


Herunterladen (17,7 KB) Statistiken
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# -n do not include custom_ scripts
# -v verbose mode, shows progress stuff

# this version of locles processes not only all required .pl files
# but also all parse_html_templated files.

use strict;

use Data::Dumper;
use English;
use FileHandle;
use Getopt::Long;
use List::Util qw(first);
use POSIX;
use Pod::Usage;
use Carp;
use File::Slurp qw(slurp);


my $opt_v = 0;
my $opt_n = 0;
my $opt_c = 0;
my $debug = 0;


my $basedir = "../..";
my $locales_dir = ".";
my $bindir = "$basedir/bin/mozilla";
my $dbupdir = "$basedir/sql/Pg-upgrade";
my $dbupdir2 = "$basedir/sql/Pg-upgrade2";
my $menufile = "menu.ini";
my $submitsearch = qr/type\s*=\s*[\"\']?submit/i;

my (%referenced_html_files, %locale, %htmllocale, %alllocales, %cached, %submit);


opendir DIR, "$bindir" or die "$!";
my @progfiles = grep { /\.pl$/ && !/(_custom|^\.)/ } readdir DIR;
seekdir DIR, 0;
my @customfiles = grep /_custom/, readdir DIR;
closedir DIR;

# put customized files into @customfiles
my @menufiles;

if ($opt_n) {
@customfiles = ();
@menufiles = ($menufile);
} else {
opendir DIR, "$basedir" or die "$!";
@menufiles = grep { /.*?_$menufile$/ } readdir DIR;
closedir DIR;
unshift @menufiles, $menufile;

opendir DIR, $dbupdir or die "$!";
my @dbplfiles = grep { /\.pl$/ } readdir DIR;
closedir DIR;

opendir DIR, $dbupdir2 or die "$!";
my @dbplfiles2 = grep { /\.pl$/ } readdir DIR;
closedir DIR;

# slurp the translations in
our $self = {};
our $missing = {};
our @missing = ();
our @lost = ();

if (-f "$locales_dir/all") {
require "$locales_dir/all";
if (-f "$locales_dir/missing") {
require "$locales_dir/missing" ;
unlink "$locales_dir/missing";
if (-f "$locales_dir/lost") {
require "$locales_dir/lost";
unlink "$locales_dir/lost";

my $charset = slurp("$locales_dir/charset") || 'utf-8';
chomp $charset;

my %old_texts = %{ $self->{texts} || {} };

map({ handle_file($_, $bindir); } @progfiles);
map({ handle_file($_, $dbupdir); } @dbplfiles);
map({ handle_file($_, $dbupdir2); } @dbplfiles2);

# generate all
file => "$locales_dir/all",
header => $ALL_HEADER,
data_name => '$self->{texts}',
data_sub => sub { _print_line($_, $self->{texts}{$_}, @_) for sort keys %alllocales },

# calc and generate missing
push @missing, grep { !$self->{texts}{$_} } sort keys %alllocales;

if (@missing) {
file => "$locales_dir/missing",
header => $MISSING_HEADER,
data_name => '$missing',
data_sub => sub { _print_line($_, '', @_) for @missing },

# calc and generate lost
while (my ($text, $translation) = each %old_texts) {
next if ($alllocales{$text});
push @lost, { 'text' => $text, 'translation' => $translation };

if (scalar @lost) {
splice @lost, 0, (scalar @lost - 50) if (scalar @lost > 50);
file => "$locales_dir/lost",
header => $LOST_HEADER,
delim => '()',
data_name => '@lost',
data_sub => sub {
_print_line($_->{text}, $_->{translation}, @_, template => " { 'text' => %s, 'translation' => %s },\n") for @lost;

my $trlanguage = slurp("$locales_dir/LANGUAGE");
chomp $trlanguage;

search_unused_htmlfiles() if $opt_c;

my $count = scalar keys %alllocales;
my $notext = scalar @missing;
my $per = sprintf("%.1f", ($count - $notext) / $count * 100);
print "\n$trlanguage - ${per}%";
print " - $notext/$count missing" if $notext;
print "\n";


# eom

sub init {
# These are all the texts to build the translations files.
# The file has the form of 'english text' => 'foreign text',
# you can add the translation in this file or in the 'missing' file
# run from this directory to rebuild the translation files
# add the missing texts and run to rebuild
# The last 50 text strings, that have been removed.
# This file has been auto-generated by Please don't edit!

sub parse_args {
my ($help, $man);

