


Herunterladen (22,3 KB) Statistiken
| Zweig: | Markierung: | Revision:
6a12a968 Niclas Zimmermann
package SL::Controller::Reconciliation;

use strict;

use parent qw(SL::Controller::Base);

use SL::Locale::String;
use SL::JSON;
use SL::Controller::Helper::ParseFilter;
use SL::Helper::Flash;

use SL::DB::BankTransaction;
15f58ff3 Geoffrey Richardson
use SL::DB::Manager::BankAccount;
6a12a968 Niclas Zimmermann
use SL::DB::AccTransaction;
use SL::DB::ReconciliationLink;
15f58ff3 Geoffrey Richardson
use List::Util qw(sum);
6a12a968 Niclas Zimmermann
use Rose::Object::MakeMethods::Generic (
'scalar --get_set_init' => [ qw(cleared BANK_ACCOUNTS) ],


# actions

sub action_search {
my ($self) = @_;

15f58ff3 Geoffrey Richardson
6a12a968 Niclas Zimmermann

sub action_reconciliation {
my ($self) = @_;

5eaed589 Martin Helmling

6a12a968 Niclas Zimmermann


5eaed589 Martin Helmling
ui_tab => scalar(@{$self->{PROPOSALS}}) > 0?1:0,
15f58ff3 Geoffrey Richardson
title => t8('Reconciliation'));
6a12a968 Niclas Zimmermann

sub action_load_overview {
my ($self) = @_;




my $output = $self->render('reconciliation/tabs/overview', { output => 0 });
my %result = ( html => $output );

$self->render(\to_json(\%result), { type => 'json', process => 0 });

sub action_filter_overview {
my ($self) = @_;


my $output = $self->render('reconciliation/_linked_transactions', { output => 0 });
15f58ff3 Geoffrey Richardson
my %result = ( html => $output,
absolut_bt_balance => $::form->format_amount(\%::myconfig, $self->{absolut_bt_balance}, 2),
6a12a968 Niclas Zimmermann
absolut_bb_balance => $::form->format_amount(\%::myconfig, -1 * $self->{absolut_bb_balance}, 2),
15f58ff3 Geoffrey Richardson
bt_balance => $::form->format_amount(\%::myconfig, $self->{bt_balance}, 2),
bb_balance => $::form->format_amount(\%::myconfig, -1 * $self->{bb_balance}, 2)
6a12a968 Niclas Zimmermann

$self->render(\to_json(\%result), { type => 'json', process => 0 });

sub action_update_reconciliation_table {
my ($self) = @_;

my @errors = $self->_get_elements_and_validate();

my $output = $self->render('reconciliation/assigning_table', { output => 0 },
bt_sum => $::form->format_amount(\%::myconfig, $self->{bt_sum}, 2),
bb_sum => $::form->format_amount(\%::myconfig, -1 * $self->{bb_sum}, 2),
show_button => !@errors

my %result = ( html => $output );

$self->render(\to_json(\%result), { type => 'json', process => 0 });

15f58ff3 Geoffrey Richardson
sub action_reconcile {
6a12a968 Niclas Zimmermann
my ($self) = @_;

#Check elements
my @errors = $self->_get_elements_and_validate;

if (@errors) {
15f58ff3 Geoffrey Richardson
unshift(@errors, (t8('Could not reconcile chosen elements!')));
6a12a968 Niclas Zimmermann
flash('error', @errors);

15f58ff3 Geoffrey Richardson
6a12a968 Niclas Zimmermann

sub action_delete_reconciliation {
my ($self) = @_;

my $rec_links = SL::DB::Manager::ReconciliationLink->get_all(where => [ rec_group => $::form->{rec_group} ]);

foreach my $rec_link (@{ $rec_links }) {
my $bank_transaction = SL::DB::Manager::BankTransaction->find_by( id => $rec_link->bank_transaction_id );
my $acc_transaction = SL::DB::Manager::AccTransaction ->find_by( acc_trans_id => $rec_link->acc_trans_id );





my $output = $self->render('reconciliation/_linked_transactions', { output => 0 });
15f58ff3 Geoffrey Richardson
my %result = ( html => $output,
absolut_bt_balance => $::form->format_amount(\%::myconfig, $self ->{absolut_bt_balance}, 2),
absolut_bb_balance => $::form->format_amount(\%::myconfig, -1 * $self ->{absolut_bb_balance}, 2),
bt_balance => $::form->format_amount(\%::myconfig, $self ->{bt_balance}, 2),
bb_balance => $::form->format_amount(\%::myconfig, -1 * $self ->{bb_balance}, 2)
6a12a968 Niclas Zimmermann

