kivitendo/SL/Controller/ @ 148785d9
72f19f83 | Moritz Bunkus | package SL::Controller::EmailJournal;
use strict;
use parent qw(SL::Controller::Base);
use SL::Controller::Helper::GetModels;
use SL::DB::Employee;
use SL::DB::EmailJournal;
use SL::DB::EmailJournalAttachment;
e2836235 | Tamino Steinert | use SL::Presenter::EmailJournal;
1c62fca1 | Tamino Steinert | use SL::Presenter::Tag qw(html_tag div_tag button_tag);
72f19f83 | Moritz Bunkus | use SL::Helper::Flash;
a7a69ac3 | Tamino Steinert | use SL::Locale::String qw(t8);
72f19f83 | Moritz Bunkus | |||
a7a69ac3 | Tamino Steinert | use SL::DB::Order;
use SL::DB::Order::TypeData;
use SL::DB::DeliveryOrder;
use SL::DB::DeliveryOrder::TypeData;
use SL::DB::Reclamation;
use SL::DB::Reclamation::TypeData;
use SL::DB::Invoice;
use SL::DB::PurchaseInvoice;
use SL::DB::Manager::Customer;
use SL::DB::Manager::Vendor;
e2836235 | Tamino Steinert | use List::MoreUtils qw(any);
72f19f83 | Moritz Bunkus | use Rose::Object::MakeMethods::Generic
scalar => [ qw(entry) ],
'scalar --get_set_init' => [ qw(models can_view_all filter_summary) ],
06118149 | Tamino Steinert | __PACKAGE__->run_before('add_js');
72f19f83 | Moritz Bunkus | |||
0245e662 | Tamino Steinert | my %RECORD_TYPES_INFO = (
Order => {
controller => 'Order',
e2836235 | Tamino Steinert | class => 'Order',
a7a69ac3 | Tamino Steinert | types => SL::DB::Order::TypeData->valid_types(),
DeliveryOrder => {
controller => 'DeliveryOrder',
e2836235 | Tamino Steinert | class => 'DeliveryOrder',
a7a69ac3 | Tamino Steinert | types => SL::DB::DeliveryOrder::TypeData->valid_types(),
Reclamation => {
controller => 'Reclamation',
e2836235 | Tamino Steinert | class => 'Reclamation',
a7a69ac3 | Tamino Steinert | types => SL::DB::Reclamation::TypeData->valid_types(),
0cf1c8d8 | Tamino Steinert | ArTransaction => {
a7a69ac3 | Tamino Steinert | controller => '',
e2836235 | Tamino Steinert | class => 'Invoice',
a7a69ac3 | Tamino Steinert | types => [
0cf1c8d8 | Tamino Steinert | ],
Invoice => {
controller => '',
e2836235 | Tamino Steinert | class => 'Invoice',
0cf1c8d8 | Tamino Steinert | types => [
a7a69ac3 | Tamino Steinert | 'invoice',
0cf1c8d8 | Tamino Steinert | ApTransaction => {
a7a69ac3 | Tamino Steinert | controller => '',
e2836235 | Tamino Steinert | class => 'PurchaseInvoice',
0245e662 | Tamino Steinert | types => [
a7a69ac3 | Tamino Steinert | 'ap_transaction',
0cf1c8d8 | Tamino Steinert | ],
PurchaseInvoice => {
controller => '',
e2836235 | Tamino Steinert | class => 'PurchaseInvoice',
0cf1c8d8 | Tamino Steinert | types => [
a7a69ac3 | Tamino Steinert | 'purchase_invoice',
0245e662 | Tamino Steinert | ],
map {
my $controller = $RECORD_TYPES_INFO{$_}->{controller};
map { $_ => $controller } @{ $RECORD_TYPES_INFO{$_}->{types} }
map {
e2836235 | Tamino Steinert | my $class = $RECORD_TYPES_INFO{$_}->{class};
map { $_ => "SL::DB::$class" } @{ $RECORD_TYPES_INFO{$_}->{types} }
map {
my $class = $RECORD_TYPES_INFO{$_}->{class};
map { $_ => "SL::DB::Manager::$class" } @{ $RECORD_TYPES_INFO{$_}->{types} }
0245e662 | Tamino Steinert | } keys %RECORD_TYPES_INFO;
1c62fca1 | Tamino Steinert | my @ALL_RECORD_TYPES =
map { @{ $RECORD_TYPES_INFO{$_}->{types} } } keys %RECORD_TYPES_INFO;
7cf2da30 | Tamino Steinert | my %RECORD_TYPE_TO_NR_KEY =
map {
my $model = $RECORD_TYPE_TO_MODEL{$_};
if (any {$model eq $_} qw(SL::DB::Invoice SL::DB::PurchaseInvoice)) {
$_ => 'invnumber';
} else {
my $type_data = SL::DB::Helper::TypeDataProxy->new($model, $_);
$_ => $type_data->properties('nr_key');
