Revision 0bf218ff
Von Moritz Bunkus vor mehr als 14 Jahren hinzugefügt
SL/ | ||
my $options = ref $key eq 'HASH' ? $key : { key => $key };
$options->{key} ||= "all_customers";
my $limit_clause = "LIMIT $options->{limit}" if $options->{limit};
my $where = $options->{business_is_salesman} ? qq| AND business_id IN (SELECT id FROM business WHERE salesman)| : '';
my $query = qq|SELECT * FROM customer WHERE NOT obsolete $where ORDER BY name $limit_clause|;
my @where;
push @where, qq|business_id IN (SELECT id FROM business WHERE salesman)| if $options->{business_is_salesman};
push @where, qq|NOT obsolete| if !$options->{with_obsolete};
my $where_str = @where ? "WHERE " . join(" AND ", map { "($_)" } @where) : '';
my $query = qq|SELECT * FROM customer $where_str ORDER BY name $limit_clause|;
$self->{ $options->{key} } = selectall_hashref_query($self, $dbh, $query);
bin/mozilla/ | ||
taxzones => "ALL_TAXZONES");
$form->get_pricegroup(\%myconfig, { all => 1 });
$form->get_lists(customers => { key => "ALL_SALESMAN_CUSTOMERS", business_is_salesman => 1 }) if $::vertreter;
$form->get_lists(customers => { key => "ALL_SALESMAN_CUSTOMERS", business_is_salesman => 1, with_obsolete => 1 }) if $::vertreter;
$form->{ALL_SALESMEN} = $form->{ALL_EMPLOYEES};
$form->{taxincluded} = ($form->{taxincluded}) ? "checked" : "";
Auch abrufbar als: Unified diff
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