


Herunterladen (48,3 KB) Statistiken
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d319704a Moritz Bunkus
# LX-Office ERP
# Copyright (C) 2004
# Based on SQL-Ledger Version 2.1.9
# Web
# SQL-Ledger Accounting
# Copyright (c) 1998-2002
# Author: Dieter Simader
# Email:
# Web:
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
f7b15d43 Christian Wittmer
# Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston,
# MA 02110-1335, USA.
d319704a Moritz Bunkus
# administration

05c6840d Moritz Bunkus
use utf8;

5efcb494 Moritz Bunkus
use List::MoreUtils qw(any);

8c7e4493 Moritz Bunkus
use SL::Auth;
f07df483 Moritz Bunkus
use SL::Auth::PasswordPolicy;
d319704a Moritz Bunkus
use SL::AM;
use SL::CA;
use SL::Form;
a3afc944 Moritz Bunkus
use SL::Helper::Flash;
2fe6237c Werner Hahn
use SL::Helper::UserPreferences;
d319704a Moritz Bunkus
use SL::User;
bd34eaea Udo Spallek
use SL::USTVA;
a200453a Moritz Bunkus
use SL::Iconv;
8651e027 Moritz Bunkus
use SL::Locale::String qw(t8);
713a6d70 Moritz Bunkus
use SL::TODO;
c904f865 Moritz Bunkus
use SL::DB::Printer;
e90048c8 Bernd Bleßmann
use SL::DB::Tax;
use SL::DB::Language;
152cf512 Rolf Fluehmann
use SL::DB::Default;
863eb430 Martin Helmling
use SL::DBUtils qw(selectall_array_query conv_dateq);
bd34eaea Udo Spallek
use CGI;
d319704a Moritz Bunkus
d629acd8 Sven Schöling
require "bin/mozilla/";
30b38098 Moritz Bunkus
031251fb Sven Schöling
use strict;


d319704a Moritz Bunkus
# end of main

031251fb Sven Schöling
sub add { call_sub("add_$main::form->{type}"); }
sub delete { call_sub("delete_$main::form->{type}"); }
sub save { call_sub("save_$main::form->{type}"); }
sub edit { call_sub("edit_$main::form->{type}"); }
sub continue { call_sub($main::form->{"nextsub"}); }
sub save_as_new { call_sub("save_as_new_$main::form->{type}"); }
b12e8d14 Moritz Bunkus
d319704a Moritz Bunkus
sub add_account {
031251fb Sven Schöling

my $form = $main::form;
my %myconfig = %main::myconfig;
d319704a Moritz Bunkus
031251fb Sven Schöling
8c7e4493 Moritz Bunkus
d319704a Moritz Bunkus
$form->{title} = "Add";
$form->{charttype} = "A";
AM->get_account(\%myconfig, \%$form);

8c7e4493 Moritz Bunkus
$form->{callback} = "" unless $form->{callback};
d319704a Moritz Bunkus

031251fb Sven Schöling
d319704a Moritz Bunkus

sub edit_account {
031251fb Sven Schöling

my $form = $main::form;
my %myconfig = %main::myconfig;
152cf512 Rolf Fluehmann
my $defaults = SL::DB::Default->get;
d319704a Moritz Bunkus
031251fb Sven Schöling
8c7e4493 Moritz Bunkus
d319704a Moritz Bunkus
$form->{title} = "Edit";
152cf512 Rolf Fluehmann
$form->{feature_balance} = $defaults->feature_balance;
$form->{feature_datev} = $defaults->feature_datev;
$form->{feature_erfolgsrechnung} = $defaults->feature_erfolgsrechnung;
$form->{feature_eurechnung} = $defaults->feature_eurechnung;
$form->{feature_ustva} = $defaults->feature_ustva;

d319704a Moritz Bunkus
AM->get_account(\%myconfig, \%$form);

foreach my $item (split(/:/, $form->{link})) {
$form->{$item} = "checked";


031251fb Sven Schöling
d319704a Moritz Bunkus

sub account_header {
031251fb Sven Schöling
d319704a Moritz Bunkus
031251fb Sven Schöling
my $form = $main::form;
my %myconfig = %main::myconfig;
my $locale = $main::locale;

8c7e4493 Moritz Bunkus
bd34eaea Udo Spallek
if ( $form->{action} eq 'edit_account') {
$form->{account_exists} = '1';
c2def905 Moritz Bunkus

d319704a Moritz Bunkus
$form->{title} = $locale->text("$form->{title} Account");

bd34eaea Udo Spallek
$form->{"$form->{charttype}_checked"} = "checked";
$form->{"$form->{category}_checked"} = "checked";

$form->{select_tax} = "";
d319704a Moritz Bunkus
bd34eaea Udo Spallek
my @tax_report_pos = USTVA->report_variables({
c2def905 Moritz Bunkus
myconfig => \%myconfig,
form => $form,
type => '',
bd34eaea Udo Spallek
attribute => 'position',
calc => '',
d319704a Moritz Bunkus
if (@{ $form->{TAXKEY} }) {
ab18ac36 Udo Spallek
foreach my $item (@{ $form->{TAXKEY} }) {
$item->{rate} = $item->{rate} * 100 . '%';
bd34eaea Udo Spallek
ab18ac36 Udo Spallek
bd34eaea Udo Spallek
# Fill in empty row for new Taxkey
031251fb Sven Schöling
my $newtaxkey_ref = {
bd34eaea Udo Spallek
id => '',
chart_id => '',
accno => '',
tax_id => '',
taxdescription => '',
rate => '',
taxkey_id => '',
pos_ustva => '',
0f0f4263 Niclas Zimmermann
startdate => $form->{account_exists} ? '' : DateTime->new(year => 1970, month => 1, day => 1)->to_lxoffice,
bd34eaea Udo Spallek

push @{ $form->{ACCOUNT_TAXKEYS} }, $newtaxkey_ref;

my $i = 0;
foreach my $taxkey_used (@{ $form->{ACCOUNT_TAXKEYS} } ) {

# Fill in a runningnumber
$form->{ACCOUNT_TAXKEYS}[$i]{runningnumber} = $i;

# Fill in the Taxkeys as select options
foreach my $item (@{ $form->{TAXKEY} }) {
if ($item->{id} == $taxkey_used->{tax_id}) {
$form->{ACCOUNT_TAXKEYS}[$i]{selecttaxkey} .=
qq|<option value="$item->{id}" selected="selected">|
c2def905 Moritz Bunkus
. sprintf("%.2d", $item->{taxkey})
bd34eaea Udo Spallek
. qq|. $item->{taxdescription} ($item->{rate}) |
c2def905 Moritz Bunkus
. $locale->text('Tax-o-matic Account')
770515d9 Udo Spallek
. qq|: $item->{chart_accno}\n|;
c2def905 Moritz Bunkus
bd34eaea Udo Spallek
else {
$form->{ACCOUNT_TAXKEYS}[$i]{selecttaxkey} .=
qq|<option value="$item->{id}">|
c2def905 Moritz Bunkus
. sprintf("%.2d", $item->{taxkey})
bd34eaea Udo Spallek
. qq|. $item->{taxdescription} ($item->{rate}) |
770515d9 Udo Spallek
. $locale->text('Tax-o-matic Account')
. qq|: $item->{chart_accno}\n|;
bd34eaea Udo Spallek
d319704a Moritz Bunkus
bd34eaea Udo Spallek
c2def905 Moritz Bunkus
bd34eaea Udo Spallek
# Fill in the USTVA Numbers as select options
foreach my $item ( '', sort({ $a cmp $b } @tax_report_pos) ) {
if ($item eq ''){
$form->{ACCOUNT_TAXKEYS}[$i]{select_tax} .= qq|<option value="" selected="selected">-\n|;
c2def905 Moritz Bunkus
44e1ec6f Udo Spallek
elsif ( $item eq $taxkey_used->{pos_ustva} ) {
bd34eaea Udo Spallek
$form->{ACCOUNT_TAXKEYS}[$i]{select_tax} .= qq|<option value="$item" selected="selected">$item\n|;
else {
$form->{ACCOUNT_TAXKEYS}[$i]{select_tax} .= qq|<option value="$item">$item\n|;

c2def905 Moritz Bunkus
bd34eaea Udo Spallek
d319704a Moritz Bunkus

c2def905 Moritz Bunkus
# Newaccount Folgekonto
08c340d2 Sven Schöling
if (@{ $form->{NEWACCOUNT} || [] }) {
54e4131e Moritz Bunkus
if (!$form->{new_chart_valid}) {
bd34eaea Udo Spallek
$form->{selectnewaccount} = qq|<option value=""> |. $locale->text('None') .q|</option>|;
54e4131e Moritz Bunkus
031251fb Sven Schöling
foreach my $item (@{ $form->{NEWACCOUNT} }) {
54e4131e Moritz Bunkus
if ($item->{id} == $form->{new_chart_id}) {
$form->{selectnewaccount} .=
bd34eaea Udo Spallek
qq|<option value="$item->{id}" selected>$item->{accno}--$item->{description}</option>|;
54e4131e Moritz Bunkus
} elsif (!$form->{new_chart_valid}) {
$form->{selectnewaccount} .=
bd34eaea Udo Spallek
qq|<option value="$item->{id}">$item->{accno}--$item->{description}</option>|;
54e4131e Moritz Bunkus