e2836235 | Tamino Steinert | |||
# has do be done at runtime for translation to work
sub get_record_types_with_info {
# TODO: what record types can be created, which are only available in workflows?
my @record_types_with_info = ();
for my $record_class ('SL::DB::Order', 'SL::DB::DeliveryOrder', 'SL::DB::Reclamation') {
my $valid_types = "${record_class}::TypeData"->valid_types();
for my $type (@$valid_types) {
my $type_data = SL::DB::Helper::TypeDataProxy->new($record_class, $type);
push @record_types_with_info, {
record_type => $type,
customervendor => $type_data->properties('customervendor'),
text => $type_data->text('type'),
push @record_types_with_info, (
# invoice
{ record_type => 'invoice', customervendor => 'customer', text => t8('Invoice') },
{ record_type => 'invoice_for_advance_payment', customervendor => 'customer', text => t8('Invoice for Advance Payment')},
{ record_type => 'invoice_for_advance_payment_storno', customervendor => 'customer', text => t8('Storno Invoice for Advance Payment')},
{ record_type => 'final_invoice', customervendor => 'customer', text => t8('Final Invoice')},
{ record_type => 'invoice_storno', customervendor => 'customer', text => t8('Storno Invoice')},
{ record_type => 'credit_note', customervendor => 'customer', text => t8('Credit Note')},
{ record_type => 'credit_note_storno', customervendor => 'customer', text => t8('Storno Credit Note')},
{ record_type => 'ar_transaction', customervendor => 'customer', text => t8('AR Transaction')},
# purchase invoice
{ record_type => 'purchase_invoice', customervendor => 'vendor', text => t8('Purchase Invoice')},
{ record_type => 'purchase_credit_note', customervendor => 'vendor', text => t8('Purchase Credit Note')},
{ record_type => 'ap_transaction', customervendor => 'vendor', text => t8('AP Transaction')},
return @record_types_with_info;
sub record_types_for_customer_vendor_type {
my ($self, $customer_vendor_type) = @_;
return [ map { $_->{record_type} } grep { $_->{customervendor} eq $customer_vendor_type } $self->get_record_types_with_info ];
0245e662 | Tamino Steinert | |||
72f19f83 | Moritz Bunkus | #
# actions
sub action_list {
my ($self) = @_;
58c266ea | Martin Helmling | $::auth->assert('email_journal');
687f2d96 | Martin Helmling | if ( $::instance_conf->get_email_journal == 0 ) {
47e66090 | Moritz Bunkus | flash('info', $::locale->text('Storing the emails in the journal is currently disabled in the client configuration.'));
687f2d96 | Martin Helmling | }
ae15b9a0 | Moritz Bunkus | $self->setup_list_action_bar;
72f19f83 | Moritz Bunkus | $self->render('email_journal/list',
title => $::locale->text('Email journal'),
ENTRIES => $self->models->get,
MODELS => $self->models);
sub action_show {
my ($self) = @_;
58c266ea | Martin Helmling | $::auth->assert('email_journal');
72f19f83 | Moritz Bunkus | my $back_to = $::form->{back_to} || $self->url_for(action => 'list');
$self->entry(SL::DB::EmailJournal->new(id => $::form->{id})->load);
8a43a317 | Moritz Bunkus | if (!$self->can_view_all && ($self->entry->sender_id != SL::DB::Manager::Employee->current->id)) {
72f19f83 | Moritz Bunkus | $::form->error(t8('You do not have permission to access this entry.'));
e2836235 | Tamino Steinert | my @record_types_with_info = $self->get_record_types_with_info();
a7a69ac3 | Tamino Steinert | |||
my $customer_vendor = $self->find_customer_vendor_from_email($self->entry);
e2836235 | Tamino Steinert | my $cv_type = $customer_vendor && $customer_vendor->is_vendor ? 'vendor' : 'customer';
my $record_types = $self->record_types_for_customer_vendor_type($cv_type);
my @records = $self->get_records_for_types(
customer_vendor_type => $cv_type,
customer_vendor_id => $customer_vendor && $customer_vendor->id,
7cf2da30 | Tamino Steinert | record_number => '',
with_closed => 0,
e2836235 | Tamino Steinert | );
a7a69ac3 | Tamino Steinert | |||
ae15b9a0 | Moritz Bunkus | $self->setup_show_action_bar;
