


Herunterladen (7,76 KB) Statistiken
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a967d2a4 Sven Schöling
package SL::Helper::Number;

use strict;
use Exporter qw(import);
use List::Util qw(max min);
f5d11325 Sven Schöling
use List::UtilsBy qw(rev_nsort_by);
a967d2a4 Sven Schöling
use Config;

our @EXPORT_OK = qw(
5c0b8569 Sven Schöling
_format_number _round_number
_format_total _round_total
a967d2a4 Sven Schöling
5c0b8569 Sven Schöling

sub _format_number {
my ($amount, $places, %params) = @_;
$amount ||= 0;
my $dash = $params{dash} // '';
my $numberformat = $params{numberformat} // $::myconfig{numberformat};
my $neg = $amount < 0;
a967d2a4 Sven Schöling
my $force_places = defined $places && $places >= 0;

$amount = _round_number($amount, abs $places) if $force_places;
$neg = 0 if $amount == 0; # don't show negative zero
$amount = sprintf "%.*f", ($force_places ? $places : 10), abs $amount; # 6 is default for %fa

# before the sprintf amount was a number, afterwards it's a string. because of the dynamic nature of perl
# this is easy to confuse, so keep in mind: before this comment no s///, m//, concat or other strong ops on
# $amount. after this comment no +,-,*,/,abs. it will only introduce subtle bugs.

$amount =~ s/0*$// unless defined $places && $places == 0; # cull trailing 0s

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my @d = reverse $numberformat =~ /(\D)/g; # get delim chars
a967d2a4 Sven Schöling
my @p = split(/\./, $amount); # split amount at decimal point

$p[0] =~ s/\B(?=(...)*$)/$d[1]/g if $d[1]; # add 1,000 delimiters
$amount = $p[0];
if ($places || $p[1]) {
$amount .= $d[0]
. ( $p[1] || '' )
. (0 x max(abs($places || 0) - length ($p[1]||''), 0)); # pad the fraction

$amount = do {
($dash =~ /-/) ? ($neg ? "($amount)" : "$amount" ) :
($dash =~ /DRCR/) ? ($neg ? "$amount " . $main::locale->text('DR') : "$amount " . $main::locale->text('CR') ) :
($neg ? "-$amount" : "$amount" ) ;


sub _round_number {
my ($amount, $places, $adjust) = @_;

return 0 if !defined $amount;

$places //= 0;

if ($adjust) {
5c0b8569 Sven Schöling
no warnings 'once';
a967d2a4 Sven Schöling
my $precision = $::instance_conf->get_precision || 0.01;
return _round_number( _round_number($amount / $precision, 0) * $precision, $places);

# We use Perl's knowledge of string representation for
# rounding. First, convert the floating point number to a string
# with a high number of places. Then split the string on the decimal
# sign and use integer calculation for rounding the decimal places
# part. If an overflow occurs then apply that overflow to the part
# before the decimal sign as well using integer arithmetic again.

my $int_amount = int(abs $amount);
my $str_places = max(min(10, 16 - length("$int_amount") - $places), $places);
my $amount_str = sprintf '%.*f', $places + $str_places, abs($amount);

return $amount unless $amount_str =~ m{^(\d+)\.(\d+)$};

my ($pre, $post) = ($1, $2);
my $decimals = '1' . substr($post, 0, $places);

my $propagation_limit = $Config{i32size} == 4 ? 7 : 18;
my $add_for_rounding = substr($post, $places, 1) >= 5 ? 1 : 0;

if ($places > $propagation_limit) {
$decimals = Math::BigInt->new($decimals)->badd($add_for_rounding);
$pre = Math::BigInt->new($decimals)->badd(1) if substr($decimals, 0, 1) eq '2';

} else {
$decimals += $add_for_rounding;
$pre += 1 if substr($decimals, 0, 1) eq '2';

$amount = ("${pre}." . substr($decimals, 1)) * ($amount <=> 0);

return $amount;

sub _parse_number {
5c0b8569 Sven Schöling
my ($amount, %params) = @_;
a967d2a4 Sven Schöling
return 0 if !defined $amount || $amount eq '';

5c0b8569 Sven Schöling
my $numberformat = $params{numberformat} // $::myconfig{numberformat};

if ( ($numberformat eq '1.000,00')
|| ($numberformat eq '1000,00')) {
a967d2a4 Sven Schöling
$amount =~ s/\.//g;
$amount =~ s/,/\./g;