$self->render(\to_json(\%result), { type => 'json', process => 0 });

sub action_load_proposals {
my ($self) = @_;


my $output = $self->render('reconciliation/tabs/automatic', { output => 0 });
my %result = ( html => $output );

$self->render(\to_json(\%result), { type => 'json', process => 0 });

sub action_filter_proposals {
my ($self) = @_;


my $output = $self->render('reconciliation/proposals', { output => 0 });
15f58ff3 Geoffrey Richardson
my %result = ( html => $output,
absolut_bt_balance => $::form->format_amount(\%::myconfig, $self ->{absolut_bt_balance}, 2),
absolut_bb_balance => $::form->format_amount(\%::myconfig, -1 * $self ->{absolut_bb_balance}, 2),
bt_balance => $::form->format_amount(\%::myconfig, $self ->{bt_balance}, 2),
bb_balance => $::form->format_amount(\%::myconfig, -1 * $self ->{bb_balance}, 2)
6a12a968 Niclas Zimmermann

$self->render(\to_json(\%result), { type => 'json', process => 0 });

15f58ff3 Geoffrey Richardson
sub action_reconcile_proposals {
6a12a968 Niclas Zimmermann
my ($self) = @_;

my $counter = 0;

foreach my $bt_id ( @{ $::form->{bt_ids} }) {
my $rec_group = SL::DB::Manager::ReconciliationLink->get_new_rec_group();
my $bank_transaction = SL::DB::Manager::BankTransaction->find_by(id => $bt_id);
if ( $bank_transaction->isa('SL::DB::BankTransaction') ) {
foreach my $acc_trans_id (@{ $::form->{proposal_list}->{$bt_id}->{BB} }) {
rec_group => $rec_group,
bank_transaction_id => $bt_id,
acc_trans_id => $acc_trans_id
my $acc_trans = SL::DB::Manager::AccTransaction->find_by(acc_trans_id => $acc_trans_id);

flash('ok', t8('#1 proposal(s) saved.', $counter));


# filters

sub check_auth {

sub _bank_account {
my ($self) = @_;
$self->{bank_account} = SL::DB::Manager::BankAccount->find_by(id => $::form->{filter}->{"local_bank_account_id:number"});

# helpers

sub _get_proposals {
my ($self) = @_;

15f58ff3 Geoffrey Richardson
# reconciliation suggestion is based on:
# * record_link exists (was paid by bank transaction)
# or acc_trans entry exists where
# * amount is exactly the same
# * date is the same
# * IBAN or account number have to match exactly (cv details, no spaces)
# * not a gl storno
# * there is exactly one match for all conditions

6a12a968 Niclas Zimmermann

my $bank_transactions = SL::DB::Manager::BankTransaction->get_all(where => [ @{ $self->{bt_where} }, cleared => '0' ]);

my $check_sum;

my @proposals;

foreach my $bt (@{ $bank_transactions }) {
$check_sum = $bt->amount;
my $proposal;
$proposal->{BT} = $bt;
$proposal->{BB} = [];

15f58ff3 Geoffrey Richardson
# first of all check if any of the bank_transactions are already linked (i.e. were paid via bank transactions)
6a12a968 Niclas Zimmermann
my $linked_records = SL::DB::Manager::RecordLink->get_all(where => [ from_table => 'bank_transactions', from_id => $bt->id ]);
foreach my $linked_record (@{ $linked_records }) {
my $invoice;
if ($linked_record->to_table eq 'ar') {
$invoice = SL::DB::Manager::Invoice->find_by(id => $linked_record->to_id);
#find payments
my $payments = SL::DB::Manager::AccTransaction->get_all(where => [ trans_id => $invoice->id, chart_link => { like => '%AR_paid%' }, transdate => $bt->transdate ]);
foreach my $payment (@{ $payments }) {
$check_sum += $payment->amount;
push @{ $proposal->{BB} }, $payment;
if ($linked_record->to_table eq 'ap') {
$invoice = SL::DB::Manager::PurchaseInvoice->find_by(id => $linked_record->to_id);
#find payments
my $payments = SL::DB::Manager::AccTransaction->get_all(where => [ trans_id => $invoice->id, chart_link => { like => '%AP_paid%' }, transdate => $bt->transdate ]);
foreach my $payment (@{ $payments }) {
$check_sum += $payment->amount;
push @{ $proposal->{BB} }, $payment;