031251fb Sven Schöling
my $select_eur = q|<option value=""> |. $locale->text('None') .q|</option>\n|;
5570a18e Geoffrey Richardson
my %eur = %{ AM->get_eur_categories(\%myconfig, $form) };
031251fb Sven Schöling
foreach my $item (sort({ $a <=> $b } keys(%eur))) {
05c6840d Moritz Bunkus
my $text = H($::locale->{iconv_utf8}->convert($eur{$item}));
d319704a Moritz Bunkus
if ($item == $form->{pos_eur}) {
a200453a Moritz Bunkus
$select_eur .= qq|<option value=$item selected>|. sprintf("%.2d", $item) .qq|. $text</option>\n|;
d319704a Moritz Bunkus
} else {
a200453a Moritz Bunkus
$select_eur .= qq|<option value=$item>|. sprintf("%.2d", $item) .qq|. $text</option>\n|;
d319704a Moritz Bunkus


14d71a6d Sven Schöling
my $select_er = q|<option value=""> |. $locale->text('None') .q|</option>\n|;
my %er = (
1 => "Ertrag",
6 => "Aufwand");
foreach my $item (sort({ $a <=> $b } keys(%er))) {
365c3820 Sven Schöling
my $text = H($::locale->{iconv_utf8}->convert($er{$item}));
14d71a6d Sven Schöling
if ($item == $form->{pos_er}) {
$select_er .= qq|<option value=$item selected>|. sprintf("%.2d", $item) .qq|. $text</option>\n|;
} else {
$select_er .= qq|<option value=$item>|. sprintf("%.2d", $item) .qq|. $text</option>\n|;


031251fb Sven Schöling
my $select_bwa = q|<option value=""> |. $locale->text('None') .q|</option>\n|;
d319704a Moritz Bunkus
5570a18e Geoffrey Richardson
my %bwapos = %{ AM->get_bwa_categories(\%myconfig, $form) };
031251fb Sven Schöling
foreach my $item (sort({ $a <=> $b } keys %bwapos)) {
05c6840d Moritz Bunkus
my $text = H($::locale->{iconv_utf8}->convert($bwapos{$item}));
d319704a Moritz Bunkus
if ($item == $form->{pos_bwa}) {
a200453a Moritz Bunkus
$select_bwa .= qq|<option value="$item" selected>|. sprintf("%.2d", $item) .qq|. $text\n|;
d319704a Moritz Bunkus
} else {
a200453a Moritz Bunkus
$select_bwa .= qq|<option value="$item">|. sprintf("%.2d", $item) .qq|. $text\n|;
d319704a Moritz Bunkus


05c6840d Moritz Bunkus
# Wieder hinzugefügt zu evaluationszwecken (us) 09.03.2007
031251fb Sven Schöling
my $select_bilanz = q|<option value=""> |. $locale->text('None') .q|</option>\n|;
foreach my $item ((1, 2, 3, 4)) {
bd34eaea Udo Spallek
if ($item == $form->{pos_bilanz}) {
$select_bilanz .= qq|<option value=$item selected>|. sprintf("%.2d", $item) .qq|.\n|;
} else {
$select_bilanz .= qq|<option value=$item>|. sprintf("%.2d", $item) .qq|.\n|;


# this is for our parser only! Do not remove.
d319704a Moritz Bunkus
# type=submit $locale->text('Add Account')
# type=submit $locale->text('Edit Account')
c2def905 Moritz Bunkus
54e4131e Moritz Bunkus
$form->{type} = "account";
d319704a Moritz Bunkus
bd34eaea Udo Spallek
# preselections category
c2def905 Moritz Bunkus
031251fb Sven Schöling
my $select_category = q|<option value=""> |. $locale->text('None') .q|</option>\n|;
bd34eaea Udo Spallek
031251fb Sven Schöling
my %category = (
bd34eaea Udo Spallek
'A' => $locale->text('Asset'),
'L' => $locale->text('Liability'),
'Q' => $locale->text('Equity'),
c2def905 Moritz Bunkus
'I' => $locale->text('Revenue'),
bd34eaea Udo Spallek
'E' => $locale->text('Expense'),
'C' => $locale->text('Costs'),
031251fb Sven Schöling
foreach my $item ( sort({ $a <=> $b } keys %category) ) {
bd34eaea Udo Spallek
if ($item eq $form->{category}) {
$select_category .= qq|<option value="$item" selected="selected">$category{$item} (|. sprintf("%s", $item) .qq|)\n|;
} else {
$select_category .= qq|<option value="$item">$category{$item} (|. sprintf("%s", $item) .qq|)\n|;
d319704a Moritz Bunkus
bd34eaea Udo Spallek
c2def905 Moritz Bunkus
bd34eaea Udo Spallek
# preselection chart type
540030ff Bernd Bleßmann
my @all_charttypes = ({'name' => $locale->text('Account'), 'value' => 'A'},
{'name' => $locale->text('Heading'), 'value' => 'H'},
my $selected_charttype = $form->{charttype};
bd34eaea Udo Spallek
d319704a Moritz Bunkus
dab2f724 Bernd Bleßmann
# account where AR_tax or AP_tax is set are not orphaned if they are used as
# tax-o-matic account
9e746504 Bernd Bleßmann
if ( $form->{id} && $form->{orphaned} && ($form->{link} =~ m/(AP_tax|AR_tax)/) ) {
dab2f724 Bernd Bleßmann
if (SL::DB::Manager::Tax->find_by(chart_id => $form->{id})) {
$form->{orphaned} = 0;

bd34eaea Udo Spallek
my $ChartTypeIsAccount = ($form->{charttype} eq "A") ? "1":"";
ee23f6e0 Bernd Bleßmann
my $AccountIsPosted = ($form->{orphaned} ) ? "":"1";
c2def905 Moritz Bunkus
9cd9a517 Moritz Bunkus

bd34eaea Udo Spallek
c2def905 Moritz Bunkus
bd34eaea Udo Spallek
my $parameters_ref = {
ChartTypeIsAccount => $ChartTypeIsAccount,
ee23f6e0 Bernd Bleßmann
AccountIsPosted => $AccountIsPosted,
bd34eaea Udo Spallek
select_category => $select_category,
540030ff Bernd Bleßmann
all_charttypes => \@all_charttypes,
selected_charttype => $selected_charttype,
bd34eaea Udo Spallek
select_bwa => $select_bwa,
select_bilanz => $select_bilanz,
select_eur => $select_eur,
14d71a6d Sven Schöling
select_er => $select_er,
bd34eaea Udo Spallek
c2def905 Moritz Bunkus
bd34eaea Udo Spallek
# Ausgabe des Templates
9aaca433 Moritz Bunkus
print($form->parse_html_template('am/edit_accounts', $parameters_ref));
bd34eaea Udo Spallek
d319704a Moritz Bunkus
031251fb Sven Schöling
d319704a Moritz Bunkus

sub save_account {
031251fb Sven Schöling
d319704a Moritz Bunkus
031251fb Sven Schöling
my $form = $main::form;
my %myconfig = %main::myconfig;
my $locale = $main::locale;