5c0b8569 Sven Schöling
if ($numberformat eq "1'000.00") {
a967d2a4 Sven Schöling
$amount =~ s/\'//g;

$amount =~ s/,//g;

# Make sure no code wich is not a math expression ends up in eval().
return 0 unless $amount =~ /^ [\s \d \( \) \- \+ \* \/ \. ]* $/x;

# Prevent numbers from being parsed as octals;
$amount =~ s{ (?<! [\d.] ) 0+ (?= [1-9] ) }{}gx;

return scalar(eval($amount)) * 1 ;

5c0b8569 Sven Schöling
sub _format_total { _format_number($_[0], 2, @_[1..$#_]) }
sub _round_total { _round_number($_[0], 2, @_[1..$#_]) }
a967d2a4 Sven Schöling


=encoding utf-8

=head1 NAME

SL::Helper::Number - number formating functions formerly sitting in SL::Form


use SL::Helper::Number qw(all);

5c0b8569 Sven Schöling
my $str = _format_number($val, 2); # round to 2
my $str = _format_number($val, 2, %::myconfig); # also works, is implied
my $str = _format_number($val, 2, numberformat => '1.000,00'); # with custom numberformat
my $total = _format_total($val); # round to 2
my $total = _format_total($val, numberformat => '1.000,00');
a967d2a4 Sven Schöling
5c0b8569 Sven Schöling
my $val = _parse_number($str); # parse with the current numberformat
my $val = _parse_number($str, numberformat => '1.000,00'); # parse with the current numberformat
a967d2a4 Sven Schöling
5c0b8569 Sven Schöling
my $str = _round_number($val, 2);
a967d2a4 Sven Schöling
my $total = _round_total($val); # rounded to 2


5c0b8569 Sven Schöling
This package contains all the number parsing/formating functions that were
previously in SL::Form.
a967d2a4 Sven Schöling
Instead of invoking them as methods on C<$::form> these are pure functions.


=over 4

5c0b8569 Sven Schöling
=item * C<_format_number VALUE PLACES PARAMS>
a967d2a4 Sven Schöling
5c0b8569 Sven Schöling
The old C<SL::Form::format_amount> with a different signature.
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The value is expected to be a numeric value, but undef and empty string will be
vivified to 0 for convinience. Bigints are supported.

For the semantics of places, see L</PLACES>.

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If C<params> contains a dash parameter, it will change the formatting of
positive/negative numbers. If C<-> is given for dash, negative numbers will
a967d2a4 Sven Schöling
instead be formatted with prentheses. If C<DRCR> is given, the numbers will be
formatted absolute, but suffixed with the localized versions of C<DR> and

5c0b8569 Sven Schöling
=item * _format_total
a967d2a4 Sven Schöling
A curried version used for formatting ledger entries. C<myconfig> is set from the
current user, C<places> is set to 2. C<dash> is left empty.

5c0b8569 Sven Schöling
=item * _parse_number VALUE PARAMS
a967d2a4 Sven Schöling
5c0b8569 Sven Schöling
Parses expressions into numbers. C<PARAMS> may contain C<numberformat> just
like with C<L/_format_amount>.
a967d2a4 Sven Schöling
5c0b8569 Sven Schöling
Also implements basic arithmetic interpretation, so that C<2 * 1400> is
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interpreted as 2800.

=item * _round_number VALUE PLACES

Rounds a number. Due to the way Perl handles floating point we take a lot of
precautions that rounding ends up being close to where we want. Usually the
internal floats have more than enough precision to not have any floating point
issues, but the cumulative error can interfere with proper formatting later.

For places, see L</PLACES>

=item * _round_total

A curried version used for rounding ledger entries. C<places> is set to 2.


=head1 PLACES

Places can be:

=over 4

=item * not present

In that case a representation is chosen that looks sufficiently human. For
example C<1/10> equals C<.1000000000000000555> but will be displayed as the
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localized version of 0.1.
a967d2a4 Sven Schöling
=item * 0

The number will be rounded to the nearest integer (towards 0).

=item * a positive integer

The number will be rounded to this many places. Formatting functions will then
make sure to pad the output to this many places.

=item * a negative inteher

The number will not be rounded, but padded to at least this many places.



All of these do not thow exceptions and will simply return undef should
something unforeseen happen.


Beware that the old C<amount> is now called plain C<number>. C<amount> is
deliberately unused in the new version for that reason.

=head1 AUTHOR

Sven Schöling E<lt>s.schoeling@linet-services.deE<gt>
