECT, l.description, tr.translation, tr.longdescription
FROM language l
LEFT OUTER JOIN translation tr ON (tr.language_id = AND (tr.parts_id = ?)|;
@values = (conv_i($form->{id}));
} else {
$query = qq|SELECT id, description FROM language|;
12451e34 Udo Spallek
743f51fc Sven Schöling
my $languages = selectall_hashref_query($form, $dbh, $query, @values);

12451e34 Udo Spallek
=head1 SEE ALSO


743f51fc Sven Schöling
Moritz Bunkus E<lt>m.bunkus@linet-services.deE<gt>
Sven Schoeling E<lt>s.schoeling@linet-services.deE<gt>
12451e34 Udo Spallek

743f51fc Sven Schöling
Udo Spallek E<lt>udono@gmx.netE<gt>
Sven Schoeling E<lt>s.schoeling@linet-services.deE<gt>
12451e34 Udo Spallek

Copyright 2007 by Lx-Office Community

This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
0965925a Sven Schöling