Revision 0e7a8b0c
Von Jan Büren vor etwa 2 Jahren hinzugefügt
SL/Controller/ | ||
@{ CVar->get_configs() };
$::form->{"cvar_" . $_->{name} . "_valid"} = 1 for @default_valid_configs;
} else {
$::form->{lastcost_modified} = $self->check_lastcost_modified;
# $self->part has been loaded, parsed and validated without errors and is ready to be saved
... | ... | |
sub check_lastcost_modified {
my ($self) = @_;
return abs($self->part->lastcost - $self->part->last_price_update->lastcost) < 0.009 ? undef : 1;
sub parse_form {
my ($self, %params) = @_;
SL/DB/ | ||
sub _before_save_set_partnumber {
my ($self) = @_;
... | ... | |
sum map { $_->linetotal_weight} @{$self->items};
sub _set_lastcost_assemblies_and_assortiments {
my ($self) = @_;
return 1 unless $self->lastcost; # not saved yet
return 1 unless $::form->{lastcost_modified};
# 1. check all
my $assortments = SL::DB::Manager::AssortmentItem->get_all(where => [parts_id => $self->id ]);
my $assemblies = SL::DB::Manager::Assembly->get_all( where => [parts_id => $self->id ]);
foreach my $assembly (@{ $assemblies }) {
next unless ref $assembly eq 'SL::DB::Assembly';
my $a = SL::DB::Part->load_cached($assembly->id);
$a->update_attributes(lastcost => $a->items_lastcost_sum);
foreach my $assortment (@{ $assortments }) {
next unless ref $assortment eq 'SL::DB::AssortmentItem';
my $a = SL::DB::Part->load_cached($assortment->assortment_id);
$a->update_attributes(lastcost => $a->items_lastcost_sum);
return 1;
SL/ | ||
# update parts table by setting lastcost to current price, don't allow negative values by using abs
# maybe allow only 2 decimal places -> rounding error with fx can be too huge for datev checks
# @values = ($form->round_amount(abs($fxsellprice * $form->{exchangerate} / $basefactor), 2), conv_i($form->{"id_$i"}));
$query = qq|UPDATE parts SET lastcost = ? WHERE id = ?|;
@values = (abs($fxsellprice * $form->{exchangerate} / $basefactor), conv_i($form->{"id_$i"}));
do_query($form, $dbh, $query, @values);
#$query = qq|UPDATE parts SET lastcost = ? WHERE id = ?|;
#@values = (abs($fxsellprice * $form->{exchangerate} / $basefactor), conv_i($form->{"id_$i"}));
#do_query($form, $dbh, $query, @values);
# after_save hook changes lastcost for all assemblies and assortments recursively
$::form->{lastcost_modified} = 1;
my $a = SL::DB::Part->load_cached(conv_i($form->{"id_$i"}));
$a->update_attributes(lastcost => abs($fxsellprice * $form->{exchangerate} / $basefactor));
# check if we sold the item already and
# make an entry for the expense and inventory
Auch abrufbar als: Unified diff
Einkaufspreis von Erzeugnissen/Sortimententen aktualisieren (rekursiv)
Falls sich ein einzelner Bestandteil verändert. Läuft über alle
weiter verbauten Teile durch Aufruf von Parts::after_save.
Benötigt einen boolean Parameter in $::form->{lastcost_modified}, damit
nicht bei jedem Speichern des Artikels ohne Veränderung des EK-Preises
die Rekursion losgetreten wird. Beachtet auch die Veränderungsroutine
innerhalb des EK-Rechnungscodes.