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Revision 0cdb369e

Von Tamino Steinert vor 7 Monaten hinzugefügt

  • ID 0cdb369e6aa60b6e1a5a2597312b2ebd2da1544f
  • Vorgänger d24e5589
  • Nachfolger 7589c136

S:D:PeriodicInvoicesConfig: Positionskonfiguration beachten

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my $configs = SL::DB::Manager::PeriodicInvoicesConfig->get_all(query => [ active => 1 ]);
foreach my $config (@{ $configs }) {
my $new_end_date = $config->handle_automatic_extension;
_log_msg("Periodic invoice configuration ID " . $config->id . " extended through " . $new_end_date->strftime('%d.%m.%Y') . "\n") if $new_end_date;
my (@invoices_to_print, @invoices_to_email);
# This file has been auto-generated only because it didn't exist.
# Feel free to modify it at will; it will not be overwritten automatically.
package SL::DB::PeriodicInvoiceItemsConfig;
use strict;
use SL::DB::MetaSetup::PeriodicInvoiceItemsConfig;
use SL::DB::Manager::PeriodicInvoiceItemsConfig;
use SL::DB::PeriodicInvoicesConfig;
our %ITEM_PERIOD_LENGTHS = ( %SL::DB::PeriodicInvoicesConfig::PERIOD_LENGTHS, n => -1 );
sub get_item_period_length {
my ($self) = @_;
return $self->order_item->order->periodic_invoices_config->get_billing_period_length if $self->periodicity eq 'p';
return $ITEM_PERIOD_LENGTHS{ $self->periodicity };
default => DateTime->today_local,
return [] unless $self->active;
my @start_dates = $self->calculate_invoice_dates(%params);
return [] unless scalar @start_dates;
my $orig_order = $self->order;
my $next_period_start_date = $self->get_next_period_start_date;
my @orders;
foreach my $period_start_date (@start_dates) {
my $new_order = clone($orig_order);
my @items;
for my $item ($orig_order->items) {
if ($item->periodic_invoice_items_config) {
next if $item->periodic_invoice_items_config->periodicity eq 'n';
next if $item->periodic_invoice_items_config->periodicity eq 'o' && (
|| $period_start_date != $next_period_start_date
my $new_item = clone($item);
$new_item = $self->_adjust_sellprices_for_period(
order_item => $new_item,
period_start_date => $period_start_date,
my $new_item = $self->_create_item_for_period(
order_item => $item,
period_start_date => $period_start_date,
push @items, $new_item;
push @items, $new_item if $new_item;
if (scalar @items) { # don't return empty orders
return \@orders;
sub _create_item_for_period {
my $self = shift;
my %params = validate(@_, {
period_start_date => { callbacks => { is_date => \&_is_date, } },
order_item => { isa => 'SL::DB::OrderItem' },
my $item = $params{order_item};
my $period_start_date = $params{period_start_date};
my $new_item = clone($item);
my $item_config = $item->periodic_invoice_items_config;
if ($item_config) {
return if $item_config->periodicity eq 'n';
if ($item_config->periodicity eq 'o') {
return if $item->periodic_invoice_items_config->once_invoice_id;
my $next_period_start_date = $self->get_next_period_start_date(order_item => $item);
my $period = $self->get_billing_period_length || 1;
return if $period_start_date < $next_period_start_date
|| $period_start_date > add_months($next_period_start_date, $period);
return if $item_config->start_date && $item_config->start_date > $period_start_date;
if ($item_config->terminated || !$item_config->extend_automatically_by) {
return if $item_config->end_date && $item_config->end_date < $period_start_date;
my $i_period = $item_config->get_item_period_length;
my $b_period = $self->get_billing_period_length;
return $new_item unless $i_period && $b_period;
if ($i_period > $b_period) {
my $start_date = $item_config->start_date
|| $self->first_billing_date || $self->start_date;
my $months_from_start_date =
($period_start_date->year - $start_date->year) * 12
+ ($period_start_date->month - $start_date->month);
my $first_in_sub_period = $months_from_start_date % ($i_period / $b_period) == 0 ? 1 : 0;
return if !$first_in_sub_period;
} elsif ($i_period < $b_period) {
$new_item->qty($new_item->qty * $b_period / $i_period);
$new_item = $self->_adjust_sellprices_for_period(
order_item => $new_item,
period_start_date => $period_start_date,
return $new_item
sub _adjust_sellprices_for_period {
my $self = shift;
sub get_next_period_start_date {
my $self = shift;
my %params = validate(@_, {
order_item => { isa => 'SL::DB::OrderItem' },
my $item = $params{order_item};
my $last_created_on_date = $self->get_previous_billed_period_start_date;
return $self->first_billing_date || $self->start_date unless $last_created_on_date;
return (
$item->periodic_invoice_items_config ?
: undef
|| $self->first_billing_date || $self->start_date unless $last_created_on_date;
my $billing_len = $item->periodic_invoice_items_config ?
: $self->get_billing_period_length;
my @dates = $self->calculate_invoice_dates(
end_date => add_months($last_created_on_date, $self->get_billing_period_length)
end_date => add_months($last_created_on_date, $billing_len)
return scalar @dates ? $dates[0] : undef;
sub handle_automatic_extension {
my $self = shift;
_log_msg("HAE for " . $self->id . "\n");
# Don't extend configs that have been terminated. There's nothing to
# extend if there's no end date.
return if $self->terminated || !$self->end_date;