#add proposal if something in acc_trans was found
#otherwise try to find another entry in acc_trans and add it
15f58ff3 Geoffrey Richardson
# for linked_records we allow a slight difference / imprecision, for acc_trans search we don't
if (scalar @{ $proposal->{BB} } and abs($check_sum) <= 0.01 ) {
6a12a968 Niclas Zimmermann
push @proposals, $proposal;
} elsif (!scalar @{ $proposal->{BB} }) {
15f58ff3 Geoffrey Richardson
# use account_number and iban for matching remote account number
# don't suggest gl stornos (ar and ap stornos shouldn't have any payments)

my @account_number_match = (
( 'ar.customer.iban' => $bt->remote_account_number ),
( 'ar.customer.account_number' => $bt->remote_account_number ),
( 'ap.vendor.iban' => $bt->remote_account_number ),
( 'ap.vendor.account_number' => $bt->remote_account_number ),
( 'gl.storno' => '0' ),

6a12a968 Niclas Zimmermann
my $acc_transactions = SL::DB::Manager::AccTransaction->get_all(where => [ @{ $self->{bb_where} },
amount => -1 * $bt->amount,
cleared => '0',
15f58ff3 Geoffrey Richardson
'transdate' => $bt->transdate,
or => [ @account_number_match ]
6a12a968 Niclas Zimmermann
with_objects => [ 'ar', 'ap', 'ar.customer', 'ap.vendor', 'gl' ]);
if (scalar @{ $acc_transactions } == 1) {
push @{ $proposal->{BB} }, @{ $acc_transactions }[0];
push @proposals, $proposal;

$self->{PROPOSALS} = \@proposals;

sub _get_elements_and_validate {
my ($self) = @_;

my @errors;

if ( not defined $::form->{bt_ids} ) {
push @errors, t8('No bank account chosen!');

if ( not defined $::form->{bb_ids} ) {
push @errors, t8('No transaction on chart bank chosen!');

if (!@errors) {
if (scalar @{ $::form->{bt_ids} } > 1 and scalar @{ $::form->{bb_ids} } > 1) {
push @errors, t8('No 1:n or n:1 relation');

my @elements;
my ($bt_sum, $bb_sum) = (0,0);

foreach my $bt_id (@{ $::form->{bt_ids} }) {
my $bt = SL::DB::Manager::BankTransaction->find_by(id => $bt_id);
$bt->{type} = 'BT';
$bt_sum += $bt->amount;
push @elements, $bt;

foreach my $bb_id (@{ $::form->{bb_ids} }) {
my $bb = SL::DB::Manager::AccTransaction->find_by(acc_trans_id => $bb_id);
$bb->{type} = 'BB';
$bb->{id} = $bb->acc_trans_id;
$bb_sum += $bb->amount;
push @elements, $bb;

89402a3a Geoffrey Richardson
if ($::form->round_amount($bt_sum + $bb_sum, 2) != 0) {
6a12a968 Niclas Zimmermann
push @errors, t8('Out of balance!');

$self->{ELEMENTS} = \@elements;
$self->{bt_sum} = $bt_sum;
$self->{bb_sum} = $bb_sum;

return @errors;

15f58ff3 Geoffrey Richardson
sub _reconcile {
6a12a968 Niclas Zimmermann
my ($self) = @_;

15f58ff3 Geoffrey Richardson
# 1. step: set AccTrans and BankTransactions to 'cleared'
6a12a968 Niclas Zimmermann
foreach my $element (@{ $self->{ELEMENTS} }) {
$element->invoice_amount($element->amount) if $element->isa('SL::DB::BankTransaction');

