Revision 17a0869f
Von Moritz Bunkus vor etwa 12 Jahren hinzugefügt
scripts/console | ||
use Data::Dumper;
use Devel::REPL 1.002001;
use File::Slurp;
use Getopt::Long;
use Pod::Usage;
use Term::ReadLine::Perl::Bind; # use sane key binding for rxvt users
use SL::LxOfficeConf;
my $login = shift || $::lx_office_conf{console}{login} || 'demo';
my $history_file = $::lx_office_conf{console}{history_file} || '/tmp/lxoffice_console_history.log'; # fallback if users is not writable
my $debug_file = $::lx_office_conf{console}{log_file} || '/tmp/lxoffice_console_debug.log';
my $autorun = $::lx_office_conf{console}{autorun};
my $login = $::lx_office_conf{console}{login} || 'demo';
my $history_file = $::lx_office_conf{console}{history_file} || '/tmp/kivitendo_console_history.log'; # fallback if users is not writable
my $debug_file = $::lx_office_conf{console}{log_file} || '/tmp/kivitendo_console_debug.log';
my $autorun = $::lx_office_conf{console}{autorun};
my ($execute_code, $execute_file, $help, $man);
my $result = GetOptions(
"login|l=s" => \$login,
"history-file|i=s" => \$history_file,
"log-file|o=s" => \$debug_file,
"execute|e=s" => \$execute_code,
"file|f=s" => \$execute_file,
"help|h" => \$help,
"man" => \$man,
pod2usage(2) if !$result;
pod2usage(1) if $help;
pod2usage(-exitstatus => 0, -verbose => 2) if $man;
# will be configed eventually
my @plugins = qw(History LexEnv Colors MultiLine::PPI FancyPrompt PermanentHistory AutoloadModules);
sub execute_code {
my ($repl, $code) = @_;
my $result = $repl->eval($code);
if (ref($result) eq 'Devel::REPL::Error') {
return 0;
if ($@) {
return 0;
return 1;
my $repl = Devel::REPL->new;
$repl->load_plugin($_) for @plugins;
$repl->print("trying to auto login as '$login'...");
$repl->print($repl->eval("lxinit '$login'"));
if ($autorun) {
my $result = $repl->eval($autorun);
$repl->print($result->message) if ref($result) eq 'Devel::REPL::Error';
my @code_to_execute = grep { $_ } ($autorun, $execute_code, $execute_file ? join('', read_file($execute_file)) : undef);
execute_code($repl, $_) || exit 1 for @code_to_execute;
exit if $execute_code || $execute_file;
package Devel::REPL;
... | ... | |
./script/console [options]
> help # displays a brief documentation
=head1 OPTIONS
The list of supported command line options includes:
=over 8
=item B<--help>, B<-h>
Print this help message and exit.
=item B<--man>
Print the manual page and exit.
=item B<-l>, B<--login>=C<username>
Log in as C<username>. The default is to use the value from the
configuration file and C<demo> if none is set there.
=item B<-o>, B<--log-file>=C<filename>
Use C<filename> as the log file. The default is to use the value from
the configuration file and C</tmp/kivitendo_console_debug.log> if none
is set there.
=item B<-i>, B<--history-file>=C<filename>
Use C<filename> as the history file for commands input by the
user. The default is to use the value from the configuration file and
C</tmp/kivitendo_console_history.log> if none is set there.
=item B<-e>, B<--execute>=C<perl-code>
Execute this code on startup and exit afterwards.
=item B<-f>, B<--file>=C<filename>
Execute the code from the file C<filename> on startup and exit
Users of Ruby on Rails will recognize this as a perl reimplementation of the
Auch abrufbar als: Unified diff
Console: Diverse Kommandozeilen und Optionen
Z.B. "-e code" zum direkten Ausführen von Code oder "-f filename" zum
Ausführen von Code aus einer Datei.