Revision 12237492
Von Sven Schöling vor mehr als 14 Jahren hinzugefügt
config/console.conf.default | ||
# autologin to use if none is given
login = demo
# autorun lines will be executed after autologin.
# be warned that loading huge libraries will noticably lengthen startup time.
#autorun = use SL::Module
# = use SL::Other::Module
# location of history file for permanent history
history_file = users/console_history
modules/override/Devel/REPL/Plugin/ | ||
package Devel::REPL::Plugin::AutoloadModules;
use Moose::Role;
use namespace::clean -except => [ 'meta' ];
use Data::Dumper;
has 'autoloaded' => ( is => 'rw', isa => 'HashRef', default => sub { {} } );
my $re = qr/Runtime error: Can.t locate object method "\w+" via package "\w+" \(perhaps you forgot to load "(\w+)"\?\)/;
around 'execute' => sub {
my $orig = shift;
my $self = shift;
my @re = $self->$orig(@_); # original call
return @re unless defined $re[0] && $re[0] =~ /$re/; # if there is no "perhaps you forgot" error, just return
my $module = $1; # save the missing package name
return @re if $self->autoloaded->{$module}; # if we tried to load it before, give up and return the error
$self->autoloaded->{$module} = 1; # make sure we don't try this again
$self->eval("use SL::$module"); # try to load the missing module
@re = $self->$orig(@_); # try again
return @re;
modules/override/Devel/REPL/Plugin/ | ||
package Devel::REPL::Plugin::PermanentHistory;
use Moose::Role;
use namespace::clean -except => [ 'meta' ];
use File::Slurp;
use Data::Dumper;
has 'history_file' => ( is => 'rw' );
sub load_history {
my $self = shift;
my $file = shift;
$self->history_file( $file );
return unless $self->history_file && -f $self->history_file;
my @history =
map { chomp; $_ }
# print Dumper(\@history);
$self->history( \@history );
$self->term->addhistory($_) for @history;
before 'DESTROY' => sub {
my $self = shift;
return unless $self->history_file;
write_file $self->history_file,
map { $_, $/ }
grep $_,
grep { !/^quit\b/ }
@{ $self->history };
modules/override/Term/ReadLine/Perl/ | ||
package Term::ReadLine::Perl::Bind;
### From
### Posted by repellant (
### Set readline bindkeys for common terminals
use warnings;
use strict;
require Exporter;
*import = \&Exporter::import; # just inherit import() only
our $VERSION = 1.001;
our @EXPORT_OK = qw(rl_bind_action $action2key $key2codes);
use Term::ReadLine;
my $got_rl_perl;
$got_rl_perl = eval {
require Term::ReadLine::Perl;
require Term::ReadLine::readline;
# bindkey actions for terminals
our $action2key = {
Complete => "Tab",
PossibleCompletions => "C-d",
QuotedInsert => "C-v",
ToggleInsertMode => "Insert",
DeleteChar => "Del",
UpcaseWord => "PageUp",
DownCaseWord => "PageDown",
BeginningOfLine => "Home",
EndOfLine => "End",
ReverseSearchHistory => "C-Up",
ForwardSearchHistory => "C-Down",
ForwardWord => "C-Right",
BackwardWord => "C-Left",
HistorySearchBackward => "S-Up",
HistorySearchForward => "S-Down",
KillWord => "S-Right",
BackwardKillWord => "S-Left",
Yank => "A-Down", # paste
KillLine => "A-Right",
BackwardKillLine => "A-Left",
our $key2codes = {
"Tab" => [ "TAB", ],
"C-d" => [ "C-d", ],
"C-v" => [ "C-v", ],
"Insert" => [ qq("\e[2~"), qq("\e[2z"), qq("\e[L"), ],
"Del" => [ qq("\e[3~"), ],
"PageUp" => [ qq("\e[5~"), qq("\e[5z"), qq("\e[I"), ],
"PageDown" => [ qq("\e[6~"), qq("\e[6z"), qq("\e[G"), ],
"Home" => [ qq("\e[7~"), qq("\e[1~"), qq("\e[H"), ],
"End" => [ qq("\e[8~"), qq("\e[4~"), qq("\e[F"), ],
"C-Up" => [ qq("\eOa"), qq("\eOA"), qq("\e[1;5A"), ],
"C-Down" => [ qq("\eOb"), qq("\eOB"), qq("\e[1;5B"), ],
"C-Right" => [ qq("\eOc"), qq("\eOC"), qq("\e[1;5C"), ],
"C-Left" => [ qq("\eOd"), qq("\eOD"), qq("\e[1;5D"), ],
"S-Up" => [ qq("\e[a"), qq("\e[1;2A"), ],
"S-Down" => [ qq("\e[b"), qq("\e[1;2B"), ],
"S-Right" => [ qq("\e[c"), qq("\e[1;2C"), ],
"S-Left" => [ qq("\e[d"), qq("\e[1;2D"), ],
"A-Down" => [ qq("\e\e[B"), qq("\e[1;3B"), ],
"A-Right" => [ qq("\e\e[C"), qq("\e[1;3C"), ],
"A-Left" => [ qq("\e\e[D"), qq("\e[1;3D"), ],
# warn if any keycode is clobbered
our $debug = 0;
# check ref type
sub _is_array { ref($_[0]) && eval { @{ $_[0] } or 1 } }
sub _is_hash { ref($_[0]) && eval { %{ $_[0] } or 1 } }
# set bindkey actions for each terminal
my %code2action;
sub rl_bind_action {
if ($got_rl_perl)
my $a2k = shift();
return () unless _is_hash($a2k);
while (my ($action, $bindkey) = each %{ $a2k })
# use default keycodes if none provided
my @keycodes = @_ ? @_ : $key2codes;
for my $k2c (@keycodes)
next unless _is_hash($k2c);
my $codes = $k2c->{$bindkey};
next unless defined($codes);
$codes = [ $codes ] unless _is_array($codes);
for my $code (@{ $codes })
if ($debug && $code2action{$code})
my $hexcode = $code;
$hexcode =~ s/^"(.*)"$/$1/;
$hexcode = join(" ", map { uc } unpack("(H2)*", $hexcode));
warn <<"EOT";
rl_bind_action(): re-binding keycode [ $hexcode ] from '$code2action{$code}' to '$action'
readline::rl_bind($code, $action);
$code2action{$code} = $action;
warn <<"EOT";
rl_bind_action(): Term::ReadLine::Perl is not available. No bindkeys were set.
return $got_rl_perl;
# default bind
# bind Delete key for 'xterm'
if ($got_rl_perl && defined($ENV{TERM}) && $ENV{TERM} =~ /xterm/)
rl_bind_action($action2key, +{ "Del" => qq("\x7F") });
users/.gitignore | ||
Auch abrufbar als: Unified diff
Fehlende Dateien für die Konsole.