8c7e4493 Moritz Bunkus
bd34eaea Udo Spallek
$form->isblank("accno", $locale->text('Account Number missing!'));
$form->isblank("description", $locale->text('Account Description missing!'));
c2def905 Moritz Bunkus
bd34eaea Udo Spallek
if ($form->{charttype} eq 'A'){
$form->isblank("category", $locale->text('Account Type missing!'));
8b8d4848 Niclas Zimmermann
my $found_valid_taxkey = 0;
foreach my $i (0 .. 10) { # 10 is maximum count of taxkeys in form
if ($form->{"taxkey_startdate_$i"} and !$form->{"taxkey_del_$i"}) {
$found_valid_taxkey = 1;
if ($found_valid_taxkey == 0) {
$form->error($locale->text('A valid taxkey is missing!'));
bd34eaea Udo Spallek
d319704a Moritz Bunkus
$form->redirect($locale->text('Account saved!'))
if (AM->save_account(\%myconfig, \%$form));
$form->error($locale->text('Cannot save account!'));

031251fb Sven Schöling
d319704a Moritz Bunkus

42ed89f3 Philip Reetz
sub save_as_new_account {
031251fb Sven Schöling

my $form = $main::form;
my %myconfig = %main::myconfig;
my $locale = $main::locale;
42ed89f3 Philip Reetz
031251fb Sven Schöling
42ed89f3 Philip Reetz
$form->isblank("accno", $locale->text('Account Number missing!'));
$form->isblank("description", $locale->text('Account Description missing!'));
c2def905 Moritz Bunkus
42ed89f3 Philip Reetz
if ($form->{charttype} eq 'A'){
$form->isblank("category", $locale->text('Account Type missing!'));

for my $taxkey (0 .. 9) {
if ($form->{"taxkey_id_$taxkey"}) {
$form->{"taxkey_id_$taxkey"} = "NEW";

$form->{id} = 0;
$form->redirect($locale->text('Account saved!'))
if (AM->save_account(\%myconfig, \%$form));
$form->error($locale->text('Cannot save account!'));

031251fb Sven Schöling
42ed89f3 Philip Reetz

d319704a Moritz Bunkus
sub list_account {
031251fb Sven Schöling
d319704a Moritz Bunkus
031251fb Sven Schöling
my $form = $main::form;
my %myconfig = %main::myconfig;
my $locale = $main::locale;

8c7e4493 Moritz Bunkus
b9882bee Moritz Bunkus
$form->{callback} = build_std_url('action=list_account');
my $link_edit_account = build_std_url('action=edit_account', 'callback');
bd34eaea Udo Spallek
b9882bee Moritz Bunkus
CA->all_accounts(\%myconfig, \%$form);
bd34eaea Udo Spallek
031251fb Sven Schöling
foreach my $ca (@{ $form->{CA} }) {
bd34eaea Udo Spallek
c7f9da81 Moritz Bunkus
$ca->{debit} = "";
$ca->{credit} = "";
bd34eaea Udo Spallek
if ($ca->{amount} > 0) {
c7f9da81 Moritz Bunkus
$ca->{credit} = $form->format_amount(\%myconfig, $ca->{amount}, 2);
bd34eaea Udo Spallek
if ($ca->{amount} < 0) {
c7f9da81 Moritz Bunkus
$ca->{debit} = $form->format_amount(\%myconfig, -1 * $ca->{amount}, 2);
bd34eaea Udo Spallek
c2def905 Moritz Bunkus
$ca->{heading} = ( $ca->{charttype} eq 'H' ) ? 1:'';
b9882bee Moritz Bunkus
$ca->{link_edit_account} = $link_edit_account . '&id=' . E($ca->{id});
bd34eaea Udo Spallek
c2def905 Moritz Bunkus
0f179c9a Sven Schöling
b9882bee Moritz Bunkus
$form->{title} = $locale->text('Chart of Accounts');
c7f9da81 Moritz Bunkus
bd34eaea Udo Spallek
c2def905 Moritz Bunkus

bd34eaea Udo Spallek
my $parameters_ref = {
# hidden_variables => $_hidden_variables_ref,
c2def905 Moritz Bunkus
bd34eaea Udo Spallek
# Ausgabe des Templates
9aaca433 Moritz Bunkus
print($form->parse_html_template('am/list_accounts', $parameters_ref));
c2def905 Moritz Bunkus
031251fb Sven Schöling
bd34eaea Udo Spallek

sub list_account_details {
b9882bee Moritz Bunkus
# Ajax Funktion aus list_account_details
031251fb Sven Schöling

my $form = $main::form;
my %myconfig = %main::myconfig;
my $locale = $main::locale;
bd34eaea Udo Spallek
031251fb Sven Schöling
8c7e4493 Moritz Bunkus
bd34eaea Udo Spallek
my $chart_id = $form->{args};

b9882bee Moritz Bunkus
CA->all_accounts(\%myconfig, \%$form, $chart_id);
d319704a Moritz Bunkus
031251fb Sven Schöling
foreach my $ca (@{ $form->{CA} }) {
d319704a Moritz Bunkus
$ca->{debit} = "&nbsp;";
$ca->{credit} = "&nbsp;";

if ($ca->{amount} > 0) {
$ca->{credit} =
$form->format_amount(\%myconfig, $ca->{amount}, 2, "&nbsp;");
if ($ca->{amount} < 0) {
$ca->{debit} =
bd34eaea Udo Spallek
$form->format_amount(\%myconfig, -1 * $ca->{amount}, 2, "&nbsp;");
d319704a Moritz Bunkus

56041df3 Udo Spallek
my @links = split( q{:}, $ca->{link});
b9882bee Moritz Bunkus
56041df3 Udo Spallek
$ca->{link} = q{};
b9882bee Moritz Bunkus
56041df3 Udo Spallek
foreach my $link (@links){
b9882bee Moritz Bunkus
$link = ( $link eq 'AR') ? $locale->text('Account Link AR')
56041df3 Udo Spallek
: ( $link eq 'AP') ? $locale->text('Account Link AP')
: ( $link eq 'IC') ? $locale->text('Account Link IC')
: ( $link eq 'AR_amount' ) ? $locale->text('Account Link AR_amount')
: ( $link eq 'AR_paid' ) ? $locale->text('Account Link AR_paid')
: ( $link eq 'AR_tax' ) ? $locale->text('Account Link AR_tax')
: ( $link eq 'AP_amount' ) ? $locale->text('Account Link AP_amount')
: ( $link eq 'AP_paid' ) ? $locale->text('Account Link AP_paid')
: ( $link eq 'AP_tax' ) ? $locale->text('Account Link AP_tax')
: ( $link eq 'IC_sale' ) ? $locale->text('Account Link IC_sale')
: ( $link eq 'IC_cogs' ) ? $locale->text('Account Link IC_cogs')
: ( $link eq 'IC_taxpart' ) ? $locale->text('Account Link IC_taxpart')
: ( $link eq 'IC_income' ) ? $locale->text('Account Link IC_income')
: ( $link eq 'IC_expense' ) ? $locale->text('Account Link IC_expense')
: ( $link eq 'IC_taxservice' ) ? $locale->text('Account Link IC_taxservice')
: $locale->text('Unknown Link') . ': ' . $link;
bd34eaea Udo Spallek
$ca->{link} .= ($link ne '') ? "[$link] ":'';
d319704a Moritz Bunkus
56041df3 Udo Spallek
$ca->{category} = ($ca->{category} eq 'A') ? $locale->text('Account Category A')
: ($ca->{category} eq 'E') ? $locale->text('Account Category E')
: ($ca->{category} eq 'L') ? $locale->text('Account Category L')
: ($ca->{category} eq 'I') ? $locale->text('Account Category I')
: ($ca->{category} eq 'Q') ? $locale->text('Account Category Q')
: ($ca->{category} eq 'C') ? $locale->text('Account Category C')
: ($ca->{category} eq 'G') ? $locale->text('Account Category G')
: $locale->text('Unknown Category') . ': ' . $ca->{category};
d319704a Moritz Bunkus
bd34eaea Udo Spallek
b9882bee Moritz Bunkus
$form->{title} = $locale->text('Chart of Accounts');
bd34eaea Udo Spallek
a871ab4c Sven Schöling
print $form->ajax_response_header, $form->parse_html_template('am/list_account_details');
bd34eaea Udo Spallek
031251fb Sven Schöling
56041df3 Udo Spallek
d319704a Moritz Bunkus

sub delete_account {
031251fb Sven Schöling

my $form = $main::form;
my %myconfig = %main::myconfig;
my $locale = $main::locale;
d319704a Moritz Bunkus
031251fb Sven Schöling
8c7e4493 Moritz Bunkus
d319704a Moritz Bunkus
$form->{title} = $locale->text('Delete Account');