'no-custom-files' => \$opt_n,
'check-files' => \$opt_c,
'verbose' => \$opt_v,
'help' => \$help,
'man' => \$man,
'debug' => \$debug,

if ($help) {
exit 0;

if ($man) {
pod2usage(-exitstatus => 0, -verbose => 2);
exit 0;

if (@ARGV) {
my $arg = shift @ARGV;
my $ok = 0;
foreach my $dir ("../locale/$arg", "locale/$arg", "../$arg", $arg) {
next unless -d $dir && -f "$dir/all" && -f "$dir/LANGUAGE";
$ok = chdir $dir;

if (!$ok) {
print "The locale directory '$arg' could not be found.\n";
exit 1;

} elsif (!-f 'all' || !-f 'LANGUAGE') {
print " was not called from a locale/* subdirectory,\n"
. "and no locale directory name was given.\n";
exit 1;

sub handle_file {
my ($file, $dir) = @_;
print "\n$file" if $opt_v;
%locale = ();
%submit = ();


# scan custom_{module}.pl or {login}_{module}.pl files
foreach my $customfile (@customfiles) {
if ($customfile =~ /_$file/) {
if (-f "$dir/$customfile") {

# if this is the file
if ($file eq '') {
foreach my $item (@menufiles) {

if ($file eq '') {
foreach my $item (@menufiles) {
print "." if $opt_v;

$file =~ s/\.pl//;

foreach my $text (keys %$missing) {
if ($locale{$text} || $htmllocale{$text}) {
unless ($self->{texts}{$text}) {
$self->{texts}{$text} = $missing->{$text};

sub extract_text_between_parenthesis {
my ($fh, $line) = @_;
my ($inside_string, $pos, $text, $quote_next) = (undef, 0, "", 0);

while (1) {
if (length($line) <= $pos) {
$line = <$fh>;
return ($text, "") unless ($line);
$pos = 0;

my $cur_char = substr($line, $pos, 1);

if (!$inside_string) {
if ((length($line) >= ($pos + 3)) && (substr($line, $pos, 2)) eq "qq") {
$inside_string = substr($line, $pos + 2, 1);
$pos += 2;

} elsif ((length($line) >= ($pos + 2)) &&
(substr($line, $pos, 1) eq "q")) {
$inside_string = substr($line, $pos + 1, 1);

} elsif (($cur_char eq '"') || ($cur_char eq '\'')) {
$inside_string = $cur_char;

} elsif (($cur_char eq ")") || ($cur_char eq ',')) {
return ($text, substr($line, $pos + 1));

} else {
if ($quote_next) {
$text .= $cur_char;
$quote_next = 0;

} elsif ($cur_char eq '\\') {
$text .= $cur_char;
$quote_next = 1;

} elsif ($cur_char eq $inside_string) {

} else {
$text .= $cur_char;


sub scanfile {
my $file = shift;
my $dont_include_subs = shift;
my $scanned_files = shift;

# sanitize file
$file =~ s=/+=/=g;

$scanned_files = {} unless ($scanned_files);
return if ($scanned_files->{$file});
$scanned_files->{$file} = 1;

if (!defined $cached{$file}) {

return unless (-f "$file");

my $fh = new FileHandle;
open $fh, "$file" or die "$! : $file";

my ($is_submit, $line_no, $sub_line_no) = (0, 0, 0);

while (<$fh>) {

# is this another file
if (/require\s+\W.*\.pl/) {
my $newfile = $&;
$newfile =~ s/require\s+\W//;
$newfile =~ s|bin/mozilla||;
$cached{$file}{scan}{"$bindir/$newfile"} = 1;
} elsif (/use\s+SL::([\w:]*)/) {
my $module = $1;
$module =~ s|::|/|g;
$cached{$file}{scannosubs}{"../../SL/${module}.pm"} = 1;

# is this a template call?
if (/parse_html_template2?\s*\(\s*[\"\']([\w\/]+)\s*[\"\']/) {
my $newfile = "$basedir/templates/webpages/$1.html";
if (/parse_html_template2/) {
print "E: " . strip_base($file) . " is still using 'parse_html_template2' for " . strip_base($newfile) . ".\n";
if (-f $newfile) {
$cached{$file}{scanh}{$newfile} = 1;
print "." if $opt_v;
} elsif ($opt_c) {
print "W: missing HTML template: " . strip_base($newfile) . " (referenced from " . strip_base($file) . ")\n";

my $rc = 1;

while ($rc) {
if (/Locale/) {
unless (/^use /) {
my ($null, $country) = split /,/;
$country =~ s/^ +[\"\']//;
$country =~ s/[\"\'].*//;

my $postmatch = "";

