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package SL::DB::Note;

use strict;

use Carp;

use SL::DB::MetaSetup::Note;

follow_up => {
type => 'one to one',
class => 'SL::DB::FollowUp',
column_map => { id => 'note_id' },


# Creates get_all, get_all_count, get_all_iterator, delete_all and update_all.

sub trans_object {
my $self = shift;

croak "Method is not a setter" if @_;

return undef if !$self->trans_id || !$self->trans_module;

if ($self->trans_module eq 'fu') {
require SL::DB::FollowUp;
return SL::DB::Manager::FollowUp->find_by(id => $self->trans_id);

if ($self->trans_module eq 'ct') {
require SL::DB::Customer;
require SL::DB::Vendor;
return SL::DB::Manager::Customer->find_by(id => $self->trans_id)
|| SL::DB::Manager::Vendor ->find_by(id => $self->trans_id);

return undef;



=encoding utf8

=head1 NAME

SL::DB::Note - Notes


=over 4

=item C<trans_object>

A note object is always attached to another database entity. Which one
is determined by the columns C<trans_module> and C<trans_id>. This
function looks at both, retrieves the corresponding object from the
database and returns it.

Currently the following three types are supported:

=over 2

=item * C<SL::DB::FollowUp> for C<trans_module == 'fu'>

=item * C<SL::DB::Customer> or C<SL::DB::Vendor> for C<trans_module ==
'ct'> (which class is used depends on the value of C<trans_id>;
customers are looked up first)


The method returns C<undef> in three cases: if no C<trans_id> or no
C<trans_module> has been assigned yet; if C<trans_module> is unknown;
if the referenced object doesn't exist.

This method is a getter only, not a setter.


=head1 BUGS

Nothing here yet.

=head1 AUTHOR

Moritz Bunkus E<lt>m.bunkus@linet-services.deE<gt>
