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# LX-Office ERP
# Copyright (C) 2004
# Based on SQL-Ledger Version 2.1.9
# Web
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.

package Mailer;

use Email::Address;
use Email::MIME::Creator;
use File::Slurp;

use SL::Common;
use SL::MIME;
use SL::Template;

use strict;

my $num_sent = 0;

sub new {
my ($type, %params) = @_;
my $self = { %params };

bless $self, $type;

sub _create_driver {
my ($self) = @_;

my %params = (
mailer => $self,
form => $::form,
myconfig => \%::myconfig,

my $module = ($::lx_office_conf{mail_delivery}->{method} || 'smtp') ne 'smtp' ? 'SL::Mailer::Sendmail' : 'SL::Mailer::SMTP';
eval "require $module" or return undef;

return $module->new(%params);

sub _cleanup_addresses {
my ($self) = @_;

foreach my $item (qw(to cc bcc)) {
next unless $self->{$item};

$self->{$item} =~ s/\&lt;/</g;
$self->{$item} =~ s/\$<\$/</g;
$self->{$item} =~ s/\&gt;/>/g;
$self->{$item} =~ s/\$>\$/>/g;

sub _create_message_id {
my ($self) = @_;

$num_sent += 1;
my $domain = $self->{from};
$domain =~ s/.*\@//;
$domain =~ s/>.*//;

return "kivitendo-$self->{version}-" . time() . "-${$}-${num_sent}\@$domain";

sub _create_address_headers {
my ($self) = @_;

# $self->{addresses} collects the recipients for use in e.g. the
# SMTP 'RCPT TO:' envelope command. $self->{headers} collects the
# headers that make up the actual email. 'BCC' should not be
# included there for certain transportation methods (SMTP).

$self->{addresses} = {};

foreach my $item (qw(from to cc bcc)) {
$self->{addresses}->{$item} = [];
next if !$self->{$item};

my @header_addresses;

foreach my $addr_obj (Email::Address->parse($self->{$item})) {
push @{ $self->{addresses}->{$item} }, $addr_obj->address;
next if $self->{driver}->keep_from_header($item);

my $phrase = $addr_obj->phrase();
if ($phrase) {
$phrase =~ s/^\"//;
$phrase =~ s/\"$//;

push @header_addresses, $addr_obj->format;

push @{ $self->{headers} }, ( ucfirst($item) => join(', ', @header_addresses) ) if @header_addresses;

sub _create_attachment_part {
my ($self, $attachment) = @_;

my $source_file_name;

my %attributes = (
disposition => 'attachment',
encoding => 'base64',

if (ref($attachment) eq "HASH") {
$attributes{filename} = $attachment->{name};
$source_file_name = $attachment->{filename};

} else {
# strip path
$attributes{filename} = $attachment;
$attributes{filename} =~ s:.*\Q$self->{fileid}\E:: if $self->{fileid};
$attributes{filename} =~ s:.*/::g;
$source_file_name = $attachment;

my $attachment_content = eval { read_file($source_file_name) };
return undef if !defined $attachment_content;

my $application = ($attachment =~ /(^\w+$)|\.(html|text|txt|sql)$/) ? 'text' : 'application';
$attributes{content_type} = SL::MIME->mime_type_from_ext($attributes{filename});
$attributes{content_type} ||= "${application}/$self->{format}" if $self->{format};
$attributes{content_type} ||= 'application/octet-stream';
$attributes{charset} = $self->{charset} if lc $application eq 'text' && $self->{charset};

return Email::MIME->create(
attributes => \%attributes,
body => $attachment_content,

sub _create_message {
my ($self) = @_;

my @parts;

if ($self->{message}) {
push @parts, Email::MIME->create(
attributes => {
content_type => $self->{contenttype},
charset => $self->{charset},
encoding => 'quoted-printable',
body_str => $self->{message},

push @{ $self->{headers} }, (
'Content-Type' => qq|$self->{contenttype}; charset="$self->{charset}"|,

push @parts, grep { $_ } map { $self->_create_attachment_part($_) } @{ $self->{attachments} || [] };

return Email::MIME->create(
header_str => $self->{headers},
parts => \@parts,

sub send {
my ($self) = @_;

# Create driver for delivery method (sendmail/SMTP)
$self->{driver} = eval { $self->_create_driver };
if (!$self->{driver}) {
return "send email : $@";

# Set defaults & headers
$self->{charset} ||= Common::DEFAULT_CHARSET;
$self->{contenttype} ||= "text/plain";
$self->{headers} = [
Subject => $self->{subject},
'Message-ID' => '<' . $self->_create_message_id . '>',
'X-Mailer' => "kivitendo $self->{version}",

# Clean up To/Cc/Bcc address fields

my $email = $self->_create_message;

# $::lxdebug->message(0, "message: " . $email->as_string);
# return "boom";

$self->{driver}->start_mail(from => $self->{from}, to => [ map { @{ $self->{addresses}->{$_} } } qw(to cc bcc) ]);

return '';