# is it a submit button before $locale->
if (/$submitsearch/) {
$postmatch = "$'";
if ($` !~ /locale->text/) {
$is_submit = 1;
$sub_line_no = $line_no;

my ($found) = /locale->text.*?\(/;
$postmatch = "$'";

if ($found) {
my $string;
($string, $_) = extract_text_between_parenthesis($fh, $postmatch);
$postmatch = $_;

# if there is no $ in the string record it
unless (($string =~ /\$\D.*/) || ("" eq $string)) {

# this guarantees one instance of string
$cached{$file}{locale}{$string} = 1;

# this one is for all the locales
$cached{$file}{all}{$string} = 1;

# is it a submit button before $locale->
if ($is_submit) {
$cached{$file}{submit}{$string} = 1;
} elsif ($postmatch =~ />/) {
$is_submit = 0;

# exit loop if there are no more locales on this line
($rc) = ($postmatch =~ /locale->text/);

if ( ($postmatch =~ />/)
|| (!$found && ($sub_line_no != $line_no) && />/)) {
$is_submit = 0;



map { $alllocales{$_} = 1 } keys %{$cached{$file}{all}};
map { $locale{$_} = 1 } keys %{$cached{$file}{locale}};
map { $submit{$_} = 1 } keys %{$cached{$file}{submit}};
map { &scanfile($_, 0, $scanned_files) } keys %{$cached{$file}{scan}};
map { &scanfile($_, 1, $scanned_files) } keys %{$cached{$file}{scannosubs}};
map { &scanhtmlfile($_) } keys %{$cached{$file}{scanh}};

@referenced_html_files{keys %{$cached{$file}{scanh}}} = (1) x scalar keys %{$cached{$file}{scanh}};

sub scanmenu {
my $file = shift;

my $fh = new FileHandle;
open $fh, "$file" or die "$! : $file";

my @a = grep m/^\[/, <$fh>;

# strip []
grep { s/(\[|\])//g } @a;

foreach my $item (@a) {
my @b = split /--/, $item;
foreach my $string (@b) {
chomp $string;
$locale{$string} = 1;
$alllocales{$string} = 1;


sub unescape_template_string {
my $in = "$_[0]";
$in =~ s/\\(.)/$1/g;
return $in;

sub scanhtmlfile {
local *IN;

my $file = shift;

if (!defined $cached{$file}) {
my %plugins = ( 'loaded' => { }, 'needed' => { } );

open(IN, $file) || die $file;

my $copying = 0;
my $issubmit = 0;
my $text = "";
while (my $line = <IN>) {

while ($line =~ m/\[\%[^\w]*use[^\w]+(\w+)[^\w]*?\%\]/gi) {
$plugins{loaded}->{$1} = 1;

while ($line =~ m/\[\%[^\w]*(\w+)\.\w+\(/g) {
my $plugin = $1;
$plugins{needed}->{$plugin} = 1 if (first { $_ eq $plugin } qw(HTML LxERP JavaScript MultiColumnIterator));

while ($line =~ m/(?: # Start von Variante 1: LxERP.t8('...'); ohne darumliegende [% ... %]-Tags
(LxERP\.t8)\( # LxERP.t8( ::Parameter $1::
([\'\"]) # Anfang des zu ?bersetzenden Strings ::Parameter $2::
(.*?) # Der zu ?bersetzende String ::Parameter $3::
(?<!\\)\2 # Ende des zu ?bersetzenden Strings
| # Start von Variante 2: [% '...' | $T8 %]
\[\% # Template-Start-Tag
[\-~#]? # Whitespace-Unterdr?ckung
\s* # Optional beliebig viele Whitespace
([\'\"]) # Anfang des zu ?bersetzenden Strings ::Parameter $4::
(.*?) # Der zu ?bersetzende String ::Parameter $5::
(?<!\\)\4 # Ende des zu ?bersetzenden Strings
\s*\|\s* # Pipe-Zeichen mit optionalen Whitespace davor und danach
(\$T8) # Filteraufruf ::Parameter $6::
.*? # Optionale Argumente f?r den Filter
\s* # Whitespaces
[\-~#]? # Whitespace-Unterdr?ckung
\%\] # Template-Ende-Tag
/ix) {
my $module = $1 || $6;
my $string = $3 || $5;
print "Found filter >>>$string<<<\n" if $debug;
substr $line, $LAST_MATCH_START[1], $LAST_MATCH_END[0] - $LAST_MATCH_START[0], '';

