Revision 170507ca
Von Moritz Bunkus vor mehr als 18 Jahren hinzugefügt
scripts/ | ||
#!/usr/bin/perl -w
$| = 1;
my @required_modules = (
{ "name" => "Class::Accessor", "url" => "" },
{ "name" => "CGI", "url" => "" },
{ "name" => "CGI::Ajax", "url" => "" },
{ "name" => "DBI", "url" => "" },
{ "name" => "DBD::Pg", "url" => "" },
{ "name" => "HTML::Template", "url" => "" },
{ "name" => "Archive::Zip", "url" => "" },
{ "name" => "Text::Iconv", "url" => "" },
sub module_available {
my ($module) = @_;
if (!defined(eval("require $module;"))) {
return 0;
} else {
return 1;
foreach my $module (@required_modules) {
print("Looking for $module->{name}...");
if (!module_available($module->{"name"})) {
print(" NOT found\n" .
" The module '$module->{name}' is not available on your system.\n" .
" Please install it with the CPAN shell, e.g.\n" .
" perl -MCPAN -e install \"install $module->{name}\"\n" .
" or download it from this URL and install it manually:\n" .
" $module->{url}\n\n");
} else {
print(" ok\n");
Auch abrufbar als: Unified diff
Ein Script, das momentan nur überprüft, ob alle benötigten Perl-Module installiert sind. Kann um beliebige Tests erweitert werden, um zu überprüfen, ob die Systemvoraussetzungen OK sind.