a7a69ac3 | Tamino Steinert | $self->render(
title => $::locale->text('View email'),
CUSTOMER_VENDOR => , $customer_vendor,
CV_TYPE_FOUND => $customer_vendor && $customer_vendor->is_vendor ? 'vendor' : 'customer',
RECORD_TYPES_WITH_INFO => \@record_types_with_info,
e2836235 | Tamino Steinert | RECORDS => \@records,
a7a69ac3 | Tamino Steinert | back_to => $back_to
72f19f83 | Moritz Bunkus | }
e2836235 | Tamino Steinert | sub get_records_for_types {
my ($self, $record_types, %params) = @_;
$record_types = [ $record_types ] unless ref $record_types eq 'ARRAY';
7cf2da30 | Tamino Steinert | my $cv_type = $params{customer_vendor_type};
my $cv_id = $params{customer_vendor_id};
my $record_number = $params{record_number};
my $with_closed = $params{with_closed};
e2836235 | Tamino Steinert | |||
my @records = ();
foreach my $record_type (@$record_types) {
my $manager = $RECORD_TYPE_TO_MANAGER{$record_type};
my $model = $RECORD_TYPE_TO_MODEL{$record_type};
my %additional_where = ();
if ($cv_type && $cv_id) {
$additional_where{"${cv_type}_id"} = $cv_id;
7cf2da30 | Tamino Steinert | if ($record_number) {
my $nr_key = $RECORD_TYPE_TO_NR_KEY{$record_type};
$additional_where{$nr_key} = { ilike => "%$record_number%" };
e2836235 | Tamino Steinert | unless ($with_closed) {
if (any {$_ eq 'closed' } $model->meta->columns) {
$additional_where{closed} = 0;
} elsif (any {$_ eq 'paid' } $model->meta->columns) {
$additional_where{amount} = { gt => \'paid' };
my $records_of_type = $manager->get_all(
where => [
push @records, @$records_of_type;
return @records;
77e25a29 | Tamino Steinert | sub action_attachment_preview {
my ($self) = @_;
eval {
my $attachment_id = $::form->{attachment_id};
die "no 'attachment_id' was given" unless $attachment_id;
my $attachment;
$attachment = SL::DB::EmailJournalAttachment->new(
id => $attachment_id,
if (!$self->can_view_all
&& $attachment->email_journal->sender_id
&& ($attachment->email_journal->sender_id != SL::DB::Manager::Employee->current->id)) {
$::form->error(t8('You do not have permission to access this entry.'));
my $output = SL::Presenter::EmailJournal::attachment_preview(
style => "height: 1800px"
$self->render( \$output, { layout => 0, process => 0,});
} or do {
$self->render('generic/error', { layout => 0 }, label_error => $@);
b40c5ce0 | Tamino Steinert | sub action_show_attachment {
my ($self) = @_;
my $attachment_id = $::form->{attachment_id};
my $attachment = SL::DB::EmailJournalAttachment->new(id => $attachment_id)->load;
77e25a29 | Tamino Steinert | if (!$self->can_view_all && ($attachment->email_journal->sender_id != SL::DB::Manager::Employee->current->id)) {
$::form->error(t8('You do not have permission to access this entry.'));
b40c5ce0 | Tamino Steinert | return $self->send_file(
name => $attachment->name,
type => $attachment->mime_type,
content_disposition => 'inline',
72f19f83 | Moritz Bunkus | sub action_download_attachment {
my ($self) = @_;
58c266ea | Martin Helmling | $::auth->assert('email_journal');
72f19f83 | Moritz Bunkus | my $attachment = SL::DB::EmailJournalAttachment->new(id => $::form->{id})->load;
8a43a317 | Moritz Bunkus | if (!$self->can_view_all && ($attachment->email_journal->sender_id != SL::DB::Manager::Employee->current->id)) {
72f19f83 | Moritz Bunkus | $::form->error(t8('You do not have permission to access this entry.'));
a40f0c2f | Martin Helmling | my $ref = \$attachment->content;
if ( $attachment->file_id > 0 ) {
my $file = SL::File->get(id => $attachment->file_id );
568004ba | Martin Helmling | $ref = $file->get_content if $file;
a40f0c2f | Martin Helmling | }
$self->send_file($ref, name => $attachment->name, type => $attachment->mime_type);
72f19f83 | Moritz Bunkus | }
0245e662 | Tamino Steinert | sub action_apply_record_action {
my ($self) = @_;
a7a69ac3 | Tamino Steinert | my $email_journal_id = $::form->{email_journal_id};