031251fb Sven Schöling
foreach my $id (
030c2086 Rolf Fluehmann
qw(inventory_accno_id income_accno_id expense_accno_id fxgain_accno_id fxloss_accno_id rndgain_accno_id rndloss_accno_id)
d319704a Moritz Bunkus
) {
if ($form->{id} == $form->{$id}) {
$form->error($locale->text('Cannot delete default account!'));

$form->redirect($locale->text('Account deleted!'))
if (AM->delete_account(\%myconfig, \%$form));
$form->error($locale->text('Cannot delete account!'));

031251fb Sven Schöling
d319704a Moritz Bunkus

a7cb4783 Moritz Bunkus
sub _build_cfg_options {
031251fb Sven Schöling
my $form = $main::form;
my %myconfig = %main::myconfig;

a7cb4783 Moritz Bunkus
my $idx = shift;
my $array = uc($idx) . 'S';

$form->{$array} = [];
foreach my $item (@_) {
push @{ $form->{$array} }, {
'name' => $item,
'value' => $item,
'selected' => $item eq $myconfig{$idx},

54e4131e Moritz Bunkus
sub config {
031251fb Sven Schöling

my $form = $main::form;
my %myconfig = %main::myconfig;
my $locale = $main::locale;
2fe6237c Werner Hahn
my $defaults = SL::DB::Default->get;
54e4131e Moritz Bunkus
0f13c96b Thomas Heck
_build_cfg_options('dateformat', qw(mm/dd/yy dd/mm/yy yyyy-mm-dd));
2fcb9a09 Thomas Heck
_build_cfg_options('timeformat', qw(hh:mm hh:mm:ss));
e358c9af Rolf Fluehmann
_build_cfg_options('numberformat', ('1,000.00', '1000.00', '1.000,00', '1000,00', "1'000.00"));
d319704a Moritz Bunkus
031251fb Sven Schöling
my @formats = ();
2b339152 Moritz Bunkus
if ($::lx_office_conf{print_templates}->{opendocument}
f2af9def Moritz Bunkus
&& $::lx_office_conf{applications}->{openofficeorg_writer} && (-x $::lx_office_conf{applications}->{openofficeorg_writer})
&& $::lx_office_conf{applications}->{xvfb} && (-x $::lx_office_conf{applications}->{xvfb})) {
a7403105 Moritz Bunkus
push(@formats, { "name" => $locale->text("PDF (OpenDocument/OASIS)"),
"value" => "opendocument_pdf" });
2b339152 Moritz Bunkus
if ($::lx_office_conf{print_templates}->{latex}) {
a7403105 Moritz Bunkus
push(@formats, { "name" => $locale->text("PDF"), "value" => "pdf" });
push(@formats, { "name" => "HTML", "value" => "html" });
2b339152 Moritz Bunkus
if ($::lx_office_conf{print_templates}->{latex}) {
a7403105 Moritz Bunkus
push(@formats, { "name" => $locale->text("Postscript"),
"value" => "postscript" });
2b339152 Moritz Bunkus
if ($::lx_office_conf{print_templates}->{opendocument}) {
a7403105 Moritz Bunkus
push(@formats, { "name" => $locale->text("OpenDocument/OASIS"),
"value" => "opendocument" });

if (!$myconfig{"template_format"}) {
$myconfig{"template_format"} = "pdf";
a7cb4783 Moritz Bunkus
$form->{TEMPLATE_FORMATS} = [];
031251fb Sven Schöling
foreach my $item (@formats) {
a7cb4783 Moritz Bunkus
push @{ $form->{TEMPLATE_FORMATS} }, {
'name' => $item->{name},
'value' => $item->{value},
'selected' => $item->{value} eq $myconfig{template_format},
a7403105 Moritz Bunkus

f16abae9 Moritz Bunkus
if (!$myconfig{"default_media"}) {
$myconfig{"default_media"} = "screen";
a7cb4783 Moritz Bunkus
f16abae9 Moritz Bunkus
my %selected = ($myconfig{"default_media"} => "selected");
a7cb4783 Moritz Bunkus
$form->{MEDIA} = [
{ 'name' => $locale->text('Screen'), 'value' => 'screen', 'selected' => $selected{screen}, },
{ 'name' => $locale->text('Printer'), 'value' => 'printer', 'selected' => $selected{printer}, },
{ 'name' => $locale->text('Queue'), 'value' => 'queue', 'selected' => $selected{queue}, },
f16abae9 Moritz Bunkus
c904f865 Moritz Bunkus
$form->{PRINTERS} = SL::DB::Manager::Printer->get_all_sorted;
f16abae9 Moritz Bunkus
031251fb Sven Schöling
my %countrycodes = User->country_codes;
081a4f97 Moritz Bunkus
a7cb4783 Moritz Bunkus
$form->{COUNTRYCODES} = [];
031251fb Sven Schöling
foreach my $countrycode (sort { $countrycodes{$a} cmp $countrycodes{$b} } keys %countrycodes) {
a7cb4783 Moritz Bunkus
push @{ $form->{COUNTRYCODES} }, {
'name' => $countrycodes{$countrycode},
'value' => $countrycode,
'selected' => $countrycode eq $myconfig{countrycode},
d319704a Moritz Bunkus

a7cb4783 Moritz Bunkus
$form->{STYLESHEETS} = [];
317601e4 Sven Schöling
foreach my $item (qw(lx-office-erp.css kivitendo.css)) {
a7cb4783 Moritz Bunkus
push @{ $form->{STYLESHEETS} }, {
'name' => $item,
'value' => $item,
'selected' => $item eq $myconfig{stylesheet},
d9cb2f12 Moritz Bunkus
e848dbf1 Stephan Köhler
2fe6237c Werner Hahn
my $user_prefs = SL::Helper::UserPreferences->new(
namespace => 'TopQuickSearch',
my $prefs_val;
my @quick_search_modules;
if ($user_prefs) {
$prefs_val = $user_prefs->get('quick_search_modules');
@quick_search_modules = split ',', $prefs_val;

my $enabled_quick_search = [ SL::Controller::TopQuickSearch->new->available_modules ];
1edebcf0 Werner Hahn
$form->{enabled_quick_searchmodules} = \@{$enabled_quick_search};
$form->{default_quick_searchmodules} = \@quick_search_modules;
2fe6237c Werner Hahn
0ff43ab4 Bernd Bleßmann
$form->{displayable_name_specs_by_module} = AM->displayable_name_specs_by_module();

712e3a83 Moritz Bunkus
$myconfig{show_form_details} = 1 unless (defined($myconfig{show_form_details}));
031251fb Sven Schöling
$form->{CAN_CHANGE_PASSWORD} = $main::auth->can_change_password();
4bd1e2f8 Sven Schöling
$form->{todo_cfg} = { TODO->get_user_config('login' => $::myconfig{login}) };
d319704a Moritz Bunkus
1edebcf0 Werner Hahn
4bd1e2f8 Sven Schöling
$form->{title} = $locale->text('Edit Preferences for #1', $::myconfig{login});
58fcb69f Stephan Köhler
8651e027 Moritz Bunkus
a7cb4783 Moritz Bunkus
718f7a1b Geoffrey Richardson
$form->{full_signature} = $form->create_email_signature();

9aaca433 Moritz Bunkus
print $form->parse_html_template('am/config');
d319704a Moritz Bunkus
031251fb Sven Schöling
d319704a Moritz Bunkus

sub save_preferences {
031251fb Sven Schöling

my $form = $main::form;
my %myconfig = %main::myconfig;
my $locale = $main::locale;
d319704a Moritz Bunkus
$form->{stylesheet} = $form->{usestylesheet};