15f58ff3 Geoffrey Richardson
# 2. step: insert entry in reconciliation_links
6a12a968 Niclas Zimmermann
my $rec_group = SL::DB::Manager::ReconciliationLink->get_new_rec_group();
#There is either a 1:n relation or a n:1 relation
if (scalar @{ $::form->{bt_ids} } == 1) {
my $bt_id = @{ $::form->{bt_ids} }[0];
foreach my $bb_id (@{ $::form->{bb_ids} }) {
my $rec_link = SL::DB::ReconciliationLink->new(bank_transaction_id => $bt_id,
acc_trans_id => $bb_id,
rec_group => $rec_group);
} else {
my $bb_id = @{ $::form->{bb_ids} }[0];
foreach my $bt_id (@{ $::form->{bt_ids} }) {
my $rec_link = SL::DB::ReconciliationLink->new(bank_transaction_id => $bt_id,
acc_trans_id => $bb_id,
rec_group => $rec_group);

sub _filter_to_where {
my ($self) = @_;

my %parse_filter = parse_filter($::form->{filter});
my %filter = @{ $parse_filter{query} };

my (@rl_where, @bt_where, @bb_where);
15f58ff3 Geoffrey Richardson
@rl_where = ('bank_transaction.local_bank_account_id' => $filter{local_bank_account_id});
6a12a968 Niclas Zimmermann
@bt_where = (local_bank_account_id => $filter{local_bank_account_id});
@bb_where = (chart_id => $self->{bank_account}->chart_id);

if ($filter{fromdate} and $filter{todate}) {

15f58ff3 Geoffrey Richardson
push @rl_where, (or => [ and => [ 'acc_trans.transdate' => $filter{fromdate},
'acc_trans.transdate' => $filter{todate} ],
6a12a968 Niclas Zimmermann
and => [ 'bank_transaction.transdate' => $filter{fromdate},
15f58ff3 Geoffrey Richardson
'bank_transaction.transdate' => $filter{todate} ] ] );
6a12a968 Niclas Zimmermann
15f58ff3 Geoffrey Richardson
push @bt_where, (transdate => $filter{todate} );
push @bt_where, (transdate => $filter{fromdate} );
push @bb_where, (transdate => $filter{todate} );
push @bb_where, (transdate => $filter{fromdate} );

if ( $self->{bank_account}->reconciliation_starting_date ) {
f42f3f8a Geoffrey Richardson
push @bt_where, (transdate => { ge => $self->{bank_account}->reconciliation_starting_date });
push @bb_where, (transdate => { ge => $self->{bank_account}->reconciliation_starting_date });
6a12a968 Niclas Zimmermann

15f58ff3 Geoffrey Richardson
# don't try to reconcile opening and closing balance transactions
push @bb_where, ('acc_trans.ob_transaction' => 0);
push @bb_where, ('acc_trans.cb_transaction' => 0);

6a12a968 Niclas Zimmermann
if ($filter{fromdate} and not $filter{todate}) {
15f58ff3 Geoffrey Richardson
push @rl_where, (or => [ 'acc_trans.transdate' => $filter{fromdate},
6a12a968 Niclas Zimmermann
'bank_transaction.transdate' => $filter{fromdate} ] );
push @bt_where, (transdate => $filter{fromdate} );
push @bb_where, (transdate => $filter{fromdate} );

if ($filter{todate} and not $filter{fromdate}) {
15f58ff3 Geoffrey Richardson
push @rl_where, ( or => [ 'acc_trans.transdate' => $filter{todate} ,
6a12a968 Niclas Zimmermann
'bank_transaction.transdate' => $filter{todate} ] );
push @bt_where, (transdate => $filter{todate} );
push @bb_where, (transdate => $filter{todate} );

if ($filter{cleared}) {
$filter{cleared} = $filter{cleared} eq 'FALSE' ? '0' : '1';
15f58ff3 Geoffrey Richardson
push @rl_where, ('acc_trans.cleared' => $filter{cleared} );
6a12a968 Niclas Zimmermann
push @bt_where, (cleared => $filter{cleared} );
push @bb_where, (cleared => $filter{cleared} );

$self->{rl_where} = \@rl_where;
$self->{bt_where} = \@bt_where;
$self->{bb_where} = \@bb_where;

sub _get_linked_transactions {
my ($self) = @_;


my (@where, @bt_where, @bb_where);
15f58ff3 Geoffrey Richardson
# don't try to reconcile opening and closing balances
# instead use an offset in configuration