$string = unescape_template_string($string);
$cached{$file}{all}{$string} = 1;
$cached{$file}{html}{$string} = 1;
$cached{$file}{submit}{$string} = 1 if $PREMATCH =~ /$submitsearch/;
$plugins{needed}->{T8} = 1 if $module eq '$T8';
$plugins{needed}->{LxERP} = 1 if $module eq 'LxERP.t8';

while ($line =~ m/\[\% # Template-Start-Tag
[\-~#]? # Whitespace-Unterdr?ckung
\s* # Optional beliebig viele Whitespace
(?: # Die erkannten Template-Direktiven
\s+ # Mindestens ein Whitespace
[\'\"]? # Anfang des Dateinamens
([^\s]+) # Beliebig viele Nicht-Whitespaces -- Dateiname
\.html # Endung ".html", ansonsten kann es der Name eines Blocks sein
/ix) {
my $new_file_name = "$basedir/templates/webpages/$1.html";
$cached{$file}{scanh}{$new_file_name} = 1;
substr $line, $LAST_MATCH_START[1], $LAST_MATCH_END[0] - $LAST_MATCH_START[0], '';


foreach my $plugin (keys %{ $plugins{needed} }) {
next if ($plugins{loaded}->{$plugin});
print "E: " . strip_base($file) . " requires the Template plugin '$plugin', but is not loaded with '[\% USE $plugin \%]'.\n";

# copy back into global arrays
map { $alllocales{$_} = 1 } keys %{$cached{$file}{all}};
map { $locale{$_} = 1 } keys %{$cached{$file}{html}};
map { $submit{$_} = 1 } keys %{$cached{$file}{submit}};

map { scanhtmlfile($_) } keys %{$cached{$file}{scanh}};

@referenced_html_files{keys %{$cached{$file}{scanh}}} = (1) x scalar keys %{$cached{$file}{scanh}};

sub search_unused_htmlfiles {
my @unscanned_dirs = ('../../templates/webpages');

while (scalar @unscanned_dirs) {
my $dir = shift @unscanned_dirs;

foreach my $entry (<$dir/*>) {
if (-d $entry) {
push @unscanned_dirs, $entry;

} elsif (($entry =~ /_master.html$/) && -f $entry && !$referenced_html_files{$entry}) {
print "W: unused HTML template: " . strip_base($entry) . "\n";


sub strip_base {
my $s = "$_[0]"; # Create a copy of the string.

$s =~ s|^../../||;
$s =~ s|templates/webpages/||;

return $s;

sub _single_quote {
my $val = shift;
$val =~ s/('|\\$)/\\$1/g;
return "'" . $val . "'";

sub _print_line {
my $key = _single_quote(shift);
my $text = _single_quote(shift);
my %params = @_;
my $template = $params{template} || qq| %-29s => %s,\n|;
my $fh = $params{fh} || croak 'need filehandle in _print_line';

print $fh sprintf $template, $key, $text;

sub generate_file {
my %params = @_;

my $file = $params{file} || croak 'need filename in generate_file';
my $header = $params{header};
my $lines = $params{data_sub};
my $data_name = $params{data_name};
my @delim = split //, ($params{delim} || '{}');

open my $fh, '>', $file or die "$! : $file";

print $fh "#!/usr/bin/perl\n# -*- coding: $charset; -*-\n# vim: fenc=$charset\n\n";
print $fh $header, "\n" if $header;
print $fh "$data_name = $delim[0]\n" if $data_name;

$lines->(fh => $fh);

print $fh qq|$delim[1];\n\n1;\n|;
close $fh;

sub slurp {
my $file = shift;
do { local ( @ARGV, $/ ) = $file; <> }


=head1 NAME - Collect strings for translation in Lx-Office

=head1 SYNOPSIS [options] lang_code

-n, --no-custom-files Do not process files whose name contains "_"
-c, --check-files Run extended checks on HTML files
-v, --verbose Be more verbose
-h, --help Show this help

=head1 OPTIONS

=over 8

=item B<-n>, B<--no-custom-files>

Do not process files whose name contains "_", e.g. "".

=item B<-c>, B<--check-files>

Run extended checks on the usage of templates. This can be used to
discover HTML templates that are never used as well as the usage of
non-existing HTML templates.

=item B<-v>, B<--verbose>

Be more verbose.



This script collects strings from Perl files, the menu.ini file and
HTML templates and puts them into the file "all" for translation.