4bd1e2f8 Sven Schöling
TODO->save_user_config('login' => $::myconfig{login}, %{ $form->{todo_cfg} || { } });
713a6d70 Moritz Bunkus
1edebcf0 Werner Hahn
if ($form->{quick_search_modules}) {
my $user_prefs = SL::Helper::UserPreferences->new( namespace => 'TopQuickSearch',);
my $quick_search_modules = join ',', @{$form->{quick_search_modules}};
$user_prefs->store('quick_search_modules', $quick_search_modules);
6f398b35 Moritz Bunkus
if (AM->save_preferences($form)) {
f07df483 Moritz Bunkus
if ($::auth->can_change_password()
&& defined $form->{new_password}
&& ($form->{new_password} ne '********')) {
my $verifier = SL::Auth::PasswordPolicy->new;
my $result = $verifier->verify($form->{new_password});

if ($result != SL::Auth::PasswordPolicy->OK()) {
$form->error($::locale->text('The settings were saved, but the password was not changed.') . ' ' . join(' ', $verifier->errors($result)));

4bd1e2f8 Sven Schöling
$::auth->change_password($::myconfig{login}, $form->{new_password});
f07df483 Moritz Bunkus

$form->redirect($locale->text('Preferences saved!'));

d319704a Moritz Bunkus
$form->error($locale->text('Cannot save preferences!'));

031251fb Sven Schöling
d319704a Moritz Bunkus

sub audit_control {
71e82116 Sven Schöling
d319704a Moritz Bunkus
71e82116 Sven Schöling
$::form->{title} = $::locale->text('Audit Control');
d319704a Moritz Bunkus
71e82116 Sven Schöling
AM->closedto(\%::myconfig, $::form);
d319704a Moritz Bunkus
dacafc89 Moritz Bunkus

71e82116 Sven Schöling
print $::form->parse_html_template('am/audit_control');
d319704a Moritz Bunkus
71e82116 Sven Schöling
d319704a Moritz Bunkus

sub doclose {
031251fb Sven Schöling

my $form = $main::form;
my %myconfig = %main::myconfig;
my $locale = $main::locale;
d319704a Moritz Bunkus
031251fb Sven Schöling
8c7e4493 Moritz Bunkus
d319704a Moritz Bunkus
AM->closebooks(\%myconfig, \%$form);

9e06d0e4 Philip Reetz
if ($form->{closedto}) {
d319704a Moritz Bunkus
9e06d0e4 Philip Reetz
$locale->text('Books closed up to') . " "
. $locale->date(\%myconfig, $form->{closedto}, 1));
d319704a Moritz Bunkus
} else {
9e06d0e4 Philip Reetz
$form->redirect($locale->text('Books are open'));
d319704a Moritz Bunkus

031251fb Sven Schöling
d319704a Moritz Bunkus

a3afc944 Moritz Bunkus
sub add_unit {

# my $units = AM->retrieve_units(\%::myconfig, $::form, "resolved_");
# # AM->units_in_use(\%::myconfig, $::form, $units);

# $units->{$_}->{BASE_UNIT_DDBOX} = AM->unit_select_data($units, $units->{$_}->{base_unit}, 1) for keys %{$units};

my @languages = @{ SL::DB::Manager::Language->get_all_sorted };

my $units = AM->retrieve_units(\%::myconfig, $::form);
my $ddbox = AM->unit_select_data($units, undef, 1);


$::form->{title} = $::locale->text("Add unit");
print($::form->parse_html_template("am/add_unit", {
LANGUAGES => \@languages,

54e4131e Moritz Bunkus
sub edit_units {
031251fb Sven Schöling
54e4131e Moritz Bunkus
031251fb Sven Schöling
my $form = $main::form;
my %myconfig = %main::myconfig;
my $locale = $main::locale;
8c7e4493 Moritz Bunkus
031251fb Sven Schöling

my $units = AM->retrieve_units(\%myconfig, $form, "resolved_");
54e4131e Moritz Bunkus
AM->units_in_use(\%myconfig, $form, $units);
map({ $units->{$_}->{"BASE_UNIT_DDBOX"} = AM->unit_select_data($units, $units->{$_}->{"base_unit"}, 1); } keys(%{$units}));

1a1bdd3d Moritz Bunkus
my @languages = @{ SL::DB::Manager::Language->get_all_sorted };
af853490 Moritz Bunkus
031251fb Sven Schöling
my @unit_list = sort({ $a->{"sortkey"} <=> $b->{"sortkey"} } values(%{$units}));
eaf4d483 Moritz Bunkus
af853490 Moritz Bunkus
my $i = 1;
foreach (@unit_list) {
94fe7579 Moritz Bunkus
$_->{"factor"} = $form->format_amount(\%myconfig, $_->{"factor"} * 1) if ($_->{"factor"});
af853490 Moritz Bunkus
$_->{"UNITLANGUAGES"} = [];
foreach my $lang (@languages) {
push(@{ $_->{"UNITLANGUAGES"} },
1a1bdd3d Moritz Bunkus
{ "idx" => $i,
"unit" => $_->{"name"},
"language_id" => $lang->id,
"localized" => $_->{"LANGUAGES"}->{$lang->template_code}->{"localized"},
"localized_plural" => $_->{"LANGUAGES"}->{$lang->template_code}->{"localized_plural"},
af853490 Moritz Bunkus
54e4131e Moritz Bunkus
07948c34 Moritz Bunkus
$units = AM->retrieve_units(\%myconfig, $form);
031251fb Sven Schöling
my $ddbox = AM->unit_select_data($units, undef, 1);
54e4131e Moritz Bunkus
a3afc944 Moritz Bunkus

$form->{"title"} = $locale->text("Edit units");
54e4131e Moritz Bunkus
9aaca433 Moritz Bunkus
{ "UNITS" => \@unit_list,
"NEW_BASE_UNIT_DDBOX" => $ddbox,
"LANGUAGES" => \@languages,
fa515ecf Moritz Bunkus
54e4131e Moritz Bunkus
031251fb Sven Schöling
54e4131e Moritz Bunkus

a3afc944 Moritz Bunkus
sub create_unit {
031251fb Sven Schöling

my $form = $main::form;
my %myconfig = %main::myconfig;
my $locale = $main::locale;
54e4131e Moritz Bunkus
031251fb Sven Schöling
8c7e4493 Moritz Bunkus
54e4131e Moritz Bunkus
$form->isblank("new_name", $locale->text("The name is missing."));
031251fb Sven Schöling
my $units = AM->retrieve_units(\%myconfig, $form);
my $all_units = AM->retrieve_units(\%myconfig, $form);
3de3c100 Moritz Bunkus
$form->show_generic_error($locale->text("A unit with this name does already exist.")) if ($all_units->{$form->{"new_name"}});
54e4131e Moritz Bunkus
my ($base_unit, $factor);
if ($form->{"new_base_unit"}) {
$form->show_generic_error($locale->text("The base unit does not exist.")) unless (defined($units->{$form->{"new_base_unit"}}));

$form->isblank("new_factor", $locale->text("The factor is missing."));
$factor = $form->parse_amount(\%myconfig, $form->{"new_factor"});
$form->show_generic_error($locale->text("The factor is missing.")) unless ($factor);
$base_unit = $form->{"new_base_unit"};

af853490 Moritz Bunkus
my @languages;
1a1bdd3d Moritz Bunkus
foreach my $lang (@{ SL::DB::Manager::Language->get_all_sorted }) {
af853490 Moritz Bunkus
next unless ($form->{"new_localized_$lang->{id}"} || $form->{"new_localized_plural_$lang->{id}"});
1a1bdd3d Moritz Bunkus
push(@languages, { "id" => $lang->id,
"localized" => $form->{"new_localized_" . $lang->id},
"localized_plural" => $form->{"new_localized_plural_" . $lang->id},
af853490 Moritz Bunkus

07948c34 Moritz Bunkus
AM->add_unit(\%myconfig, $form, $form->{"new_name"}, $base_unit, $factor, \@languages);
54e4131e Moritz Bunkus
a3afc944 Moritz Bunkus
flash_later('info', $locale->text("The unit has been added."));
54e4131e Moritz Bunkus
a3afc944 Moritz Bunkus
print $form->redirect_header('');
54e4131e Moritz Bunkus
031251fb Sven Schöling
54e4131e Moritz Bunkus

af853490 Moritz Bunkus
sub set_unit_languages {
031251fb Sven Schöling

my $form = $main::form;
af853490 Moritz Bunkus
031251fb Sven Schöling
8c7e4493 Moritz Bunkus
af853490 Moritz Bunkus
my ($unit, $languages, $idx) = @_;