6a12a968 Niclas Zimmermann
@where = (@{ $self->{rl_where} });
@bt_where = (@{ $self->{bt_where} }, cleared => '0');
@bb_where = (@{ $self->{bb_where} }, cleared => '0');

my @rows;

my $reconciliation_groups = SL::DB::Manager::ReconciliationLink->get_all(distinct => 1,
select => ['rec_group'],
where => \@where,
15f58ff3 Geoffrey Richardson
with_objects => ['bank_transaction', 'acc_trans']);
6a12a968 Niclas Zimmermann
15f58ff3 Geoffrey Richardson
my $fromdate = $::locale->parse_date_to_object($::form->{filter}->{fromdate_date__ge});
my $todate = $::locale->parse_date_to_object($::form->{filter}->{todate_date__le});
6a12a968 Niclas Zimmermann
foreach my $rec_group (@{ $reconciliation_groups }) {
15f58ff3 Geoffrey Richardson
my $linked_transactions = SL::DB::Manager::ReconciliationLink->get_all(where => [rec_group => $rec_group->rec_group], with_objects => ['bank_transaction', 'acc_trans']);
6a12a968 Niclas Zimmermann
my $line;
my $first_transaction = shift @{ $linked_transactions };
my $first_bt = $first_transaction->bank_transaction;
15f58ff3 Geoffrey Richardson
my $first_bb = $first_transaction->acc_trans;
6a12a968 Niclas Zimmermann
if (defined $fromdate) {
$first_bt->{class} = 'out_of_balance' if ( $first_bt->transdate lt $fromdate );
$first_bb->{class} = 'out_of_balance' if ( $first_bb->transdate lt $fromdate );
if (defined $todate) {
$first_bt->{class} = 'out_of_balance' if ( $first_bt->transdate gt $todate );
$first_bb->{class} = 'out_of_balance' if ( $first_bb->transdate gt $todate );
$line->{BT} = [ $first_bt ];
$line->{BB} = [ $first_bb ];
$line->{rec_group} = $first_transaction->rec_group;
$line->{type} = 'Link';

#add the rest of transaction of this group
my ($previous_bt_id, $previous_acc_trans_id) = ($first_transaction->bank_transaction_id, $first_transaction->acc_trans_id);
foreach my $linked_transaction (@{ $linked_transactions }) {
my $bank_transaction = $linked_transaction->bank_transaction;
15f58ff3 Geoffrey Richardson
my $acc_transaction = $linked_transaction->acc_trans;
6a12a968 Niclas Zimmermann
if (defined $fromdate) {
$bank_transaction->{class} = 'out_of_balance' if ( $bank_transaction->transdate lt $fromdate );
$acc_transaction->{class} = 'out_of_balance' if ( $acc_transaction->transdate lt $fromdate );
if (defined $todate) {
$bank_transaction->{class} = 'out_of_balance' if ( $bank_transaction->transdate gt $todate );
$acc_transaction->{class} = 'out_of_balance' if ( $acc_transaction->transdate gt $todate );
if ($bank_transaction->id != $previous_bt_id) {
push @{ $line->{BT} }, $bank_transaction;
if ($acc_transaction->acc_trans_id != $previous_acc_trans_id) {
push @{ $line->{BB} }, $acc_transaction;
push @rows, $line;

15f58ff3 Geoffrey Richardson
# add non-cleared bank transactions
6a12a968 Niclas Zimmermann
my $bank_transactions = SL::DB::Manager::BankTransaction->get_all(where => \@bt_where);
foreach my $bt (@{ $bank_transactions }) {
my $line;
$line->{BT} = [ $bt ];
$line->{type} = 'BT';
$line->{id} = $bt->id;
push @rows, $line;

15f58ff3 Geoffrey Richardson
# add non-cleared bookings on bank
6a12a968 Niclas Zimmermann
my $bookings_on_bank = SL::DB::Manager::AccTransaction->get_all(where => \@bb_where);
foreach my $bb (@{ $bookings_on_bank }) {
15f58ff3 Geoffrey Richardson
if ($::form->{filter}->{show_stornos} or !$bb->record->storno) {
6a12a968 Niclas Zimmermann
my $line;
$line->{BB} = [ $bb ];
$line->{type} = 'BB';
$line->{id} = $bb->acc_trans_id;
push @rows, $line;

#sort lines
@rows = sort sort_by_transdate @rows;

