


| Zweig: | Markierung: | Revision:
Name Größe
_report_bottom.html 54 Bytes
_report_top.html 38 Bytes
form.html 2,53 KB

Aktuellste Revisionen

# Datum Autor Kommentar
166b320b 09.03.2023 13:03 Tamino Steinert

Reclamation: multi edit for: delete, reason, res_desc_ext, res_desc_int

7c02652f 18.01.2023 12:34 Cem Aydin

Reklamations templates Link zum Kunden bearbeiten hinzugefügt (einheitlich zu Auftrag etc.)

796d0b76 03.01.2023 16:07 Bernd Bleßmann

Gültigkeitstoken Reklamationscontroller

a2028e5c 14.12.2022 09:24 Tamino Steinert

Reclamation: show record_number in title

4fd51bb7 14.12.2022 09:24 Werner Hahn

Übersetzungen auch en

dc28e1c2 14.12.2022 09:24 Tamino Steinert

Reclamation: add billing_address_id to reclamation

9dd99621 14.12.2022 09:24 Tamino Steinert

Reclamation: Presenter ReclamationFilter added

Generate the filter html in a Presenter instead in _filter.html
1eb3fcc9 14.12.2022 09:24 Tamino Steinert

Reclamation: don't need shipped_qty

dd9a78c5 14.12.2022 09:24 Tamino Steinert

Reclamation: Controller and Templates created

also for ReclamationReason
Changes in SL/DB/, SL/DB/Helper/,
SL/Controller/ and SL/ for Reclamation
Links in menus added for:
- Reclamation/add...

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