$unit->{"LANGUAGES"} = [];

foreach my $lang (@{$languages}) {
push(@{ $unit->{"LANGUAGES"} },
1a1bdd3d Moritz Bunkus
{ "id" => $lang->id,
"localized" => $form->{"localized_${idx}_" . $lang->id},
"localized_plural" => $form->{"localized_plural_${idx}_" . $lang->id},
af853490 Moritz Bunkus

031251fb Sven Schöling
af853490 Moritz Bunkus

54e4131e Moritz Bunkus
sub save_unit {
031251fb Sven Schöling

my $form = $main::form;
my %myconfig = %main::myconfig;
my $locale = $main::locale;
54e4131e Moritz Bunkus
031251fb Sven Schöling
8c7e4493 Moritz Bunkus
031251fb Sven Schöling
my $old_units = AM->retrieve_units(\%myconfig, $form, "resolved_");
54e4131e Moritz Bunkus
AM->units_in_use(\%myconfig, $form, $old_units);

1a1bdd3d Moritz Bunkus
my @languages = @{ SL::DB::Manager::Language->get_all_sorted };
af853490 Moritz Bunkus
031251fb Sven Schöling
my $new_units = {};
my @delete_units = ();
foreach my $i (1..($form->{"rowcount"} * 1)) {
my $old_unit = $old_units->{$form->{"old_name_$i"}};
54e4131e Moritz Bunkus
if (!$old_unit) {
$form->show_generic_error(sprintf($locale->text("The unit in row %d has been deleted in the meantime."), $i));

if ($form->{"unchangeable_$i"}) {
$new_units->{$form->{"old_name_$i"}} = $old_units->{$form->{"old_name_$i"}};
$new_units->{$form->{"old_name_$i"}}->{"unchanged_unit"} = 1;
af853490 Moritz Bunkus
set_unit_languages($new_units->{$form->{"old_name_$i"}}, \@languages, $i);
54e4131e Moritz Bunkus

if ($old_unit->{"in_use"}) {
$form->show_generic_error(sprintf($locale->text("The unit in row %d has been used in the meantime and cannot be changed anymore."), $i));

if ($form->{"delete_$i"}) {
push(@delete_units, $old_unit->{"name"});

$form->isblank("name_$i", sprintf($locale->text("The name is missing in row %d."), $i));

$form->show_generic_error(sprintf($locale->text("The name in row %d has already been used before."), $i)) if ($new_units->{$form->{"name_$i"}});
my %h = map({ $_ => $form->{"${_}_$i"} } qw(name base_unit factor old_name));
$new_units->{$form->{"name_$i"}} = \%h;
$new_units->{$form->{"name_$i"}}->{"row"} = $i;
af853490 Moritz Bunkus
set_unit_languages($new_units->{$form->{"old_name_$i"}}, \@languages, $i);
54e4131e Moritz Bunkus

031251fb Sven Schöling
foreach my $unit (values(%{$new_units})) {
54e4131e Moritz Bunkus
next unless ($unit->{"old_name"});
if ($unit->{"base_unit"}) {
$form->show_generic_error(sprintf($locale->text("The base unit does not exist or it is about to be deleted in row %d."), $unit->{"row"}))
unless (defined($new_units->{$unit->{"base_unit"}}));
$unit->{"factor"} = $form->parse_amount(\%myconfig, $unit->{"factor"});
$form->show_generic_error(sprintf($locale->text("The factor is missing in row %d."), $unit->{"row"})) unless ($unit->{"factor"} >= 1.0);
} else {
$unit->{"base_unit"} = undef;
$unit->{"factor"} = undef;

031251fb Sven Schöling
foreach my $unit (values(%{$new_units})) {
54e4131e Moritz Bunkus
next if ($unit->{"unchanged_unit"});

map({ $_->{"seen"} = 0; } values(%{$new_units}));
031251fb Sven Schöling
my $new_unit = $unit;
54e4131e Moritz Bunkus
while ($new_unit->{"base_unit"}) {
$new_unit->{"seen"} = 1;
$new_unit = $new_units->{$new_unit->{"base_unit"}};
if ($new_unit->{"seen"}) {
$form->show_generic_error(sprintf($locale->text("The base unit relations must not contain loops (e.g. by saying that unit A's base unit is B, " .
"B's base unit is C and C's base unit is A) in row %d."), $unit->{"row"}));

07948c34 Moritz Bunkus
AM->save_units(\%myconfig, $form, $new_units, \@delete_units);
54e4131e Moritz Bunkus
a3afc944 Moritz Bunkus
flash_later('info', $locale->text("The units have been saved."));
54e4131e Moritz Bunkus
a3afc944 Moritz Bunkus
print $form->redirect_header('');
54e4131e Moritz Bunkus
031251fb Sven Schöling
54e4131e Moritz Bunkus
eaf4d483 Moritz Bunkus
9d1e95b0 Thomas Kasulke
sub show_history_search {
031251fb Sven Schöling

my $form = $main::form;
my $locale = $main::locale;
c2def905 Moritz Bunkus
031251fb Sven Schöling
8c7e4493 Moritz Bunkus
6da3044f Moritz Bunkus

c2def905 Moritz Bunkus
$form->{title} = $locale->text("History Search");

print $form->parse_html_template("common/search_history");

031251fb Sven Schöling
9d1e95b0 Thomas Kasulke

sub show_am_history {
031251fb Sven Schöling
8c7e4493 Moritz Bunkus
031251fb Sven Schöling
my $form = $main::form;
my %myconfig = %main::myconfig;
my $locale = $main::locale;

8c7e4493 Moritz Bunkus
7c128d33 Moritz Bunkus
my $callback = build_std_url(qw(action einschraenkungen fromdate todate mitarbeiter searchid what2search));
$form->{order} ||= 'h.itime--1';

01b4e844 Geoffrey Richardson
# my %search = ( "Artikelnummer" => "parts",
# "Kundennummer" => "customer",
# "Lieferantennummer" => "vendor",
# "Projektnummer" => "project",
# "Auftragsnummer" => "oe",
# "Angebotsnummer" => "oe",
# "Eingangsrechnungnummer" => "ap",
# "Ausgangsrechnungnummer" => "ar",
# "Mahnungsnummer" => "dunning",
# "Buchungsnummer" => "gl",
# );

c2def905 Moritz Bunkus
my %searchNo = ( "Artikelnummer" => "partnumber",
"Kundennummer" => "customernumber",
"Lieferantennummer" => "vendornumber",
f8b476b8 Sven Schöling
"Projektnummer" => "projectnumber",
01b4e844 Geoffrey Richardson
"Auftragsnummer" => "ordnumber",
"Angebotsnummer" => "quonumber",
c2def905 Moritz Bunkus
"Eingangsrechnungnummer" => "invnumber",
"Ausgangsrechnungnummer" => "invnumber",
01b4e844 Geoffrey Richardson
"Mahnungsnummer" => "dunning_id",
"Buchungsnummer" => "gltransaction"
c2def905 Moritz Bunkus

b4078ad9 Moritz Bunkus
my $dbh = $form->dbconnect(\%myconfig);
85a85386 Moritz Bunkus
74fca575 Sven Schöling
my $restriction;
$restriction = qq| AND (| . join(' OR ', map { " addition = " . $dbh->quote($_) } split(m/\,/, $form->{einschraenkungen})) . qq|)| if $form->{einschraenkungen};
b4078ad9 Moritz Bunkus
$restriction .= qq| AND h.itime::date >= | . conv_dateq($form->{fromdate}) if $form->{fromdate};
$restriction .= qq| AND h.itime::date <= | . conv_dateq($form->{todate}) if $form->{todate};
651e8d51 Moritz Bunkus
if ($form->{mitarbeiter} =~ m/^\d+$/) {
$restriction .= qq| AND employee_id = | . $form->{mitarbeiter};
} elsif ($form->{mitarbeiter}) {
$restriction .= qq| AND employee_id = (SELECT id FROM employee WHERE name ILIKE | . $dbh->quote('%' . $form->{mitarbeiter} . '%') . qq|)|;
c2def905 Moritz Bunkus
b96aeec0 Bernd Bleßmann
my $snumbers_where = '';
my $snumbers_value;
if ($form->{'searchid'}) {
$snumbers_where = ' WHERE snumbers = ?';
$snumbers_value = $searchNo{$form->{'what2search'}} . '_' . $form->{'searchid'};
} else {
$snumbers_where = ' WHERE snumbers ~ ?';
$snumbers_value = '^' . $searchNo{$form->{'what2search'}};
my $query = qq|SELECT trans_id AS id FROM history_erp $snumbers_where|;
c2def905 Moritz Bunkus
b96aeec0 Bernd Bleßmann
my @ids = grep { $_ * 1 } selectall_array_query($form, $dbh, $query, $snumbers_value);
c2def905 Moritz Bunkus
my $daten .= shift @ids;
af9a1f44 Martin Helmling
if (scalar(@ids) > 0 ) {
$daten .= ' OR trans_id IN (' . join(',', @ids) . ')';
41a03969 Thomas Kasulke
my ($sort, $sortby) = split(/\-\-/, $form->{order});
$sort =~ s/.*\.(.*)$/$1/;