my $attachment_id = $::form->{attachment_id};
my $customer_vendor = $::form->{customer_vendor_selection};
my $customer_vendor_id = $::form->{"${customer_vendor}_id"};
my $action = $::form->{action_selection};
1c62fca1 | Tamino Steinert | my $record_id = $::form->{"record_id"};
my $record_type = $::form->{"record_type"};
$record_type ||= $::form->{"${customer_vendor}_record_type_selection"};
e2836235 | Tamino Steinert | |||
1c62fca1 | Tamino Steinert | die t8("No record is selected.") unless $record_id || $action eq 'create_new';
die t8("No record type is selected.") unless $record_type;
e2836235 | Tamino Steinert | die "no 'email_journal_id' was given" unless $email_journal_id;
die "no 'customer_vendor_selection' was given" unless $customer_vendor;
die "no 'action_selection' was given" unless $action;
a7a69ac3 | Tamino Steinert | if ($action eq 'linking') {
return $self->link_and_add_attachment_to_record({
1c62fca1 | Tamino Steinert | email_journal_id => $email_journal_id,
attachment_id => $attachment_id,
record_type => $record_type,
record_id => $record_id,
a7a69ac3 | Tamino Steinert | });
0245e662 | Tamino Steinert | }
my %additional_params = ();
a7a69ac3 | Tamino Steinert | if ($action eq 'create_new') {
$additional_params{action} = 'add_from_email_journal';
$additional_params{"${customer_vendor}_id"} = $customer_vendor_id;
} else {
0cf1c8d8 | Tamino Steinert | $additional_params{action} = 'edit_with_email_journal_workflow';
a7a69ac3 | Tamino Steinert | $additional_params{id} = $record_id;
0245e662 | Tamino Steinert | }
a7a69ac3 | Tamino Steinert | controller => $RECORD_TYPE_TO_CONTROLLER{$record_type},
type => $record_type,
0cf1c8d8 | Tamino Steinert | email_journal_id => $email_journal_id,
cdf32772 | Tamino Steinert | email_attachment_id => $attachment_id,
0245e662 | Tamino Steinert | %additional_params,
06118149 | Tamino Steinert | sub action_update_attachment_preview {
my ($self) = @_;
my $attachment_id = $::form->{attachment_id};
my $attachment;
$attachment = SL::DB::EmailJournalAttachment->new(
id => $attachment_id,
)->load if $attachment_id;
b40c5ce0 | Tamino Steinert | style => "height:1800px"
06118149 | Tamino Steinert | )
e2836235 | Tamino Steinert | sub action_update_record_list {
my ($self) = @_;
my $customer_vendor_type = $::form->{customer_vendor_selection};
7cf2da30 | Tamino Steinert | my $customer_vendor_id = $::form->{"${customer_vendor_type}_id"};
my $record_type = $::form->{"${customer_vendor_type}_record_type_selection"};
my $record_number = $::form->{record_number};
my $with_closed = $::form->{with_closed};
e2836235 | Tamino Steinert | |||
$record_type ||= $self->record_types_for_customer_vendor_type($customer_vendor_type);
my @records = $self->get_records_for_types(
customer_vendor_type => $customer_vendor_type,
customer_vendor_id => $customer_vendor_id,
7cf2da30 | Tamino Steinert | record_number => $record_number,
e2836235 | Tamino Steinert | with_closed => $with_closed,
1c62fca1 | Tamino Steinert | my $new_list;
if (@records) {
$new_list = join('', map {
"kivi.EmailJournal.apply_action_with_attachment('${\$_->id}', '${\$_->record_type}');",
class => "record_button",
} @records);
} else {
$new_list = html_tag('h3', t8('No records found.'));
e2836235 | Tamino Steinert | }
my $new_div = div_tag(
1c62fca1 | Tamino Steinert | $new_list,
e2836235 | Tamino Steinert | id => 'record_list',
1c62fca1 | Tamino Steinert | |||
$self->js->replaceWith('#record_list', $new_div);
$self->js->hide('#record_toggle_closed') if scalar @records < 20;
$self->js->show('#record_toggle_open') if scalar @records < 20;
e2836235 | Tamino Steinert | }
72f19f83 | Moritz Bunkus | #
# filters
sub add_stylesheet {
# helpers
a7a69ac3 | Tamino Steinert | sub link_and_add_attachment_to_record {
my ($self, $params) = @_;
1c62fca1 | Tamino Steinert | my $email_journal_id = $params->{email_journal_id};
my $attachment_id = $params->{attachment_id};