$self->{LINKED_TRANSACTIONS} = \@rows;

sub sort_by_transdate {
if ($a->{BT} and $b->{BT}) {
return $a->{BT}[0]->amount <=> $b->{BT}[0]->amount if $a->{BT}[0]->transdate eq $b->{BT}[0]->transdate;
return $a->{BT}[0]->transdate cmp $b->{BT}[0]->transdate;
if ($a->{BT}) {
return $a->{BT}[0]->amount <=> (-1 * $b->{BB}[0]->amount) if $a->{BT}[0]->transdate eq $b->{BB}[0]->transdate;
return $a->{BT}[0]->transdate cmp $b->{BB}[0]->transdate;
if ($b->{BT}) {
return (-1 * $a->{BB}[0]->amount) <=> $b->{BT}[0]->amount if $a->{BB}[0]->transdate eq $b->{BT}[0]->transdate;
return $a->{BB}[0]->transdate cmp $b->{BT}[0]->transdate;
return (-1 * $a->{BB}[0]->amount) <=> (-1 * $b->{BB}[0]->amount) if $a->{BB}[0]->transdate eq $b->{BB}[0]->transdate;
return $a->{BB}[0]->transdate cmp $b->{BB}[0]->transdate;

sub _get_balances {
my ($self) = @_;


my (@bt_where, @bb_where);
@bt_where = @{ $self->{bt_where} };
@bb_where = @{ $self->{bb_where} };

my @all_bt_where = (local_bank_account_id => $self->{bank_account}->id);
my @all_bb_where = (chart_id => $self->{bank_account}->chart_id);

15f58ff3 Geoffrey Richardson
my ($bt_balance, $bb_balance) = (0,0);
my ($absolut_bt_balance, $absolut_bb_balance) = (0,0);

if ( $self->{bank_account}->reconciliation_starting_date ) {
$bt_balance = $self->{bank_account}->reconciliation_starting_balance;
$bb_balance = $self->{bank_account}->reconciliation_starting_balance * -1;
$absolut_bt_balance = $self->{bank_account}->reconciliation_starting_balance;
$absolut_bb_balance = $self->{bank_account}->reconciliation_starting_balance * -1;

push @all_bt_where, ( transdate => { gt => $self->{bank_account}->reconciliation_starting_date });
push @all_bb_where, ( transdate => { gt => $self->{bank_account}->reconciliation_starting_date });

my $bank_transactions = SL::DB::Manager::BankTransaction->get_all(where => \@bt_where );
my $payments = SL::DB::Manager::AccTransaction ->get_all(where => \@bb_where );

# for absolute balance get all bookings until todate
my $todate = $::locale->parse_date_to_object($::form->{filter}->{todate_date__le});
my $fromdate = $::locale->parse_date_to_object($::form->{filter}->{fromdate_date__le});

6a12a968 Niclas Zimmermann
if ($todate) {
push @all_bt_where, (transdate => { le => $todate });
push @all_bb_where, (transdate => { le => $todate });

my $all_bank_transactions = SL::DB::Manager::BankTransaction->get_all(where => \@all_bt_where);
15f58ff3 Geoffrey Richardson
my $all_payments = SL::DB::Manager::AccTransaction ->get_all(where => \@all_bb_where);
6a12a968 Niclas Zimmermann
15f58ff3 Geoffrey Richardson
$bt_balance += sum map { $_->amount } @{ $bank_transactions };
$bb_balance += sum map { $_->amount if ($::form->{filter}->{show_stornos} or !$_->record->storno) } @{ $payments };

$absolut_bt_balance += sum map { $_->amount } @{ $all_bank_transactions };
$absolut_bb_balance += sum map { $_->amount } @{ $all_payments };
6a12a968 Niclas Zimmermann

15f58ff3 Geoffrey Richardson
$self->{bt_balance} = $bt_balance || 0;
$self->{bb_balance} = $bb_balance || 0;
6a12a968 Niclas Zimmermann
$self->{absolut_bt_balance} = $absolut_bt_balance || 0;
$self->{absolut_bb_balance} = $absolut_bb_balance || 0;

$self->{difference} = $bt_balance + $bb_balance;

sub init_cleared {
[ { title => t8("all"), value => '' },
{ title => t8("cleared"), value => 'TRUE' },
{ title => t8("uncleared"), value => 'FALSE' }, ]

sub init_BANK_ACCOUNTS {
15f58ff3 Geoffrey Richardson
SL::DB::Manager::BankAccount->get_all_sorted( query => [ obsolete => 0 ] );
6a12a968 Niclas Zimmermann