6da3044f Moritz Bunkus

c2def905 Moritz Bunkus
$form->{title} = $locale->text("History Search");

print $form->parse_html_template("common/show_history",
{ "DATEN" => $form->get_history($dbh, $daten, $restriction, $form->{order}),
"SUCCESS" => ($form->get_history($dbh, $daten, $restriction, $form->{order}) ne "0"),
uc($sort) => 1,
7c128d33 Moritz Bunkus
uc($sort) . "BY" => $sortby,
'callback' => $callback,
c2def905 Moritz Bunkus

031251fb Sven Schöling
9d1e95b0 Thomas Kasulke

d38be021 Udo Spallek
sub add_tax {
031251fb Sven Schöling
d38be021 Udo Spallek
031251fb Sven Schöling
my $form = $main::form;
my $locale = $main::locale;

8c7e4493 Moritz Bunkus
d38be021 Udo Spallek
$form->{title} = $locale->text('Add');

8c7e4493 Moritz Bunkus
$form->{callback} ||= "";
d38be021 Udo Spallek

e82db1a7 Niclas Zimmermann
$form->{asset} = 1;
$form->{liability} = 1;
$form->{equity} = 1;
$form->{revenue} = 1;
$form->{expense} = 1;
$form->{costs} = 1;

c7fff13f Moritz Bunkus
d38be021 Udo Spallek
c2def905 Moritz Bunkus
d38be021 Udo Spallek
my $parameters_ref = {
e90048c8 Bernd Bleßmann
LANGUAGES => SL::DB::Manager::Language->get_all_sorted,
d38be021 Udo Spallek
c2def905 Moritz Bunkus
d38be021 Udo Spallek
# Ausgabe des Templates
9aaca433 Moritz Bunkus
print($form->parse_html_template('am/edit_tax', $parameters_ref));
d38be021 Udo Spallek
031251fb Sven Schöling
d38be021 Udo Spallek

sub edit_tax {
031251fb Sven Schöling

my $form = $main::form;
my %myconfig = %main::myconfig;
my $locale = $main::locale;
d38be021 Udo Spallek
031251fb Sven Schöling
8c7e4493 Moritz Bunkus
d38be021 Udo Spallek
$form->{title} = $locale->text('Edit');

AM->get_tax(\%myconfig, \%$form);
e82db1a7 Niclas Zimmermann
d38be021 Udo Spallek

e82db1a7 Niclas Zimmermann
$form->{asset} = $form->{chart_categories} =~ 'A' ? 1 : 0;
$form->{liability} = $form->{chart_categories} =~ 'L' ? 1 : 0;
$form->{equity} = $form->{chart_categories} =~ 'Q' ? 1 : 0;
$form->{revenue} = $form->{chart_categories} =~ 'I' ? 1 : 0;
$form->{expense} = $form->{chart_categories} =~ 'E' ? 1 : 0;
$form->{costs} = $form->{chart_categories} =~ 'C' ? 1 : 0;

a3057d3f Moritz Bunkus
$form->{rate} = $form->format_amount(\%myconfig, $form->{rate}, 2);

c7fff13f Moritz Bunkus
d38be021 Udo Spallek
c2def905 Moritz Bunkus
d38be021 Udo Spallek
my $parameters_ref = {
e90048c8 Bernd Bleßmann
LANGUAGES => SL::DB::Manager::Language->get_all_sorted,
TAX => SL::DB::Manager::Tax->find_by(id => $form->{id}),
d38be021 Udo Spallek
c2def905 Moritz Bunkus
d38be021 Udo Spallek
# Ausgabe des Templates
9aaca433 Moritz Bunkus
print($form->parse_html_template('am/edit_tax', $parameters_ref));
d38be021 Udo Spallek
031251fb Sven Schöling
d38be021 Udo Spallek

sub list_tax {
031251fb Sven Schöling

my $form = $main::form;
my %myconfig = %main::myconfig;
my $locale = $main::locale;
d38be021 Udo Spallek
031251fb Sven Schöling
8c7e4493 Moritz Bunkus
d38be021 Udo Spallek
AM->taxes(\%myconfig, \%$form);

a3057d3f Moritz Bunkus
map { $_->{rate} = $form->format_amount(\%myconfig, $_->{rate}, 2) } @{ $form->{TAX} };

$form->{callback} = build_std_url('action=list_tax');
d38be021 Udo Spallek
$form->{title} = $locale->text('Tax-O-Matic');

c7fff13f Moritz Bunkus
d38be021 Udo Spallek
c2def905 Moritz Bunkus
d38be021 Udo Spallek
# Ausgabe des Templates
c7fff13f Moritz Bunkus
d38be021 Udo Spallek
031251fb Sven Schöling
d38be021 Udo Spallek

sub _get_taxaccount_selection{
031251fb Sven Schöling
d38be021 Udo Spallek
031251fb Sven Schöling
my $form = $main::form;
my %myconfig = %main::myconfig;

8c7e4493 Moritz Bunkus
d38be021 Udo Spallek
AM->get_tax_accounts(\%myconfig, \%$form);

9c548b6f Moritz Bunkus
map { $_->{selected} = $form->{chart_id} == $_->{id} } @{ $form->{ACCOUNTS} };
d38be021 Udo Spallek
031251fb Sven Schöling
d38be021 Udo Spallek

sub save_tax {
031251fb Sven Schöling

my $form = $main::form;
my %myconfig = %main::myconfig;
my $locale = $main::locale;
d38be021 Udo Spallek
031251fb Sven Schöling
8c7e4493 Moritz Bunkus
1672583a Niclas Zimmermann
$form->error($locale->text('Taxkey missing!')) unless length($form->{taxkey}) != 0;
$form->error($locale->text('Taxdescription missing!')) unless length($form->{taxdescription}) != 0;
$form->error($locale->text('Taxrate missing!')) unless length($form->{rate}) != 0;
a3057d3f Moritz Bunkus
$form->{rate} = $form->parse_amount(\%myconfig, $form->{rate});

1672583a Niclas Zimmermann
if ($form->{taxkey} == 0 and $form->{rate} > 0) {
$form->error($locale->text('Taxkey 0 is reserved for rate 0'));

7e0ea1c2 Udo Spallek
if ( $form->{rate} < 0 || $form->{rate} >= 100 ) {
d38be021 Udo Spallek
$form->error($locale->text('Tax Percent is a number between 0 and 100'));

7e0ea1c2 Udo Spallek
if ( $form->{rate} <= 0.99 && $form->{rate} > 0 ) {
d38be021 Udo Spallek
$form->error($locale->text('Tax Percent is a number between 0 and 100'));
c2def905 Moritz Bunkus
d38be021 Udo Spallek
e90048c8 Bernd Bleßmann
my @translation_keys = grep { $_ =~ '^translation_\d+' } keys %$form;
$form->{translations} = { map { $_ =~ '^translation_(\d+)'; $1 => $form->{$_} } @translation_keys };

d38be021 Udo Spallek
AM->save_tax(\%myconfig, \%$form);
$form->redirect($locale->text('Tax saved!'));

031251fb Sven Schöling
d38be021 Udo Spallek

sub delete_tax {
031251fb Sven Schöling

my $form = $main::form;
my %myconfig = %main::myconfig;
my $locale = $main::locale;
d38be021 Udo Spallek
031251fb Sven Schöling
8c7e4493 Moritz Bunkus
d38be021 Udo Spallek
AM->delete_tax(\%myconfig, \%$form);
$form->redirect($locale->text('Tax deleted!'));