my $today = DateTime->now_local;
my $active = 0; # inactivate if end date is reached (for self and all positions)
my $today = DateTime->now_local;
my $end_date = $self->end_date;
if ($self->end_date && $self->end_date < $today) {
if (!$self->terminated && $self->extend_automatically_by) {
$active = 1;
_log_msg("today $today end_date $end_date\n");
# The end date has not been reached yet, therefore no extension is
# needed.
return if $today <= $end_date;
# The end date has been reached. If no automatic extension has been
# set then terminate the config and return.
if (!$self->extend_automatically_by) {
_log_msg("setting inactive\n");
my $end_date = $self->end_date;
$end_date = add_months($end_date, $self->extend_automatically_by) while $today > $end_date;
_log_msg("HAE for " . $self->id . " from " . $self->end_date . " to " . $end_date . " on " . $today . "\n");
$self->update_attributes(end_date => $end_date);
} else {
$active = 1;
# Add the automatic extension period to the new end date as long as
# the new end date is in the past. Then save it and get out.
$end_date = add_months($end_date, $self->extend_automatically_by) while $today > $end_date;
_log_msg("new end date $end_date\n");
# check for positions with separate config
for my $item ($self->order->items()) {
my $item_config = $item->periodic_invoice_items_config;
next unless $item_config;
if ($item_config->end_date && $item_config->end_date < $today) {
if (!$item_config->terminated && $item_config->extend_automatically_by) {
$active = 1;
my $end_date = $item_config->end_date;
$end_date = add_months($end_date, $item_config->extend_automatically_by) while $today > $end_date;
_log_msg("HAE for item " . $item->id . " from " . $item_config->end_date . " to " . $end_date . " on " . $today . "\n");
$item_config->update_attributes(end_date => $end_date);
} else {
$active = 1;
unless ($active) {
$self->update_attributes(active => 0)
return $end_date;
sub get_previous_billed_period_start_date {
SL::DB::PeriodicInvoicesConfig - DB model for the configuration for periodic invoices
$open_orders = $config->get_open_orders_for_period(
start_date => $config->start_date,
end_date => DateTime->today_local,
# Same as:
$open_orders = $config->get_open_orders_for_period();
# create invoices
SL::DB::Invoice->new_from($_)->post() for @{$open_orders}
# TODO: update configs with periodicity once
# sum netamount
my $netamount = 0;
$netamount += $_->netamount for @{$open_orders};
=over 4
=item C<get_open_orders_for_period %params>
Creates a list of copies of the order associated with this configuration for
each date a invoice would be created in the given period. Each copie has the
correct dates and items set to be converted to a invoice or used in a report.
The period can be specified using the parameters C<start_date> and C<end_date>.
=over 2
=item * C<start_date> specifies the start of the period. It can be a L<DateTime>
object or a string in the fromat C<YYYY-MM-DD>. It defaults to the C<start_date>
of the configuration.
=item * C<end_date> specifies the end of the period. It has the same type as
C<start_date>. It defaults to the current local time.
=item C<calculate_invoice_dates %params>
Calculates dates for which invoices will have to be created. Returns a
=item C<handle_automatic_extension>
Configurations which haven't been terminated and which have an end
date set may be eligible for automatic extension by a certain number
of months. This what the function implements.
If the configuration is not eligible or if the C<end_date> hasn't been
reached yet then nothing is done and C<undef> is returned. Otherwise
its behavior is determined by the C<extend_automatically_by> property.
If the property C<extend_automatically_by> is not 0 then the
C<end_date> will be extended by C<extend_automatically_by> months, and
the configuration will be saved. In this case the new end date will be
Otherwise (if C<extend_automatically_by> is 0) the property C<active>
will be set to 1, and the configuration will be saved. In this case
C<undef> will be returned.
Updates the C<end_date>s according to C<terminated> and
C<extend_automatically_by> of this configuration and the corresponding item
configuration if the C<end_date> is after the current date. If at the end all
configurations are after the corresponding C<end_date>, e.g. C<end_date> is
reached and C<terminated> is set to true or C<extend_automatically_by> is set to
0, this configuration is set to inactive.
=item C<is_last_billing_date_in_order_value_cycle %params>
terminated => 1,
are_invoices 'p=m ovp=p not extend',[ '01.01.2014', 333.33 ];
is '2014-01-31T00:00:00', SL::DB::Manager::PeriodicInvoicesConfig->get_all(query => [ active => 1 ])->[0]->end_date, 'check automatically extended end date';
is '2014-01-31T00:00:00', SL::DB::Manager::PeriodicInvoicesConfig->get_all(query => [ active => 0 ])->[0]->end_date, 'check automatically extended end date';
# order_value_periodicity=y
create_invoices(periodic_invoices_config => { periodicity => 'm', order_value_periodicity => 'y', start_date => DateTime->from_kivitendo('01.01.2013') });

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