my $record_type = $params->{record_type};
my $record_id = $params->{record_id};
a7a69ac3 | Tamino Steinert | |||
my $record_type_model = $RECORD_TYPE_TO_MODEL{$record_type};
my $record = $record_type_model->new(id => $record_id)->load;
my $email_journal = SL::DB::EmailJournal->new(id => $email_journal_id)->load;
if ($attachment_id) {
my $attachment = SL::DB::EmailJournalAttachment->new(id => $attachment_id)->load;
1c62fca1 | Tamino Steinert | $self->js->flash('info',
28ea4e71 | Tamino Steinert | $::locale->text('Linked email and attachment to ') . $record->displayable_name
1c62fca1 | Tamino Steinert | )->render();
a7a69ac3 | Tamino Steinert | }
sub find_customer_vendor_from_email {
my ($self, $email_journal, $cv_type) = @_;
0245e662 | Tamino Steinert | my $email_address = $email_journal->from;
a7a69ac3 | Tamino Steinert | $email_address =~ s/.*<(.*)>/$1/; # address can look like "name surname <email_address>"
0245e662 | Tamino Steinert | |||
a7a69ac3 | Tamino Steinert | # Separate query otherwise cv without contacts and shipto is not found
my $customer_vendor;
foreach my $manager (qw(SL::DB::Manager::Customer SL::DB::Manager::Vendor)) {
$customer_vendor ||= $manager->get_first(
0245e662 | Tamino Steinert | where => [
or => [
email => $email_address,
cc => $email_address,
bcc => $email_address,
a7a69ac3 | Tamino Steinert | $customer_vendor ||= $manager->get_first(
0245e662 | Tamino Steinert | where => [
or => [
'contacts.cp_email' => $email_address,
'contacts.cp_privatemail' => $email_address,
a7a69ac3 | Tamino Steinert | ],
with_objects => [ 'contacts'],
$customer_vendor ||= $manager->get_first(
where => [
or => [
0245e662 | Tamino Steinert | 'shipto.shiptoemail' => $email_address,
a7a69ac3 | Tamino Steinert | with_objects => [ 'shipto' ],
0245e662 | Tamino Steinert | );
a7a69ac3 | Tamino Steinert | return $customer_vendor;
0245e662 | Tamino Steinert | }
06118149 | Tamino Steinert | sub add_js {
$::request->{layout}->use_javascript("${_}.js") for qw(
58c266ea | Martin Helmling | sub init_can_view_all { $::auth->assert('email_employee_readall', 1) }
72f19f83 | Moritz Bunkus | |||
sub init_models {
my ($self) = @_;
my @where;
push @where, (sender_id => SL::DB::Manager::Employee->current->id) if !$self->can_view_all;
controller => $self,
query => \@where,
with_objects => [ 'sender' ],
sorted => {
sender => t8('Sender'),
from => t8('From'),
recipients => t8('Recipients'),
subject => t8('Subject'),
sent_on => t8('Sent on'),
status => t8('Status'),
extended_status => t8('Extended status'),
8d425838 | Tamino Steinert | linked => t8('Linked'),
72f19f83 | Moritz Bunkus | },
sub init_filter_summary {
my ($self) = @_;
my $filter = $::form->{filter} || {};
my @filters = (
[ "from:substr::ilike", $::locale->text('From') ],
[ "recipients:substr::ilike", $::locale->text('Recipients') ],
[ "sent_on:date::ge", $::locale->text('Sent on') . " " . $::locale->text('From Date') ],
[ "sent_on:date::le", $::locale->text('Sent on') . " " . $::locale->text('To Date') ],
my @filter_strings = grep { $_ }
map { $filter->{ $_->[0] } ? $_->[1] . ' ' . $filter->{ $_->[0] } : undef }
my %status = (
8d425838 | Tamino Steinert | send_failed => $::locale->text('send failed'),
sent => $::locale->text('sent'),
imported => $::locale->text('imported'),
record_imported => $::locale->text('record imported'),
72f19f83 | Moritz Bunkus | );
push @filter_strings, $status{ $filter->{'status:eq_ignore_empty'} } if $filter->{'status:eq_ignore_empty'};
return join ', ', @filter_strings;
ae15b9a0 | Moritz Bunkus | sub setup_list_action_bar {
my ($self) = @_;
for my $bar ($::request->layout->get('actionbar')) {
action => [
submit => [ '#filter_form', { action => 'EmailJournal/list' } ],
accesskey => 'enter',
sub setup_show_action_bar {
my ($self) = @_;
for my $bar ($::request->layout->get('actionbar')) {
action => [
call => [ 'kivi.history_back' ],
72f19f83 | Moritz Bunkus | 1;