031251fb Sven Schöling
d38be021 Udo Spallek
1e251313 Moritz Bunkus
83914eeb Moritz Bunkus
sub add_warehouse {
031251fb Sven Schöling

my $form = $main::form;
my $locale = $main::locale;
83914eeb Moritz Bunkus
031251fb Sven Schöling
83914eeb Moritz Bunkus
$form->{title} = $locale->text('Add Warehouse');
$form->{callback} ||= build_std_url('action=add_warehouse');

5efcb494 Moritz Bunkus

83914eeb Moritz Bunkus
print $form->parse_html_template('am/edit_warehouse');

031251fb Sven Schöling
83914eeb Moritz Bunkus

sub edit_warehouse {
031251fb Sven Schöling
83914eeb Moritz Bunkus
031251fb Sven Schöling
my $form = $main::form;
my %myconfig = %main::myconfig;
my $locale = $main::locale;

83914eeb Moritz Bunkus
AM->get_warehouse(\%myconfig, $form);

$form->get_lists('employees' => 'EMPLOYEES');

$form->{title} = $locale->text('Edit Warehouse');
$form->{callback} ||= build_std_url('action=list_warehouses');

5efcb494 Moritz Bunkus
setup_am_edit_warehouse_action_bar(id => $::form->{id}, in_use => any { $_->{in_use} } @{ $::form->{BINS} });

83914eeb Moritz Bunkus
print $form->parse_html_template('am/edit_warehouse');

031251fb Sven Schöling
83914eeb Moritz Bunkus

5efcb494 Moritz Bunkus
sub edit_bins {

AM->get_warehouse(\%::myconfig, $::form);

$::form->{title} = $::locale->text('Edit Bins for Warehouse \'#1\'', $::form->{description});
$::form->{callback} ||= build_std_url('action=list_warehouses');

setup_am_edit_bins_action_bar(id => $::form->{id});

print $::form->parse_html_template('am/edit_bins');

83914eeb Moritz Bunkus
sub list_warehouses {
031251fb Sven Schöling

my $form = $main::form;
my %myconfig = %main::myconfig;
my $locale = $main::locale;
83914eeb Moritz Bunkus
031251fb Sven Schöling
83914eeb Moritz Bunkus
AM->get_all_warehouses(\%myconfig, $form);

$form->{callback} = build_std_url('action=list_warehouses');
$form->{title} = $locale->text('Warehouses');
$form->{url_base} = build_std_url('callback');

5efcb494 Moritz Bunkus

83914eeb Moritz Bunkus
print $form->parse_html_template('am/list_warehouses');

031251fb Sven Schöling
83914eeb Moritz Bunkus

sub save_warehouse {
031251fb Sven Schöling

my $form = $main::form;
my %myconfig = %main::myconfig;
my $locale = $main::locale;
83914eeb Moritz Bunkus
031251fb Sven Schöling
83914eeb Moritz Bunkus
$form->isblank("description", $locale->text('Description missing!'));

$form->{number_of_new_bins} = $form->parse_amount(\%myconfig, $form->{number_of_new_bins});

AM->save_warehouse(\%myconfig, $form);

$form->{callback} .= '&saved_message=' . E($locale->text('Warehouse saved.')) if ($form->{callback});

$form->redirect($locale->text('Warehouse saved.'));

031251fb Sven Schöling
83914eeb Moritz Bunkus

sub delete_warehouse {
031251fb Sven Schöling

my $form = $main::form;
my %myconfig = %main::myconfig;
my $locale = $main::locale;
83914eeb Moritz Bunkus
031251fb Sven Schöling
83914eeb Moritz Bunkus
if (AM->delete_warehouse(\%myconfig, $form)) {
$form->{callback} .= '&saved_message=' . E($locale->text('Warehouse deleted.')) if ($form->{callback});
$form->redirect($locale->text('Warehouse deleted.'));

} else {
$form->error($locale->text('The warehouse could not be deleted because it has already been used.'));

031251fb Sven Schöling
83914eeb Moritz Bunkus

sub save_bin {
031251fb Sven Schöling

my $form = $main::form;
my %myconfig = %main::myconfig;
my $locale = $main::locale;
83914eeb Moritz Bunkus
031251fb Sven Schöling
83914eeb Moritz Bunkus
AM->save_bins(\%myconfig, $form);

$form->{callback} .= '&saved_message=' . E($locale->text('Bins saved.')) if ($form->{callback});

$form->redirect($locale->text('Bins saved.'));

031251fb Sven Schöling
83914eeb Moritz Bunkus
8651e027 Moritz Bunkus
sub setup_am_config_action_bar {
my %params = @_;

for my $bar ($::request->layout->get('actionbar')) {
action => [
submit => [ '#form', { action => "save_preferences" } ],
accesskey => 'enter',
9cd9a517 Moritz Bunkus
sub setup_am_edit_account_action_bar {
my %params = @_;

for my $bar ($::request->layout->get('actionbar')) {
combobox => [
action => [
submit => [ '#form', { action => "save_account" } ],
accesskey => 'enter',

action => [
t8('Save as new'),
submit => [ '#form', { action => "save_as_new_account" } ],
disabled => !$::form->{id} ? t8('The object has not been saved yet.') : undef,

action => [
submit => [ '#form', { action => "delete_account" } ],
disabled => !$::form->{id} ? t8('The object has not been saved yet.')
: $::form->{id} && !$::form->{orphaned} ? t8('The object is in use and cannot be deleted.')
: undef,
confirm => t8('Do you really want to delete this object?'),
c7fff13f Moritz Bunkus
sub setup_am_list_tax_action_bar {
my %params = @_;

for my $bar ($::request->layout->get('actionbar')) {
link => [
link => '',

sub setup_am_edit_tax_action_bar {
my %params = @_;

for my $bar ($::request->layout->get('actionbar')) {
action => [
submit => [ '#form', { action => "save_tax" } ],
accesskey => 'enter',

action => [
submit => [ '#form', { action => "delete_tax" } ],
disabled => !$::form->{id} ? t8('The object has not been saved yet.')
: !$::form->{orphaned} || $::form->{tax_already_used} ? t8('The object is in use and cannot be deleted.')
: undef,
confirm => t8('Do you really want to delete this object?'),
a3afc944 Moritz Bunkus
sub setup_am_add_unit_action_bar {
my %params = @_;

for my $bar ($::request->layout->get('actionbar')) {
action => [
submit => [ '#form', { action => "create_unit" } ],
accesskey => 'enter',


link => [
link => '',

sub setup_am_edit_units_action_bar {
my %params = @_;

for my $bar ($::request->layout->get('actionbar')) {
action => [
submit => [ '#form', { action => "save_unit" } ],
accesskey => 'enter',


link => [
link => '',
5efcb494 Moritz Bunkus
sub setup_am_list_warehouses_action_bar {
my %params = @_;

for my $bar ($::request->layout->get('actionbar')) {
link => [
link => '' . E($::form->{callback}),
accesskey => 'enter',

sub setup_am_edit_warehouse_action_bar {
my %params = @_;

for my $bar ($::request->layout->get('actionbar')) {
action => [
submit => [ '#form', { action => 'save_warehouse' } ],
accesskey => 'enter',

action => [
submit => [ '#form', { action => 'delete_warehouse' } ],
disabled => !$params{id} ? t8('The object has not been saved yet.')
: $params{in_use} ? t8('The object is in use and cannot be deleted.')
: undef,
confirm => t8('Do you really want to delete this object?'),


link => [
link => '' . E($params{id}),
only_if => $params{id},

link => [
link => $::form->{callback} || '',

sub setup_am_edit_bins_action_bar {
my %params = @_;

for my $bar ($::request->layout->get('actionbar')) {
action => [
submit => [ '#form', { action => 'save_bin' } ],
accesskey => 'enter',


link => [
link => '' . E($params{id}),
dacafc89 Moritz Bunkus
sub setup_am_audit_control_action_bar {
my %params = @_;

for my $bar ($::request->layout->get('actionbar')) {
action => [
submit => [ '#form', { action => 'doclose' } ],
accesskey => 'enter',
6da3044f Moritz Bunkus
sub setup_am_show_history_search_action_bar {
my %params = @_;

for my $bar ($::request->layout->get('actionbar')) {
action => [
submit => [ '#form' ],
accesskey => 'enter',

sub setup_am_show_am_history_action_bar {
my %params = @_;

for my $bar ($::request->layout->get('actionbar')) {
action => [
call => [ 'kivi.history_back' ],